• Published 9th Aug 2023
  • 363 Views, 23 Comments

An Aeternian's Conviction - The Real Darkness

With a relationship established, a student missing, another Aeternian discovered, and an unknown threat with power enough to kill Arctus; the Scout finds love in all of it difficult to nurture.

  • ...

The Days to Enjoy

Author's Note:

Sex hinted at, nothing explicitly described.

The two of them were already knocking and then unlocking and then opening the door to a royal suite that was a pseudo prison. Celestia had dismissed the guards in front of the door and Arctus was first to enter.

"I'm...sorry to keep you waiting so long, I know I sent you off to here and you've been under constant watch, I could have addressed this earlier."

The human, the other Aeternian present bowed deeply to him.

"I suppose you really are a citizen. Stop bowing. What's your name?"

"Lohey," the woman stood straight in her still torn clothing, "you're Scout Arctus, the Starborn, aren't you?"

Celestia finally spoke up, "quite the celebrity in Aeternia, weren't you?" Her words a playful jab.

"I am Master Scout Arctus, that's correct. Lohey, you were in the cave with that distasteful necromancer. Have you noticed any prolonged illness or such symptoms?" Arctus began questioning her.

She shook her head.

"What do you think of ponykind here?" He moved an open hand toward Celestia to gesture.

"They're weird, but they're very peaceful."

"They are, I work to maintain that peace here as a few Aeternians have been displaced. I-."

Lohey had cut him off, "excuse me, Master Scout Arctus. I have no intention to disrupt this peace or to bring ill upon them or you or Princess Celestia here," she affirmed.

"Good. There is another Aeternian present here, Sacred Star General Savus."

"SAVUS?!" Arctus could tell from volume alone, she was a fan.

"I think Savus may want to lay low for a while, just a passing thought," Celestia smirked.

"There is also another Aeternian, but we haven't been able to make contact," Arctus lied, "Litzrer Captain Kanna was also here, she has died."

Lohey nodded, "do you know where Savus is?"

"Stay focused, Lohey. What did you do back in Aeternia?"

"I was a teacher...and brewer," Arctus' eyes went wide.

"Do you...do, please. Do you know how to make magma sheets?" Lohey nodded, "Celly, I...I think I'll be buying some property within Canterlot soon...and bringing an entire new addition to the alcohol industry."

Lohey's face brightened before darkening with worry, "I wasn't big or anything, Master Scout Arctus. Most of the people who would drink what I made were family or friends."

"I am your friend now, I'll be drinking it, don't worry about it."

"Apologies, Lohey, that's a piece of home and Art hasn't had such a creature comfort in many many years here."

"That's right, that necromancer likely kept you for years like that. Feel free to roam the castle, the guards will tell you when you're going someplace off limits and they can direct you around," Arctus took command again, "you might draw attention in the city, but none of it will be hostile. Savus may still be in the city now. I do have favors I'd like to ask you for."

Lohey looked back to him attentively, "please...please brew some magma sheets. I'll source any material you need, but I imagine I'll need a barrel or two for a celebration in mind. Also, knowing that you were a teacher, could you please write down the history and culture of Aeternia? I know as much as anybody else, but you are an expert in it. Afterward, you can lend your expertise to the ponies in teaching."

"That's quite a lot, but I'll try my best Master Scout Arctus," she kept herself formal and bowed deeply again.

"That's all that Aeterni-...I would ask of you."

"Is that a common saying, Art?" Celestia questioned.

"It is, it's used as a conclusion to orders being given," Lohey spoke up, "which matches his military background. Th conversation would normally conclude there."

Arctus sighed out, "yeah, you're definitely writing down about our people," Arctus hadn't noticed it the entire time, but Asarele was still on his back, clutching to his cape and a gentle touch of the bird pale blue feathers sent an icy chill about his head, forcing a shiver.

"Hmmm, I'll assign one of the maids to assist you with acquanting yourself in Equestria," Celestia addressed the new arrival, "Caffeine Morning usually takes care of this room so when you see her come by this afternoon, she'll assist you."

"Thank you, Princess, I appreciate your hospitality."

"Enjoy Equestria, Lohey, it's a very special nation," Arctus walked to the door, exiting the room with Celestia following soon after him.

Once they were clear of ear shot of the room, Celestia spoke up first, "when you first told me you came from the stars, I doubted you, but after having met many Aeternians who confirm it, I'm beginning to wonder who and exactly what you are. Even Savus admits you're on a different level of combat than him and he's a celebrity in your world."

The Master Scout laughed while they descended a spiral staircase, "I just never had time to grow my legend in Aeternia. Most people only remember the baby that showed up in the Sacred volcano, not the things I've done since then."

