• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 765 Views, 6 Comments

A Revealing Blizzard - King Ice

Twilight has been in love with Rainbow Dash for quite some time now, and plans to tell her on their next trip: A resort to Mount Everhoof. The disaster that follows may force her to confess earlier than planned... or take that secret to the grave.

  • ...

Mount Everhoof

“Come on! We’re… We’re gonna make it” Rainbow Dash shouted through howling winds and the torrent of snow, barely able to walk through it all.

“I’m sorry… Rainbow Dash… Your wing’s broken, but I’m the one who needs to be carried,” Twilight uttered while lying on the pegasus’ back. Even with that powerful blizzard, Rainbow managed to hear her, likely because the alicorn’s face was so close to the pegasus’ ears.

“Don’t you dare apologize, Twilight! It’s-It’s not like you’re… In good shape either!” She retorted angrily, unwilling to let her friend beat herself up over this. “Look! You were right! There’s a c-cave over there!” She stammered. Both of them could barely talk because of the freezing cold and the snow threatening to enter their mouths as it dropped.

Yes, all they needed to do was go into the cave and wait for rescue. They would be safe from the snowstorm and could rest after surviving that avalanche earlier. She was certain that they would even warm up a little… At least enough to be out of danger!

As Twilight and Rainbow Dash braved the unforgiving storm, their minds couldn't help but wander back to the events leading up to their current predicament. How the day seemingly started out as normal before disaster struck.

For the lavender alicorn, it was supposed to be a joyful and hopeful day! One that could potentially change her whole life for the better!

It all started a few hours ago…

“I’m sure it will be fun, Rainbow! I think it’s the one place in Equestria where we’ve never been!” Twilight exclaimed while reading a little pamphlet.

“Freezing to death isn’t really what I would call fun. Especially if I can’t use my wings because of the cold!” Rainbow Dash complained with her forelegs crossed on her chest.

“Your wings wouldn’t be that cold, Rainbow. Can you at least give it a try, please?” The alicorn rolled her eyes before giving her a pleading look. The pegasus tried with all her might to stare at her and resist, but she already knew it was impossible. She sighed and looked away.

“Fine. I’ll stop complaining, for now,” She conceded reluctantly. She would feel more than bad if she hurt Twilight’s feelings by basically implying she didn’t like Twilight’s idea of a trip.

“Great! Thank you!” The other mare replied happily.

The two mares were currently sitting in a large carriage pulled by five pegasi. Of course, Twilight and Rainbow weren’t alone as the carriage was made to hold an entire group of ponies, and was currently filled with tourists. All of them were chattering or taking pictures of the view from the windows. Fortunately, after their initial reaction to seeing the princess, they didn’t bother Twilight further.

The reason there were so many tourists, as well as Twilight and Rainbow Dash, was the fact that the carriage was heading to the base of Mount Everhoof in the Frozen North right behind the Crystal Empire. Naturally, they weren’t going to the top since this was a dangerous journey. Especially for a bunch of tourists. A company had recently opened a resort somewhere on Mount Everhoof. High enough to have a beautiful view, but low enough to safely make the climb with experienced guides.

There was even a path built into the mountain, so they could climb on foot without any issues. At least, that was what the pamphlet said, which was very promising. The reason Twilight wanted to go there wasn’t necessarily because she wanted to enjoy the view, discover new places, make new friends, or even take a vacation. Her purpose was intricately intertwined with the underlying reason for Rainbow Dash's presence by her side.

It was simple. She had a crush on the rainbow-maned pegasus. Had one for a long, long time. The issue was that it took her time to understand those feelings, but also to accept them. It didn’t get any easier than that later on. When she was made aware of what she felt, she dwelled on it for even longer. Understandably, she didn’t know how to tell her nor if she should tell her at all. She wasn’t even sure if Rainbow reciprocated her feelings! Either she was extremely good at hiding them or… She didn’t have them at all. Which would be devastating for Twilight.

She finally decided to talk to someone about it and receive advice and thought the best pony for the job would be Rarity. The glamorous unicorn was the one that suggested to Twilight to go on a pleasant trip with Rainbow Dash alone and tell her there. She didn’t explain much to Rainbow Dash as to why only the two of them were going. As far as the pegasus was aware, the others were too busy.

