• Published 23rd Jul 2023
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Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic - StarBlader

  • ...

To Read and Rest

One Friday afternoon at Canterlot High, Rainbow Dash was at soccer practice, and her friends were in the bleachers for support.

"Rainbow Dash sure is fast." Twilight observed.

"Yeah, she's always been a great soccer player." said Pinkie.

"She'll be great in the upcoming games." added Applejack.

"I just hope she's careful." Fluttershy mentioned.

Rainbow Dash was dribbling the ball down the field as fast as she could. She then kicked it to one of her teammates. After the other members got some time with it, it got kicked back to her. "Time to score a goal." she told herself.

She quickly ran to the goal, but some of the opposing team member tried to block her. But Rainbow Dash pressed on. The other members tried to get the ball, but Rainbow Dash wasn't giving it up without a fight.

The three collided, and ended up crashing. The coach blew the whistle, and hurried to the teens.

"Are you guys okay?" he asked them.

The three mumbled "yeah", but it turns out Rainbow Dash wasn't.

She tried to get up, but her leg hurt so much she couldn't even stand.

"Coach...I'm not okay." she strained.

Rainbow Dash's friends hurried to the scene, looking concerned and worried.

"Quick! Somebody call an ambulance!" the coach ordered.

An ambulance was called, and Rainbow Dash was taken to the hospital. Her friends followed behind in Rarity's car. At the hospital, the girls waited in the waiting room while the doctors tended to Rainbow Dash and called her parents.

"I hope she's okay." hoped Fluttershy.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she will be." Twilight comforted.

Just then, Rainbow's parents, Bow Hootfoot and Windy Whistles came through the entrance.

"Girls, where's Rainbow Dash?" Windy wanted to know.

"The doctors took her back." answered Applejack.

The couple went up to the reception desk, and told them who they were and why they were there. The receptionist told them the doctor would be by in a minute to take them back.

They sat with the girls, and the wait seemed to be forever. But eventually a doctor came by to talk to Rainbow's parents.

"Is she okay?" Windy asked.

"Not to worry, Rainbow Dash did break her femur, but it's a simple hairline fracture.

And he led them back to see her. Rainbow Dash was lying on a bed, with her right leg uncovered by her pant leg.

"Rainbow Dash." breathed Windy.

"Hey, Mom, hey Dad." Rainbow Dash moaned.

"How you feeling, Dashie?" asked Bow.

"Well besides the fact the my leg feels like it was crushed by a boulder."

"Now to worry, Rainbow Dash." said the doctor.

"We're going to give you some pain killers and get your leg in a cast."

"How long will I be in it for?" Rainbow wanted to know.

"About a month or so."


"Calm down, honey." said Windy.

After given the pain killers, Rainbow Dash sorta faded in and out, and the doctors and nurses bandaged her leg. About an hour later, Rainbow Dash was able to go home. A nurse pushed her out in a wheelchair, while her dad carried her crutches.

"Rainbow Dash you're okay." Fluttershy observed.

"Yeah, I am." Rainbow Dash replied dryly.

"We have to get her home to rest now girls. But you're welcome to visit tomorrow." Bow told the girls.

"We'll be by." Pinkie declared.

And the nurse wheeled Rainbow Dash outside to her parents' car.

At her house, Rainbow's parents helped up to her room, and got her comfortable.

"There you go, sport. That feel good?" asked Bow, as he placed her broken leg on a stack of pillows.

"It's fine, Dad." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Now I've put your TV remote, batteries, charger, and phone right on your nightstand. That way you can get to them easily." added Windy.

"Thanks, Mom."

"Now if you need anything, just give a call. And here's your little buddy to keep you company." Bow told.

He set Tank, her pet tortoise on her bed. And her parents left.

"(Sighs), this is going to be a long month." Rainbow Dash complained.

Tank rubbed his head against Rainbow's leg in an attempt to cheer her up. Rainbow smiled and petted Tank's head.

