• Published 18th Jul 2023
  • 384 Views, 2 Comments

A broken seed - The Force

In this heart-wrenching story, we follow Babs Seed as she grapples with a terminal illness and her desperate struggle to spend her final weeks with loved ones and say goodbye.

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It had been two years since Babs Seed had passed away from cancer. Her death, though expected, still left a gaping hole in the hearts of her family and friends. Apple Bloom, who was quite close to her cousin, found comfort in discussing memories of her with her friend Sweetie Belle. She often reminisced over the fun times they had spent together, and the silly mistakes they made that Babs helped them fix. Their grief was softened by the memories of Babs' laughter and her playful teasing.

At first, the sadness was all consuming. As the days turned to weeks, and the weeks to months, the Apple siblings found themselves learning how to cope with their loss. Although the pain never truly disappeared, it became manageable. They carried on with their lives as best they could, knowing that Babs would've wanted them to be happy. They continued to gather together annually on the anniversary of her passing, not out of obligation, but out of pure love for Babs and each other.

Even if they never stopped grieving for Babs, they knew that they had to learn to live without her. But deep down, they were still terrified at the thought of losing each other. While they were confident that they would never be as close to anyone as they were to Babs, they found comfort in the company of each other. They knew that no matter what happened, they were always a family, and through their pain, they grew even stronger.

Although life returned to somewhat normal, they couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness every time they remembered Babs and the happy moments they had shared together. But they kept moving forward, trying to find joy where they could. They knew that Babs had loved them and wanted them to be happy, and they knew that their love for her was unconditional. Despite losing her, they had gained so much from their time together, and their bond remained as strong as ever.

The first anniversary of Babs Seed's passing brought up several different emotions for Apple Bloom and her friends. As they gathered together to remember her, they experienced feelings of sadness, gratitude, and nostalgia. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo found themselves remembering funny and sweet moments they had shared with Babs, while Apple Bloom struggled to come to terms with the loss of her cousin. As she reflected on the past year, she found herself missing Babs' presence and laughter, but she was also grateful for the memories they had made together.

As the second anniversary of Babs Seed's passing approached, Apple Bloom and her friends found themselves thinking differently about her death. While still missing their cousin, they were starting to accept the fact that she wasn't coming back. They tried to focus on the positive memories they had made together and the lessons she had taught them. They knew that she would always be part of their lives in some way, and this helped lessen the grief they felt. Even though they missed her, they had found a way to move forward and continue living their lives in her memory.


Babs Seed's death impacted her entire family deeply. Her cousins, Big Mac and Applejack, grieved intensely, finding it difficult to cope with the loss of their beloved cousin. However, their grief was eased somewhat by the memories of their good times together and the bond they shared. Meanwhile, their great aunt Granny Smith also felt overwhelmed by sadness and struggled to process her feelings, but she was comforted by the knowledge that Babs hadn't disappeared completely, because her essence still lived on in their hearts.

As the years passed, Big Mac, Applejack and Granny Smith had come to a place of acceptance and peace with their loss. They were able to remember their cousin Babs for all the good she had done and the joy she had brought to their lives. They also realized that although she was no longer physically with them, her energy and essence still lived on in the bonds they shared and the memories they had made. They had become stronger and more resilient for having known her and despite the pain of losing her, they knew that she would always be there with them in their hearts.

They found comfort in the company of their friends. Twilight, Pinkie, rainbowdash, fluttershy, Spike, Starlight, Rarity, all made their way to the Apple family's farm to support them during this difficult time. The friends brought food, flowers, and kind words, and everyone spent time together sharing stories, reminiscing about better times, and helping each other heal. Applejack and her loved ones realized that even though Babs was no longer physically with them, her spirit still lived on in the hearts and memories they shared. As they moved forward with their lives and remembered their beloved cousin, they took comfort in the knowledge that she had shaped them into the individuals they were today.

Even though the loss of Babs Seed was painful, it brought Applejack and her family closer together. They found comfort in their mutual love and support for one another, and they realized that her spirit would always be with them. Together, they remembered her legacy and continued to live their lives with pride and remembrance of the impact she had made on their hearts.

Applejack and Twilight worked together to create a statue of Babs Seed to be situated next to the barn, so that all of the Apple family and friends could see it whenever they visited. A plaque was etched on the base of the statue, declaring her as 'the bravest and happiest filly who always spread joy with her presence, she will be dearly missed.'

With the statue and plaque completed, Applejack and Twilight gathered the rest of the Apple family and friends to unveil the tribute to Babs Seed. They stood in front of the statue and shared stories, memories, laughs, and tears. Though Babs was no longer with them physically, her spirit lived on in their hearts and her presence still filled the barn with joy. After a heartfelt round of laughter and tears, Applejack and Twilight cut the ribbon, officially unveiling the statue to all in attendance.

As the sun rose on the horizon, the Apple family, friends, and neighbors stood together at the Apple farm, admiring the statue of Babs Seed. With the statue and plaque unveiled, the entire community came together in commemoration of the filly who had touched their lives. With the bittersweet taste of loss still on their tongues, they resolved to honor Babs' memory by continuing to spread joy, love, and laughter, just as she had done in her life. And even though Babs was no longer physically present, her spirit lived on in the hearts and memories of all who had loved her dearly.


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