• Published 30th Aug 2023
  • 398 Views, 15 Comments

So Many Wonders - Uz Naimat

Ponyville is a simple, quiet town. For a certain pair of Pegasus fillies, however, itʼs the most fascinating town in Equestria.

  • ...

The World Below

The first thing Rainbow Dash noticed as she flew down was the color green.

It was everywhere - the ground, the plants, whatever those... giant wooden things were. It looked like Mrs. Shy’s garden, only bigger and endless!

Dash turned to face Fluttershy, who had already landed. The latter folded her wings, as always, and took a deep breath.

“Oh, Dashie,” Fluttershy said. “Donʼt you just love the smell of nature?”

Dash thought about it. It did smell nice around here. It was better than the odorless clouds of home, at any rate. “I guess,” she shrugged.

“Dashie”, Fluttershy called out. She looked at Dash expectedly, her gaze moving up and down between the hovering pegasus and the green ground.

“Come on, Dashie. Grass is nice; youʼll like it.”

Iʼm not winning this one. Dash sighed. She stared at the grass below her, then at her friend, then at the grass again. Finally, she landed.

Flutters was right. Grass is nice! It was soft and a little wet. It was ticklish; each individual plant brushing up against Dashʼs bare hooves. Grass-walking didnʼt beat cloud-walking, but then again, nothing would. But still, Dash liked it. She smiled.

Fluttershy returned that smile. “See? Told you youʼd like it.”

The best day of Rainbow Dashʼs nine-year life happened exactly two weeks ago.

List of things that happened that day: she got her cutie mark, she made her first friend, she won her first race. Oh, and she also created a legendary never-seen-before Sonic Rainboom. But no biggie.

But Dashʼs life was not the only one affected - her friend Fluttershyʼs was, too. Fluttershy also got her cutie mark that day. She had fallen off of a cloud and, because she was a weak flier, could not simply get back up. A flock of butterflies cushioned her fall and she discovered a newfound love for animals.

A love for nature. A love for the ground. A love for the world below Cloudsdale.

The World Below became Fluttershyʼs new obsession. Since she could not fly down by herself, and her parents did not have the time to take her, she resorted to reading about it.

“Did you know that certain bird species fly south when winter comes?”

“How wonderful is it that apples are grown from flowers?”

“Can you believe that rivers actually join with the sea?”

Dash was pretty sure that Fluttershy had devoured every book the public Cloudsdale library had on the subject.

Soon enough, fascination turned to curiosity. Fluttershy was no longer satisfied with pictures and words. She wanted to see the World Below. She wanted to go down there.

And Dash, being the good friend that she is, offered to help.

“Really? Youʼll come with me?” Fluttershy asked.

“Duh!” Dash exclaimed. “You want to go down, Iʼm your friend. So Iʼll help you go down.”

The two fillies had gathered in Fluttershyʼs room. They were having a secret meeting - curtains drawn, windows closed, door locked. The room itself was scattered with books and drawings of animals, plants, ground houses and tons of other things from the World Below.

“Oh, Dashie, thank you!” Fluttershy jumped up and down excitedly.

Dash knew what was coming. She hovered closer to the floor so that Fluttershy could envelop her in a bone-crushing hug.

They parted after a few seconds. “So, um, how are we going to do this?” Fluttershy asked.

Dash smiled. “Easy. We wait for our parents to go to work, then we sneak out to a quiet area and fly down to the field.”

Fluttershy smiled back.

Dash could not bring herself to tell her friend how nervous she truly was.

So here they were - countless miles away from home, in an unfamiliar place, with no adults to look after them.

This is for Flutters, Dash reminded herself. You can do this.

“Dashie,” Fluttershy called out, snapping Dash out of her thoughts. “Thereʼs more to the World Below than just grass.”

“Like those?” Dash pointed to one of giant wooden things she saw earlier.

Fluttershy turned to look. “Trees. Theyʼre called trees.” Then she smiled wide. “Letʼs get closer!” And without waiting for a response, she grabbed Dashʼs hoof and ran towards the trees.