For dinner her parents surprised her with dinner in bed from her favorite fast food restaurant. That made her feel a little better, but a broken leg is a broken leg.

The next morning, her friends came to visit.

"So how are you feeling, Rainbow Dash?" asked Rarity.

"Fine, I guess."

"Can we sign your cast?" Pinkie wanted to know, holding a pen in her hand.

"Go ahead."

And the girls all took turns signing Rainbow's cast.

"Oh, I almost forgot I brought something to help cheer you up, Rainbow." Twilight piped up.

She reached into her backpack, pulled out a book, and handed it to her. Rainbow took it, and read the title.

"Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone."

"It's the first book in the series, I've read almost all of them."

"Oh, please. I'm a high class athlete. I don't read books. That's for eggheads." Rainbow Dash scoffed.

The girls burst out giggling and laughing.


"Rainbow, reading is something everyone can enjoy." Fluttershy told.

"Yeah, I always enjoy reading my Shadow Spade novels." Rarity mentioned.

"I love reading, and my head's more the shape of a grapefruit than a egg." Pinkie added.

"You should at least give it a try." encouraged Applejack.

Then eventually the girls had to go, leaving Rainbow in her room, it was only 11:15. To pass the time, she threw a ball against the wall until it bounced away, then she watched TV. It helped for a while, but eventually she got bored with the shows.

Her mom served her lunch in bed, and she ate it, but it got a little messy. She tried to talk with Tank, but eventually he fell asleep. She looked over at her clock, and saw that it was only 11:45. Rainbow Dash groaned.

How was she going to last a whole month without going crazy? She then glanced over at the book, Twilight left her. She didn't want to, but what choice did she have. She sighed, picked the book up, and started reading it.

As she read the words, something caught her eye.

"She would've been out of the jungle days ago, but she'd injured her leg in the crash. It hurt like it'd been crushed by a boulder. (Sighs), I know how you feel, sister."

She read further, and found herself getting more interested and intrigued by the story.

"Okay, I hate to say this and I'd really hate to have my friends hear this but...I love this book."

She then closed the book and held it close to her chest.

"I love reading."

She fell back onto her bed. Suddenly it hit her.

"That means...I'm an...egghead."

She read more of her book Sunday, and then when Monday came she had to go to school. She put the book in her backpack, and got into her mom's car with her crutches.

"Now you take it easy, while on those crutches, honey." Windy told her daughter.

"I will." Rainbow Dash replied, as she got out of the car, and went into the school.

On her crutches she walked down the hall to her locker. She opened and began getting some books, she then looked around to make sure no one was looking, and took the Daring Do book out.

"Hey, Rainbow." called a voice.

Startled, Rainbow quickly pushed the book into her locker. She looked and saw Twilight and Fluttershy walking towards her.

"Oh, hey guys."

"How's your leg feeling?" Twilight wondered.

"It's all right, it doesn't hurt so much anymore."

"Glad to hear that. We better get to class." Fluttershy told.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Rainbow then closed her locker, and followed her friends.

Classes went on normally, and then it was time for gym class. Rainbow made a quick stop at her locker, got the book out, shoved in her backpack, and went to the gym. Naturally she had a doctor's note to sit out until her leg was healed.

"Rainbow you can either sit outside while we go out there or you can stay in the gym." the gym teacher told her.

"I'll hang here in the gym." she told him.

"All right then. Let's go people."

And he and the other students went outside. Rainbow took a seat on the bleachers. Just as she was about to take out her book, she heard someone approach her. Startled, she pushed the book down and looked up, but she saw it was only Zephyr Breeze.

"Hey, Rainbows. If you wanted someone to keep you company in here, I'm willing to volunteer." he told her.

Rainbow Dash quietly groaned and rolled her eyes.

"No thank you, Zephyr." she replied.

"Oh." he said, disappointing.

"Zephyr, get out here!" called the coach.

And he left the gymnasium.

