• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 269 Views, 5 Comments

Protectors of the Nations - ChildishWriter

How I think things could have gone for the young six had their story continued

  • ...


Author's Note:

This took longer than expected because I was trying to figure out when I wanted to end it. I hope you all like this!! Also I didnt know what to name this part

again sorry for any misspellings

"Ugh. When Twilight said she wanted to talk to us I thought she meant us! not our leaders." Gallus groaned as he flew in circles. The students, along with Terramar, were all in the castle's main hall waiting for the princess to let them in.
"They said it will just be a minute" Ocellus recalled

"Yeah that was almost an hour ago" Sandbar stated. He was laying on the ground along with Yona, "What they talking about anyway? why can't Yona and friends listen?"
"I can think of one reason," Terramar said as he looked in the direction of his sister. Silverstream was in the middle of getting her hair braided by Smolder.
Everybody turned to look at the pink hippogriff who shot a glare at her younger brother. Once she noticed her friends staring at her she smiled. "OH! That reminds me guys I have amazing news!!" she began to stand up and jump around,

"Wait Sil i'm not done with the braid" Smolder exclaimed. Silver laughed "Oops sorry smolder! Got carried away" She sat back down allowing the dragon to continue.
"So what did you want to tell us?" The griffin asked. "SO as you guys know my little brother is here" She motioned to the white hippogriff who rolled his eyes. "But he's not visiting!!" Her smile grew as she got more excited "He's gonna start going to school here!!"

" Sweet! Another guy to hang out with" Gallus said as he fist-bumped Terramar. "Yeah it's pretty cool but hey Sil did you tell them the reasons I'm gonna be here" he smirked. Silver's smile became different, it wasn't a happy smile it was an ' I'm trying not to kill this creature smile '

" No, I didn't Terry. I was waiting to see them in person to tell them anything. Because that's what friends do. They wait. To tell each other important information."

"Is that why you only sent like 10 letters over the summer?" Smolder asked as she completed Her friend's braid.
"Yup! Sorry about that by the way I got supper busy over the summer I barely had time to paint!"

"Yeah, that's why" Her brother rolled his eyes.
Silver hopped over to him and put a wing around him "Anyway! As I was saying. Terry over here has been missing me so much that he practically begged to go to school here to see me more!" She began to ruffle his feathers and Smile at him

"Makes sense. Who wouldn't miss Silverstream" Ocellus stated.
"Yeah tell her that. I think she needs to hear it more often" Terramar said as he tried to get away from his big sister

The other creatures looked confused
"Umm why?" Gallus questioned

"Oh, nothing. Terry is just being silly!" Nothing to worry" Silver said as she flew up to Gallus and gave him a big hug.

“Haha.Yeah. Silly…” Terramar said.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, but soon enough the doors to the main room finally opened up.

“Oh thank Novo” Silverstream proclaimed as she let go of Gallus who was still strongly confused. Every creature sat up eager to see what was going on.

Spike appeared in the door frame “ You all can come in now"

They all went in following the young dragon into ' the conference room ' where they saw their teachers sitting in their respective seats and their leaders also surrounding the table. without saying a word the creatures all take a seat on the floor curious as to what they will be discussing.

Twilight hopped up from her chair and walked towards the group. "First off I would like to tell you guys how proud I am of you and all you have accomplished. You guys have inspired so many around you including your own leaders." She motioned to the creatures whose stern faces turned into light smiles. Which confused Gallus the most, Gruff never smiles. Never.

"Which is why, after some deep thought, we think it's time to have more creatures come to our school. We are going to start by having them stay for a month and if they enjoy it they can continue to go here or they can go back to their home country. You guys will be able to choose who you would like to come since it might be better if they have some friends to be around"

everybody was silent for a moment trying to process what the princess just told them.

Then Silverstream bounced up. "ohmygoshohmygoshonmygosh!! That would be so exciting!! getting to see all the different creatures! Getting to show my friends back home around here. "
She gasped rather loudly startling her friends


She gasped louder this time "OOOOOO we could have sleepovers everynight! AND our girls night will be even more fun now! AND! ALLLL The creatures will get to be apart of the fun adventures we get to go on!! AND! we get to see more and more creatures become friends and have amazing friend groups!! and well have fun parties every weekend!"
She began to fly around in circles




"HOW MANY HIPPOGRIFFS CAN I INVITE" The pink bird hovered in the air eagerly awaiting twilights answer.

"Well.. as of right now the limit will be 15 creatures per nation. With the help of your leader you will be choosing who comes to the school, is everycreature of with that?"
Everyone nodded in agreement "Good, but there is one more thing. I've already told Sandbar about this but, since more students will be coming you guys will need to share dorms with each other this year. Gallus and Sandbar I'm guessing you too will be sharing a dorm" She looked at the young Pony and Griffin

''Yeah, sure. as long as some pony doesn't sleep talk"
"Well I hope a certain Griffin doesn't snore"

"Oh he does," Silverstream and Yona said earning some stares from the others in the room.

For the sake of everybody, Twilight decided to continue her discussion. "Anyway. Girls, you can decide how dorm arrangements will go of course you don't have to room with each other, if you want you can room with a creature from your home. Any questions?"