Trees are tall, was Dashʼs first thought upon approaching one. Like, taller than tall. This particular one stood taller than Cloudsdale Town Hall. Dash had to crane her neck to see the leaves up top.

“Cool!” Dash said as she flew up to the top of the tree. She landed on one of the… One of the…

“A tree is a large wooden plant that has leaves, fruits, and sometimes flowers,” Fluttershy recited. “It grows from roots and often splits into branches.”

Branches! Dash landed on one of the branches. She jumped up and down, testing the strength of the branches, and shaking the leaves in the process. From where she was standing, she could see the entire field. And now that she wasnʼt worrying about Fluttershy falling, she noticed all the details she missed when she was flying down.

Grass. Pond. Bushes. Flowers. Trees. Ducks. A town in the distance. Rocks.


Ducks. Animals.

“Flutters!” Dash screamed, before flying down from the branch. She was on the ground within milliseconds.

“What is it? What did you see?” Fluttershy asked, concern on her face.

Dash pointed to the nearby pond. “I saw some ducks over there!”

Fluttershyʼs eyes lit up in a way Dash had never seen before. Her face broke into a wide smile, the feathers on the wings ruffling. She galloped towards the pond, reaching it in record speed.

Dash sped after her. She found Fluttershy talking to the ducks at the pond and decided to give the latter some privacy and ducked behind a nearby tree to watch them.

The ducks looked a little frightened by the yellow filly. But Fluttershy approached them slowly. She leaned her face closer. “Hello. Iʼm Fluttershy,” she softly said.

The ducks quacked.

“Thereʼs no need to be afraid. I want to be your friend.”

“Quack-quack,” one of the ducks went.

“Oh, yes, I do understand you. I understand all animals.”

Quack-quack quackey.

“Itʼs nice to meet you, too.”

Quack! Quack-quack.

“You have 18 children? Wow, Mr. Feathers, that is impressive.”

In the two weeks since Dash had befriended her, she had never seen Fluttershy look so at ease. She was at peace, comfortable, completely in her element. At school, Fluttershy struggled to form a complete sentence without stuttering. Here, on the ground, with the ducks, Fluttershy was having a confident, full-blown conversation.

Dash smiled. This trip was worth it.

She continued to watch the duck-pony conversation. After a while, other critters approached Fluttershy. Squirrels in the nearby trees, bunnies coming up from underground, some birds that were flying by. They all crowded around Fluttershy, who eventually had to sit down, the animals huddling close to her.

“Oh, itʼs so wonderful to meet you all. Why, yes, I do speak fluent animal. Thank you so much, Ms. Bunny, I love my cutie mark, too. I just got it, here on this very field. Mr Squirrel! Of course I remember you from my last visit. Iʼm sorry I couldnʼt come earlier. I did try my best, but there were some complications, you see…”

Eventually, Dash had to fly up the tree and hide in its leaves. The critters kept coming and she was sure that she would spook them if they saw her.

But going up the tree had its consequences.

Flutterhsy spotted her within seconds. She turned to the animals. “Oh, Iʼm so sorry, my friends, but I must go now,” she said. The critters made noises of disappointment, approaching Fluttershy’s body closer, as if begging her to stay with them.

“I loved talking to all of you, too, but I have so much to do.”

Critter noises.

“I promise Iʼll come back again soon.”

Fluttershy smiled sadly and draped her wings over the animals closest to her. She then stood up and gave a small wave. The animal made some more disappointing noises before dispersing and leaving. Flutterjsy approached the tree and looked up.

Dash was confused. “Whyʼd you do that?” she said as she flew down.

“I could tell you were bored,” Fluttershy said. “I donʼt want you spending this entire trip just watching me.”

Dang it. How can she read me so well?

Dash was bored, though. As fascinated as she was by all the animals - and, of course, the animal-pony conversation - watching them was no fun. She had grown tired after five minutes, having dozed off a couple times in the treeʼs leaves.

