• Published 25th Jul 2023
  • 827 Views, 37 Comments

The Kingdom Of Darkness - Dragon-In-Black

When the Pillars return with the help of the element bearers, they, especially Somnambula try to find Stygian and apologise to him.

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CH.10. Soldiers

Somnambula’s mind was blank. It was like a page with no words, only devoid of darkness surrounding her calm, rational mind. Her brain felt weird, and fuzzy, like a carriage wheel spinning.

The words the owner had spoken just hours prior still echoed inside her head like she was inside a tunnel. Her eyes were unfocused, still lost inside her head, not feeling the hunger that gnawed at her or the dry, chapped lips that begged for water.

It couldn’t be true, could it?

Somnambula didn’t notice the eyes that stared at her in worry and concern for her mental health. She couldn’t feel it anymore, all she could feel was the pain in her heart that throbbed like a vein transferring blood throughout the body.

‘Would Stygian go that far?’ Was the immediate thought that invaded her mind when she regained control of her thoughts. She understood that he was angry and did know that there was a very large possibility that Stygian would do something that none of them would be prepared for. Murder was one of them.

However, Somnambula had always believed that her sweet, precious Stygian would never go that far no matter how angry. Verbal abuse or even assault? Yes, that is to be expected depending on the level of hurt.

But murder? No.

Or well, the thought had crossed her mind multiple times. All of them had that thought. But Somnambula never thought that it would turn into reality…

She had prayed that it would only be a horrible alternative universe, but here she was, hours later, looking at something or some creature with the words getting entangled into her mind like a cobweb.

‘Stygian…’ came her sad thought that brought a tear to her eye that slowly made its way down her cheek as if climbing down a ladder.

“Somnambula?” Came a voice that sounded so far away. But it sounded familiar… like, she knew who spoke her name.

The pegasus regained mobility in her head and turned towards the sound where the voice had spoken. Beside the bed stood… Meadowbrook. She was looking at her with concern on her face. The earth pony took a hesitant step forward.

“Somnambula?” The mare spoke again, this time, firmer or was the first call also firm? “Are you alright?”

Somnambula tried to speak but no words came out of her. It was like her vocal cords refused to work. No words escaped her mouth, making the creatures around her concerned. She didn’t know how long they had been there. She was sure it had been hours, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe…

“Stygian…” her voice sounded hoarse. It drew shaky breaths from Meadowbrook and Mistmane. The Pegasus was aware that her voice should belong to some creature that had smoked for decades, but she couldn’t help it. “...he… killed a creature?”

The thought just wasn’t something she wanted to comprehend. Sure, she had thought about it multiple times, but still… hearing one of her fears being revealed like it was inside a box any creature could open, made her uneasy.

Somnambula stared at Capper who was looking at the floor as if checking for unclean spots. His posture was fragile, he was shaking lightly. His eyes didn’t reveal emotions but his body language could be read by every creature present. There was fear, anger and… sadness? They couldn’t be sure.

“Yes,” was the response they had all prayed wouldn’t be answered. Hoping that the former Pillar hadn’t resorted to such… drastic measures. “That was about… I think it was thirty years ago If I remember correctly,”

“Wait, thirty years?” Starswirl spoke up with furrowed eyebrows. But… we met six years ago…” the old unicorn’s eyes widened in realization.

The others looked at the old wizard in confusion. Somnambula didn’t know what the fuzz was about, she didn’t see the big deal until everything clicked inside her head. Her eyes widened and she noticed that every creature else also understood the significance… most of them.

“What’s the deal?” Rainbow Dash asked with her hooves crossed while looking at Starswirl who looked to be having a panic attack.

“Rainbow…” Fluttershy spoke weakly while trying to hide behind Twilight, as if afraid that the old wizard would become angry. “Thirty years ago, Stygian… ended the reign of Storm King and Starswirl met Capper six years ago.”

“I still don’t get it,” she replied while scratching her head. “I mean, it’s good for the creatures here right?”

The temperature suddenly dropped, the unforgiving sun from Badlands all but forgotten in that instant. The rainbow-maned pegasus shivered when she felt the icy wind caress her coat like an invisible stream.

“Good…?” Capper spoke, forcing every creature to stare at the cat, including Starswirl who looked at the owner with concern. “Good?! Do you have any idea what you just said?! Nothing here is good! After Storm King was executed, everything became worse!”

“Hey, hey! Calm down, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that!” Rainbow spoke with her hooves out, showing she meant no harm but Capper didn’t stop his tirade.

“When Starswirl came to the Badlands, I welcomed him with open arms because I know for a darn fact that the soldiers of Pony Of Shadows would have executed him, no questions asked. But to be completely honest; the last night, he told me the story of what happened but I was so shocked that by the time I gathered my thoughts he was gone! I wanted to tell him so badly but I couldn’t. I wasn’t sure…” Capper’s anger turned to cries, paws clutching his head as he slid down to the floor, eyes closed and salty tears escaping. “I wasn’t sure I could tell him the truth.”

