• Published 1st Feb 2024
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Yugioh EQG: Cyberse Tournament - Banshee531

Years after the defeat of Zeronull and his evil, Duelling is still the world favourite past time. And now, Duellist new and old will come together in order to compete in an all new tournament. Who will win? Who will lose? Let's find out.

  • ...

Turn 16: Thundering Dragon's Wrath

The Cyberse Tournament's second round continues, with two of the semi-finalists having already been decided.

One of those semi-finalists, Smolder, had suddenly found herself in the frozen north and came across a large fort. Said fort had been the long since closed North Academy, where she had found someone waiting for her. A Legendary Duelist by the name of Chazz Princeton, also known as Thunder Chazz.

The former Pro-Duelist had badmouthed her skills and in doing so, made Smolder realise what was happening.

"So if I want to get to the next round of the tournament, I have to beat you in a Duel?"

Chazz smirked, "if you can. If not, your little trip ends here." Smolder frowns. "Makes sense. This tournament is to prove who's the best of the best. If you can't beat a Digital copy of a world famous Duelist, what hope do you have against actual Duelists?" Smolder frowned. "Hey, if you're scared, feel free to walk away."

"I'm not scared!" Smolder told him. "Let's do this!" As she said that, a wall of cards appeared in front of her.

She quickly started selecting her deck, knowing she was gonna need the best cards she had in her possession. As she made her deck, she thought about what she knew of Chazz. 'He was well known for using a lot of different decks. Mostly, he used the Armed Dragons and Union Monsters. But no matter what deck he used, he always had the same cards in them. Ojamas.'

She suddenly remembered those strange creatures that had attacked her before. Could they have been the Ojamas?

In the elimination room, the Duelists that had lost their Duels were watching this play out with interest.

"Another Duel between rounds?" Silverstream asked, as she watched her friend struggle to build a deck she could use to beat this guy. "Why are we seeing another one of these?"

"Twilight's obviously trying to show off everything the Cyberse has available," Sunset pointed out. "We already saw The Paradox Brothers before. Now they're showing off what other Legendary Duelists people can Duel against when the thing goes live."

"Paradox Brothers?" Fluttershy asked.

"Someone Duelled them?" Gallus asked, the others nodding.

"Flash and Spike had to Tag-Duel against them," Ocellus explained. "Whilst you were in your Battle Royale, they had a Labyrinth Duel and beat them." Gallus was curious about this Labyrinth Duel, but decided to wait and check it out later.

He turned back to the screen, as Smolder finished building her deck.

Both Duelists had a Duel Disk appear on their arms, Chazz's being a black version of a modern Duel Disk.

"Get ready!" Chazz cried, as a blue energy blade appeared. "Because the Chazz is about to show you what it takes, to become a Duelist worthy of graduating from two of the best Dueling Schools that ever existed. When this is over, you'll never forget who beat you." Smolder frowned at him, as Aria spoke up to those watching this Duel.

Aria: "Smolder against Thunder Chazz. This can only be an interesting Duel. Will she be able to win, or have modern day Duelists really become too soft for victory? There's only one way to find out."


Chazz: 4000
Smolder: 4000

As soon as the Duel started, a sound filled the air. It sounded like multiple voices, all yelling the same thing together. "Chazz it up! Chazz it up! CHAZZ IT UP!" They grew louder and louder, as Smolder covered her ears.

"Ahhh! What is that?"

"My battle cry!" Chazz laughed. "Something all my fans yell, when they know I'm gonna crush someone." He reached for his deck. "The Chazz will go first!" He drew his card and smiled before playing it. "And I'll start things off with my Graceful Charity Spell Card." He quickly drew three cards. "This lets me draw three cards, so long as I ditch two. So I'll ditch my Level Up and Ojamagic Spell Cards." He threw the cards into the air and they exploded, only for his deck to then slot out three cards.

Aria: "Nice move. When Ojamagic is sent to the graveyard, Chazz can add three Ojama monsters to his hand."

"Ojama monsters?" Smolder looked insulted. She knew Chazz used them, but he actually planned to fight her with them? "You plan on beating me with a bunch of walking buggers?" She started laughing, with Chazz just smirking back at her.

"Yeah, sure. Make fun. I spent my entire career, getting laughed at for using those monsters. And you know what all the losers that laughed had in common?" He pointed at her, "they all ended up on their knees with tears in their eyes."

"Well that ain't gonna be me," Smolder told him.

"We'll see about that!" Chazz quickly played another card. "I activate, Offering to the Dragons." The Spell Card appeared, along with three funny looking monsters. A yellow, black and green creature that looked super weak and wearing undies. "With this, I can summon any Dragon-type monster from my deck. The only downside is, I have to ditch monsters from my hand, with zero ATK points and have Levels that count up to at least twice that dragon's Level."

"Hmm," Smolder frowned. "Those things are all Level Two. So three of them means he can summon a Level Three Dragon."

"That's right!" Chazz's deck slotted out a card and she slapped it down on the Duel Disk. "Come forth, Masked Dragon!" From out of the Spell, a large red and white dragon flew out of it. As it did, it grabbed the Ojama Monsters and started eating them. (A1400/D1100/L3) "The Chazz will place a card face down and end his turn."

Aria: "Looks like a strong start for Mr Princeton. Will Smolder be able to do just as well?"

