• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 793 Views, 4 Comments

The Fallen Pegasus - Lulamoon-Crystal

The aftermath of a battle can be tragic. More for those who were close to the fallen

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It was a tough battle, but they did it. Queen Haven sent the sisters with some royal guards, because she knew how dangerous it was gonna be. But they did it. Izzy sat down, quietly, unlike herself, but she was back to normal. She trembled as she stared at her hooves and felt her neck where the alicorn amulet once was. Pipp was sitting next to her with a graze on her cheek, and a few scruffs in her fur. Plus a messy mane. She was trying to comfort Izzy as Hitch had the Amulet in a chest.

Zipp looked around the cavern they were in. Broken stones scattered around, a few feathers were also visible. But not like the cave was gonna collapse or anything. Some dust was still flying around, she ignored the pain from crashing into a rock earlier. She had dismissed the guard’s concerns, saying that she’d be fine. “Is everypony okay?” She asked. At that moment she remembered. “Hitch! Thunder! Zoom!” She looked around and spotted Thunder laying on the ground against some rocks. Hardly moving.

He was gonna try and break the jewel on the alicorn amulet. Thunder wasn’t this brave, but he was determined of the plan. Zoom had agreed with him.

She and Hitch agreed to hold her down, as Thunder would try and smash the jewel with the rock. Zipp remembered her gasp of approval when she heard his plan. Pipp and her were gonna try and help hold her down, but they were held back by glittery ropes. Making them unable to move.

The two had managed to pin her down, he had a rock and aimed it at the gem. Also holding the part of the necklace, so it wouldn’t directly be on Izzy’s chest. If only he was fast enough, if that had helped. Maybe he did hit it. Who knows, because the alicorn amulet’s gem did have a crack in it.

While Izzy was held down, she blasted a sharp beam of magic out her horn, sending Thunder back. the laser hit him right in his chest. Then suddenly there was seemingly an explosion coming from her. Everyone was thrown back and smashed into the walls. When Zipp had opened her eyes, she saw Izzy without the necklace.

Zoom got up with a groan, her helmet was slightly damaged, a scratch was on it along with some dirt. But she did not know or care. She looked around with concern. Making sure the princesses were alright. Then as soon as she noticed Thunder. She hurried over, looking serious. But with a hint of shock. That’s when Zipp hurried over as well. Hitch came, too, with a face of horror.

Thunder wasn’t moving. Some feathers from his wings were scattered. Zoom’s wings shivered slightly as she inched closer. Trying to hide her fear of Thunder being what she thought he’d be. Maybe he was sleeping, surely he was just asleep. Right?

“Thunder!” Zoom said sternly, “Get up-“ But then softened her voice slightly when she didn’t notice him twitch or shoot up the second his name was called. Something was wrong. Even tho she had only woken him up once or twice before. He shot up quickly. “Thunder?” She asked. Showing concern.

Thunder looked pale, his blood-soaked hoof seemingly hiding a wound. Near his chest, just barely missing his chest plate. Hitch gasped in horror, so did Pipp when she came over. “Oh no...” Zipp said sadly as she looked at him. His breathing was shallow. He heart dropped and ears fell when she saw him. “It can’t be...”

“Thunder!?” Pipp squealed, “Is Thunder okay!?” She begged anyone to confirm, “Please be okay!”

“Thunder? Please get up!” Zoom said, about to put a hoof on him. Her ears were back, face full of concern. Heart was racing in her chest as she looked at the unmoving body. Hoping for the best, he had to be alive, he just had to! “Thunder! The battle is over...” He voice cracked.

He slowly opened his eyes, “Z-Zoom?” He looked at her as she stood forward. Her chest was going up and down quickly. His vision was a bit blurry, but he could tell who was there. Tears were in his eyes.

“You’re alive!” Zoom said quietly, showing relief. While looking at Thunder, she assured him. “You’re gone be fine! We’ll get you to the hospital. You’ll be okay!” Then she saw the blood coming from him and looked at him in the face. Some blood was coming from his mouth. When she moved his hoof, she could see the deep wound. Too deep. Likely damaged an organ. “N-no...” she was then quiet, just staring down at her partner. “It-it’s gonna be okay!”

Her voice became more shaky and unsure. “Th-the hospital is-Zephyr Heghts is only... A ten minute flight from... Here...” A tear rolled down her cheek. “We- We-“

Her mouth was opened slightly as she stared at the wound, that was now uncovered. Blood was still coming out, the hot beam of magic seemed to have gone right through. Even if it did hit his chest plate, it wouldn’t have saved him. The wound was also too much, there was nothing to do. He wouldn’t be alive by the time they got to Zephyr Heights. His breathing was more shallow, there was silence, besides Pipp’s sobs.