Somnambula watched Fluttershy and Rarity make their way to comfort the cat that cried. “Every day, we live in fear. Starswirl may not have noticed due to the fact he entered from the area notorious for criminality—the ones that lack care and respect for any ruling,”

The old wizard trotted up to Capper and did something that was unheard of. He hugged him. Starswirl wrapped his hooves around him and hugged him as hard as he could. The cat returned the hug.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry I never told you!” Capper cried into the wizard’s shoulder but the old unicorn simply smiled.

“No need for apologies, Capper, I understand your fear, I… was also threatened by him,” Starswirl replied, surprising the Pillars. “He… threatened me with executing my friends, saying that he would return with their heads,”

Somnambula’s eyes widened in shock and fear.

“WHAT?!” Magnus shouted, his sclera dominating over his pinprick pupils. Mistmane managed to calm the pegasus down slightly but she too, was shocked by the turn of events.

Rockhoof lowered his gaze while Meadowbrook hugged her fiancé and cried while the strong earth pony enveloped her into a hug.

Spike, Pinkie and Capper didn’t look surprised in the slightest. That didn’t mean that the purple-scaled dragon and light pink-coated pony didn’t lower their heads in sorrow. From their point of view; they could only imagine what type of pain the other Pillars must be in. Not physical but mental. You think you know how much a pony hates you, but it turns out to be much worse than anticipated.

“It's true,” Starswirl sadly admitted. “After your banishment, he threatened to hurt me or you if I ever tried to find him or try to rescue you. I lived in fear like a coward. I should have spoken to him, and ask for forgiveness. I…” he trailed off.