But seeing and talking to the animals was the whole reason for this trip. This was for Fluttershy. This was important to her. The girls were friends and Dash had agreed to help the latter find happiness, no matter how bored she was.

And for Fluttershy, Dash was willing to do anything.

Turned out: the feeling was mutual.

“I want you to have fun, too.” Fluttershy smiled. “So tell me. What do you want to do?”

“Thanks,” Dash said, her voice cracking a little. She sniffed, wiping her nose with her hoof.

Then she smiled, and pointed to the nearby town she had seen earlier.

“Can we go there?”

Fluttershy nodded.

Underneath her bare hooves, Rainbow Dash felt the soft, tickling grass give way to something colder and harder. She looked down and saw that she was now walking on a grey, stone-like path.

“Cobblestone,” Fluttershy said beside her. “Ground ponies use it to pave roads.”

Dash nodded and the pair continued walking.

Ahead of her, Dash saw the town. Rows upon rows houses stretched out. The budings were small, with thatched roofs, and were mostly brown in color. She also spotted a large wooden sign.

Welcome to Ponyville!
Est. 942 CE

Dash was pretty terrible at math, but she was sure that was less than 50 years ago. Ponyville was way less old than she thought.

The two fillies continued walking down the path, cobblestone turning to dirt. And as they entered the town proper, they noticed it.


“Earth ponies!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Unicorns!” Dash exclaimed, grinning wildly.

They looked at each other and promptly squealed.

Fluttershy walked slowly, taking in the hustle and bustle of ponies on what appeared to be a busy market day. Dash took to the air, admiring the interesting houses and sniffing the various fruits and vegetables.

She was busy examining a bakery when she felt Fluttershyʼs hoof rapidly tapping her.

“Dashie, Dashie, look!” she exclaimed, pointing at a nearby unicorn.

A unicorn with a glowing horn.

“Magic!” both fillies exclaimed as one, before promptly speeding to take a closer look.

The unicorn in question was a mare. She looked around Dashʼs parentsʼ age. Her coat was pink and her purple mane was in a messy bun. But the most interesting thing about her was her horn. It was coated in a purple aura and a similar aura surrounded her saddlebag.

Dash and Fluttershy stared at her, mouths agape.

Dash had always known about magic - pegasi carried their own brand, after all. But unicorn magic was something sheʼd only ever heard about. You donʼt see a whole lot of unicorns when youʼve spent your entire life in a Pegasus-only city.

To see spells in front of her very eyes was fascinating.

“You… you just… the bag was floating…” Dashʼs eyes couldnʼt decide whether to stare at the mare or the floating bag. “How?!

The mare noticed them and chuckled. “Telekinesis, darlings. A very basic spell.”

“Iʼve never seen any spell,” Dash said, flying higher. She reached out a hoof to touch the horn.

The mare took a quick step back. “Really? Where are you little ones from?” she asked.

“Cloudsdale!” Dash said, puffing up her chest with pride.

The mare nodded. “Ah. I take it this is your first time on the ground?”

Dash nodded enthusiastically. Fluttershy nodded slowly.

“Well, then welcome!” the mare said. “I’m Cookie Crumbles.”

“I’m Rainbow Dash,” Dash said. “And this is my friend, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy just smiled and nodded again.

“She doesn’t talk much.”

Mrs. Crumbles giggled. “Itʼs alright, dears.” She closed her saddlebag and fixed it on. “Lovely meeting you both, but Iʼm afraid I must keep going.” She smiled at them and headed down the path.

Dash and Fluttershy shared an awed look and continued exploring the market.

Mrs. Buttercup, an Earth pony mare, owned the Sweet Apple Acres stand at the Ponyville Market. She was slightly younger than Mrs. Crumbles, but no less sweet.

Dash and Fluttershy even got a free sample of her farmʼs fresh apple jam.

“So good,” Dash said in between bites. Fluttershy nodded rapidly. “Although… I feel like Iʼve had this before.”