"Let's do this!" Smolder drew her card and added it to her hand, looking over the possible plays she could do. "Alright. I'll summon Flame Dragon Brawler, in ATK mode!" A burst of fire exploded out of the ground and from it, the fire themed street fighter appeared. (A1600/D1400/L4) "And when he's Normal Summoned, he can burn away five hundred of a monster's ATK points."

Chazz frowned, as Flame Dragon Brawler punched the air. Doing so sent out blasts of fire, which struck Masked Dragon and made it roar. (A900/D1100/L3)

"Now, Flame Dragon Brawler. Send that dragon back to the masquerade ball!" The warrior shot forward and with a single punch, made Masked Dragon explode and sent flames to strike Chazz.

Chazz: 3300
Smolder: 4000

But instead of looking upset, Chazz began to laugh. "Thanks for that." Smolder looked confused. "You think you took the lead? Nope. You took the bait." A light exploded in front of him.

"Uh oh." She watched, as a figure began to form from out of the light.

"When Masked Dragon is destroyed by battle, its skill lets me summon a Dragon from my deck that has fifteen hundred ATK or less. So let's welcome to the field, the Armed Dragon Thunder, LV Three." The light faded and a small orange dragon appeared, its body unleashing blasts of lightning as it roared. It was also covered in spikes, on its fists and parts of its stomach. (A1200/D900/L3)

Aria: "Smolder thought she had Chazz on the run, but he was leading her into a trap the whole time. That can't be good."

Smolder frowned and quickly placed two cards face down. "I end my turn." She knew what was coming next. Level Monster could be difficult to use, but doing so correctly could help Chazz create an extremely powerful beast.

"My turn!" Chazz drew his card and quickly discarded it. "Now, I activate the effect of my Armed Thunder Dragon Level Three." The dragon roared, as it was suddenly surrounded by bolts of lightning. "By ditching a monster in my hand, I can power my dragon up. So say hello, to Armed Dragon Thunder, Level Five!"

Smolder watched, as the lightning cocoon exploded to reveal a larger red and black version of the dragon. The spikes on its body were larger and as it stared down at Smolder, lightning surged around it. (A2400/D1700/L5)

Chazz reached for his deck. "There's more. You see, the monster I ditched was another Armed Dragon Thunder Level Three. And whenever it's discarded to activate a monster's ability, I get to draw a card." He did so and nodded before discarding another card. "Now, I'll activate the effect of Level Five!" The dragon was suddenly surrounded by another sphere of lightning.

"Don't tell me!" Smolder cried, as the sphere grew larger.

"That's right. I can ditch another monster and tribute him, in order to summon a Level Seven Armed Dragon Monster. And I summon, Armed Dragon Level Seven!" The lightning exploded off of it and revealed an even larger version of the spike covered dragon, which roared as it stared down at Smolder. (A2800/D1000/L7)

"Oh geez," Smolder gulped.

As this was going on, Spike was making his own way through a long tunnel.

After beating Fluttershy, he had followed the light to escape the zombie apocalypse. And as he made his way down the tunnel, he spotted a light straight ahead of him. "Finally. I hope the next place isn't as creepy as the last field.

He stepped through the light and after a few minutes of being blind, he opened his eyes and looked around. "Oh, seriously!?" He was back in the abandoned city, the night being just as dark as it had been in the last field. "Come on! Another city. Couldn't you have come up with another place to Duel in?" He walked down the street, praying he didn't run into another bunch of undead monsters.

Back in the wind tunnel, Flash and Fizzlepop's Duel continues.

Fizzlepop reached for her deck and drew her card, the singular card making her nod as she played it. "I activate my Graceful Charity Spell Card!" She quickly drew three cards before discarding two of them, only to then play the third. "Then, I play Spell Recovery. Which lets me banish the top card of my deck, then add any Spell Card in my Grave back to my hand."

"Great." Flash frowned, as the top card of Fizzlepop's deck disintegrated. "Let me guess. Storm Guard Reload."

"Can't be unpredictable all the time." Fizzlepop added the card and quickly played it. "That's right. Storm Guard Reload. And thanks to my Graceful Charity, I got my Level six Storm Guard Liberator, Flail in there to banish." The monster appeared out of a portal before exploding, Fizzlepop drawing her six cards as Flash's Deck Master howled.

"Since a monster was just banished, Magna Wolf can grant a monster on my field an extra three hundred ATK points." Attriborn glowed, his power increasing. (A1800/D1000/L3/P8) But as the monster's power rose, the portal of light opened above Fizzlepop's head.

"I PENDULUM SUMMON!" The portal opened and four lights shot out of it, hitting the ground and exploding to reveal Fizzlepop's monsters. "Storm Guard Liberators, Flail, Sword and Chain Claw, along with Tempest Rogue Liberator, Scarvolt!" (A2500/D2000/L7/P5) (A1900/D1200/L4/P5) (A1500/D1200/L4) (A300/D1700/L3)

Flash stared down the four monsters and knew this was only the start. "I'm in trouble."

"Too right about that," Fizzlepop smiled as Scarvolt sent a bolt of lightning into the air. "Now I can summon a Liberator monster whose ATK is less than your Flash Heart Dragon's!" The lightning flew down and struck the ground, exploding to reveal Fizzlepop's monster. "Storm Guard Liberator, Cleaver!" (A2600/D1900/L7)

Sonata: "Fizzlepop has summoned an army of powerful monsters. Will this be enough for her to defeat Flash, can he find a way to overcome the attack!?"

Flash frowned as he stared at the monsters, whilst Fizzlepop held up a card. "And now, it's time to Scarvolt's full power to be revealed."