"That was close." Rainbow whispered, and she took out the book.

"Oh my gosh this is so amazing." Rainbow whispered.

But before she could turn the page, she heard the gym door opening. She put her book away, and watched her friends walk towards her.

"Hey, Rainbow hope you weren't too bored sitting here all class." Applejack said to her.

"Nah, I was fine." Rainbow assured, as she used her crutches to get up from her seat.

School went on normally and in secret Rainbow Dash read Daring Do.

As the days turned into weeks, Rainbow's leg healed. Then the day came for her cast to come off.

"Looking forward to finally being able to walk again, sweetie?" Bow Hotfoot asked, as he, his wife and Rainbow Dash all drove to the hospital.

"Yeah, I'm ready to get out of this cast." Rainbow told him.

At the hospital, a doctor cut off Rainbow's cast.

"Now remember Rainbow Dash, your muscles have been immobile for a whole month, so don't expect to be 100% right away."


After the cast was completely off, Rainbow did some practice steps. Once she had her balance and walking back, they left the hospital. That evening, Rainbow Dash finally finished the Daring Do book.

"That was story awesome, Tank. And end of the book says, there's at least ten other books."

Tank smiled up at her from his little bed.

"I have to read the other books. But...what will my friends say?"

Before she went to bed, she decided the best way to do this was to sneak the books.

The following day at school, Rainbow walked into the building as normal. Her friends quickly went to her. They were all really happy for her.

"The last month wasn't so bad was it, Rainbow?" asked Pinkie.

"No, it wasn't so bad." Rainbow replied.

"By the way. Could I have my book back?" Twilight requested.

"Oh, sure. Here."

Rainbow took the book out of her backpack, and gave it back to Twilight.

"So did you read it?"

"Ah, not really. You know what I said, reading's for eggheads."

The others just rolled their eyes.

School went on normally, then before lunch Rainbow snuck to the library.

"Luckily, the others are at lunch."

She went in, and asked the librarian if they carried the Daring Do books.

"In the fiction section, second row." the librarian told her.

And Rainbow Dash hurried to the spot. She managed to find them, and grabbed the second book in the series.

"Rainbow Dash?" asked a voice.

Rainbow jumped, and saw Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, what are you doing here?"

"It's my turn to help out in the library. What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I uh, gotta go." And she rushed away.

"Rainbow, wait." Fluttershy called.

But Rainbow kept running, and bumped into Rarity.


"Rainbow Dash are you all right?"

But she ran off again. "What's going on with her?" Rarity asked Fluttershy. "I don't know."

And with that they both went after her. Rainbow Dash kept hurrying away from her friends, but then she saw Applejack and Twilight. She quickly ran down another aisle, but this time all her friends were on her tail.

She kept running then saw Pinkie right in front of her. She made another turn, but this time crashed into a book cart. The rest of the five came to the scene and saw Rainbow Dash on the ground and lots of books on the floor.

"What is going on here?" the librarian wanted to know.

"That's what we'd all like to know, Rainbow." Applejack added.

Knowing that she could get out of this situation, Rainbow had no choice but to confess.

"All right fine. I'm an egghead." she admitted.

Everyone looked confused.

"What are you talking about?" wondered Pinkie.

"I came to the library to check out the second Daring Do book."

"So you did read the book." said Twilight.

"Yes, I read it, and it was amazing. Daring Do is so awesome, and had to know what other adventures she goes on. So go ahead, make fun of me."

"Why ever would we do that?" asked Rarity.

"Yeah, it's nothing to be embarrassed about just because you like to read." mentioned Fluttershy.

All the others agreed. Rainbow smiled as she got up.

"Thanks guys."

"Well this is all very nice, but this mess needs to be cleaned up." the librarian informed.

"Don't worry, we got it." Rainbow assured.

And the six girls cleaned up the books. Afterwards Rainbow Dash checked out the book, and that night she read about Daring Do's newest adventure with Tank by her side.