No matter what Rainbow Dash’s answer would be, it would change Twilight’s life forever. She would either discover a new kind of relationship and learn from it… or she would know her first heartbreak ever. She could already hear Cadance comforting her if this happened.

Even she was surprised at how well she managed to hide her nervousness. She was literally unable to sleep the night before and had her legs shaking the whole morning before departure.

“Oh, we’re here!” A mare said excitedly as the carriage landed.

“Finally!” Rainbow Dash breathed out before standing up and walking out, followed by Twilight.

The alicorn had to admit that Rainbow Dash’s boredom worried her. She didn’t want to feel like a bother to her, and she also didn’t want Rainbow to feel like she was forced to be here with Twilight.

Once they came out, the tourists were welcomed by a unicorn, an orange well-built stallion wearing the resort’s uniform.

“Hello and welcome to Mount Everhoof’s Climb Resort! My name is Sweet Chaser and I will be your tour guide today, and the one who will lead you to the resort!” The unicorn introduced himself as tourists grabbed their cameras and began taking photos of their surroundings. “There is already a predefined path that we will follow to get to the resort, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any safety rules! First and foremost: do not leave the path and follow your designated tour guide, which is me!” He started explaining as Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“That guy won’t be any fun! Why don’t we just go on our own, Twi? Bet we could get there before they do,” The pegasus suggested as Twilight furrowed her brows.

“Rainbow! Following him is literally the first rule, and you’re already ready to break it?” She questioned while her friend looked embarrassed.

“Yeah, I wasn’t really listening,” She laughed nervously, then suddenly shivered as the cold wind washed over her back. “Darn, it’s getting cold, isn’t it?” She mumbled while rubbing herself with her wings to get some warmth.

“Oh, and I would also ask pegasi to avoid flying in any way! This can get really dangerous really fast, believe me!” Sweet Chaser exclaimed before glancing at Twilight. “Uhm, that goes for you too, Your Majesty,” He added hesitantly, probably scared to offend royalty or something. Twilight happily nodded to reassure him and avoid attracting any more attention from the other tourists. “Great! Now that’s done, you can take your coats over there and we will depart as soon as possible!” He pointed at a stand with several coats hanging, tended by a clerk.

“You sure climbing now’s safe? The sky looks a bit cloudy…” Rainbow pointed out while looking at the sky, which was hidden behind dark grey clouds.

“No bad weather was scheduled today, ma’am, so do not worry! Because of this mountain’s climate, clouds regularly accumulate, but it rarely actually rains or snows,” Sweet Chaser replied while Rainbow looked unconvinced, but accepted the answer for now.

“Here, Rainbow,” Twilight handed her a puffy coat, which the pegasus quickly grabbed and put on. It was warmer, but Rainbow Dash had to maneuver her wings through the coat's designated holes, meaning they still felt a slight chill.

“Thanks, Twi,” She smiled, making the other mare blush.

“You’re welcome,” Twilight replied as she looked into the pegasus’ eyes. Silence settled immediately after that, letting the two ponies stare at each other. It quickly became awkward, and Twilight couldn’t keep the red off her cheeks.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat, ready to say something until she was abruptly cut off by the tour guide’s voice.

“If you’re all ready, then we can go! As I said earlier, you don’t have to form a line, but follow me and don’t leave the predefined path!” Sweet Chaser instructed yet again before motioning to the path he talked about.

The trail's surface wasn't paved with cement but rather revealed patches of dirt amidst the sparse snow. Illuminating the way were two rows of pillars, casting a gentle glow to guide lost ponies back to the trail if necessary. It didn’t seem as safe as he made it out to be, but from what Twilight said, there were only positive reviews about this place. She decided to trust them.

“So? Isn’t this fun?” Twilight inquired eagerly while Rainbow looked around as they walked behind the tourists.

“Yeah, I guess,” Rainbow Dash answered hesitantly. She didn’t want to sound ungrateful since Twilight was the one who paid for this trip, but she couldn’t lie either. With everything they lived through so far, this clearly wasn’t as exciting. Being so used to danger would make you crave it if anything. Still, she didn’t want Twilight to think she didn’t enjoy spending time with her. “But I bet that resort is gonna be awesome!” She added with excitement, which was only a little bit faked.

“If what the pamphlet says is true, then you’ll enjoy the resort a lot! First thing we do is order some hot chocolate!”

“Now you’re talking!” The rainbow-maned pony said a lot more cheerfully than earlier.