"Art, you have built a legacy in Equestria already and you continue to grow it."

"And every day I feel more comfortable leaving Aeternia behind and accepting Equestria as home."

The Princess smiled at his words, "did you have any plans today besides the ones you didn't tell me of this morning?"

"I didn't have anything planned for a while, I was going to watch the current training of guards and relax for now."

"I thought a Scout didn't have time for rest?" Celestia jabbed at him.

"Give yourself credit for that, you've made this nation a very peaceful one."

Celestia tinted at his compliment.

"We can go to the gardens for a while afterward if you like. I already know you're taking the day just for me."

"I had a different idea, we can go trapsing around an old haunt," she smiled at him as the two exited to the front of the castle and made their way across a cobbled path, "you do like to watch the guards quite a lot, are you displeased with their training?"

Arctus shook their head as they came acros the dirt filled training yard, his hands touched a wood fence and he leaned over it, "I was raised around it. I lived in the temple a short while and then I lived around training, steel, scraping, clashing, and all these other sounds."

"Remind you of a simpler time?"

"You can say that. It's not like I have the constant worry of a Master Scout observing, waiting, ready to pounce," he was zoning in on the form of the guards doing strike drills at the command of Shining Armor, "does Equestria have a nationwide alarm of some kind?"

"Through magic, yes, it's rudimentary, but it works," the white alicorn watched the guards go about, Shining Armor noticed the two of them after a while and gave them a wave which was returned only by Celestia.

"As long as there is one in place, that's good enough for me," Arctus was making notes of the slight mistakes the guards were making and looking more toward ones that were perfect in form and others that seemed to strike far more agressively.

They were making eye contact with him and the bird still on his back. They were trying to purposefully impress him. Maybe they had heard was a Scout's paycheck looks like from Silver Spike.

"When she makes it back, I'm going to test her."

"Do you mean trainee Strong Stitch?" Celestia questioned.

"Yes, check her survival skills, her stealth skills, and give her the proper exam."

"Let me know when, I'd love to see her knock you into the air again," the Princess decided being playful was the best way to entertain herself, at Arctus' expense.

"That. I have things in mind for that. We'll put her to a solid test and try not to destroy the training yard."

She smiled, "now I'm excited for it."

The two of them went quiet while they watched, the day passing by while they just enjoyed the time they had with each other.

"Celly, when...where will she come back?" Arctus popped the hard question.

"Likely the old castle in the Everfree," the topic didn't hurt Celestia as much today.

"I'll ensure I'm prepared then."

"Thank you, Art. I know you have your own reasons, but it's important to me that you're going to try to bring her back in whatever way you can."

"My reasons are second," he gently ruffled her flowing mane, "Asarele," the icy bird on his back audibly chirped at its name and Arctus.

Arctus pointed at Shining Armor and his companion left, flying over Shining Armor and swopping low, a thin layer of ice formed on the unicorn's back. The Master Scout held his hand in the air and waved toward himself, Asarele returned to him. He could feel a movement in his body, reminiscent of the Glacégere.

Shining Armor shivered and huffed as he trotted over while the ice was melting off his back, "I see we have another avian friend around the castle who isn't afraid to play harmful tricks unlike Philomena."

"This is Asarele, they'll be living in the castle along with me, Shining Armor," Arctus explained, "I see you're still harsh on correcting their forms, apologies if my presence causes them to try to add more to their strikes."

"You're always welcome at the training yard, Arctus. Just ensure it stays disciplined, I'll make the guard aware."

"Always knowing what my next words were going to be," Arctus smiled at the captain.

"That general you brought around, Savus, is he safe?"

"He might be powerful, but he has sense in his head," the Master Scout assured, "you can also make requests to him, he did say he wouldn't mind being of use to Equestria, though he's hoping to retire. Savus has had a very long and successful military career."

"Putting down the sword doesn't sound easy for an Aeternian," Celestia voiced in.

"It would be easy for him, not so much for me or other scouts. We might both be military, but we're in separate worlds," Arctus clarified.

"But what would keep you from retiring and putting combat aside?" Celestia knew this was a cusp of culture.

"In Aeternia, when a Scout passes their exam they share blood with the other Scouts."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Shining Armor followed, still present.

"There's never been a recorded death from it, but the first Scout, whoever it was, created the tradition and they had taken blood from the Eight Heroes. It drove them to have an unwilling bloodlust. This tradition carried on and the blood is even shared outside the Scouts, freely," Arctus pushed off the wood fence, standing on his own, "not fighting makes us lose more control, when I said combat and war are born inside of us, I meant it."

