• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 797 Views, 27 Comments

Zugzwang: Two German soldiers in Equestria - Nokstella

Two German soldiers trapped inside their quarters, a portal appears. What will be their destiny inside it?

  • ...

Part 2: Visitation

Author's Note:

I put some time and thought into this one, last chapter took a bit long because I was slacking. Enjoy readers, though I recommend waiting for the next chapters before reading all this... I may release each chapter one at a time.

The sounds of birds chirping can be heard, Celestia's sunlight beamed through her window. Twilight yawns and rubs her eyes, last night was disappointing. After finding that mysterious book and casted a spell that is in it, nothing really happened except her getting tired. She got out of bed and gets ready for the day ahead.

She grooms her messy mane before making breakfast for herself and spike, he's still sleeping. It's nothing more than a hay sandwich. Suddenly, there's a knock on her door. Wondering who could be visiting so early, Twilight made her way to the entrance of her library. When she swung open the door, she was surprised to find a uniformed pegasus messenger standing before her, Wearing the familiar golden armor.

"May I help you?" Twilight asked the strange messenger curiously. He regarded her with a serious expression before speaking.

"Are you Miss Twilight Sparkle?" the stallion inquired politely but with an air of urgency. Twilight responded with a nod, wondering what the Royal Guard might deliver to her.

The messenger took a breath, as if steeling himself for what he was about to say. "I bring an important message from Captain Grass Yeild, he requests your assistance at Thistlewood Town."

Twilight tells the messenger to stay outside for a moment before going inside. She headed to where Spike was sleeping shook him gently awake.

"Spike, somepony needs our help in Thistlewood Town. We have to get ready to meet a messenger right away."
Spike blinked sleep from his eyes as Twilight threw bits of clothing and books into a bag with her magic. "Trouble already? I just went to sleep!" he grumbled.

"No rest for the dragon, I'm afraid. Now up and at 'em!" Twilight said with a smile.

The pair rushed outside to find the messenger true to his word, waiting patiently. "Your companions are already at the train station and informed of the situation," he told Twilight as they all began the brisk into town.

"Any more details you can share?" Twilight asked eagerly. The messenger shook his head. "I was only told it's an investigation matter involving your expertise. The captain will brief you fully upon arrival."

Twilight turned the mysterious clues over in her mind as the station came into view. Sure enough, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were there to see her off. "What's the sitch, Twi?" Rainbow Dash called out.

As the friends boarded the mostly empty train, Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash. "I'm afraid I don't have any more information yet. The messenger was mysterious about the details."

They found seats facing each other, while Spike curled up by the window and dozed off again. The group began swapping theories on what could be happening in Thistlewood.

"Ah heard they grow some mighty fine carrots up that way," Applejack offered. "Reckon it could be farm trouble?" Rarity scoffed. "Somehow I doubt a magical emergency involves vegetables, darling. Perhaps the town is under some kind of spell?"

Fluttershy shuddered at the thought. Pinkie Pie bounced in her seat. "Or maybe there's a PARTY and they need a super awesome Pinkie Pie to provide the fun!"

"Thistlewood? Nothing ever happens there most of the time, it's kinda boring. But I want to know why some captain wants us there!" Rainbow Dash remarks.

Twilight gazed out the window in thought. "Thistlewood is north of Canterlot, not too far as the crow flies. A smaller community, if I recall. I'm sure the Captain will give us the full story when we arrive."

The messenger sat stoically, giving no hints. Mystery swirled as the mares chattered, wondering what mysteries awaited in Thistlewood Town.

As the scenery rolled by outside, Twilight mulled over the sparse facts they had so far. She turned to her friends and said thoughtfully, "Whenever unusual magic is at play, things can escalate quickly if not addressed. I'm sure the Captain just wants the situation handled expertly and discreetly."

"Yeah, leave it to magic screws things up even more!" quipped Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy peeked at the messenger. "Do... Do you think there's any danger, sir?"

The stallion wondered. "Impossible to say at this point. But rest assured, the Royal Guard will ensure your safety."
Applejack stretched her legs out. "All's well that ends well, I s'pose. Reckon I'll enjoy catchin' up with ol' friends in town meanwhile."

The conversation grew quieter as sleepy mares dozed to the clickity-clack of the tracks. Twilight shuffled through notes, mentally preparing for potential puzzles ahead. After a few hours, the whistle blared, they'd arrived at Thistlewood station. Twilight wakes Spike up and she puts him on her back. She also wakes the rest up.