“We distribute our apples all over Equestria, cloud cities included,” Mrs. Buttercup said. “Iʼm pretty sure weʼre the biggest apple farm in the kingdom!”

“Cool!” Dash exclaimed.

Mrs. Buttercup handed them another free sample, thus time a small slice of apple pie.

“Are there a lot of unicorns around here?” Fluttershy asked, her voice so quiet that Dash barely heard her.

But Mrs. Buttercup heard her without issue. “Not really. Ponyville is mostly populated but Earth ponies. Thereʼs only one unicorn family here.”

“Is it Mrs. Crumbles?” Dash asked.

“I see youʼve met her.” Mrs. Buttercup smiled. “She and her husband have two daughters. One of themʼs your age.”

“So, where can we find more unicorns?” Dash asked, wings buzzing with excitement.

The older mare pointed to a mountain in the far distance.

Dash was confused. “But thatʼs a mountain.” She turned to face Mrs. Buttercup. “Do they live in caves?”

The latter laughed and shook her head. “That there is Canterlot.”

“The capital?” Fluttershy asked, eyes shining with curiosity.

Mrs. Buttercup nodded.

“The capital is built in a mountain?” Dash was fascinated.

“Canterlot is the home of magic. If you want to see more spells, thatʼs where youʼll get it.”

Dash and Fluttershy thanked her and walked away.

Dash hovered a little, her gaze fixed on the mountain in the distance. There was more magic there. There were unicorns there. Princess Celestia lived in Canterlot, so there was an alicorn there!

I have to go there. I have to see it for myself.

“Dashie, I know what youʼre thinking and the answer is no.”

Dash whirled around to face Fluttershy, who had her signature disapproving look on her face.

“Weʼre not going to Canterlot,” Fluttershy said, her eyes firm and unyielding.

“But think of all the things weʼll see there! Think of the magic! Think of the spells!” Dashʼs eyes, however, were pleading and desperate. “Donʼt you wanna see it?”

“I do. But itʼs too far. We canʼt make that journey; itʼs dangerous.”

“It wonʼt be a long journey, though. Weʼll just fly there.” Dash flared her wings for emphasis.

Flutters raised an eyebrow and opened up a single wing. Really? is her unasked question.


Dash could probably fly there, but Fluttershy definitely canʼt.

“Y-youʼre right. Iʼm sorry,” Dash said, unwilling to look at her friend.

Fluttershy patted her on the shoulder. “I know youʼre excited. I am, too. But Canterlot will have to wait.”

The bell above the Ponyville Schoolhouse rang loudly. Dozens of fillies and colts, of all ages, ran outside. They were of all tribes and they played all sorts of games in the playground outside. Games Dash and Fluttershy had never even heard of, like hopscotch and ball.

Sugarcube Corner bustled with activity, the after-school rush in full swing. Mr. and Mrs. Cakeʼs desserts were simply delicious. They were so different from deserts back home. Cloudsdale baked goods had only one texture - airy and fluffy. Down there, cakes were moist, spongy, dry, filled with cream or fresh fruits.

Town Hall was the biggest building Dash and Fluttershy had ever laid their eyes on. Fluttershy had to crane her neck to see the top. She wondered how not-pegasi got up the floors.

And thatʼs when the two fillies discovered stairs.

They had never seen anything like it before. They were pointless for a city where everypony can simply fly from one floor to another. Fluttershyʼs parents had to lift her and her younger brother whenever they wanted to go up.

Dash made a mental note to tell her friendʼs parents to install stairs.

The two fillies continued to explore the town. They met more unicorns but, true to Mrs. Buttercupʼs words, there werenʼt a lot. They ate and sang and danced and had loads of fun.

So much fun, in fact, that they failed to notice that the night had fallen.

They were inside Golden Oaks Library when Dash heard a very familiar voice yell, “Rainbow Dash?! Fluttershy?! Girls, where are you?!”

Fluttershy looked up from her book. Dash stopped looking at the shelves. They looked at each other.

“Uh-oh,” they said simultaneously.

