• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 447 Views, 17 Comments

Morgan of Equis - Kitsune_Kenshi

A former fighter pilot gets thrown into another world.. As a fictional warplane from a popular game series he used to play.

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Intro: ZERO

The sound of a wild whizzing airflow is all I can hear. I slowly opened my eyes... No, I don't feel my eyelids moving at all, my vision slowly regained as... Hold on... Where the hell are my limbs?! Why can't I feel my toes? Holy shit did I got blown apart by that gas tank I forgot to turn off in my kitchen?! Nah, I wouldn't be here if that happened...

You know what? I'll put that aside... Just...


In fact...

WHAT THE FUCK AM I?!?!?!?!?!

My POV can be described as in 3rd Person's View, like those in Ace Combat, hang on... This airframe... this shape... That flashlight-looking-ass Laser... red painted right-wing...

Holy fucking shit I'm Solo Wing Pixy?! No, there's no one inside the canopy... Okay this is creepy, Am I like some sort of transformer or shit like that? Alright... Let's come to the heck down... (Deep breath) So... I'm a former human, a former F-16 pilot, I just retired a week ago; I was cooking breakfast; but then I got distracted playing Ace Combat Zero... lastly... the gas tank went up, and I... got blown into another world as an ADFX-02 'Morgan'... Now I'm cruising at 30,000 feet in supersonic.

"All riiiight... So I'm a plane now heh... Thank god I'm not those crenchy looking-ass ones from that one 'Plane' movie..." I murmured through my radio. Huh, I got Larry Foulke's voice.

Anyway, back to the base question, where the hell am I? Hmm, looking down I saw... Mountains? Yeah, cliffs, boulders, snowy environment, everything looked white and brown from here... Hmm... Definitely not in the Himalayas.

I continued to wander around the surrounding until I heard an unusual chatter from my radio. I raised my eyebrows (Okay I don't have one) at that. I carefully switched my radio frequency to match the incoming radio chatters. Voices began to appear, and as they got clearer, my eyebrows (Again I don't have them) raised even higher.

"Lancer 3! Break off! I'll get behind him!"

"Lancer 2 I'm going after him! Suport Lancer 3!"

"There! Splash 1 bandit! Shit! I'm loc-"

"No! God damn it Lancer 6 lost!"

"Dangit! I'm hit! Bailing out-"

"Sharko 3! Hang in there! I'm after the good one!"

Heh, what am I hearing? Seems like I'm heading towards an active warzone, so... this world's technology caught up. That's good to hear, at least I get to chat with someone... Hold on, if this plane is from Ace Combat... Let's try the FCS.

In my mind (CPU?), I imagined a PlayStation switch in my imaginary hands, flicking left to the FCS screen. I heard that familiar noise as I selected the TLS, then the MSL, and lastly my gun. Hmm, I wonder if I could switch my special weapon for something else... Just as that thought popped up, two other options appeared next to the TLS; Nice, MPBM, and ECM. Right after I selected the MPBM, the TLS on top of me disappeared as two huge cone-shaped missiles appeared under my wings. I switched back and forth and almost had fun doing so.


"Well well, what do we see here?" I murmured as I intercepted their radio frequency, "Hmm, Griffonian Air Force? Equestrian Royal Air Force? Seems like we got some juicy targets here... You know what? I'll trust these fanfics this time." I thought about it, and since most of the time in those MLP fanfics the Griffons are the aggressors, I'll go with my gut.

I did mention clearly that I'm not a big fan of rushing in to save creatures I don't even know shit about. But thinking long term, it's impossible for me to keep going solo forever, I guess starting out nice and even with the friendliest nation of this world wouldn't hurt. Yeah, no second thought, just for my own benefit.

I switched my special weapon to ECM and activated it, then I switched back my MPBM.

"It's time."

Griffonian forces were marked green while the Equestrian forces were marked blue on my HUD, began to wait for that familiar whistle, a few moments later, all five green-labeled targets were marked red. I signaled the first MPBM off the wing.

The moment the MPBM broke off, it marked the new beginning of the legend of a demon ace...

Second Lieutendent Seadroy Mood of the ERAF Lancer Squadron gritted his tooth, it'd been fifteen minutes since he and his squadron encountered the interceptors; the Griffonian Flankers; the newest variants. Their old Hornets were carrying mostly air-to-surface weapons, their only air-to-air weapons were the two small Sidewinders. Plus the enemy Mig-29s has superior advantages over their modernized radars and combat systems. Five minutes into engagement, he has already lost two of his pilots.