"Full power?" Flash asked, as she raised the card high.

"Her storming radiance, will illuminate the darkness within your heart!" A lightning bolt shot off of her into the sky, creating storm clouds that unleashed another thunderbolt that struck Scarvolt. "TRANSCEND!"

"GYAH!" Flash was blinded by the glow, as an explosion of light filled the entire cavern.

When the light faded, it revealed Scarvolt's new form. A golden armored individual, with a golden cloak and gauntlets around her arms that held lightning bolt shaped blades. Purple lightning sparked around her, as she stood tall. "Liberator of Bonds! Tempest Renegade, Scarvolt Miraculum!" (A3000/D2500/L8)

Sonata: "Amazing! Fizzlepop has summoned what could be her most powerful monster. How will this affect the rest of the battle?"

"Miraculum's skill!" She took two cards from her hand and discarded them, as Miraculum's blades sparked. "Since I just discarded two cards, two of your Spell and Traps will now be destroyed!" Scarvolt swung her blades around, with one hitting Magna Boar and the other hitting one of Flash's face downs.

With Magna Boar destroyed, Flash's Pendulum monsters quickly lost their added power. (A2500/D2000/L7/P5) (A1500/D1200/L4/P5) (A1300/D1000/L3/P8) "Not good."

"Very not good," Fizzlepop smiled before pointing at Attriborn. "Liberator of Bonds! Attack his Magna Caster and end this Duel!" Scarvolt Miraculum rushed forward, lightning sparking around her body as she charged at the unsuspecting wizard.

"Galaxy Storm!" Flash cried out, as his Fusion Monster appeared from out of the portal again. He expected Fizzlepop to use her Deck Master's Ability, but she didn't. As such, Galaxy Storm Dragon was banished after it unleashed a bolt of lightning.

Said lightning struck Scarvolt and caused her to stop before leaping backwards. She crossed her arms as she landed, entering DEF mode. As she did, Magna Wolf let out a howl.

"My Deck Master's Ability now lets me increase Attriborn's ATK." (A1600/D1000/L3/P8)

"You might have stopped that attack," Fizzlepop announced. "But I have others. Cleaver, attack Volt Edge Dragon!" The Storm Guard rushed forward and raised its blade, as Volt Edge Dragon looked scared. "Don't think I don't know about Volt Edge's ability. When he's attacked, he loses three hundred ATK points. (A1200/D1200/L4/P5)

That's not good," Sandbar gulped.

"I think Flash might have met his match," Sweetie pointed out. But Sunset and Trixie knew differently. Flash had been through a lot. And he didn't overcome so many obstacles by being that easy to defeat. And sure enough, Flash had an ace up his sleeve.

"I activate my Trap!" Flash cried, as his card flipped up. "Go, Shift!" The Trap activated and Flash Heart Alpha prepared to switch places.

"Nice!" Gallus cheered, the then noticed Fizzlepop smile.

"I don't think so!" She discarded her card and Tempest Unicorn's horn sparked. "My Deck Master will stop that from happening." The horse fired the blast of lightning and struck Flash's Trap, destroying it.

Volt Edge continued to remain Cleaver's target, the Duel appearing to be about to end. But at the last moment, Volt Edge Dragon vanished and Flash Heart appeared in its place. And with a single swipe, the monster was destroyed.

Flash: 1250
Fizzlepop: 2400

"What?" Fizzlepop asked, only for a light to make her look around and see Shift was still on the field. "But I destroyed that card!"

"You did!" Flash nodded. "But remember that other card you destroyed, with Scarvolt's ability?" Flash held up the card in question. "Trap Renew. Normally, it lets me reset a Trap whenever that card's finished. But if it's in the graveyard, I can banish it and activate a Trap in my graveyard. So I activated Shift again."

Sonata: "Wow! Flash was able to save himself some serious damage. But the battle's not over yet!"

"Storm Guard Sword!" The ape rushed forward and slashed at Volt Edge, destroying it and making Flash flinch.

Flash: 850
Fizzlepop: 2400

"Glaive!" The other creature rushed forward and slashed its sword through Attriborn, destroying it as well.

Flash: 550
Fizzlepop: 2400

"Chain Claw!" With no monsters on the field, Flash was defenceless as the final Storm Guard rushed forward and swung its claw ended chain towards him.

"GYAH!" Flash staggered back and almost fell over the edge of the cliff, his Life Points dropping to almost nothing.

Flash: 250
Fizzlepop: 2400

Fizzlepop frowned, as she called an end to her turn. She watched, as Flash staggered forward again. "I have to admit, you certainly are a lucky Duelist. Imagine if I'd chosen to destroy Shift with Miraculum's ability instead of your Trap Renew."

"I'd probably be turning into digital dust right now," Flash smirked. "But Dueling's always had an element of chance to it. And yeah, I was lucky you picked the Trap I could use in the graveyard. But you gotta be good to use your luck."

"True," Fizzlepop nodded. "But I doubt you'll survive another turn like that. So you're gonna need to pull something good out of your hat, if you wanna beat me this turn." Flash nodded and reached for his deck,

In the energy city, Yona and Scootaloo's speed Duel continued.

The pair continued to race along the energy highway, their monsters running besides them as they shot along. At the moment, Yona had her ace Berserking Wild Smasher on the field. But Scootaloo's Hyper Hammerhead was acting as a shield, preventing her from attacking.