Dash rushed outside and saw her father pacing and yelling for the girls. She approached him slowly, Fluttershy trailing behind her.

“Dad? Weʼre here.”

Dad whirled around and before either girl could blink, they were enveloped in a bone-crushing hug.

“Girls, whereʼve you been? Where did you run off to? Why didnʼt you tell anypony? Are you alright? Are you hurt?”

Dash and Fluttershy answered all his questions after he released them from the hug.

He listened patiently and gently stroked Dashʼs mane.

“I love you, and Iʼm glad youʼre okay.” Dadʼs peaceful smile turned into a deep frown. “But you are in so much trouble right now.”

Rainbow Dash hated being grounded.

It wasnʼt just the extra chores and homework. Her being busted by her parents means that she could no longer go down to the World Below. The world with magic and different pony tribes and farms. A world she had grown to love and was eager to see again.

A knock on her door snapped her out of her thoughts. Dash watched as Fluttershy slowly entered the room, speaking in a soft voice.

“I talked to my parents. They understand why we went down without their permission. They talked to your parents.”

That sounds promising. Dash leaned forward in anticipation. “And?”

Fluttershy smiled.

“They’ll take us to Ponyville again.”

Dash’s eyes widened in excitement and she squealed.

Comments ( 15 )

Super cute!

[Insert cool fact about tree here]

If a little unpolished.


And yeah, this was brought to you raw and unedited. Probably should have re-read it, though.

I didn't even need to read the story itself to know how easily this could fit in show cannon. It must have occurred at some time or else Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash wouldn't have ever gone to Ponyille later. I have read this story though, and I greatly approve. Let me just get a few nitpicks out of the way first.

agreed to help the latte find happiness, no matter how bored she was.

You can copy/paste the sentence above in find to find it. latte should be latter. Just needed one more letter.

As for Mrs. Buttercup, I'd change each reference to "apple" into "pear". Buttercup would be a fiilly too at this time so she certainly didn't marry Brightmac yet. During this time, she had far more association with pears. The reference otherwise works.

Can't give too many names, but there is a handful of unicorns that live in Ponyville even during this time. Cookie Crumbles and family certainly weren't the only ones. You're story did say that though and I admit that earth pony population likely is the stronger census for Ponyville.

Other than what is mentioned above, it's so easy to get immersion into this particular story. So easy to see that this might have actually happened, or at least something akin to it. I like the child-like touch to it especially, like Rainbow here not knowing the word for branches. Never occurred to me that they'd be unfamiliar with stairs either.

Anyway, this is adorable and well within the spirit of the show. Well done , Uz Naimat. I'm going to share this with my friends now.

P.S.: Really like the front cover of the story too.

Always appreciate your comments, Scroll, and thank you so much for the kind words!

As for Mrs. Buttercup, I'd change each reference to "apple" into "pear". Buttercup would be a fiilly too at this time so she certainly didn't marry Brightmac yet. During this time, she had far more association with pears. The reference otherwise works.

Buttercup is Applejackʼs mother. Sheʼs a generation above Dash and Fluttershy. Definitely not a filly. At this point in the timeline, not only was she married and identified as an Apple, but AJ herself was already born. Hence why she introduces yourself as Buttercup and not Pear Butter.

P.S.: Really like the front cover of the story too.

Aww, thanks! Glad you like it.

Right. Aj would have been born during this time so you're right about Buttercups age and association.

I could easily see something like this having been canon in either the show or the comics. There's lots of untapped potential for the mane six's childhoods.

Thatʼs what my series is aiming for. Glad you enjoyed the story!

After looking at this story, it makes me wonder why they didn't do a backstory of how they wound up in Ponyville in the show itself.

That’s what my series aims to do - fill the gaps of show canon. I’m planning on doing one for little Pinkie as well.

On behalf of "My Little Reviews & Feedback", this story has been reviewed. You can read the review here.

Oooh, a review! Thanks!

That was a good story.

A delightful little read, with a lot of fun interplay between baby Rainbow and Fluttershy. :heart:

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