Twilight smiled, proud that she managed to make her eager for it. They followed the guide and the tourists as instructed while staying a bit behind since they wanted to talk without being bothered. The alicorn asked her about her Wonderbolt training or if she was interested in trying out any new books. Surprisingly, the pegasus also asked her about the experiments and studies she was doing, which greatly surprised her since she didn’t think Rainbow Dash would be interested in the subject. Those back and forth lasted for a couple of hours. The climb was still tiring, but luckily enough, they had a few breaks.

However, they soon noticed something wrong… A thickening fog began to envelop the landscape, accompanied by a strengthening wind that carried swirling snowflakes with it. The tourists made their worries immediately known, only for the guide to give them a belly laugh.

“Now, I understand this is worrying, but remain calm! That is perfectly normal and happens from time to time! It’s just a bit of fog, but it will soon pass! Until then, stay close and follow my light!” Sweet Chaser shouted as he lit up his horn and a strong ball of light appeared at its tip.

“Is this really normal?!” Twilight attempted to ask, but the question was left unheard as the wind howled even harder, and the snow grew stronger. The alicorn opened her mouth to call out to the tour guide, who was slowly disappearing into the fog along with his light ball and the other tourists, only for snow to fall in her mouth. She spat it out and grumbled in annoyance before lighting her horn and making an ethereal umbrella in front of her, blocking the snow and the wind. “There! That’s better! Stay behind me, Rainbow Dash!” She shouted to the pegasus behind her as she turned around to look at her, and realized with dread that the pony was nowhere in sight. “Rainbow Dash?! Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof in front of her eyes to shield herself from the snow as she attempted to walk forward. However, the wind was so unexpectedly strong! And she already flew in a freaking tornado for Celestia’s sake! Was she still even on the right trail? Her eyes wandered everywhere, but she couldn’t see any of the lit stone pillars! The fog was too thick!

“Twilight! Twilight!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Twilight was her best bet and the closest pony to her before they got lost, but even she wasn’t in sight. Should she try to fly? It really wasn’t a good idea, but what other choice did she have?

She grunted as she suddenly tripped and nearly fell face-first into the snow. Luckily, she managed to catch herself just in time. It was snowing so much that her hooves were already getting buried under it. If she could barely walk in that weather, then there was no way she could fly!

Her chattering teeth weren’t helping either. It was so cold that it didn’t feel like she was wearing a coat anymore!

“Rain… Rain… Bow!” Someone’s screams managed to reach the pegasus’ ears. She instantly recognized that voice, which made her face lit up.

“Twilight! I’m here!” She called out while trying to follow her friend’s voice. Suddenly, a small purple light appeared in her sight, slowly getting closer.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted, her voice now becoming clear as her shadow emerged in the fog.

“Right here!” The pegasus called out to her again as the alicorn could finally be seen.

“Thank Celestia I found you!” Twilight exclaimed as she threw her hooves around Rainbow Dash’s neck.

“I-I’m glad you’re here, too. But how do we get back to the group?” Rainbow Dash stammered through the cold, which Twilight seemingly noticed.

“Here!” The alicorn cast a spell on Rainbow, warming her up. “All we need to do was go back on the trail, which should be…” Twilight turned around to point in the path’s direction, only to hesitate as she only laid eyes on a thick fog. “I think I came from there, didn’t I?” She pointed in a random direction.

“I’m sure I barely moved from there! We’re probably still on it, so let’s just move forward!” Rainbow Dash replied as Twilight looked uncertain.

“Are you sure?!” She questioned, making Rainbow breathe out confidently.

“Of course, I’m sure!” She assured the alicorn princess.

“How do you know you didn’t leave the trail if you can’t see anything?!” If she immediately moved in the wrong way, then it didn’t matter if she didn’t walk much since it would have been enough to be led astray.

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to answer but closed it immediately after. She had a good point. While they were thinking about their plan and how to find the trail again, a deep, powerful, and overwhelming sound reverberated through their surroundings. It could even be heard through the strong snowstorm! It was like a thunderous roar approaching.

“What in Tartarus is that?! A dragon?!” Rainbow Dash stepped in the sound’s direction and squinted her eyes to attempt to perceive the origin of it.

“It can’t be a dragon…” Twilight muttered as she carefully listened to the sound, then widened her eyes. “Rainbow… RUN! IT’S AN AVALANCHE!” The alicorn screamed as the pegasus widened her eyes.