“Thunder...” Zoom broke the silence and looked at him. “We-“ her voice cracked, she held in her tears. Trying to wash away the feeling of doubt. “We can make it!”

Tears were going down his cheeks. She didn’t want to believe it, but there was clearly no time. There was no saving his life... It’s a surprise it didn't kill him instantly. As he rose his over hoof towards her, she touched it sadly. “N-No...” His eyes were glassy, like he wanted to cry. But it also seemed he knew it was about to happen, and that there was no choice. Zoom had a grip on his hoof, not wanting to let go.


His voice shook. “I-It hurts...” After coughing up blood, he spoke. ”B-but. It-It’s been a pleasure, working with you, Zoom” He said very weakly. Clearly scared, but trying to stay strong. Like Zoom clearly was, she was breathing rapidly. “H-Heh, I-I guess this is what we royal guards have to accept, right? That we m-might die protecting the royal family from threats. I-I guess?”

Zoom whimpered as she nodded. But she wanted to disagree. “You- You shouldn’t have... Thunder you-” her voice cracked as she spoke next. Her life-long friend and work partner was dying right in front of her. There was nothing she could do. She did a few breaths and responded, more professionally. “I mean. I-It’s been a pleasure, working with you too , Thunder. B-but, Thunder-”

Tears were in Zipp’s eyes as she watched this unfold, “Well. Everyone agrees you’re one of our best royal guards. I agree!” Pipp was hugging her tightly and nodded in agreement. Tears coming out of her eyes like waterfalls. “Thank you for your service.” Zipp added.

“Thunder... I...” Zoom said softly, looking at his body. “I’m sorry...I-” Tears were running down her face now. “Please!”

“Z-Zoom...” Thunder looked at everyone one last time, coughing up blood, “I’m glad... I-I was able to...” He gasped a bit and looked at Zoom for the last time. Before his breathing stopped, his body went limb. She gasped as his hoof slipped from hers. Tears appeared in her eyes as Pipp sobbed and hugged Zipp even tighter. The later had tears running from her cheeks. Hitch couldn’t hold it in either.

“No…” Izzy sobbed into her hooves. Not wanting to look.

“No- no!” A few tears came from Zoom’s eyes before she wiped them. Her heart was beating. “Thunder! Thunder!?” She shook his belly, trying to wake him. “Thunder!” Before she screamed loudly. “Thunder!” She screamed painfully. Hitch was also crying a bit as he watched her sit there, eyes basically a waterfall. She cried as she held onto Thunder’s body. “P-please, no….” A moment of silent followed. Then she closed his eyes, gently, sobbing. The end of an era.

Everyone was silent on the way to Zephyr Heights. As soon as they arrived, they headed towards the castle. Thunder’s body was being carried by Zoom, who had a sombre look on her face. Izzy stayed behind them the whole time, ridden with guilt, she killed him... Why wasn’t anyone angry at her!? She killed him...

As they arrived to the front of the castle, Queen Haven slammed open the doors herself. Two guards inside in shock that their queen decided to open the doors herself in such manner.

“Pipp! Zipp!” She called out before freezing in horror at the sights she was seeing. Her daughters and Hitch. Hurt! Her heart raced as she looked at the three. Tears starting up, seeing her own daughters like this! But then she looked at Izzy, a slight bit of relief washed through her to see that it was over. But her own daughters...

“We’ll be fine... But...” Zipp looked at Zoom

Queen Haven looked at her in shock and worry, who had a serious face, hovering in the air something laid in her hooves. Something she hoped she’d never see.

“There was a casualty. Your highness,” Zoom said, hiding her sadness from the Queen. Trying her best to stay formal and professional. Despite that, hurt and sadness was still visible in her eyes. Zipp knew how much she was hurting. She was hurting too. A tear rolled down Zoom’s cheek. “H-he can’t be..”

“Thunder!” Queen Haven let out in shock and sadness. Tears coming out her own eyes as she looked at Thunder’s body. He was gone...”No! Thunder...” she shouted. Looking at his body, then to the ground. “Thunder… I knew it was going to be dangerous b-but I never thought-“ She sniffled. “Oh, Thunder! I’m so sorry!” She put a hoof on his wing and stroked it, it was cold. Tears poured from her eyes as she looked at the deceased guard. Oh…”

Knowing she couldn’t do anything about it. A tear went down her cheek. “Thank you for your service, Thunder. It was a pleasure...” She sobbed as she spoke. She started to cry more as she put her hoof on his. “I’m so sorry…” She cried a bit. Never thinking that she’d have to say goodbye to one of her favourite guards like this. “Oh Thunder…”

Izzy spoke up, finally. But she was sobbing tears and shaking. “I-It’s my fault, Queen Haven! All my fault!” Everyone except for Zoom stared at Izzy worried. “I-It’s my fault! I-I blasted him with my horn! I-I killed him!” She was crying hard, no sight of stopping. “I’m a murderer.”