Adagio: "Should a monster attack Hyper Hammerhead, it'll be returned to the hand. But if Yona attacks with her Xyz Monster, it'll be sent back to her Extra Deck. And that'll make summoning it again a whole lot harder. Will Yona be able to find a way around Scootaloo's monster?"

"Yona's turn," she drew her card and quickly played it. "Yona play Graceful Charity." She quickly drew three cards, then discarded two. before summoning a card from her hand. "Yona summon Berserking Archer, ATK mode!" The bow and arrow wielding barbarian, appeared on the field quickly notched its weapons. (A1400/1300/L4) "Now Yona use Wild Smasher's power!" The last Overlay Unit, flew into the glove before the number started spinning.

"Come on," Scootaloo begged for her look to be better this time. And then, the number began to slow to an eventual stop. And when it did, it showed the number two.

Yona gasped, as the glove unleashed a bolt of lightning that struck her in the chest. "Augh!"

Yona: 1700
Scootaloo: 2000

Adagio: "Oh! Yona's monster backfired on her. That's what happens when you rely on luck cards. Sometimes, your luck runs out."

The energy shock caused Yona to lose her balance, her board almost flying out from under her. As she worked to regain her balance, she played the card she had drawn. "Dian Keto, Cure Master!" A woman appeared and held up an orb of light, which rained down on Yona and restored her Life Points.

Yona: 2700
Scootaloo: 2000

As soon as the light was absorbed into her, Yona managed to regain her balance. At the same time, Berserking Archer pulled on its bow. "Now, Archer destroy Hyper Hammerhead."

Adagio. "Smart move. Yona's clearly wanting to use her Archer as the cannon fodder, so Wild Smasher can go in for the kill against Scootaloo directly."

Archer fired, the arrow shooting towards Scootaloo's monster. But before it could, Scootaloo's face down flipped over. "Go, Waboku!" A trio of women in robes appeared and began chanting, as a barrier appeared around Hyper Hammerhead and blocked the arrow. "This Trap protects my monster from destruction for this turn, whilst also protecting my Life Points."

Yona frowned, as Berserking Archer returned to her hand. "Yona play Trap in Grave. Berserking Invasion! When Berserking Monster leave field by card effect, Yona banish Trap and summon Berserking from hand." In a flash of light, Archer reappeared.

Adagio: "Interesting. Did Yona send that card to her grave with Graceful Charity?"

"Yona end her turn."

"Alright," Scootaloo's Deck Master Ability once again activated and five cards flew off the top. Scootaloo looked through them and picked one, the others returning to her deck as she quickly summoned the card in her hand. "I summon Dino Knight, Tyrano Lancer!" The T-rex themed knight appeared. (A1500/D1200/L4/P5) "And I'll power him up with Reckless Rush!" (A2200/D1200/L4/P5) "Attack!"

Yona could only watch, as the Pendulum Monster charged forward and speared its lance right into Archer's chest. The barbarian roared, as he was knocked backwards and exploded. Yona flinched, but managed to stay on her board as she lost her life points.

Yona: 1900
Scootaloo: 2000

"I'll end my turn there!" Tyrano Lancer's ATK power returned to normal. (A1500/D1200/L4/P5)

"Yona draw!" She did so and smiled and quickly played her another card. "Yona summon Berserking Shield-Maiden, DEF!" The female barbarian appeared, carrying a large shield. (A800/D2000/L4)

Adagio: "Yona appears to be playing things defensively. Does Scootaloo have her running scared?"

The girl soon proved Adagio wrong, as she played another card. "Now, Yona play Rank-Up-Magic, Berserking Force!" Scootaloo frowned, as Wild Smasher glowed before being pulled into the air. "Now, Yona rebuild Overlay Network!" The black hole formed and her monster flew into it. "Smash apart and rebuild stronger. That Berserking way. Now Yona smashes this monster, to make a more powerful beast!" The black hole exploded. "RANK-UP XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded away, revealing the more powerful and insane looking Wild Smasher. "Rampage Smasher!" (A2700/D2200/R5) "Despair Axe's effect now starts. Yona sacrifice Shield-Maiden and add card to top of deck." The card reappeared and slotted onto her deck. "Yona put one card face down and use Rampage Smasher's skill!"

Scootaloo watched, as the Overlay Unit flew into the monster's metal glove. The circle in it then lit up, revealing the numbers. "What does it do?"

The beefy girl smirked. "Yona rolls numbers one through six. Depending on roll, ability different." The numbers began to change and Yona quickly called out of it to stop, the number slowing until it landed on a one. "Yes! Rampage Smasher, destroy Hyper Hammerhead!"

"No!" Scootaloo cried, as the Xyz monster punched the air and sent a blast of air out. This air struck Scootaloo's monster and destroyed it, leaving Dino Knight alone.

"Rampage Smasher also gain three hundred ATK points." The monster roared, beating its chest as its power rose. (A3000/D2200/R5) "Attack, Dino Knight!" The warrior charged forward, giant metal fist raised.

Tyrano Lancer raised his weapon in defence, whilst Scootaloo glared at Yona. "Trap Card, Open!" The face down flipped up, "Life Force!" Rampage Smasher slammed his fist into Tyrano Lancer and destroyed him, but the damage Scootaloo took was much less than it should have been.

Yona: 1900
Scootaloo: 1600

Adagio: "Yikes. That was a close one for Scootaloo. If she hadn't stopped that attack, she'd be down to only five hundred Life Points. Thanks to Life Force, she can pay four hundred Life Points to cancel any Battle Damage she would normally take."

