• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 1,006 Views, 47 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

  • ...

ACT I: Episode 7: Chapter 21

Episode 7: Chapter 21

The group would walk for a while as the hustle and bustle of the city would slowly be replaced by green and country roads.

“I got to say.” Applejack spoke aloud. “Despite how nasty those critters looked, they were pretty friendly.”

“Yeah if they weren’t out of their minds.” Rainbow Dash would retort. The group walk down the path as they admired the environment around them. The lush greenery, the mountains to the distance, but like the train ride to this new land was the floating islands that were off in the distance.

“That still gets to me.” Flash commented as the others silently agreed. Pinkie would just dance to herself as the group walked which made Spike tilt his head. He would walk by her side.

“Uhh Pinkie? What are you doing?”




“PINKIE! ARF!” Spike would yell and bark as Pinkie snapped her head to him.

“What are you doing?”


“Ugh.” Rainbow would just sigh as the others would laugh though the digimon looked confused.

“What is that song?” Hagurumon inquired.

“A country song. You know country music.” Applejack explained as the others just nodded and even ooooed.

“To the plaaaace.” Flash would continue as Sunset laughed and Raibow groaned. It was only ten minutes before everyone joined in.

“Humans are peculiar.” Dracomon commented out loud as Spike just agreed with a tired nod.

“Tell me about it.”

“Are we there yeeeeet?!” Rainbow would whine as Sunset squnted her eyes to look into the distance.

“The path is getting more even. I see buildings!”

“Well let’s get going!”

The group would rush on the path as they reached a small town filled with cottages, a dirt path and various fields of crops. There were few residents with most being bug-like digimon though there was some variation in species but few.

“Reminds me of when we had to go to Ponyville after that spring break trip went bust.” Sunset commented.

“Still can’t believe that’s where you came from.” Flash said as Sunset chuckled.

“Place seems kind of…peaceful.” Prima noted as the other digimon looked at the village. Hagurumon would add on.

“Hard to believe this is digital axis territory.”

“Not even that.” Hawkmon would speak up next. “This is so peaceful you can’t imagine these digimon fighting at all.”

“Well why would they?” Fluttershy asked. When she did all the digimon turned to her, which made her meek and back away.

“Digimon. We all live to fight. To evolve further to the best and perfect creature we can be.” Hawkmon explained as he flew around. “You have no idea how much this means to us. Usually taking years and years to naturally reach a new form.”

“Yeah I been meaning to ask.” Twilight asked as he turned to the group. “I figured digivolution was a type of evolution. I have seen so many variety of creatures and with how young you act I thought you were all kids yourselves.”

“What’s a kid?” Patamon asked.

“It’s a goat.” Hagurumon answered.


“Oh got it.”

“No, what I meant was-”

“No idiot.” Hawkmon interrupted. “It’s a type of jam.”

“You uneducated bird it’s what I said. You are thinking of-”

“STOP!” Twilight yelled. Everyone turned to her as she went red.

“Let me finish.”

“I first thought that it was you growing up. I take it that I misunderstood?”

“Allow me to explain.” Hagurumon cleared his throat. “We all start from eggs. When we hatch we are baby digimon. Through eating we will digivolve to an in-training level. Then through getting stronger we will become rookie level, champion, ultimate and even mega….I even heard there’s a level beyond…”

“But by sharing your energy we can achieve our champion forms for a small amount of time. I assume.” Dracomon said.


“Hey, it’s clearly guesswork. Remember we are going into the outside world for the first time.”

“Our kind strives to be the strongest. We live to fight while fighting to live. Even in these cities you see digimon still have this instinct.”


“Not to stop this bore fest.” Rainbow interrupted. “We need to get to Kabu village. Where is this?” Liollmon would read a sign in town and read aloud.

“Kuwaga Town.”

“YES! We’re one step closer!”

“We should find a place where there's a lot of digimon to ask for directions like a mayor's office or even-” Applejack got cut off as three figures made themselves known. The three creatures were bipedal dark colored roach digimon with several limbs and even skull tattoos. Their faces were ugly as they looked at the group. One was very tall, one was short and the one in the middle was medium sized with a gold tooth.

“I heard you folks are asking for directions?” Rarity would scream at the sight of the digimon as everyone was shocked by the new digimon.

“We couldn’t help but overhear yalls predicament. The name is Roachmon. He’s Roachmon, and he’s Roachmon.” the gold toothed creature introduces himself.

“Well uh…howdy. I’m Applejack. This here is Sunset Shimmer, Flash Sentry, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle and Spike.”

“And these are our digimon friends.” Sunset introduced. “Dracomon, Liollmon, Hawkmon, Fanbeemon, Floramon, Kamemon, Patamon and Hagurumon.”

“Quite the group you all got there. No wonder you lost. There’s so many of you!” The Roachmon slapped their knees as they all laughed with a wheeze at their own poorly done joke. The group would just look at each other, not impressed.

“Well you see sirs.” Fluttershy stepped up. “We are on our way to Kabu Village, but we are not familiar with the area. Could you tell us where it could be?”

“We coooooould. IF…you do a favor for us!”

“Okay…” Flash replied. “With that?”

“See our comedy show! The Roachmon comedy act!”


“The Roachmon tri comedy show! We trying to fill seats!”

“Trying to fill seats or just desperate to get an audience?” Sunset asked bluntly.

“Oooo honest I like it! You folks will be perfect!”

“It’s a nice little hole in the wall where this takes place. Legit. Called the ‘Pie Hole’”

Sunset would look to the others before looking to the Roachmon. “Give us just a minute.” The group would huddle together to whisper among themselves.

“This is shady.”

“I don’t know Sunset, I mean just because they look kind of…rough doesn’t mean we should judge so quickly.”

“Fluttershy you seriously can’t be this naive!” Rainbow almost snapped.

“And you shouldn’t jump to conclusions Rainbow Dash…”

“Look.” Hawk spoke up. “Let me just fly ahead and see if it’s legit.” Hawk took off to the sky as he saw a little building with a big sign that did indeed read “Pie Hole.”

“I see it!”

“Well that settles it.” Sunset turned her attention back to the Roachmon brothers as she smiled.

“We’d love to join.”

“HAHA! You won’t regret it strange creature!”

“EEEE let’s go!” Pinkie shouted as she pushed the entire group to follow the Roachmon.

“You tracked them here?” Witchmon would fly on her broomstick as she perched on the middle. Wizardmon would hang onto her midsection as he looked below them with his eyes faintly glowing.

“I have. Looks like they are taking a break.”

“While they slouch, we work.”

“Indeed. Stay on them.”

Comments ( 3 )

Amazing chapter!

:twilightsmile:nice work

ggg-2 #3 · Monday · · ·

I love John Denver! :pinkiehappy:

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