Stepping onto the platform, the mares took in the bustling Thistlewood market square. Stalls sold fresh produce, baked goods and crafts under the morning sun. That's when Twilight overheard mutters of "those no-good griffins" and "my prized Gala apples."

The messenger gestured ahead. "This way to the hospital, but I must examine those complaints first. Stay close," he instructed. They wove through the busy ponies, catching more whisperings of mysterious cloaked figures stealing from a vendor yesterday.

Soon the white stone building came into view, with ponies rushing in and out. "The Captain suffered injuries pursuing the culprits. Please speak with him carefully," the guard cautioned before departing on his errand.

At the front desk, a nurse greeted them warmly. "Go on up, dears, he's in room number 93, there are a guard at the door, just tell them that you're visiting the Captain." The nurse gestured them to the stairs.

The six climbed up the flight of stairs, filled with mystery, once they reached the 9th floor, they could see room 93 near the stairs, the guard near the door nodded at the group before stepping aside.

The friends entered Room 93 with anticipation, unsure what state they'd find the Captain in. True to the guard's word, behind the door lay Grass Yield hooked up to machines, his face almost entirely wrapped in bandages save for his eyes.

At the sound of visitors, those eyes lit up in recognition. "Twilight Sparkle, I'm glad you've come." His voice sounded weak but determined. "Please, gather round, there's much to discuss."

As the mares settled in, Fluttershy fetching him some water, the Captain began his experience. "We cornered those cloaked thieves in the crossroad, demanding they return what was stolen. But they refused to cooperate." He sighed heavily. "In my haste to apprehend them, I failed to see one had some kind of projectile weapon. It hit me square in the face with searing magic of some kind before they escaped."

The friends gasped at this turn. Twilight wrote down his account word for word, knowing details could be crucial later. "Do you have any other clues that could help identify these suspects?" Twilight asked gently. Grass Yield shook his bandaged head worryingly.

"They were wearing some kind of grey or black cloak with a symbol on it. I'm not sure if I see the symbol before but the cloak is definitely not made of cloth. I don't even know if they're griffins or not, everypony just says it's a griffin. Let's just say they walk on their two legs. I can't remember or see their faces clearly due to their cloaks!" Captain Grass commented of how the thieves look like.

The mares listened intently as the Captain shared his account. Many of thoughts arose once he finished speaking. "Now that ain't normal," Applejack mused, scratching her chin. "What kind a creature walks like a griffin but ain't?"

Rarity shuddered delicately. "How frightening! Who knows what uncivilized customs these ruffians might have."

Fluttershy peeked from behind her mane. "D-do you think they meant to hurt the Captain?"

"Ooh, a mystery cloak, how exciting!" Pinkie gushed, bouncing on the spot. "I'll bet it has SECRET POCKETS!"

Rainbow Dash huffed impatiently. "What I wanna know is can we catch these losers already?"

Twilight tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Their movements do seem bizarre. And an unknown symbol? we'll to ask around the town." Addressing the Captain, she asked, "Please rest now. We'll begin our investigation right away."

The mares trotted out, deep in speculative discussion. "Those ain't any griffins I ever heard," pondered Applejack aloud.
"And what strange magic attacked the Captain?" Rarity said with a shudder. "One hopes they don't have any other awful tricks up their sleeves."

Twilight's brow furrowed pensively. "I hope the ponies here reveals some context for these anomalies. For now, let's retrace the Captain's steps to the market."

As they descended the hospital steps, Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest determinedly. "Just leave finding these baddies to yours truly. They won't know what hit 'em!"

Pinkie bounced excitedly. "Ooh, maybe they'll lead us on a super fun scavenger hunt around town!"

The mares arrived at the market square, buzzing with activity and some mentions of thievery among the light crowds. The six mares agreed to split up asking every pony they can.

Applejack spotted an aged stallion selling bananas. "Howdy pardner, heard tell 'bout some varmints causin' a ruckus other day. Reckon you saw anythin'?" The stallion scratched his chin. "Now that ya mention it, All I saw was them cloaked critters hightailin' off right swiftlike!"

Rarity approached a mare browsing fabrics. "Pardon the intrusion darling, but we're simply dying to know more about these ruffians. Any tidbits you could share?" The mare sighed wearily. "All I know is they swept in like a whirlwind and had the poor vendor in a tizzy! Gone before you could say 'hayseed' I'm afraid."

Fluttershy spotted some fillies playing by the fountain. She took a deep breath and asked softly, "E-excuse me girls, have you perhaps overheard what happened yesterday?" One filly spoke up, "We didn't see much, but we heard screaming and saw cloaked creatures running past really fast! It was kinda scary." Another nodded in agreement.