The room was coated into silence, only broken by the sobs coming from the owner. The ponies and dragon didn’t know what to say or do to make the situation better. How do you lighten a situation about a friend and romantic interests that threaten indirectly their life?

~~~The Kingdom Of Darkness~~~

Hours later, Somnambula was looking outside her window. On a small stool in front of her, was a hot mug of tea with one sugar. She couldn’t sleep, not after what she had learned.

It sickened her. Not the fact that Stygian had killed a creature or that he—indirectly—threatened her life as well. It made her sick that she allowed her fame to infect her head, pushing the only stallion for her, away.

‘It’s all my fault,’ she somberly thought. How could she not? Out of all of the Pillars, she and maybe Meadowbrook should naturally follow their instincts and listen to a pony or creature in need. But it was mostly her fault. Somnambula bit her lower lip as a tear escaped her eye. She was supposed to be the pony that loved Stygian, and there she had been, accusing him of something that he had no intention of doing.

Sure, for some creature that didn’t understand Somnambula or the other Pillar’s pain, it would be justified. It looked as though the unicorn had stolen their artefacts to gain their power for himself.

When they had learned of what his plans were, Somnambula couldn’t help but feel disgusted with herself and made the promise that she would confess her feelings and apologise. One of her silent promises was to follow him until the end of time, no matter the circumstances.

Just when the pegasus had finished her tea, she heard muffled voices outside. It sounded like an argument of some sort. Curious, she looked out the window and saw three creatures down below inside an alley.

The alley was riddled with trashcans, dumpsters and filth all over the place. One of the creatures was hunched over something and cried his eyes out. The other two creatures were carrying weapons. Considering where she was located, it was easy to say it was a crime, but this somehow… it didn’t feel right. This didn’t feel like a typical crime. This felt like…

Silently, she opened the window to hear the conversation better. “YOU SICK, TWISTED—” one of the creatures punched the weeping one over the face. The crunch was so loud, that even Somnambula heard it which made her wince.

The creature that threw the punch lowered down into a squatting position and pulled out a shiny metal object that made the Pillar of Hope pale. The creature brought the weapon to the weeping creature’s throat.

“Listen here you little gangster, we have heard rumours that foreigners have entered the kingdom. Where are they?” The creature holding the knife asked with an intimidating voice.

“You… call yourself… soldiers?” The weeping creature spoke with unclear emotions. “You murder and pillage our home as if it is a playground… why do you care about some foreigners? They haven’t hurt you,”

Somnambula noticed the two soldiers exchange a look she couldn’t see before looking at the creature who had a knife to his throat.

“His majesty felt a presence. A presence that is a danger to us all. If those foreigners hold such power to wipe us out, then we must eliminate them!” The soldier spoke and smacked the creature in the face. “Not that it matters, our military is strong enough to handle anything!”

Suddenly, the second soldier started to move forward and made Somnambula jump back in shock and horror. The second soldier pulled out his sword and stabbed the creature in the throat without missing a second.

“Let’s get going, I have a feeling we’re being watched,” the soldier spoke casually and wiped the blood from his sword before placing it inside its sheath.

Somnambula quickly closed the window. If she had felt tired at all, she didn’t feel so now.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, Dragon-In-Black here back with another chapter of The Kingdom Of Darkness. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and will continue to see future chapters because I have a few things in store for this.

I will write to you guys next time.

Comments ( 8 )


Will you talk about what I said about Tempest Shadow, and that I referenced Wolfenstein?

What do you mean? I read the comment but I'm not sure what you're asking.


This specifically;

While, the Storm King is well deserved. Tempest Shadow being killed also was "mixed".

Then again it was rather freaking stupid of her to take on an entire freaking army by herself!?

She should have surrendered, and actually begged to joined the Shadow Pony's side when she had the chance.

Who knows, she could have probably have a new horn since the Shadow Pony obviously has vast magic powers.

Plus it is just me, or does the Shadow Ponies own military would probably be reminiscent of Wolfenstein's Super Nazi Empire from the MachineGame's dark alternate timeline reboot?
( Old Blood, New Order, New Colossus, and Cyberpilot/Youngblood. )

Would be insane to see if the Kingdom of Darkness have robotic/mechanical monstrosities, super soldiers/cyborgs, superior weapons/vehicles ahead of its time.

“You… call yourself… soldiers?” The weeping creature spoke with unclear emotions. “You murder and pillage our home as if it is a playground… why do you care about some foreigners? They haven’t hurt you,”

You're so naive.

Soldiers ( Specifically from the bad/evil/tyrannical empires
and governments. ) actually do this mess up all the damn time!

Somnambula noticed the two soldiers exchange a look she couldn’t see before looking at the creature who had a knife to his throat.

“His majesty felt a presence. A presence that is a danger to us all. If those foreigners hold such power to wipe us out, then we must eliminate them!” The soldier spoke and smacked the creature in the face. “Not that it matters, our military is strong enough to handle anything!”

Suddenly, the second soldier started to move forward and made Somnambula jump back in shock and horror. The second soldier pulled out his sword and stabbed the creature in the throat without missing a second.

“Let’s get going, I have a feeling we’re being watched,” the soldier spoke casually and wiped the blood from his sword before placing it inside its sheath.

Aww. Too bad they don't have antique guns.

‘Would Stygian go that far?’ Was the immediate thought that invaded her mind when she regained control of her thoughts. She understood that he was angry and did know that there was a very large possibility that Stygian would do something that none of them would be prepared for. Murder was one of them.

However, Somnambula had always believed that her sweet, precious Stygian would never go that far no matter how angry. Verbal abuse or even assault? Yes, that is to be expected depending on the level of hurt.

But murder? No.

Or well, the thought had crossed her mind multiple times. All of them had that thought. But Somnambula never thought that it would turn into reality…

She had prayed that it would only be a horrible alternative universe, but here she was, hours later, looking at something or some creature with the words getting entangled into her mind like a cobweb.

‘Stygian…’ came her sad thought that brought a tear to her eye that slowly made its way down her cheek as if climbing down a ladder.

Don't you remember that he is literally turned to a being of Pure Shadows/Darkness for the last thousand years, and all of that evil jazz.

What do you frickin expect? Him still being a "pacifist" after all that pain/betrayal/rage/hatred he experienced?

Now, a lot of innocent ponies and different creatures are also being suffered because of all of you six's greatest mistake over a stupid misunderstanding.

“Stygian…” her voice sounded hoarse. It drew shaky breaths from Meadowbrook and Mistmane. The Pegasus was aware that her voice should belong to some creature that had smoked for decades, but she couldn’t help it. “...he… killed a creature?”

Technically speaking, Storm King was just a bastard overall. He eventually had it coming.

While his Storm Army are just battle casualties. While Tempest Shadow being killed too is a bit mixed.

She could be a good loyal asset to the Shadow Pony/Stygian if he actually fix her horn.

Also, he killed more than one creature. His body count is now possibly OVER the hundreds to the thousands, or even tens of thousands by this point in the last 1,000 plus thirty years.

She could have begged, I'll admit but I decided to still have her loyal to Storm King.

I have yet to decide to what I want to do with Stygians' kingdom.


Her "loyalty" doesn't mean squat in the first place. Because we all know the Storm King doesn't care about her in the end. A means to a end.

Sadly, she didn't know about this important fact before it's too late. And it costed her life.

She could be a good candidate to the Shadow Pony/Stygian military. Just as long she actually gets a new horn. But that's just wishful thinking by now, unless you retcon.


You're so naive.

Soldiers ( Specifically from the bad/evil/tyrannical empires
and governments. ) actually do this mess up all the damn time!

It isn’t nativity. It is anguish and failure to understand the logic behind the soldiers. Besides, he had just lost his friend and wasn’t in the right state of mind.

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