"Wait who is Terry gonna stay with?" Silver asked.

"He will get to pick some creature as well so Silver you will technically be picking 14 while your brother picks 1"

"Aww ok"

"Besides you don't need to invite 15 people Sil," Terramar said, "Especially not the griffs you were hangout with."

"Terramar!!" the other two Hippogriffs yelled

"Ok!!" Starlight intervened "You guys can go head to the school and get your dorm situation figured out and we will see you there! we will let you know more about the other creatures coming later"

Before any creature could move Seaspray spoke "Oh Miss Starlight, Silverstream, Terramar, and I would like to speak with you and the rest of the teachers privately."
Silverstream's ears fell back "Please no" she muttered which caught the attention of her friends.

"Alright, we can certainly do that. The rest of you can head out and go to the school."

Every creature, aside from the hippogriffs, began to leave the castle and head to the school.
"What do you think that was about?" The young dragon asked, the others shrugged

"Maybe there is some royal crisis going on" Ocellus suggested "Maybe, I mean did you see the way Silverstream acted?" Sandbar recalled, "Whatever it was really upset her, she'll probably tell us later.... if she's allowed to"

"Even if she's 'not allowed' she will still tell us a little bit" Ocellus laughed.

Yona decided to change the subject and began to stomp with joy

"Yak can't wait for the new year to start! and to bring more Yaks to school! Friends get to meet Yonas Friends from Yakyakastan!!"

'Yeah, it will be pretty cool to have some more of my kind here, Dont get me wrong you guys are awesome bit it will be nice to have more dragons my age around here"

" Since ponies don't seem to be terrified of changelings anymore it will be nice to have some come here"

They all looked at the Griffin expecting him to say something. "What" He got no response from the group "Fine...I guess it will be cool to have a griffin or two here. But I don't know how many of them are willing to come here, Gabby might, she has the same energetic level as Silverstream and Pinkie Pie combined so I know they will get along, she already met you guys, and Spike so she wont be completely alone coming here, but I think she will be the only one"

Sandbar put a hoof around his blue friend "I'm sure more will want to come by, especially after what happened last spring"

"Eh maybe... I guess we will find out"

Smolder who was getting impatient suddenly flew up "Let's go guys! The last one to the dorms is a rotten egg!"

"Yona not want to be rotten egg" She yelled as she began to run

The 5 students laughed as they raced to their dorms

The group first decided to help move boxes to the boy's room. "Wow, Gallus I thought you would have more stuff than this" Smolder commented. "Yeah this was only 3 boxes...and they are kinda small" Ocellus pointed out

Gallus had already started opening boxes and putting stuff away "Yeah most of my stuff was already here it was just at Sandbars house"
The girls just looked at him hoping there would be a better explanation "What? I stayed over at his house for a few weeks"

There were multiple ' ohs' that circulated the room

"Yeah it would've been from the whole summer but Gruff wanted me to help build back up Griffinstone, Which reminds me we finally got the library all built! it actually looks pretty nice"

"Sweet! Maybe we'll be able to check it out soon" Sandbar guessed.

"Yeah I bet Silverstream will really like it" Gallus blushed a bit as he spoke. Smolder smirked "Yknow Gallus, you talk about Silverstream a lot"

The Griffin snapped his head around and looked at her, his blush intensifying " What" He yelped almost looking offended at what the dragon was implying "I'm her friend! Of course, I'm gonna talk about her"

"Still not as much as you talk about the rest of us" Ocellus giggled

"Aww does some-griff have a bit of a crash on her" Sandbar teased

Yona decided to tag in "Look Griffins blushing"

Gallus tried to hide behind his wings " No I'm not! and No I don't!! I just happen to admire her bubbly nature and how she can make anything exciting And- Well- I- Ugh- Don't you girls have your own dorm situation to figure out!"

"Oh yeah you're crushing hard" Smolder teased more
"He is right though we should probably start getting settled, other ponies will be here soon " Ocellus explained
"Ok Girl-friends tease Griffin later about crush on Hippogriff"

"It's not a crush!!" Gallus yelled as Smolder shut the door behind them.

"Well, now we got him to finally admit it. we have a more important matter to discuss now, Who is bunking with who?"

"Umm well... I don't think the two most chaotic creatures in the school should share a room with each other" The young Changeling suggested.
Yona raised a brow "What friend mean?"

The other two ignored her, the three girls walked into one of the empty dorm rooms and sat on the floor.
"Yeah probably not," Smolder looked over to the young Yak, " Yona do you wanna bunk with me or Ocellus"
Yona looked trouble by the question "Yona not want to choose over friends, Don't want to feel bad for other"

"It ok its not a matter of life and death or anything" Smolder explained

"Why would it be matter of that?"

" Its not. that's why I said it"

" If not matter of death or life then why dragon bring it up?"