Pinkie spotted the sad grey vendor stacking crates by her empty stall. "Hiya! We're detectives on the case. Would you please tell us what you saw?"

The mare sighed sadly. "Those sneaky thieves swiped my prized apples before I knew what hit me! I threw my book that I was reading at one of them. Then they just ran away!"

Pinkie Pie cheerfully assured the grey mare, "Don't you worry, we'll catch the meanies who did this!" She called the others over. When they'd assembled by the empty stall.

Twilight addressed the vendor kindly. "Ma'am, could you please describe what you saw? Any detail may prove valuable."

The mare adjusted her glasses nervously. "Well, it happened so fast, but I'll do my best...The varmints had two legs that bent oddly, not like a pony's. And arms extending from their torsos with things at the ends..."

"Go on, we're listenin'," Applejack encouraged gently.

"Their faces weren't pointy like ours, more flat. And atop their heads wasn't a mane nor tail, but some sort of... an iron hat of some sort?" She struggled to find the words. Rarity gasped softly. "However peculiar...please continue, we must solve this problem post-haste!"

The mare steeled herself. "Well, they have a weird body structure, no hooves! Never saw the like, I tell you what! They took many apples as they can and put it in their bags!" Her confusing description made new questions. These were no ordinary creatures... Spike is still asleep on Twilight's back though.

Somepony is approaching them, the friends turned at the approach of a Royal Guard, Captain Grass Yeild's insignia upon her armor. "Ponies, I've news that may help your investigation," she stated formally.

"We're all ears, partner," replied Applejack earnestly.

The guard divulged, "Reports place the thieves on the outskirts near the western exit to the woods. They were spotted fleeing in that direction, so we've set up a perimeter patrol." The guard gestured towards the west exit.

Twilight inquired, "Has word reached the Princess about this incident?"

"Indeed. Her Majesty is monitoring closely. These unknown assailants could pose a threat if not apprehended swiftly." Her tone was grave.

Determination set in the mares' eyes at this new information. Fluttershy gulped, "D-do you think they're still out there?"

Rainbow Dash cracked her neck confidently. "Only one way to find out! C'mon girls, let's get galloping!"

The determined mares raced toward the forest western exit at top speed. Leaving behind the guard and the devastated mare. As the land gave way to dense forest, Twilight nudged awake the drowsy dragon on her back.

"We're almost at the search area, Spike wake up. Keep your eyes peeled for clues," she instructed quietly. The dragon rubbed his eyes and nodded dutifully.

Fluttershy scanned the undergrowth nervously. "How will we even find them in here...?"

"Leave that to me, I'll spot 'em from above!" proclaimed Rainbow Dash, taking flight among the towering oaks.

Rarity suggested, "Darling, perhaps we could employ a simple tracking spell to sniff out their trail." Twilight's eyes lit up. "Rarity, you're brilliant! Everypony remain quiet, I'll try casting it now...

As Twilight focused her magic, a faint violet glow emanated from her horn. "A Tracking Spell, as Rarity suggested. Now, what clues might it uncover..."

The light drifted along the forest floor, and Pinkie gasped in delight. "Ooh, look over there! Strange shiny indents along the dirt path!"

The others trotted over for a closer inspection. "Why, these look nothing like hoofprints," observed Rarity with interest.
Applejack furrowed her brow. "Now what in tarnation are these strange markings? Ah've never seen tracks like these afore! They sure are odd-shaped alright. Kinda rectangular with deep ridges."

The prints resembled two parallel lines joined at one end, leaving deep indentations that swept back as if weighing the path down. Fluttershy gasped, "What kind of creature leaves tracks so oddly shaped?"

As the determined ponies followed the strange glowing prints, Twilight's eye for detail ensured they stayed on the right track. After some distance had passed, she informed her friends "The trail is growing stronger, we must be gaining on them. But it seems to lead much further..."

Fluttershy glanced around nervously at the thickening trees. "Where do you think it's taking us, Twilight?"
The unicorn focused intently on the tracking spell. A look of revelation crossed her face. "Everypony, I've pinpointed the trail's destination...it ends at a large cave up ahead! But it is very far..."

Gasps arose from the group. Their elusive quarry was close at hoof, but who knew what dangers the shadowy cavern might hold? Rainbow Dash from the air cracked her neck eagerly. "Let's get moving already, I'm itching for some action!"

What will the cave have for them? The thieves, or just empty? Will they find the thieves and capture them? Or it is much more?