Queen Haven listened as she gestured to some other guards to help Zoom with the body. To clean it up and get ready for the funeral. One of them got ready to hold Thunder and carry him.

“No!” Hissed Zoom, hugging Thunder tight. Tears fall into onto his body. “He- You’re not taking him!!”

The other guards accepted her answer. Respecting her choice and understanding, so they simply allowed her. She followed them, flying. While the others walked with her. Haven was crying heavily, chest going up and down quickly. Trying to process everything. “No…”

“Izzy!” Zipp exclaimed, putting a hoof around her. “Izzy... It wasn’t you who killed him. It was the amulet using you as a tool!”

Pipp sniffled, “No one blames you, Izzy... We know you had no part of it. You just thought it was a funny necklace. We failed to warn you. It’s not your fault....”

Hitch nodded, “Yes, Izzy! Please don’t blame yourself... It could have happened to anyone!” He looked down slightly. “Even me…”

”N-No one blames you, Iz.” Zipp cuddled her, who was sobbing loudly. She also missed Thunder. A lot.

Queen Haven looked at everyone. “L-Lets get inside...” She said softly...

Izzy looked at Zoom, who was hugging him toight in her arms. A little bit of his blood on her foreleg. “Zoom?” She whispered quietly. Getting no response. Then she looked ahead, still feeling such guilt. Wishing she could reverse this somehow. Zoom did seem kinda grumpy when she pouted while on duty. But here, she was hardly pouting and looked more sad. She was trying to make her grumpy pouty face, but failed.

She looked broken as she looked down at the stretcher in front of her. Not wanting to let go of him, but she had to… She had to say goodbye.

“Oh Thunder… I’m so sorry…”

Queen Haven had invited everyone inside for tea and a few snacks. Zoom wasn’t present, she was somewhere else. Helping prepare the funeral and the body.

Izzy simply had her head on the table. Not eating or drinking anything. She felt like a murderer. Why wasn’t she able to stop it? Her horn just wasn’t listening. She could remember screaming loudly. Her screams not leaving her head as she watched. Watched as she hurt her friends and killed Thunder.

She saw the laser pierce his flesh. His face and the blood coming from the wounds as he rag dolled on the ground. Tears were coming from her eyes again, she noticed everyone look at her, worried.

”I-I need some alone time,” She excused herself from the table and left the room. No one said a word as they watched her leave the table.

Tears wouldn’t stop flowing. Her heart was aching as she walked down the halls. She had no idea where she was going, but she didn’t care. She wouldn’t believe herself. Her friends keep telling her that it’s not her fault. But this time, she felt angry at herself. She felt terror and pain, knowing that one small mistake... Why wasn’t anyone upset with her? Why are they forgiving her so easily?

She shivered when she closed her eyes. Remembering the laser coming out of her own horn.

It’s like the time Misty was over and they were making something. Misty had accidentally tipped the paint over her work. But that was okay. She was upset at first for ruining it, but Izzy forgave Misty quickly. It was just a minor inconvenience, the paint she uses is easy to clean up. So it was no big deal in the end.

But Thunder wasn’t paint. He was much more than that, he as a friend and a beloved royal guard. So why was everyone so forgiving that she killed him? After walking for a bit, Izzy found herself near the doors to the garden. She decided she needed some fresh air, so she headed in. Any friends of royalty were allowed in the royal garden anytime. So she wasn’t breaking any rules. Unless Zipp and Pipp wanted to stop being her friend due to how much Thunder meant to them.

About an hour after, everyone left, including Izzy. Zoom was standing in the throne room. Queen Haven sat with her phone, doing royal business. But after looking at her for a few moments. She noticed Zoom look at sadly around the room before looking at the ground sadly, wiping her eye. She looked unwell, her cheeks were damp from tears. Her ears were droopy.

A few minutes went past, and she looked at her again and sighed. Knowing that she should do something, since even tho she was clearly trying to hide it, Zoom was hurting. Really hurting bad.

She slowly went up to her, “Zoom?”

Zoom looked at Haven. Face wet from tears. Her eyes were red. Her voice cracked slightly. “Yes, your majesty?” She quickly went to a stern, serious posture and expression. “Anything you need me to do?”

Haven sighed as she looked at her. She couldn’t remember the last time Zoom was so broken. But now, she needed to talk to her. About something serious. Even tho Zoom was her royal guard, ever since the return of magic, shes gotten close to the guards. Getting to know them was not so bad, they still remained loyal and did their job just fine. Even if you knew their favourite cake. They had grown on her, since. She saw them more as individual ponies.

