• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 1,747 Views, 11 Comments

A Radio Demon in Equestria - Roost2100

A certain Radio Demon comes to Equestria to see what the world has to offer for him, and to see what he can do to entertain himself while he was there... oh god Equestria is in for one helluva time so stay tune~

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Chapter 5: Nightmares of demons

"Alastor it has come to our attention that you are the new face around Equestria and one that is not native as well," Princess Luna said looking down at him something she did not understand was how he always smiled "Well I guess you could say that my dear but am afraid that you are mistaken I am native to this place" Luna raised an eyebrow as she then spoke "So then why are you in Ponyvile" Alastor chuckled as he adjusted his monocle “May dear I simply just came to have a rest and enjoy the breathtaking sights,” he said grinding wider “Alastor we both know this is not what we see in you. What we see is a pony who is hiding something” Alastor chuckled “HA No. Tho I must say it is quite rude to make such accusations” Alastor said as the sound of faint static in the background “Tho my dear I can assure you if I wanted to hurt anypony… I would have done so already” Luna knew something was up but decades to let time be the one to tell what this pony was up to “Yes you are right we do apologize for this but we will be keeping a close eye on you,” Luna said as she slowly fades away from his dreams. Alastor grits his teeth a bit annoyed but knows it's only a matter of time before he can start raking havoc in Equestria “Well I you wish to play…” he says as he too wakes up and when he does he walks over to his window to look up at the moon.

And then looked down at his little part of Ponyvile “ T̶̨̛̞̙̘̹͙̖͊̊̃̈́̾̌́͜ḧ̵̨͙̫̰͚̪̞̭̏́́̇̿̏̾̚͝ͅe̴̤̠̅͂̄̂̓̉̓̚n̴̢̼̟̝̼̄͑͗̓̃ ̸̨͖͙͓͍̤͔͛̋̕͜ͅͅl̵̥̾ê̸̢̢͉̠̜̓̿t̸̘̭̔̂̂̈́̀͒̅͋̕͜͠ ̸̻̥͇͈͔̪̝̮̲̓̔͋̇̈́͐̓̇͒͜u̷̲̹̙̳̻̥̻̎̒ş̶̣͚̣̞̹̠̺͗̔́̔̄̈́̊͜͝͝ ̴̧̗̦͇̖̤̬̻̼̃̔̽͐̓͊̒̿͠p̷̢̦̱͔̙̮̂́͑̌͂l̴̡͔̭͖̈́͛̃̊̂́͘̚a̸̖̜̳̙̻̖̱̗̯̞̒̋̑̏̽́̔̋ý̵̨̮͈̙̹̖̯̈́̈͊ͅ ” Alastor says

His voice going into a deep static tone his shadow self appearing next to him before saying in a normal voice “May you have fun my friend” he sends his shadow to have ‘fun’ in Ponyvile Alastor then grins the static fading back into the faint sounds of crickets He sighs and walks back to his bed, letting his shower roam free his shadow then starts to explore the town looking around it see many things like ponies in there houses who were asleep ponies fucking each other and many other things and it then started to mess around with the fillies and colts moving things around and messing with things making them think that a ghost or something was haunting them and it crackled and laughed it went over to one colts room and saw he had a gaming system and it thought why not have some fun too and so it woke the colt up and ssshh him and calmed him down after he did, it then removed its hand off his mouth and then pointed at the gaming system the colt then looked over to it then back to it "O-oh you want to play?" Button said as it nodded its head and after that, they gave each other knowing looks and then they played Minehoof for about 2 hours and mined at night.

After it saw that its new gaming friend was tried, it picked the colt up placed it back in bed, and then tucked him in "Same time tomorrow?" it said before leaving, Button nodded slowly, it then left him alone and went back out and went back to Alastor but before going to Alastor it notices one home it did not freak anypony out it grinned a nasty grin as it then went into the room of Dimond Tiara who was sleeping with a sleep mask on it then looked around and decide to move a bunch of stuff around to see if she would notice it when it woke her up after it was done it then laughed loud enough to wake her when she woke up she then looked around her room all her stuff was on the ceiling including her trophies as she other shit she had "What the?" she said as she got out of bed only to fall down it was not her stuff that was on the ceiling it was her she then fell hit her head hard and then when she stood back on her hooves it then jumpscare her "DAAAAAAAAAADDDDYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" it then covered it nonexistent ears as it then heard buttlers and many MANY hoofsteps come to her room it then slaped her and got out of there as fast as it could after that it went back to Alastor tired but still it had fun none then less. (this was just one of many things it did over the night and you will soon find out what they are)

Alastor was waiting for it to return as it did Alastor looked at it and spoke "Ah your back, did you have fun, my friend?" he said his smile growing as he heard screams and gasps coming from outside "Good job old friend" it then looked out to see Rose's shop was totally swapped out with DIscord lamps instead of Flowers she then fainted at the sight "Welp you get some rest my old friend I take over now" he says as he then goes out for his normal walk humming a tune as he watched Ponies sad at there booths missing items and being swapped out tho he heard a loud shout as he walked by Rarity's place he heard crying and decided to investigate he knocks on the door and opens to see her shop was missing all the dresses she had made for this season, all her hard work gone Alastor chuckled upon seeing this "Why whatever is the matter my dear~" Alastor said looking at the mare having a mental break down on her couch "A-a-a-a-a-Alastor? Oh am so very sorry you have to see me like this it's just that my shop was robbed last night" Alastor knew that his shadow did have some fun he liked this entertainment "I can tell, tho my dear if you may have my humble opinion your fashion that was robbed was nothing compare to what you can make better then it was"