"Yona end turn." Rampage Smasher's ATK returned to its normal state. (A2700/D2200/R5). Yona then watched, as Scootaloo regained her balance after the attack. "You give up yet?"

"Not a chance!" Scootaloo told her. "I'm not out of this Duel yet."

Spike continued to make his way through the deserted city.

As he did, he noticed a few differences between this city and the last one. Unlike the last field, this city didn't appear to be abandoned. There were no cars parked in the middle of the road, or trash cans scattered around the place. Windows weren't broken and plant life wasn't growing out of control. No. This city wasn't abandoned. It was just...empty.

"But why?" He asked, as he looked around. Could it be that the city wasn't abandoned, just empty due to the time of day.

As he walked past a trash can, he noticed a paper and took it out. Looking it over, he saw the headline and was surprised to see what it said. 'Yugi Moto, Battle City Tournament Champion.'

"Battle City?" Spike knew of that tournament. It was the first major Duel Tournament to use the now standard Dueling Rules. The Tournament that all other tournaments aspired to be. "I'm in Battle City?" But based on the headline, the tournament was already over. So why was he here?

At North Academy, Smolder stared up at the mighty Armed Dragon Level Seven. The giant beast roared, which shook the battlefield.

"Now!" Chazz cried, "Armed Dragon. Destroy her Flame Dragon Brawler!" The dragon raised its spike covered fist. "Talon Terror!" It threw its fist towards Smolder's monster, the girl quickly activating her face down.

"Go, Ego Boost!" The Spell activated and Flame Dragon Brawler roared. (A2600/D1400/L4) Moments later, the fist smashed into the warrior and destroyed him. "Augh!"

Chazz: 3300
Smolder: 3800

Chazz smirked. "You might have saved yourself some damage, but you couldn't save your monster. And now, you're completely defenceless."

"Hardly," Smolder told him. "So what if you've got a big monster? I'll still find a way to crush it."

Chazz smirked, "we'll see about that. I end my turn."

Aria: "Smolder's in serious trouble now. Her opponent has an extra powerful monster on the field and unless she can pull something just as strong out of her hat, she might not get to see the semi-finals."

"It's my turn," Smolder reached for her deck. "I draw." She saw what she got and smiled. "Jackpot. I summon Sea Dragon Brawler!" A blast of water appeared out of the ground and from it, the water themed dragon fighter appeared. (A1200/D1100/L3) "And whenever he's Normal Summoned, I can change all your ATK Position monster to DEF Mode."

Chazz watched, as the warrior slammed his fist into the ground and created a wall of water. That wall then flew forward and crashed into Armed Dragon, forcing it into DEF mode.

"Your monster might have high ATK power, but its DEF power is pathetic. Now go, Sea Dragon Brawler! Destroy Armed Dragon, Level Seven!" The man rushed forward before leaping into the air, surrounding his fist in water that he smashed into the dragon's face.

The Level Monster exploded, pushing Chazz back but not dealing any damage to it.

Chazz then smirked and activated his face down. "Go, Ojama Leap. This Trap activates whenever a monster on my field is destroyed. "Now, I can summon any number of Ojama Monsters from my Graveyard. Just so long as their combined Levels are Lower then the Level of the monster you destroyed."

Smolder frowned, as three flashes of light appeared. From out of them, the creepy undies monsters appeared looking as stupid as ever. (A0/D1000/L2)X3

Smolder looked through her hand, but had nothing else to use at the moment. "I end my turn."

"Here I go then," Chazz drew another card and quickly played it. "And I'm using Magical Mallet." He took out three cards from his hand. "This lets me shuffle any cards I don't want back into my deck, then draw the same number out of it again." He slotted the cards and his deck quickly shuffled, Chazz drawing three new cards.

Aria: "Will those three cards help him overcome the power difference between his monsters and Smolder's? Or will he simply get rid of them again to summon something stronger."

"Try this on for size!" Chazz played a card Smolder knew quite well. "It's my Polymerization card!"

"Not good," Smolder gasped.

"Oh, it's good. For me that is. Because now, I get to fuse my three Ojama Monsters together." The three limbered up before crouching down.

"One," Yellow stated.

"Two," Black announced.

"Three!" Green proclaimed.

"WEEEEE!" They all yelled, as they leapt into the air. As soon as they smashed into one another, a light exploded out of them and a new monster appeared.

"Say hello!" Chazz cried, as the light faded away. "To the almighty Ojama King!" A giant monster appeared, looking like a white egg with a giant mouth, huge nose and snail eyes. He wore a green cape on his back and a giant pair of underpants. (A0/D3000/L6) The monster slammed down onto the ground and caused it to shake, Smolder almost falling over.

"So he's big," Smolder frowned. "Doesn't matter. I'll find a way to take him out."

"You'll have a harder time of that, when his ability kicks in!" Ojama King opened his mouth and a trio of blobs shot out, the three flying over and landing on the ground in front of Smolder.

"Hey!" She watched, as the blobs changed colour and took shape. Soon enough, the Ojama Brothers were on her side of the field. "What are you twerps doing here?" She looked down at her Duel Disk and saw that three of her Monster Zones were X'd out.

"So long as I have Ojama King on my field, you can't use any of those three Zones for anything."


Aria: "Smolder will have a hard time protecting herself, if she can only use two Monster Zones."

"I'm not done yet," Chazz held up another card. "I activate the Spell, Ojamassimilation!" As the Spell appeared, Chazz's Extra Deck Opened up. "With this, I can reveal a Light attributed Fusion Machine Monster." He took out the card and revealed it to be XYZ Dragon Cannon. "Now I can banish any Ojama Monster I have and summon a Fusion Material of Dragon Cannon for each one."

