• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 594 Views, 10 Comments

Revealing The Truth - Zerocool7785

Hitch tell Sunny about his feeling for her. Only to make an amazing discovery about one of their other friends and about himself.

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Hitch's dilemma

Hitch Trailblazer looked out over Maretime Bay, and the ocean looked beautiful. Here was where he grew up and where he lived and worked as the sheriff, with his friends. It was beautiful yes.

But what was most beautiful was not the ocean breeze that ruffled his green mane. It was not the smell of the salt air or the rainbow that came from the Crystal Brighthouse.

It was the orange-colored mare with a purple mane and tail and a few strands of rainbow-colored hair in the front. There she was selling her smoothies as she always did at her stand.

Sure, he had Sparky who could be a handful. Sure, he had switched Hitch’s and Sunny’s cutie marks. It only gave him and Sunny a more profound admiration and understanding for one another.

He had to tell Sunny how he felt about her. Little did he know what was about to happen would change his life forever. Hitch started to walk over to Sunny and tell her when he saw something that he couldn’t believe.

Izzy had bounced up (as only Izzy could) and started to talk to Sunny it seemed normal so far until the very end. Izzy got her smoothie and then she and Sunny shared a quick kiss.

Hitch stopped dead in his tracks he realized that Sunny was in a relationship: With Izzy!!

Hitch didn’t know what to think Hitch quickly trotted back to the Sheriff’s Office where Sparky was waking up from his nap. Sparky had two speeds stop and dead sprint. It kept Hitch on his toes.

Sparky had woken up from his nap and Hitch picked him up and cradled him in one arm. He couldn’t believe he never told Sunny how he felt, or the fact that she nor Izzy ever said anything. It bothered him.

His thoughts remained on Sunny, and he tried to tell himself if Sunny is happy with Izzy so be it. Then you should be happy that Sunny is happy. Even though he knew he would never be.

Hitch decided it was best to go about his life and move on. He started to do paperwork when Zipp flew in say hi.

“Hi ya, Hitch working on paperwork I see.” Zipp said.

“Yeah. ” He said putting some papers in a file. Then he got up and grabbed Sparky before he got into something, but he wasn’t his usual panicked self he did it like he was in a trance. This worried Zipp a little bit. Hitch was almost in a trance it seemed.

“Okay Hitch what’s wrong?” Zipp asked.

“Why would anything be wrong?” Hitch said laughing nervously scratching the back of his neck.

“I’m a private investigator and I know you, now what’s up?” Zipp repeated.

“I’m depressed.” Hitch told her.

“I kind of guessed that.” Zipp replied in her usual sarcastic tone.

After a few moments of awkward silence. Hitch didn’t want to bring up his heartbreak about Izzy and Sunny. He didn’t want to bad mouth them as he considered them friends. So, he just sat there and shuffled a few papers and took his hoof, and tickled Sparky’s tummy a little making the baby dragon laugh.

“O.K. Fine I’ll ask what about.” Zipp said sighing.

“Did you know about Sunny and Izzy?” Hitch asked in return.

“No. What about them?” Zipp asked.

“I saw Izzy go and get a smoothie this morning.” Hitch began.

“That’s what has you upset?” Zipp asked said sitting on her haunches.

“After Sunny made Izzy her smoothie. They shared a quick kiss.” Hitch lamented again trying not to cry.

“That would explain something I saw at the crystal bright house one morning.” Zipp said remembering.

“What was that?” Hitch inquired.


Zipp arose early and stretched out her wings and legs as she always did (being athletic as she was). Pipp was still sound asleep with her mask on and Izzy’s bed was empty.

A quick survey of the area by Zipp and she saw Sonny and Izzy were in bed together forelimbs wrapped around each other. She thought it was odd but then thought maybe one of them had a nightmare and was being comforted.

End flashback…

“Honest Hitch I didn’t think much of it at the time. But you should talk to Sonny and at least tell her. Get it off your chest plus I think she deserves to know.” Zipp told him.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to lose her as a friend or disrupt her and Izzy’s relationship.” Hitch said.

“You need to tell her. You owe it to her and yourself. I know this is hard Hitch,” Zipp said.

“You do?” Hitch inquired.

“Being rejected is one thing, but finding out that somebody else got to where you wanted to be is even worse.” Zipp replied.

“So, you think I should tell her at the stand or what?” Asked Hitch.

“No, wait until after she’s done but do go tell her you need to talk to her privately after work.” Zipp said.

Hitch looked completely miserable, so Zipp gave him one last piece of advice.

“Talking is the key. If you liked her then be honest and tell her. Finding out is always better than wondering what might have been.” Zipp replied.

“I guess you're right.” Hitch replied.

“I know I am. Just go and talk to her. I Gotta fly.” Zipp said taking off on whatever case she was on.

“Zipp is right. Time to tell Sunny the truth.” Hitch said after Zipp had left.

Hitch summoned all of his courage he was going to tell Sonny they needed to talk tonight. Maybe he could walk her home. Whatever happened he was going to talk to her.

Hitch approached the smoothie cart with Sparky on his back. Also, with a new appreciation of how hard it was to run this place and make smoothies. He watched as Sunny served another customer.

“Hi ya, Sunny.” He said walking up.

“Hi, Hitch how are you today?” Sunny responded putting her forelegs on the counter/

“Sunny, I need to talk to you whenever you close your smoothie stand.” Hitch told her.

“I didn’t litter honest.” Sunny replied knowing how Hitch was about that.

“No, it’s something more important than that.” Hotch said.

“Am I in trouble?” Sunny asked.

“No, it’s something else. “Hitch said.

“I think I know what it is.” Sunny said with a big smile.

“You do?” Hitch replied.

“You need relationship advice. We all see it you need help with Pipp.’ Sunny said.

“Pipp?” Hitch said.

“Yeah, you know how she’s crushing on you.” Sunny said smiling.

“She is?” Hitch said.

“Stallions are so dense sometimes.” Sunny responded.

“Sunny I’m not crushing on Pipp. Although I will admit she is one cute mare.” Hitch replied.

“Oh.” Sunny said her smile dying.

“I’m crushing on you.” Hitch said.