Rarity blinked "L-like recreate each clothing from scratch and make them better" Alastor nodded "Yes my dear trust me to try it and you might be able to complete it all in about... 7 hours" Rarity then got up and hugged Alastor "Thank you Alastor," she said before letting go and going to her sewing room to make her old line of cloths even better, Alastor then walked out not bothered at all but none the less he then continues his walk watching many ponies lose it over what happened to them or their shops/booths "Hey, you there," says a small voice behind him Alastor then turned around to see a small pink and purple mane he bends down "Yes may I help you on this very entertaining day?" she nods, "My daddy said you have a podcast right? Well, I wanted to ask if I can be in it and share my story on how I was attacked by a monster last night" Alastor thought about it and then looked back at the filly before him "mmhh very well you shall be my special guest later this afternoon" Alastor says as she then puts her hoof out "So its a deal then!" she said with a little smile, Alastor was caught off guard a bit for once somepony else was saying that "Y-yes it is my dear meet me at my home in about lets say 3 hours?" She nods and goes on her way.

Alastor then keeps on walking around seeing the chaos all around smiling threw it all he then sees two pegasuses flying in odd costumes black and orange with their manes like a mohock and having googles pulling some sort of colorful tubes, he chuckles at the sight "Ha I wouldn't be a surprise if there was a rainbow factory here" he laughs as he then goes on home enjoying every last bit of his walk he then goes on to a train buys some tickets and heading off to Griffin stone since he knew if any creature has meat around here it's them he gets there and goes to the shops looking at their meat they had to offer he saw many types but he then came upon on booth that was selling pony meat since he was a pony and a cannibal he just thought fuck it am gonna eat some pony meat today "How much for the meat my good man?" he says looking at the shop owner who was surprised to see a pony buy pony meat "8 bits?" Alastor then passed him the bits and he wrapped it up and gave it to him "Thank you my good man" he said leaving not noticing that almost all the griffins staring at him.

On his way back to the train even the pony selling the tickets gave him a strange look as he got the ticket back to Ponyvile and when he got on almost everypony on that train looked at him and his bag with pony meat in it, it started to leak blood on the floor Alastor just stood there as the all the ponies, fillies and colts as well watching him not knowing what he had that was leaking threw the bag, after some time he got off and went back on the path back to his home he has about 1 hour before his interview with that filly he talked to earlier this day, as he was making his way back home many no... about everypony was staring and a bit noisy about what Alastor was doing with a bag that was leaking blood some ponies try to peak in but fail due to Alastor making turns that cut them off from his path, he then makes it to his home and goes into his home and starts to eat his pony meat he brought Raw and enjoyed every last sweet juicy bite he took "Mmmh I should buy this more offten" he says whiping his mouth with a hancarchiff.

Right as he finishes eating he hears a knock at the door and he goes over to it to open it when he does Dimond Tiara walks in inviting herself into his home "Well hello there now that you are here let us get on with this follow me, and you'll see com'n my dear follow follow follow follow follow its the truth so try to swallow, let's see how you do for your first time" Alastor said as he goes upstairs to the podcasting room her following him upstairs as he then opens the door for her they both sit down at a table and before long they had a mic in front of them "Okay my dear, we are going live in 3...2..1." he says before pushing a button making the on-air sign outside light up and he starts up as normal "Hello there everypony my name is Alastor and welcome to another podcast by yours truly~" he says everypony now at the dinner waiting for him to be live again.

"Now I know last time I was on air things the next day got... interesting to say the least, but none the less allow me to introduce you to our special guest Dimiond Tiara who has come to bear a story with you all now to her," he says as he does Diamond Tiara then starts to explain what happened last night "I was last night when it happened I was asleep in my bed the next thing I knew I was hanging upside down the only way I found out was when I woke up from somepony laughing and when I fell I lookeded around and then I got jumped scared by this black colored pony who had sharp teeth and claws for hooves its looked like a shadow almost" When she finished Alastor took back the spotlight "mmmh I see, m guessing it was not Only you who had something happen to them last night since this morning as many of you know the town was a hot mess shop and booths stray bare, swapped items thank you My dear for sharing your story who hope you get over it... Anyway on another note today I went out to buy something to eat but you know. so I went to Griffin Stone and got some nice slices of meat, now I know how many of you are shocked and weirded out but I can assure you I am not hurting anypony Not yet at least but let me tell you about the things I saw while I was there as well"

Alastor went on to tell his story on what happened in Griffoin Stone what he saw etc, but when Diamond Tiara left she walked downstairs to stumble upon his room and went inside wondering what was in it, and what she found was something she knew was bad news for Ponyvile no all of Equestria as a whole she found a wh-

Am Afraid am going to have to stop you there my dear/good man but you will have to wait for time to tell for right now all you can do is stay tuned ~