• Published 14th Jul 2023
  • 283 Views, 5 Comments

In Summer's Embrace - Eltirions

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Chapter 5: 14 June 1014

Regretfully, the Sand Gardens had been destroyed during the North Zebrican War; apparently hit by one of the few Colthaginian bombing raids that had made their way past the Royal Arisian Air Force. But the shoreline was still there, untouched by mines or bombs or bullets. And the Sun was still the same, as warm as ever, even when lessened by the cool ocean breeze.

‘’I can see why you wished to meet me here,’’ Queen Skystar said. ‘’It is a beautiful sight.’’

‘’Is it not?’’ Coral agreed.

The Hippogriffess to his side nodded. ‘’Aris can be so beautiful. It is hard to remember that there is more to the realm than the capital, sometimes, but when I do remember, it is because of places like this.’’


For his part, Coral was just happy to be back in Aris again at all. He’d been quite resigned to never returning home for the past years, and only after Salina had come to Macawia had he realised that he could come back now. Still, it had taken him almost a year to do so, and he wasn’t going to be staying.

Huh. Seven years ago, I was here for the last time.

The sudden realisation - where it came from, he didn’t know - caused some introspection even with the Queen next to him. So much had changed since he’d been here last. Maybe that was why he had come here, and why he had asked the Queen to speak with him here.

Frankly, he was surprised she’d accepted.

‘’So, your Majesty,’’ he began, ‘’you wished to speak with me?’’

‘’I do indeed. I was able to read some of your work whilst you were in exile. It was inspiring to me, and to others too. The Free Aris Front managed to get them into the country, and spread them around whenever possible, at great risk.’’

‘’So I’ve heard. I will have to thank them, I think.’’

‘’I can get you in contact with them. I’m sure they’ll love to speak with you about their efforts.’’

‘’Excellent. But that is not why you are here, I take it?’’

‘’No,’’ Skystar admitted. ‘’I had other things I wanted to talk about. For one, I would like to offer you compensation. It was my mother who let Aris First slip its tendrils into the government until they could no longer be dislodged, and you have rightfully criticised this. To acknowledge this, I would like to pay you a sum of twenty-five thousand Seashells, and the government shall also reimburse the costs of your exile; housing, travel, et cetera.’’


‘’I’m not a noble enough person to say no to money freely offered,’’ he said cautiously, ‘’but can the government afford such expenses? I can’t imagine I’m the only one you are doing this for.’’

‘’You’re not, and it will cost us a lot,’’ Skystar acknowledged, ‘’but it is the right thing to do. And that’s something that Aris hasn’t been doing at all for the past years. We must get used to it again, or we shall inevitably end up with another Crack Lightning.’’

‘’We know what to watch for now,’’ Coral pointed out. ‘’Hippogriff, tall, loves flying, nationalist…’’

‘’That alone will not prevent something like this from happening again. We need to be better than we were. We must make a more equal government, where people can make themselves heard better than Aris First was.’’

‘’So you want to make a democracy?’’

‘’Indeed. A constitution and a parliament, for starters. The monarchy shall stay, though I know there are voices to abolish that too.’’

Coral tilted his head. ‘’Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Not the abolishment of the monarchy, but the other parts. Democracy… would take some getting used to, but it’ll work. I think.’’

‘’And we must work on the culture,’’ Skystar went on. ‘’If this war has proven anything, it is that Aris is neither invincible nor superior to the rest of the world. If less people had believed that from the start, perhaps Aris First would never have come about.’’

‘’Perhaps,’’ Coral agreed, ‘’or perhaps it would have. We cannot be sure. But it is defeated now.’’

‘’So it is.’’ Skystar paused for a moment, and watched the ocean. ‘’Do you know how many died?’’

‘’In the war?’’

‘’Since Crack took over.’’



‘’Hm…’’ What is a reasonable estimate… ‘’Thirty-thousand?’’

‘’Close. Forty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-one.’’

‘’Gods above.’’

‘’That’s just what we’ve been able to gather. Of course, the war made it rather difficult to figure out who died where, but at least that many were killed outside of it.’’

Coral closed his eyes. Breathed in. Breathed out. Opened his eyes. ‘’When’s the trial?’’

‘’25th of September.’’

‘’I want to be there.’’