Smolder watched, shocked when she saw the three Ojama Brothers appear again. But this time, they disintegrated and three lights replaced them.

From those lights, three mechanical monsters appeared. "Say hello to my three mega machines." The first looked like a robotic human, but only from the waist up, with a pair of machine barrels sticking out of its shoulders. "X-Head Cannon!" (A1800/D1500/L4) The second was a red robotic dragon. "Y-Dragon Head!" (A1500/D1600/L4) The last was a yellow machine, with tank tread on its sides that resembled feet. "And Z-Metal Tank!" (A1500/D1300/L4)

"No way," Smolder couldn't believe he was able to summon three super strong monsters. And by using those three weaklings.

"I'm not done!" Chazz announced.

"Seriously?" Sandbar cried. "Is this guy's turn gonna end sometime this century?"

"He's really making Smolder work for her win," Wallflower stated. "And if he's gonna do what I think he's gonna do, Smolder's gonna be in even bigger trouble then we thought." Everyone frowned, as Chazz stated he was using the other effect of his Ojamassimilation.

"By banishing this card, I can take three banished Ojama monsters and shuffle them back into my Deck." He did so, the deck shuffling. "Then, I get to draw one new card."

"Great." Now Smolder would need to deal with whatever little tricks those creeps still had, making her grow worried as the three machines began to power up. "Oh man. Don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing."

"That depends," Chazz told her. "Are you thinking I'm gonna combine my monsters together?" Smolder gasped, as the three monsters flew up and began to combine. Y-Dragon Head landed on top of Z-Metal Tank, as its wings began to fold into its body. Then, X-Head Cannon connected to the top of its body and the three were merge. "Say hello, to XYZ Dragon Cannon!" (A2800/D2600/L8)

Smolder gasped at the sight of the monster, which floated down whilst staring Sea Dragon Brawler down. "I'm in trouble."

In the wind tunnel Duel Field, Flash stared up at Scarvolt's evolved form whilst reaching for his deck.

'This is it. If I don't draw a game changer here and now, I won't survive another turn. Come on, deck. Give me something I can use. Anything.' Taking a deep breath, Flash drew what could be his last card of the Duel.

Tempest waited to see what his card was and as soon as Flash saw what it was, he smiled and placed the card on his Duel Disk. "Come forth, Magna Caster Lunara!" The pillar appeared and the Magna Caster flew up into it, as the portal began to form above Flash's head. "With this new Pendulum Scale, I can summon monsters Level two through seven!"

"Great," Fizzlepop frowned. The portal began to form and as it did, she tried to figure out what Flash was likely gonna do. "He'll use Flash Heart's skill on Chain Claw. That shouldn't give him a monster he can summon."

"Cut through space time! Carve the arc of victory!" The portal began to open. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" A pair of lights flew out of the portal and struck the ground, exploding to reveal his monsters.

"Sparks up, Volt Edge Dragon!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P5)

"Shine your light of victory again, Flash Heart Dragon...ALPHA!" (A2500/D2000/L7/P5) "Flash Heart Alpha's skill!" Chain Claw was sucked into a portal and Flash reached for his deck. "I draw!" He did so and when he saw what he had, he smirked. "Perfect." Fizzlepop raised an eyebrow. "I summon Vail Pixie, Alpha!" In a flash of light, the white and silver fairy appeared with a giggle. (A1000/D1000/L3/P12) "And since your monster was banished, Magna Wolf gives Volt Edge three hundred ATK points. (A1800/D1200/L4/P5)

Sonata: "Wow! Flash is really going all out. He was able to get his best monsters back on the field. And he gained a Tuner Monster. That can only mean one thing."

"I tune Level three Vail Pixie Alpha with Level seven Flash Heart Dragon Alpha!" The fairy morphed into the trio of lights, which began to carve the rings around Flash Heart. "Embrace your infinite destinies and stride towards a future of limitless possibilities!" The two monsters disappeared in an explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light shot down and struck the ground behind Flash, then faded to reveal Flash's hyper-evolved Synchro dragon. It let out a mighty roar that caused the whole area to shake, as blue lightning began to spark all around its body. "Flash Dragon...MAGNA STRIDER!" (A3300/D2500/L10/P10)

Fizzlepop gulped, as Flash pointed at Storm Guard Liberator, Sword. "Magna Strider! Attack Storm Guard, Sword!" The robotic dragon's mouth sparked with lightning with a mighty roar, it unleashed a brilliant blast straight towards the monster.

That blast slammed into Storm Guard Sword and destroyed it, Tempest screaming as she was sent staggering back.

Flash: 250
Fizzlepop: 600

But before she could fall over the edge, she pulled herself forward and called out. "You've activated the effect of Storm Guard Resurgence!" The Spell activated and a card slotted out of her Duel Disk, whilst Flash pointed towards his Synchro Monster.

"Magna Strider's Skill!" He reached for his Duel Disk. "I now banish two Pendulum Monsters from the Extra Deck!" Magna Boar and Attriborn, both appeared on either side of the dragon and patted its leg before they were sucked into a pair of portals, while Magna Strider's eyes glowed. "Now he can attack once again."

"I don't think so," Fizzlepop smiled. She then discarded the card she had just gotten back. "With Tempest Unicorn's Deck Master Ability, I can negate your card's effect and destroy it." Flash's eyes went wide as the pony unleashed a blast of lightning, which flew towards Magna Strider and slammed it in the chest.