It wasn't exactly a fact he was proud to share with the peaceful ponies, but the topic had come up and he needed to bare more of himself for them to see.

"That's a grim fate to be assigned," the white alicorn nudged him, "but you carry it well."

"It's never bothered me, even in Equestria there are uses for my talents. There are those who lose to that bloodlust, they're given enchanted neckbands that keep them from ever entering Aeternia's borders again and they cause chaos in other nations instead."

"Every time I hear about Aeternia is just another cheery custom," Shining Armor added sarcasm in.

"Don't judge his people too harshly, Captain. They did settle on salt flats with volcanic activity," Celestia advocated in favor of Arctus.

"Right," Shining Armor quieted himself, returning to the guards in training.

"Let's head off, Art," Celestia lit her horn and in a flash of yellow she brought all three of them to the Everfree Forest, to the border of it, Ponyville at their backs.

Arctus wordlessly grasped his spear and set his new avian to soar the skies, "free," and ice sprinkled lightly over the giant trees of the Everfree.

The noises of the forest began to slowly silence as Arctus' scent wafted about for the creatures to smell.

"It never ceases to amaze me how you made this forest tame to your will," Celestia took the lead, trotting ahead.

"You give a Scout enough time and he can accomplish anything. I had hunted in these woods for years prior to meeting you," his head was swiveling as he enter behind her, keeping close and noticing Asarele soaring above the thick canopy.

The white alicorn peered behind herself and looked forward with a laugh, "you really do thrive in these woods, hmm? It's cute, making me wonder if giving you a room in the castle was a good decision."

Arctus couldn't form a good response.

"Ahhh, I've taken your breath, I see," Celestia knew this route through the woods quite well, she'd visit it while he was away from Equestria. It never did lose his scent.

"Are we going to my hovel?"

"You really should start calling it your cottage, you built it very well."

"Hm," the woodsmaster grunted in response.


"Oh, Art, there's not-."

"Stop," Arctus took a sniff in the air, smelling a similar twinge and he moved in front of Celestia in silence, scouting ahead a couple of meters to his first home and seeing an atrocious thing over top it.

"Arctus, what-," Celestia snuck to him, whispering, "o-oh...I...you smelt it?"

"I could hear it, too," his soul lurched as he looked on in the clearing at this Ursa Major taking a nap in the sunlight. It was Fall, likely using the end of Summer to soak up some final rays before the chill came.

"What are you planning?"

"You don't really like violence, do you?" Celestia shook her head, "then I'll make this quick."

Arctus put his spear into its holster and went to draw his greatsword before realizing, "shitting stars...Plated Shell is maintenancing it."

"Grow attached to your new toy?" The Princess smirked at him.

"It was a perfect weapon for large creatures, now I'm going to need to get a little more creative..."

The woodsmaster looked about them, spying something he could use, he slipped in silence to it, pulling a large branch up and even holding both sides of it, pushing his foot into the center and finding it strong and springy.

"The woodsmaster becomes the engineer?" Celestia held a bemused eyebrow up while she watched him.

He gazed around again, checking for potential objects of use and noting plants, branches, rocks, every single detail of his surroundings. The Master Scout was accustomed to having what he needed on hand, but this was a return to creativity.

"Art, is this...is this how you really survived when you first came here?" He had slunk back to his partner.

"Creativity is a survivalist's greatest tool. If you can not imagine the things you can possibly do with but just a stick or rock, you can not imagine an accurate tomorrow. You'll be dead or dying by then," his left hand opened in front of him while he focused down his mana, a black smoking ball of void formed in the air.

"Oh, I haven't seen this spell, what's this one?"

"Something Strong Stitch would appreciate," he kept an expressionless gaze as he moved it to the branch which soaked in the magic, letting fumes off itself before he slowly and cautiously set the branch upon the ground, "please stay hidden right here where you are."

"Yes, Sir," she whispered with a laugh. Though she didn't condone violence, Celestia could not help but love watching him perform.

Arctus slipped away, taking his bow from his back and one of his bodkin arrows. The percing power of these were meant for weaker armor, often used by searchers, archers, and the like which were common targets for his bow.

It would still be more than enough to puncture the tough bear's hide and make it sing Arctus' name.

He lifted his head up from bushes, Celestia could clearly see him, but the bear was still taking a snooze. His bow lifted. His quiver's bundle clasp lifted. His arrow lifted.


The ursa immediately woke with a horrible screech and the before Arctus even confirmed his intended mark he was slipping past bushes, branches, ferns, roots. Feet a blur as he stepped quietly, stowing his bow and greturning to Celestia's side.