‘’I was going to ask you to write a piece on it, actually,’’ Skystar revealed. ‘’You would not be the only one - you’re a great reporter, but you’re hardly neutral in this case - but I think that it would serve as a potent symbol to the exiles.’’

He didn’t even need to think about his answer. ‘’I’ll do it.’’

‘’Thanks. There’s one more thing.’’


‘’Are you going to move back to Aris?’’

That was the question he’d been asking himself too. And he didn’t know the answer yet! Not really. His first thought was to stay in Macawia; Aris held nothing for him now. But perhaps Aris did need him; or maybe not him precisely, but someone like him, to help rebuild. Could he really say no to that?

‘’Why do you ask?’’

‘’If you are,’’ Skystar said, ‘’I would like to invite you into my court as an advisor. You’re one of the most prominent exiles; you can give them a voice that they’d otherwise lack. And as I said, your writings helped many people in Aris during the Phalangists’ rule.’’

Precisely what I was afraid of.

‘’I… I don’t know yet,’’ Coral admitted. ‘’I might want to go back to Macawia. Or I might come here. It’s been almost a year, and I still haven’t decided. I do hope you don’t mind that.’’

‘’I don’t,’’ Skystar said, thankfully. ‘’I can see how it would be a hard choice. But if you do end up coming back to Aris, let me know and I’ll ensure you’ll have a job and home when you arrive.’’

‘’I’ll keep that in mind, thank you.’’ Coral inclined his head gratefully. ‘’The offer is appreciated. I don’t know if I shall come back to Aris, but even if I do not, feel free to write to me if you ever feel like you need my opinion. I’ll be happy to supply it.’’

‘’I don’t think I’d have to ask for it, if you wanted to give it.’’

‘’True enough!’’ Coral agreed with a chuckle. ‘’It is my job, even if I’m no longer paid for it.’’

‘’And you’re good at your job.’’ Skystar smiled brightly, before frowning. ‘’Well, unfortunately my time here has run out. I have an appointment with the mayor of Canterford in… fifteen minutes.’’

‘’You’ll need fourteen to get to the city centre.’’

‘’Then I better get moving, no? Thank you for your time, Mr Ridge. Hopefully we will speak again soon. It has been a pleasure talking to you.’’

‘’The pleasure has been all mine, your majesty. I wish you a good day, ma’am.’’

‘’Likewise, Mr Ridge.’’

Skystar spread her wings and leapt off into the air, followed a moment later by her two Arisian Royal Guards. Coral watched them fly away until they disappeared from view, then turned back to the beach.

Despite everything that had happened in the past seven years, the beach was still the same. The sands were still golden, the waters were still blue, the Sun was still shining and the wind was still blowing. There were things that Crack Lightning and his Phalangists could never touch, never change or break no matter how hard they tried to force Aris to become something it was never meant to be.

Coral sighed. ‘’Well, we’ll see what the future holds…’’ he mused aloud.

Of course, no response came back to him; there was no one around to hear him talk. Nothing but the sea and the shore.

Perhaps the Gods heard him, if they were listening. But they probably had more pressing matters to attend to than his, and he could not begrudge them that. Despite everything, he was still well-off and not in danger; the same could not be said for other Hippogriffs or Seaponies. Poverty was widespread in Aris now, and the costs of the North Zebrican War were still being felt. Things were not over, not by a long shot. Who knew what enemies Aris might face in the future, after all?

But for just a moment, Coral could not think about all of that, and simply enjoyed the summer sunset over the waves washing up on Aris’ blessed shores. With a content sigh, he slowly walked down the beach and into the water. Then…

He leapt up into the air, transformed into a Seapony as he hit the waves, and let himself drift away on the currents.

It is a good day to be alive.

Comments ( 5 )

Good pacing and I like the contrast between the beginning and the end. Though as Coral is a journalist, I would be curious to know more about what he’s writing during his time at Macawia. Personally I would include an excerpt in each chapter.

What a good story. Shame about Aris losing. I always prefer them winning, but I'm glad you let Crack lose and get a trial.

I too prefer an Arisian victory, but a defeat worked better for this fic.

I love this. Vivid language with simple construction, on top of that the good pacing, the tension, and the worldbuilding. So much said with just a few thousand words.

Thank you for your kind words!

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