"Celestia-damn it, I swear when I go back, these intelligence officers are gonna pay for this..." Lancer 2's sneered.

"Focus on staying alive Lancer 2, us, Lancer 3 and 5 are the only ones left." Seadroy sighed, however, his train of thought was cut short by another barrage of missiles from the Flankers on his six.

"Lancer 1 break!" Lancer 3 cried, his breathing relieved as Lancer 1 dove hard while dodging several Fox-2s with his flare barrage. However, he then found himself unable to think positively as his RWR screamed, "Damn it I'm all out of chaffs-" Then his entire lower airframe was blown apart, "I'm hit! Aircraft going down! Lancer 1, it's over for me! I'm bailing out!" He then pulled the handle between his legs, and he felt a huge force crushing him from the top as the canopy burst open, his seat bounced up before igniting the rocket boosters, unfortunately, one of the boosters malfunctioned. Lancer 3 was horrified, the malfunctioned rocket booster threw the helpless pilot into an endless spin.

"No! My chute!" Lancer 3, despite his desperate effort to open his main chute, his hope perished as he found out his chute malfunctioned as well. As the altitude continued to drop, memories flew into his mind, "I... I'm sorry Sofia... I'm sorry..." he closed his eyes as he impacted the ground. The only good thing is that he died painlessly...

"DAMNIT! Lancer 3! Fuck!" Seadroy held a tear back, he still remembered before this sortie, Lancer 3 would brag about proposing to his marefriend after this mission, Seadroy tried extremely hard not to bang his hoof against the canopy as Lancer 3's voice came into his mind, "Haha! Just wait till I get home later, Sofia's pregnant, I heard from her that it's a girl. Yo, I even got her name; it's either gonna be Blossom or Sakura... hehe, my Niponese blood is calling me..."

"Lancer 5 is down! Damnit he's our youngest colt!" Another devastating report struck Lancer 1 unprepared, "Damn it Lancer 1, another group of bandits approaching from11 o'clock fast!"

"Lancer 2..." Seadroy looked dead, "This is it..."

Suddenly, as if Faust herself decided to step in, their screaming RWR stopped instantly. Everything grew quiet afterward.

"Lancer 1! We're still alive?!" Came Lancer 2's surprised voice.

"What the hell? Their missiles just lost track! All of them at the same time!" Seadroy gulped.

Then it came.

A bright flash, as if there was a second sun, shined from 11 o'clock, the direction of the incoming bandits, Seadroy's visors were barely blocking the light, after a few seconds, a huge shockwave arrived, it shook their Hornets as if they were hit by another missile. Then the faint sound of an explosion came through; Seadroy's jaw dropped.

A HUGE fireball, as if a tanker exploded mid-air, by the time he checked his radar, all bandits were gone.

"H-Holy fucking bloody shit!!!" Lancer 2 stuttered, "That blast took them all out! I-I don't remember hearing anything about a new MDW being used!"

"Uh... All bandits splashed... RTB..." Seadroy sighed, too many things happened today. He paused slightly at the word 'RTB', there is nopony left to hear it except for Lancer 2 now...

Silence filled the cockpit as the two survivors flew side-by-side. Lancer 2 broke the silence first.

"Say... what's that big bang about?"

"Whatever that thing is, it's friendly, we wouldn't be alive if whoever fired them decided to take us out along with the Griffons..." Seadroy said, still shaken up by the massive destruction.

"W-What if he's on our back right now at this moment?" Lancer 2 asked quietly.

Seadroy felt a shiver running down his spine. As if answering his question, his data link bleeped, which successfully caused his heart to skip a few beats.

"Lancer 1! Bogey's behind you!" Lancer 2 called, "He's... What the..."

Seadroy was about to ask, but his words were stopped dead in his throat as a giant silhouette loomed over his canopy.

Its large engine nacelles, canards, and forward-swept wings... All of these characteristics were known existence yet in the Equestrian military. Seadroy had heard rumors about the Russianes' canceled project Su-47, however, it was not the right size to be a major Russian aircraft at that time, which were mostly Mig-29s. That Flanker squadron was an exception.

Suddenly, their radio stuttered, then a new voice popped in.

"Yo buddy, still alive?"