"Let's get him a move on somewhere else," he glanced at the white alicorn, her eyes locked firm to his in the short moment before watching his body grip the blackened branch again while he sprinted out of the woods.

A great bear stood high above the canopy, scratching at its eye to try and remove the small arrow that punctured the eye lid and pupil, whining in pain. Too busy with the sudden injury, it noticed Arctus' approach late and he slammed the branch upward against the rear of the bear.

The branch splintered into a mist of sawdust and mulch, the ursa major discovered a gift of flight. Asarele, high above the canopy noticed the bear, swooping in and opening its beak, a concerning spike of cold shooting out and into the bear.

Arctus had seen the entire interaction, pausing before his mind ticked again, he needed something else to hit the bear with as a second strike. His hands rummaged around the tall grass before a large rock tapped his fingers.

Another black ball, another infused piece of nature. The Master Scout threw the mineral with less accuracy than he'd like, but with the strength behind it, the silicate still landed hard at the bear and with a loud boom it shot off into the distance past the tree canopy.

A loud thud and many wood snaps announced its landing, "Asarele!" The young ice embodiment swooped down, landing on the metal ring of Arctus' cape again, "you...we'll need to do some training together."

Celestia rushed out of the bushes, stomping her hoves in applause once she reached Arctus, "you never told me you could do that!" She endeared his pride.

"You know already that I'm all kinds of impressive," He loked about the clearing, ensuring there were no more threats, "I'm surprised it didn't smell me, wake up, and immediately leave."

"Are you saying even those behemoths are afraid of you?"

"Celly, you forget what being the woodsmaster means," Arctus lifted the moss covered hatch to his home away from home, slipping in to it. He was already set on the task of lighting the torches in the dirt alcoves of the hovel, providing a dim light over most of the cool dugout.

Celestia teleported herself into the small survival shelter rather than climbing down the small entrance as she had done in the past.

"So, you just suggested here to escape the castle, didn't you?" Arctus was crouched at the rudimentary bed, shuffling about metal and glass containers

"You should know that without having to ask by now, Art," the alicorn bore a wide smile, scanning over Arctus' first home.

"Absent of prying eyes. When I first built this, I didn't think it'd be used as a private rendezvous."

"So...about the ceremony we were talking of yesterday was it?" Celestia continued the topic.

"A joining."

"As you call it from Aeternia, we call them weddings in Equestria," Celestia added.

"If you're asking me," he stood, meeting the alicorn's gaze. He let the silence sit while he walked the short distance across the dried grass rug, his fingers laced about her chin, "I'd love to be joined to you."

Celestia chortled, withdrawing her head, but not leaving his fingers, "we'll have a lot of details to work out, but I think we can accomodate both our cultures."

"We'll leave Equestria in chaos...or make all of Canterlot a blathering drunken rabble," Arctus commented with a smile.

"It's not often you curl your lips like that," her hoof poked his cheek, "did you have any input from your culture?"

"I'd like...after the actual ceremony or joining, to have a celebration in the style of Aeternia."

Celestia's face twisted int concern, she knew that meant alcohol, possible debauchery, and a nationwide celebration. The castle's coffers could be emptied quickly that way.

"We might not be able to afford that so readily."

"We can keep it to just Canterlot, didn't you say the newest princess...Cadence, right?" Arctus took her hoof, guiding the Princess to the fur bed, "she's good at shield magic? That's what I've heard rumored."

"She is..."

"Then we can have Shining Armor and Princess Cadence perform the shield ritual during it. Most breweries also used it as an opportunity to promote themselves and set a side a barrel or three for free samplings."

"Are you sure Equestria can handle that much freedom all at once?"

"Positive. I don't know much about Equestrian wedding traditions, but with a joining there are some rituals an Aeternian does...I'd prefer not to have an audience for them and we can do it after the celebration across Canterlot."

"Oooooh," Celestia shuffled onto the bed, "sounds like some bedchamber talk."

"You can have bedchamber talk whenever you please," the woodsmaster began taking off his gear, laying them out on the handmade simple table, "these rituals are very symbolic and Equestria might not be ready for them," he carried Asarele on his arm after taking his cape off and let the bird free to fly the skies above the Everfree.

"Well, we can talk about details throughout the weeks...I wanted to come out here and get a slice of you privately," the alicorn was free to talk however she pleased in these wildernesses.

Comments ( 1 )

He survived and got the girl: a happy ending for the hero!!

The brief mention of Cadence made me wonder what the Scouts would do with the Changelings: a species which specializes in clandestine operations.

And the big event with Luna is around the corner!!

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