Especially Zoom and Thunder. Seeing them both as a friend to her. Slowly, she put a comforting hoof on Zoom’s shoulder, sighing. She was confused for a few seconds but returned to being serious. “You’re not in trouble at all, but as queen I order you to go home, or anywhere you feel comfortable and happy and rest now. I know what you’re going through at the moment, hiding it won’t help. So please, go and take care of yourself.” Then she added. “If you ever need to talk, I’m here. I know you are my royal guard, but that doesn’t mean your feelings are not valid.”

“B-“ Zoom opened her mouth but shut it. She accidentally let a sigh escape, “I understand, your majesty...”

Queen Haven had let her off early. Due to what she witnessed. She would have asked to stay for her remaining hours, which were till night, but it was an order from the queen, so she had to obey. If only the queen hadn’t noticed her peeking at the spot Thunder would have stood at in those particular shifts.

Zoom had even made sure to keep the proper stance and keep a serious expression. Making it look like she was remaining all professional and prepared. Like always. But it was almost like the queen would read minds. The words echoed in her mind.

Why her?

Zoom flew in the air. Overlooking the city. Her gut hurt as she thought about Thunder. The times they flew together. She just wanted to see him once more, hear his voice. She missed every part of him, she couldn’t believe he was gone. Just like that. No way to get him back... Thunder was gone.

But he can’t be. He had plans, he had friends.

She flew just outside of the city. On a route she and Thunder would scout occasionally in the past. As she walked, she remembered some things Thunder would say or do when they walked past here. Zoom looked down, she wasn’t here to scout, just walk and not be seen. No one needed to see her like this, she was tough!

Thunder would often look at the rocks and admire the formation. Or talk about sneakers he just collected. On a day, after it rained he’d try and get Zoom to splash in a puddle or two.

Then suddenly she stopped in her tracks. Even tho it looked like the rest of the mountain. She recognised it dearly, this was where they both found Izzy and Sunny that day. Thunder’s scared exclaims and hiding behind her, she was annoyed then but now... Sweet memories of someone she wasn’t gonna be with anymore...


“B-but that’s an earth pony!” Thunder’s voice was shaky then. She could remember it clearly. How scared he was of an earth pony.

“They’re harmless,” She had responded. In a way, she was right. With the rumours being false, earth ponies were harmless this whole time. Well... Unless you were a wimp and angered the wrong one. “They have tiny brains,”

She remembered how Thunder looked at Izzy, the unicorn. “But, what are we gonna do with that!” He had exclaimed. Referring to her horn.


Her horn...

Zoom snapped out of her thoughts and was filled with extreme sadness again. Her gut started to hurt as she remembered. Thunder was worried about Izzy’s horn then, because they believed they could zap lasers. Sure, that turned out false, at the time. But the horn... That exact horn that would kill him much latter, with a laser-like beam of light.

Feelings of grief and anger rushed through her. Why did it have to be Izzy’s horn!? Why did it have to be a deadly laser beam thing!? She felt tears come again, her chest went up and down as she stared at the spot where Izzy was standing at the time. Her breathing was rapid, she felt sweat appear on her fur.

He was scared of the horn. Sure, he didn’t know, but that was the exact horn that killed him later on... This was too much for Zoom to handle, she didn’t want to be here anymore, she flew away as fast as she could. But the thoughts and memories still ran through her mind.

Tears ran down her cheeks again. “Thunder!” She sobbed out loud. She felt like she had to get away, get gut ached and she felt dizzy from her rapid breathing. Before she knew it, her wings flung opened and she zoomed into the air.

She flew far. But the memories just followed her. Zoom found herself at a lake, she was hoof-deep in the water. Trying to calm herself down. She looked at her scared reflection, still feeling sweaty and breathing heavily.

“Th-thunder...” She said softly as she looked at her reflection. Seeing a weak pony staring back, she just sat there and looked at the water. Not knowing what to do or say. Frozen in shock.

Then she looked up, seeing an old oak tree. She remembered when she was with Thunder and the queen. Queen Haven was having a picnic with Alphie, Pipp and Zipp. Thunder was playing around and fell into the water, once everyone was assured he was fine. They couldn’t help themselves to a little chuckle, even Thunder laughed at himself as he climbed out.


She slumped to the ground, creating a small splash. She tapped the water slightly with her hoof. “Please no.”

Her tear from her eye dripped down onto the water as she sniffled. Trying to calm herself down. “Please Thunder! Come back…” She shouted, her heart ached more as she thought about him. Wanting him back so hard. She wanted to hear his voice again. She wanted to see him once more.