He watched in horror, as his Synchro Monster was destroyed. "NO!"

Sonata: "Amazing. Flash was about to end this duel, but Fizzlepop was able to stop him right there."

"Sorry Flash," Fizzlepop smiled. "But that's just the way the cookie crumbles." But as she said that, she noticed Flash's expression turn from shock, to a smirk. "What?"

"Don't be sorry," Flash told her. "That's exactly what I expected you to do."


"You might have stopped Strider's ability from kicking in, but I was still allowed to banish two monsters." Her eyes went wide, as Magna Wolf howled. "And now, I can power my Volt Edge Dragon up by six hundred points." Volt Edge glowed, his power surging. (A2400/D1200/L4/P5) "Now, Volt Edge Dragon! Attack and destroy Storm Guard Liberator, Glaive!"

Fizzlepop watched the dragon leap into the air, as lightning surged around his body. "And since he's attacking a monster..."

"His attack power goes up!" Flash cheered, as his monster dived down and flew towards Fizzlepop's monster. All the while his power grew. (A3000/D1200/L4/P5)

Fizzlepop could do nothing but watch, as Flash's monster fell towards hers and slammed into it. A massive explosion filled the battlefield, which swept away the rest of the cards on Fizzlepop's field. She let out a scream, as she was knocked flying backwards and her Life Points dropped to nothing.

Flash: 250 (Winner)
Fizzlepop: 0

Sonata: "There you have it, folks. Flash has defeated Fizzlepop and will be moving on to the next round. Fizzlepop didn't make it easy for him. But in the end, Flash was able to show why he's become such a legend in the Dueling world."

As the monsters disappeared, Flash stepped over to where Fizzlepop was laying. "You okay?" He knelt down and held out a hand, Fizzlepop taking it and letting him lift her to her feet.

"I'm fine," she assured him. "That was some hit. Impressive move." Flash shrugged at this, as Fizzlepop sighed. "I guess I'm not better than him after all."

"Are you kidding?" Flash asked. "You were able to hold up against me. I barely managed to win that. And like you said, part of me winning came down to luck. If my luck had been a little worse, you would have creamed me. He wouldn't have stood a chance if he was the one Dueling." He held up a fist. "You've outclassed him in every way possible."

Fizzlepop smiled at this and held her own fist up. "Thank you." The two fist bumped and as they did, Fizzlepop's legs began to digitise. "Well, this is it for me. But you better not lose from now on."

Flash shrugged. "Can't promise that. The Duelists in this tournament are pretty good. Anyone else that's gotten this far is clearly just as good as me. I'm probably gonna have my work cut out of me in the next round." Fizzlepop nodded, as she finished disappearing and Flash was left alone.

He sighed, as he looked around the wind tunnel. That Duel had certainly been a difficult one, but he had managed to find a way to pull through. Now, he was one step closer to the finals.

Suddenly, a bright flash of light filled the air. Flash turned to it and saw the way out of the battlefield. "Alright," Flash smiled, "let's see who's waiting for me on the other side." He stepped forward. "Whoever it is, they better be ready. Cause I'm not gonna hold anything back." With that, he stepped through the light and disappeared, the light vanishing along with him.

Back with Scootaloo and Yona, the girls continued to race as they Dueled.

"It's my turn!" Scootaloo cried, as Rush Raptor roared and five cards flew off the top of her deck. She quickly grabbed one and instantly played it. "I play, Fossil Reload!" A portal opened and from out of it, Sliceratops flew out. "With this, I can banish a Dinosaur from my Graveyard and draw cards equal to its Level."

Adagio: "With Sliceratops a Level five, Scootaloo can draw five cards."

She did so and when she saw what she had, she smiled. "I summon Dino Knight, Stego Mace!" In a flash of light, the mace wielding Dino Knight appeared. (A1600/D800/L4/P8) "Next, I activate my Last Ditch Effort Spell Card." A portal opened up. "With this, I can revive my Wild Rush Raptor back to the field." Said monster flew out of the portal, roaring as it appeared. "But that's not all!" She took the card she'd just drawn, "I activate Rank-Up-Magic, Jurassic Force!"

Adagio: "Wow! Now Scootaloo is bringing in the big guns."

"With this card, I can Rank up any Dinosaur-Type Xyz monster on my field. So I'll be Ranking up my Wild Rush Raptor." Wild Rush transformed into a stream of light, which flew up and into a black hole as it opened. "Let the Primal instincts take over, and help you achieve power long since forgotten by history!" she chanted as the black hole exploded. "RANK-UP XYZ EVOLUTION!"

The light faded, revealing Scootaloo's new monster. It's entire body was now more dragonic, being a combo of red and white with black stripes. It stood on four legs and had a quartet of metal bladed wings. It had a large metal horn on its snout and white fur running down the back of its long neck. On the end of its long tail, was a golden spearhead like weapon. "Jurassic Raging Raptor!" (A2600/D2400/R4/P6)

Yona frowned, as the strange looking Dinosaur Monster flew down and landed behind Scootaloo. "Monster strong, but not as strong as Rampage Smasher."

"Maybe not yet," Scootaloo smiled. "But since he was just Special Summon, I can activate Jurassic Raging Raptor's ability." Three cards flew off the top of her deck, Scootaloo looking them over and smiling. "Two of these cards are Level four Dinosaur Monsters. That means, I can add them to my monster as Overlay Units." The cards transformed into lights, which flew up and swirled around Jurassic Raging Raptor.