“A WHAT?!” She exclaimed in shock but was too late to act.

A gigantic wave of snow crashed into the rainbow-maned pony, catching her in its fall and bringing her along. Twilight shouted her name but was quickly swept away, too. The freezing cold was the least of their worries as the avalanche dragged them along toward the bottom of the mountain.

Somehow, Twilight and Rainbow Dash managed to grab each other’s hooves and hold on to them. Unfortunately, staying close to one another was nigh impossible. They were completely disoriented and tossed around so much that they couldn’t differentiate up from down. They could swear the coats they wore were even torn off by the avalanche’s power while they also hit multiple stones along the way.

The alicorn was aware that if this continued, then there was no way they would make it out alive without rescuers nearby. No, even if there was someone nearby, their bodies would be broken and squashed before the avalanche even stopped. She stretched one of her wings and grabbed ahold of Rainbow Dash again before lighting her horn.

The problem was that she didn’t know where to teleport! She lift her horn and decided not to think about it too much and simply get them to a safe place.

The more she hesitated, the closer she was to the danger, and just as she cast her teleportation spell, her back hit yet another stone. The alicorn screamed in pain as her bones cracked and shattered in impact. A large light escaped her horn and enveloped her, and Rainbow Dash before transporting them elsewhere.

“AH!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she landed on the ground, and the snow that Twilight teleported with them fell around them. “Thanks… For the save, Twi…” She grumbled while standing up with shaking legs, then gasped in pain the moment she tried to move her right wing. Yep, it was definitely broken… Looking over her body, she also noticed multiple cuts and bleeding. “Twilight?” The pegasus called out her friend’s name when she noticed her lack of response.

Rainbow looked around, seeing anything was difficult because the fog hadn’t dissipated and the snowstorm was still raging on. However, she managed to find a small pile of snow a few meters away, and with a familiar tail sticking out of it.

“Twilight!” She shouted before running toward the snow pile. The spell keeping her warm also wore off, which probably wasn’t a good sign! The pegasus swiftly pulled her friend out of the snow and gasped as she saw Twilight’s bruises, too.

“We need… To find somewhere to rest…” Twilight uttered while lying on the snow, then widened her eyes when she noticed Rainbow’s broken wing. “Rainbow Dash… Your wing…” She said in shock while the element of loyalty shook her head.

“Don’t worry about it! Wouldn’t be the first time I break it! Come on, we gotta hide from that storm,” Rainbow Dash reassured the alicorn as the latter attempted to stand up, even moving her wings for support, only to scream in pain and collapse again. “W–What’s happening?! Twilight!”

“I can’t… I can’t stand up, Rainbow… My back hurts…” Twilight gasped, breathing heavily while Rainbow Dash inspected the alicorn’s back.

“There’s a huge bruise there! Don’t tell me it’s broken!” Rainbow exclaimed worriedly.

“I don’t know… Oh, Celestia! Rainbow Dash, what if I get paralyzed?!” The princess shouted in horror and began hyperventilating.

“You won’t! Don’t start Twilighting on me, now! Here, I’ll carry you,” Rainbow Dash assured her before lifting her and carrying her on her back.

“You’re hurt, too! Just leave me here, and get some help!” Twilight argued as the pegasus scoffed.

“You crazy?! I’m not leaving you! We’ll find the resort, and get a doctor!” Rainbow Dash assured her, reminding Twilight of the other tourists and the guide.

“Do you think the other ponies are okay?”

“I’d rather not think about it,” Rainbow answered dismissively. They survived because Twilight teleported them, but the rest of the group didn’t have the luxury of being with an alicorn and a princess, so she seriously doubted their well-being.

Silence settled between them as the pegasus walked in a totally random direction. All she could do was hope that they would reach the resort by going that way. They occasionally talked, reassuring each other that they weren’t about to faint or collapse to the ground. If they fell now and closed their eyes, they knew they wouldn’t open them ever again.

The more time passed, the more hope they lost as it didn’t seem they would ever see the resort. The more time passed, the closer they got. Some of their feathers were frozen, and parts of their fur were covered with patches of ice.

After what felt like an eternity, a miracle appeared in the form of a cave. The first one to notice it was Twilight, and immediately notified her companion. Rainbow Dash barely managed to see it through the thick fog.