"Because I-! Nevermind You share a dorm with Ocellus i'll share with Silver" Smolder decided

"Shouldn't we wait for Silverstream to come back?" Ocellus asked

"Yeah no, she's taking too long and I don't feel like waiting" Smolder decreed " I'll help you guys set up your room then hopefully she will be back and we can do ours"

The other two agreed and went to go get their stuff

"Yak still confused how that was life or death"

A groan came from the young dragon

The 5 creatures had finished setting up their rooms and decided to go to the main lobby where schedules and school pictures were being taken. When they walked in it was extremely loud and crowded, It was hard but they were able to make there way to the photos.

" Yeah.. I'll be happy when I see some more dragons around here"
"If they were here the school would be burned down already" Gallus whispered

"If the Griffins were here no pony would have any money left "

" Ah how I missed the blunt racist joke we make to each other " Sandbar stated “ Nothing could bring us closer then that “

“Then what?” Suddenly a very cheery voice suddenly appeared in the mix starling the others.

The brown Yak tackled her into a hug
“ Yona miss Silverstream! Only get to see her for minute “

Silverstream giggled as she got back up “It was for more then a minute silly. And sorry about that there was some stupid royal stuff Seaspray wanted to go over but I’ll tell you about it later“

“ Seriously that’s what took so long, Why couldn’t he talk to them alone and you could’ve came with us” Smolder complained

The hippogriff shrugged “ Well he said he wanted me to be a part of it and after we got done it took me a bit longer to get here because after that longggggggg discussion, I decided to write down a list of hippogriffs that can stay here!!”

She took out a scroll and it began to unravel rolling about 20ft knocking some ponies over in the process "I kind of lost track of time"

“Huh I don’t think you’ve mentioned these hippogriffs before, “ Gallus stated observing the names on the list

“ Well I hung out with them once or twice last spring break, then we hung out more this summer” she explained

“This looks like the whole population of Mt Aris and Seaquestria combine “ Ocellus stated

“It almost is!!” She proclaimed happily.

After waiting in line forever the kids got their photos taken, grabbed their schedules, and went to go find a place to sit down and find out if they have classes together. after cross-checking schedules, they all realized they had lecture hall together like they had requested the previous year. The next thing they had to do was get Silver's room set up.

"So did you guys decide who gets to be roomies with who?" Silverstream asked the girls

"Yup, it's gonna be Celly and Yona, You and me. We already set up their room but not ours so we could do it together"

" You don't need us for that" Gallus stated as he nudged Sandbar to play along. " Yea... Sounds boring and we wouldn't want to intrude on your ' girl time ' "

" We will be in our own room definitely not playing video games" Gallus and Sandbar began to run to their room

"Good! We don't want you smelly asshole to help anyway" Smolder yelled.

The girls laughed as they proceeded to their dorm rooms

" Finally we are done," Smolder said as she plopped onto the top bed of their bunk bed Silver doing the same on the bottom. " Yup now we get to do whatever we want"

" I wonder what they are gonna serve for dinner tonight. Oo I hope they give us some of that Grilled chicken! I really missed that in the Dragonlands, I mean we had chicken but it's nothing like the ones they make us here am I right?"

Even though Ponies in particular don't eat meat other creatures like Griffins, Hippogriffs, and Dragons do, So they had to make some adjustments in order for the carnivores to keep a healthy diet, Twilight was able to get 2 types of meat fish and chickens they could get beef though since killing cows is illegal in Equestria.

When there was no response Smolder leaned over the bottom bunk, Smolder saw the teen-griff reading some sort of little orange bottle. " Silverstream?"

Somehow starting the hippogriff, Smolder watch as she quickly put the orange bottle in a small rectangular box with a gold lock that looked to be painted Pink with light blue flowers.

" Sorry, what?" Silver pulled out a key and locked the box. Before the Dragon could respond Silver spoke " Oh yeah that chicken tasted nice"

"What's in that box?"

The pink bird Slid the box under her bed " Oh some stuff I need. Oh! I just had this really good idea! what if we all spend the night at the treehouse tonight!! OOoooo do you know how fun that would be! we can watch movies, play games, and talk about what we did over the summer!! Come on let's go tell every-creature!!!!" Silverstream grabbed Smolder by the claw dragging her to their friend's rooms to tell them the idea.

Every-creature of course agreed to the idea and when they asked Starlight for permission she agreed and told them to be safe, and careful and to not leave the Treehouse after midnight, They agreed to the rules and to decide who does what they flipped a coin.

Heads, the girls get the snacks and the boys set up the treehouse, Tails, the opposite.

Gallus flicked the coin, They watched as it rolled onto the table and started spinning in place



Still spinning......

Finally, it landed on tails.
The boys groaned as the girls cheered " Any special requests" Sandbar asked

" Mini Blueberry muffins Yonas favorite"

" Doritos oh and Lays the normal ones "

"Takis! The hottest ones you can find"

Everybody looked as Silver waiting for her answer

" Umm surprise me, y'know I like everything"

" Are you sure" Gallus questioned

" Yup, you guys go! we have a treehouse to decorate!!

Before splitting up they gave the boy 25 bits each to get the snacks with all 6 of them which gave the guys 150$ to spend.

The girls finished setting up and the guys where on the way back with food. They were all so excited to see each other again, and they couldn't wait to spend the night playing games, laughing and hanging with one another.