• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 723 Views, 7 Comments

Twilight Party - AndyHunter

After Fluttershy had to cancel the tea party with Discord, Discord looks for a way to have some fun and what better way than to throw a party at Twilight's castle.

  • ...

Let's Party!

Discord and Fluttershy had planned a tea party for today, but Fluttershy was in a bit of a hurry, since she received news from Dr. Fauna that the Crocodiles wanted to eat the snakes and frogs from the sanctuary. Fluttershy hated to cancel plans at the last minute, but this was an emergency.

Discord made his extravagant presentation to Fluttershy's house, with 2 clones dressed as soldiers and a trumpet, one of the clones opened the door and both played an intro song, while the original Discord walked across the carpet, towards Fluttershy in carefree way.

"Who's ready for a tea party?" Discord asked as he snapped his claws and made everything had generated with his magic disappear.

"I'm glad you came Discord... I hate to say this, but we'll have to leave the tea party for another day, an emergency arose in the sanctuary" When Fluttershy said that, she couldn't help but feel bad, but she was sure that Discord would understand, it's normal for these kinds of situations to arise.

"I... I see" Discord said as he folded his arms and looked away from Fluttershy.

"Cheer up Discord, you don't have to spend time only with me, you have other friends besides me" Fluttershy said with a lively tone.

"But we had plans for today... and I don't think your friends want to be with me" Discord said, right after Fluttershy walked up to him and hugged him. This raised Discord's spirits, he was not used to receiving this kind of affection, so a simple hug makes all negative feelings disappear.

"I'm sure my friends like you, just try to be more kind and considerate to others, without ceasing to be yourself, of course" Fluttershy said as she continued to hug Discord.

"I'm not used to it yet but I'll do my best" Discord said as one of his clones gave him a handkerchief to dry his tears.

"I hope you'll forgive me Discord, for having to cancel our tea party, I still feel bad about it" Said Fluttershy.

"You don't need to apologize for that, I understand, in fact, look at this" Discord with a snap, revived the inanimate objects in the room, they began to dance and sing a song about how sweet and cute Fluttershy is.

Fluttershy loved the song, you would never expect something like this coming from Discord, but this is what the power of friendship is capable of doing.

After that Discord and Fluttershy said goodbye and each one went their own way.

Meanwhile, Discord was thinking about what he could do for fun, thought about the role-playing games he used to play with Spike and Big Mac, but when Discord went to the farm, Big Mac along with Applejack were busy harvesting apples. Pinkie Pie said that she had cakes to deliver, Rarity mentioned that she had to make dresses for the new Sapphire Shores event.

Discord began to run out of options, until he thought of Rainbow Dash, had not visited her yet.

Rainbow Dash was relaxing by the Ponyville lake, enjoying her day off and the silence that invaded the place.

Rainbow was lying next to the tree, she was about to fall asleep, until the water from the lake shot up into the sky, causing it to make a small rain.

Rainbow was very confused and surprised, she proceeded to take off her sunglasses and gaze at the sky, she had no idea what could have caused the water to shoot out like that, there is only one logical explanation, but for Rainbow it was impossible to believe.

She observed a figure in the sky, it was more and less than Discord, the spirit of chaos.

"Discord...?" Rainbow Dash said as she dried herself from the water that had fallen on her from the little rain. Rainbow found it strange that Discord was going to see her, was it something serious? Did he have an argument with Fluttershy? She told herself in her mind.

"Exactly, it's me. I'll go straight to the point, I wanted to ask you just one thing" Discord said as he teleported right in front of where Rainbow Dash was.

"What is it about this time?" Dash asked as he looked at Discord with a raised eyebrow, Rainbow didn't feel like talking to him, whatever it was, she hoped it would at least be interesting.

"I don't have anypony to have fun with, so I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me, I need
four participants" Said Discord.

Rainbow Dash was confused, she didn't really know what Discord was referring to with four participants, and going to a party with him? In case it was strange that discord organized a party, Pinkie is supposed to be the pony in charge of that, but it was enough to get Rainbow's attention.

"A party and four participants, is it a kind of competition? If so, I think I'll go, I never say no to a challenge" Said Rainbow Dash, with a lot of confidence, sure that she would win whatever this "party" would be about.

"Excellent, we'll meet at the entrance of the Twilight castle in an hour, when I get the other players, I'll explain what this is all about, discord out" Said Discord, as he rose to the sky like a rocket and then disappeared.

Rainbow was excited by the idea of ​​a party, but at the same time it has challenges, her day couldn't go better, after relaxing for a while, why not have fun with her friends? It was so much better than being alone all day.