“There!” She shouted while walking toward it. It wasn’t like she had the strength to run to it.

Once they reached it, they didn’t even bother checking if it was inhabited by a wild animal before coming in and nearly collapsing to the ground. At least, they could hear themselves think now. And it was slightly warmer. Rainbow Dash gently dropped Twilight on the ground, who lied on her stomach and hung her head low.

“How are you, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash inquired with a shiver before wincing as she finally noticed the ice on her wings.

“I think I’m so cold… That my back doesn’t even hurt anymore…” Twilight responded with chattering teeth. “You know… If w-we share our body heat, maybe it’ll feel better…” She suggested nervously.

She knew now wasn’t the time to be nervous or shy around Rainbow Dash, but she couldn’t deny that being close to her would be more than reassuring. Moreover, sharing body heat was actually a good idea. Still, it wasn’t the main reason she wanted this. Honestly, she lost hope of survival half an hour ago.

There was simply no way someone would find them here, but even if they did… Then Rainbow Dash was the only one with any way to survive now. Twilight’s back didn’t just hurt, it was in excruciating pain. She lied earlier about the cold. It didn’t help at all. However, she didn’t want to worry her friend more than she already was.

Surprisingly, Rainbow Dash lied beside Twilight without making any fuss. Even with that cold temperature and the ice patches over their furs, the alicorn could only feel the warmth coming from the pegasus’ body. The princess of friendship hesitantly unfolded one of her wings, ignored the pain, and placed it on Rainbow Dash’s back, who did the same with her left wing.

“I hope that’s gonna be enough…” Rainbow Dash muttered while shivering, her breath visible because of the cold.

“It’s more than enough…” Twilight whispered affectionately before looking away. No matter how good her warmth felt, it didn’t change their situation and what brought them here. “I’m so sorry, Rainbow…” She apologized as Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, which she could barely do thanks to the ice that was on her brows, too.

“Sorry? About what?” She asked in incomprehension.

“It’s my fault that we’re here… I’m the one who wanted to go on that stupid trip… It was not supposed to go like this!” Twilight replied, holding her tears back since she wouldn’t be surprised that they would freeze because of the cold. “I only wanted us to have some fun, and…” She hesitated while Rainbow Dash remained silent for a few seconds.

“Twilight… I didn’t know you could be both an egghead and an idiot,” She finally blurted bluntly, surprising the alicorn.


“I said you’re an idiot. This isn’t your fault! If it’s anypony’s fault, then it’s the resort’s for not seeing that storm brewing! All you wanted was to have a nice vacation, so stop beating yourself up every time something bad happens!” Rainbow Dash explained as Twilight’s gaze softened. “And if anypony tries to say it’s your fault, then I’m kicking their butt!” She added while the alicorn wiped the small tears in her eyes.

“T-Thank you, but I still feel bad…”

“Well, you shouldn’t!”

Silence settled between them yet again today. Talking or even thinking was hard in that cold and with those injuries. Twilight could feel herself getting weaker. Not just because of the temperature, but her back too. She didn’t want to go out this way, and she certainly didn’t want to die before telling Rainbow Dash the truth. Actually, there were so many things she wanted to say to so many ponies. She took a deep breath.

“When I was… five, I think. I broke a vase. I was afraid I would be grounded, so I said Shiny did it. Mom and Dad didn’t even believe him because they thought I was too sweet to lie. I kind of felt bad, but it was pretty funny,” Twilight revealed as Rainbow Dash slowly turned her head to look at her, and cracked a smile.

“Wish I could have seen his face!” She responded in amusement. She didn’t question Twilight on why she decided to tell that story now of all times. Maybe, she understood that this could be their last opportunity to say anything.

“When I was new in Ponyville, I kinda… crashed in Applebloom’s first treehouse. It was in pieces, and she cried so much, but I ran away when I heard Applejack coming, threatening whoever did it,” Rainbow Dash chuckled at the memory. “I’m lucky Applebloom was too young to remember me… Don’t tell, Applejack, though. Not that I’m scared or anything…”

“Poor Applebloom, but… I’m not surprised. You always crash in the worst places,” Twilight snickered lightly. “Do you remember the want-it-need-it spell?”

“How could I forget?”

“It wasn’t the first time I used it, you know. Celestia was even madder the first time, probably because all the guards were humiliated after chasing a pebble,” She recalled the event, making her friend laugh weakly.