"That's not good," Gallus gulped.

"Really not good," Ocellus agreed. "Jurassic Raging Raptor can remove its Overlay Units, in order to power another monster down. The more Overlay Units removed, the weaker she can make her opponent." As she said that, a bright flash of light appeared and Fizzlepop staggered out of it.

"What?" Fizzlepop looked around and saw where she was. "Wasn't I...just with Flash?"

"Yup," Sunset nodded. "Nice Duel, by the way. You almost had Flash. Anyway, come on. Yona, Scootaloo and Smolder are still Dueling." Fizzlepop looked at them in intrigue, as she sat down and saw what was going on.

"I see," she nodded before noticing who Smolder was Dueling. "Wait, isn't that..."

"Twilight's recreated Legendary Duelists," Sunset explained. "I get the feeling the others will have to beat these Legends before they can move onto the semi-finals." Scootaloo's voice then caught their attention,

"Jurassic Raging Raptor!" Scootaloo pointed at Yona's monster, "Attack Rampage Smasher!"

Yona watched, as the Xyz Monster spread its wings and took to the air. It flew up high, letting out a roar as it began to dive down towards hers. "Yona monster stronger."

"You sure about that?" Scootaloo smiled. "By removing any number of Overlay units from Jurassic Raging Raptor, I can reduce your monster's ATK by four hundred for each one." She removed two of its four Overlay Units, the dinosaur biting down on the lights before unleashing a powerful breath attack that struck Rampage Smasher.

The barbarian roared, as the dragon breath burned away his ATK power. (A1900/D2200/R5) Moments later, Raging Raptor slammed its spear tail into his chest and destroyed him. Doing so causing Yona to cry out, as the resulting shockwave slammed into her.

"AUGH!" She almost lost her balance again, but Berserking Beast leapt to the side and stopped her from falling off her board.

Yona: 1200
Scootaloo: 1600

"Now, for Jurassic Raging's other effect." She reached for her deck. "Since your monster was a Rank 5, that's five cards I can now draw." She did so, Stego Mace charged forward. "And now, my Dino Knight will finish you off!" The knight leapt up and flew down towards Yona, its weapon raised above its head.

Yona looked up and saw this, everyone watching believing this might be the end for Yona.

As this was going on, Spike continued to walk through the deserted street.

As he did, the sun began to rise above the horizon. And there, Spike saw someone walking towards him. Someone tall and confident. "Who's there?" He called out, as the person got closer and closer.

Then, they finally got close enough to block the sun and allow Spike to make out his features. And what he saw was a blonde haired man, wearing a light blue shirt, a dark blue leather jacket and navy blue jeans. Some kind of dog tag was hanging around his neck.

"I know you," Spike could hardly believe it.

The man smirked, as he rubbed the underside of his nose. "That's right. I'm the one and only. Joey Wheeler. And you, my purple skinned friend, are the guy who's gonna need to Duel me in order to get to the next round of your tournament."

"I have to Duel you?" Spike asked, realising this was just like his Duel against the Paradox Brothers. Only this time, he didn't have Flash to help him. "You're one of the most famous Duelists that ever played the game. Second in Duelist Kingdom."

"That's right," Joey smirked.

"Fourth in Battle City."

"That's true."

"Fifth in the Kaiba Grand Prix." Joey groaned and began to yell.

"Would you stop making it sound like I got worse at the game!" Spike jumped back. "I may have never won a major tournament when Yugi and Kaiba were competing, but I still won a bunch of different championships on my own. I even beat Yugi, once."

"You beat Yugi?" Spike asked. "How? When?"

"I don't know," Joey told him. "I'm just a recreation of Joey. Not the real thing. But I know that Yugi once admitted to losing to the real Joey, though he never mentioned how."

Spike let this information sink it and realised he was in for a seriously tough Duel. But he couldn't let the fear of losing stop him. Joey was in his way. If he wanted to get to the next round and face Flash, he would need to defeat Joey.

Joey pointed at Spike. "Are you ready to Duel?"

Spike smirked, "bring it on."

Author's Note:

Well, Flash has defeated Fizzlepop. But Fizzy gave it everything she had. And Spike gets to face off against Joey. That just begs the question. Who will Flash be facing? Only time will tell.

Comments ( 6 )

Spike vs Joey Wheeler. This is going to be a good match

Please have Smolder's duel finish up next chapter.

This has been a fun quarter-finals round. Flash defeats Fizzlepop in a close match and advances. I really loved the last turn where it seemed like Magna Strider was going to win it for him until Fizzlepop's Deck Master negated its effect and destroyed it, only for that to be exactly what Flash wanted since his Volt-Edge Dragon could power up and win it for him instead. It was very back and forth between the two of them with Flash getting a bit lucky in the end.

Smolder's duel against the AI recreation of Chazz is fun so far, with a lot of Chazz's most iconic cards being used effectively together. Maybe Smolder will learn a lesson by the end of it about not to underestimate the Ojamas and other "weak" monsters. Spike dueling Joey will also be fun. Too iconic and beloved underdogs going head to head.

Just a head's up, when it was first summoned in this chapter you called Ojama King a Digimon. lol

That Chazz duel is definitely tricky for Smolder. And Spike battling Joey is awesome! Aside from the Red Eyes stuff, I hope several of Joey's signature cards or updated versions of them are played, like Flame Swordsman, Giltia, and even Swordsman of Landstar.

Sorry. Didn't see that.

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