Twilight was enjoying her day off, ordering books, she had already read absolutely all of them, the only thing left to do was order them by arrange it in creative ways.

"I already ordered them in alphabetical order, by categories, by those with the least to the most number of pages...I wonder-" Twilight was interrupted by something that caused all her books to fall to the ground and cause a mess.

She quickly turned around and realized that Discord was riding a train made of glitter in the air and that
it was also capable of generating railways on his own.
Twilight isn't surprised by the fact that he's driving a magical train in her library, but why he's doing it.

"Discord, in the name of Celestia! why are you driving a train in my library?" Twilight asked with a frown.

"Special delivery for Twilight Sparkle!" Said Discord evading Twilight's question, while Discord made a magical scroll appear over Twilight's head.

Twilight felt something fell on her head, immediately with her magic, she levitated the scroll in front of her, whatever Discord is up to, the answer would be right front her nose.

Your best friend Discord, invites you to a party in your castle in an hour, the reasons why I do this, will be revealed later, if you accept.

When Twilight finished reading the scroll, it instantly disappeared.
She made a mental note about what discord could be up to with all this, could it be a good thing or a bad thing? Still, it might add some excitement to her day, ordering books was the only thing she planned to do today, so why not play along with Discord?

"I will going to your so-called party, which is in my own castle" Twilight said in turn that she was annoyed looking at Discord with displeasure for continuing to circle the library with that train, and every time he blew the horn, it annoyed her even more.

"Splendid, I'll see you later. Next stop, Starlight and Trixie!" Discord drove to the roof, opening a portal out of the castle in search of Starlight and Trixie, they were the last remaining ponies to complete the four players.

"Wait, Starlight and Trixie?" Twilight asked surprised putting one of her hooves on her chest, was Discord really going to bring Starlight and Trixie? This gets more and more interesting, this whole situation filled Twilight's head with questions, she was determined to wait for the moment of truth. After thinking for a while, Twilight proceeded to order the books again, it really didn't bother her at all to do it again.

Trixie and Starlight were inside Trixie's wagon having a conversation about the date they had in Canterlot.

"I'm so sorry Starlight, I didn't think Canterlot food was so bad" Trixie said with her eyes downcast.

"I admit that the food was very bad and small, but at least I had fun with you, for me it is the most important thing" Starlight said with a laugh as she looked at Trixie.

Trixie looked up blushing "Aww Thanks Starlight, at least I realize it was worth it, because now I'm short on bits" Trixie said as she scratched her mane with one of her hooves.

"Next time invite me to a restaurant in Ponyville, you don't need to give me fancy dinners or buy me expensive gifts" Starlight said extending one of her hooves for Trixie to hold.

"You... You're right" Trixie nervously took Starlight's hooves, she wanted to kiss Starlight but Trixie was very embarrassed, Trixie wasn't very good at showing affection.
Starlight noticed how red Trixie was, so she decided to do the job for her, turning Trixie's head towards her, and kissing Trixie on the lips.
Nothing mattered anymore at that moment, they just concentrated on the kiss, with their eyes closed, feeling the lips of her marefriend.

"Love is beautiful" Said a sharp voice.

Starlight and Trixie pulled apart, their eyes widening at the sound of that voice.

"What was that?!" Trixie asked.

"I have no idea, somepony with a funny voice must be spying on us!" Starlight said as she looked around preparing her magic beam.

"It must be those weird fans who follow you everywhere, I was afraid that this day would come. The great and powerful Trixie is not ready for this"

"Nothing like that, I'm down here" Discord said, raising his claws to get the attention of Trixie and Starlight.

Both mares looked down and saw a miniature Discord, they supposed that he wanted something, but what bothered them is that he was there without saying anything, while the couple was in their moment.

"Discord? what do you want?" Trixie asked surprised for his unexpected visit.

"I suppose he wants me to shoot him another beam" Starlight said in a threatening tone.

"Control your temper Starlight, I just wanted to invite you both to a party at Twilight's castle"
Both mares looked at each other at the same time, confused, both said at the same time "A party"?

"Yes, a party, I'll tell you what it's about later, if you want to go, we'll be waiting for you at the castle entrance"

Hearing Discord speak in that sharp tone made Trixie laugh, she couldn't hold back her laughter "I'm sorry, it's just funny when you talk like that. I'll go as long as my great and powerful marefriend goes with me, it wouldn't be the same without her"

Both mare blushed and looked away from each other. Discord didn't like these environments so he teleported, anyway Discord already received the answer he wanted, the only thing left was to go to the castle to wait for the arrival of Rainbow Dash, Trixie and Starlight.