They continued like this for whoever knew how long, but they both quickly forgot their pain and injuries. They recalled sweet memories and embarrassing secrets, but no matter the story they told, their minds felt much lighter after it. They were in the same group of best friends, so they already shared many moments of their lives. Now they had an even more intimate moment, something only between them. Twilight was glad, in a way.

In that situation, Rainbow Dash was the only pony she wanted to share this moment with. However, she was aware that their chances of survival were dwindling now, and that she needed to tell her feelings. It was now or never.

“So… I guess you know pretty much all my secrets now,” Rainbow Dash muttered weakly. Even she wasn’t sure that she would stay awake for long. Whether or not it was because of the cold or because she was tired, she didn’t know. The alicorn suddenly leaned her head on Rainbow Dash’s neck, making the pegasus blush. “Twilight?”

“There’s one more secret you don’t know about me,” She revealed softly, and with little strength left, which Rainbow Dash immediately noticed.

“You don’t have to push yourself, Twi,” Rainbow Dash assured the alicorn who only shook her head in response.

“You have to know that because if I die without telling you, then I won’t forgive myself…” Twilight explained.

“W-We’re not gonna die,” Rainbow retorted, although it was obvious she wasn’t too hopeful either. She was pretty sure sharing body warmth was useless at this point considering the cold was still upon them. And her eyelids were getting heavier, just as Twilight’s were.

“Still, I need to get it off my chest,” Twilight whispered before giving her a small and weak smile. “Rainbow Dash, I love you. There. I said it. It was… easier than expected,” She admitted while the pegasus remained silent, her expression unreadable. “I wanted to tell you at the resort. That’s the whole reason I planned this trip. Planning really is all I can do… You’ll think it’s silly, but I already thought about how to organize a wedding and our future together, but deep down… I was certain you wouldn’t love me back… Still, planning gave me some hope,”

“Twi…” Rainbow Dash finally whispered.

“You made me discover sights I never knew existed… those times when we flew together. Can’t forget how brave you are, or how dedicated you are when working for something… you care about,” Twilight continued with a bittersweet smile. “You can’t believe how happy I was when you began loving the Daring Do books. Our reading sessions were always fun. But at some point, I wasn’t even impatient to read the books, I was only looking forward to spending time with you,”

“Twi… I know. I know, okay?” Rainbow Dash admitted, making Twilight’s eyes widen in surprise.

“You know? Was… Was I that obvious?” She inquired with a blush.

“I’m as oblivious as a brick wall, so it wasn’t you. Rarity told me because she can’t shut her mouth about romance. So, yes… I know about your feelings. That’s why I was nervous about going here with you… Alone,” She revealed, growing weaker as Twilight was.

“Because you were going to reject me?” She wondered as Rainbow shook her head.

“Because I was going to say yes, and that terrified me. Every time anypony confessed to me… All I did was tell them to buck off or just… tell them no. I didn’t feel anything for them, but I liked pretending I was just too cool for them. It was easy, but then, I learn that one of my best friends wants to confess. I learn that I actually like them back. And I know they are just as cool as I am… I didn’t know what I was going to say, so… I guess… here you go… I love you, too,”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile in relief as small tears dropped down her cheeks.

“So you knew… Even if I did get too scared to say it, you still would have known… I’m so happy, and you actually love me back?” She said as she closed her eyes.

“Stop… Talking as if we’re d-dying, Twi…” Rainbow retorted weakly. “We’ll get out of here, and we’ll go on a real date, alright? We’ll have a lot more than that! And… And I won’t get nervous next… We’ll do any lovey-dovey stuff you want!”

“You promise?” Twilight asked as Rainbow Dash slowly nodded, having nearly no strength at all.

“I promise,” She assured the alicorn, who smiled in relief.

“Then… I guess I-I can hold on for a little longer…” She whispered while the storm raged on.

They held each other tighter and gained hope. Hope that rescue would come soon. Hope that this wouldn’t be their last time holding each other.

Comments ( 6 )

Dang it, a cliff hanger! Well, at least they got everything out in the open.

Many countries aspire to have snow mountains, but for a family with a death in a blizzard like my family, it is really bad.

------------------------------------------------------------roller baller--------------------------------------------------------

Cuuuute and sad, but also cuuuuuute

I love Rainbow's side of the confession, that bit was perfect. Thank you for writing this 😭

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