"Are you sure you want to go? Wouldn't you like to stay and chat in your wagon?" Starlight asked unsure about the invitation from Discord.

"Yeah! we can save the talk for later, who knows, it might be fun and make up for what happened to those restaurants" Said Trixie.

Starlight chuckles "You still with that. But if you want to go to that party, I'll go with you, it can't be that bad"

Everypony was already gathered in Twilight's castle, ready to start the party.
They were in the same room where the cutie map is located.

In those moments when Discord had left the castle to gather Trixie and Starlight, Twilight told Spike everything. Spike already knew what Discord was up to, since this type of party had already been done together with him and Big Mac when they had the entire castle to themselves.

This time it would be different, Discord wanted to see how Twilight and her friends would react, to the different minigames and challenges they would have to face, and who would be the superstar, maybe Twilight can also learn something new about friendship.

Discord explained the following "The four of you must advance on a board, to advance on the board, you must hit a magic dice that will float above you, it will indicate the number of steps you will advance, I don't want you all to cheat by taking more or less steps than that indicates the dice. The main objective of the game is to gather more than 20 or more bits to buy a star, bits that will be obtained by winning minigames, there are several types of minigames, free-for-all, where each pony works alone, two versus two, you will work in teams, one versus three, a single pony will face all 3, duel minigames in which you bet bits and stars, and battle minigames, in which someone will collect a number of bits from yours, depending on the position in which you're at, you will be given more or less bits"

"In the one versus three minigames, don't you think that's a bit unfair? I mean, it's just one pony against three" Twilight asked putting one of her hooves on her chin.

"Those kinds of minigames are balanced so that neither of the two sides has more advantage than the other, for the pony that is alone, she must learn to work alone and those of the team of three, must learn to work in teams and coordinate if wants to win" Discord replied.

"To also add that players can buy items in a store to have more advantage, will have ten turns to collect as many stars as you can, at the end, will be given extra stars. And another thing to note is that the minigames will take place in another world, Mushroom Kingdom I think it was called, you might come across creatures you've never seen before. By the way, Discord, did you talk to Bowser about the party?" Spike Asked.

"Yes, Bowser said that he will be waiting for us on the board, I sent him a portal from his castle to the alternate version of Ponyville that I prepared for the game" Discord replied

The four mares processed all the information that Discord and Spike said, what most caught Twilight's attention, was it about the new world in which they would be teleported, the Mushroom Kingdom? It seems to be another kingdom far from Equestria, Twilight has read many books in her life, but nothing about that. Rainbow was excited about the minigames they would play, will they be sports, racing? and who
is Bowser? many questions invaded her head.
Starlight and Trixie stared at each other, wondering what they got themselves into, even so, they were willing to continue with the game, it could be fun and exciting, to spend it as a couple... or maybe not.

"You girls have any questions?" Said Spike.

"Well I-" Twilight was interrupted by Rainbow Dash "NO, LET'S PARTY ALREADY"

Discord snapped his claws, a huge book fell on the cutie map, the book absorbed everycreature, it was a kind of portal to a Ponyville board, it was the same as the original, only this one had colored spaces all over the floor, the spaces led from Town hall, to Sweet Apple Acres, it was a board of considerable size, it was not too big and not too small, as it was the first time Twilight and her friends played, Discord prepared a simple board.
The starting point was at Town Hall and continued towards the fountain.

Ponyville Road theme

The ponies looked around and noticed the spaces that were on the ground, they didn't know what they meant, thanks to Rainbow Dash who hurried up and didn't let Twilight to ask what each of them were for.

"I am Spike your host today, before starting the game, we must set the order in which our players will start!" Said Spike with a microphone.

Above the heads of the mares, four dice with numbers from one to ten appeared, the unicorns tried to hit the dice using magic and Rainbow Dash tried to hit it flying but they realized that their magic was not working, this left them with saucer eyes at four.

"What's going on? I can't use my magic!" Said Starlight.

"And I can't fly, no matter how hard I try!" Said Rainbow worried.

"You can't use magic here, unless you buy an item in the shop, that allows you to use magic only to get immediately to where the star is" Spike said in an annoyed tone. Seriously, what's the point of playing with magic? It would take all the fun out of it!

The mares weren't used to long periods without magic, but after thinking about it for a while, as long as the game was fun, they might let it go. Maybe it will teach them not to be so dependent on magic.

The mares hit the dice with their hooves, only Twilight remained, who was calculating the exact moment for the number ten to come out.

"Oh yeah! Rainbow Dash number one!" Rainbow Dash said, thinking that one meant she would be the first.

Trixie had rolled nine and Starlight six.

"Do you think that's a good number Trixie? I'm not sure if it goes from lowest to highest" Starlight Asked.

"Most likely it will be from highest to lowest, if Twilight rolls a number higher than nine, she would be the first and you will be third, poor Rainbow Crash hahaha" Trixie said, both mares were laughing at Trixie's response.

"What are you two laughing at? And Twilight hurry up we want to play!" Said Rainbow Dash impatient.

"Just give me a second" Twilight was doing impossible mathematical calculations in her mind, trying to figure out the exact moment when the dice shows nine to hit it, the numbers change every microsecond, if the nine came up, it could be her chance to hit in that microsecond that the dice changes to ten.

Twilight had rolled ten.

"Hugh Finally... The results are in, Twilight will go first, Trixie will go second, Starlight will go third and Rainbow will go last" Said Spike.

"What?! Are you kidding me? I got one, I should be the first" Rainbow shouted.

"That's not how it works Dash, it's the pony that gets the highest number to the lowest" Twilight replied correcting Rainbow.
Trixie and Starlight were dying of laughter

"That's not funny!" Said Rainbow Dash for the embarrassing mistake she made.

"Now that the order is decigh- decided, each pony will be given ten bits to start with, spend it wisely!" Spike said, holding back the urge to laugh too. "Here is the star, remember that it costs 20 bits" Spike announces showing the location of the star, it was in front of Carousel Boutique

Turn 1/10

Twilight GO!

Twilight hits the dice and rolls nine, she progresses until reaches Hay Cafe, lands on a blue space and receive three bits.

Trixie GO!

Trixie hits the dice and rolls four, moving forward until she reaches a happening space.

"What does this green circle mean?" Trixie asked confused, suddenly she heard a swarm of parasprites heading towards her.
"What the? AAAAAAAAAAAH" Trixie yelled very loudly, her voice became more and more acute that everycreature covered their ears. Trixie galloped until she reached Daisy Herbs, the parasprites had stopped following her, thanks to that, Trixie is now further from the star, don't gets any bits.

Starlight GO!

"I hope Trixie is ok... Guess those green circles make weird things happen, better be careful" Starlight said to herself.

Starlight hits the dice and rolls four, she doesn't care that rolled a low number, it's only the first turn anyway. Starlight advances until just ahead of the fountain that is near the town hall, lands on a blue space and gets three bits.

Rainbow GO!

"That's what you get for laughing at me hahahaha!" Said Rainbow making fun of Trixie.

Rainbow Dash rolls two, really didn't go very far. She lands on a red space and loses three bits.

"Are you for real? They took three bits off me!" Rainbow Dash said complaining, she not only has the last turn, but also in the first round, she just lost three bits, that discouraged her a bit, but she was still confident that she could climb more places, this was just the beginning.
Rainbow Dash will have to win the minigame and get higher numbers if she wants to reach the star before Twilight, for the moment the alicorn is the closest to the star.

"Let's go with the first minigame, it will be a free-for-all, let's see what the roulette tells us" Spike announces.

A magic roulette appeared in the sky, all the ponies were contemplating it, they saw several weird names that made them think what exactly they meant, none of the mares knew a minigame, so they hoped it would be an easy one.

And the roulette said: Track & Yield

Everycreature were teleported to a space full of bubbles, it was a strange dimension but it was only to give the instructions of the minigames.
in front of the mares, there was a bubble bigger than the others, which showed an image of what the minigame would be like. Spike was also present to give advice or if the ponies had any questions.

"Jump over the hurdles on the conveyor belt. The last pony standing is the winner" Twilight read aloud.
Twilight was worried about the "Last pony standing wins" what would happen if she lost? She hoped it wasn't something serious or that Twilight could get hurt.

Twilight was nervous that she didn't have the strength to ask him, Starlight would be the first to ask.

"Spike, what does that mean, last pony standing? Will something bad happen if we fall into the pit?" Starlight asked putting one of her hooves on her chin and raising an eyebrow.

"No, nothing will happen to you, in fact, there are minigames that may seem dangerous, but they won't hurt you seriously, Discord will make sure nothing bad happens to ya, I've played this before and I can tell you it's fun! It's your first time so I understand, but shouldn't be afraid ponies, just have fun. Also, when you all are on the conveyor belt, you are NOT allowed to side with the other player's belt, that is cheating, you must stay on the belt of the color that corresponded to you. With that said, we can start now!" Hearing Spike say that, made Twilight and Trixie breathe a sigh of relief, both mares were the most nervous about the minigame, but they could already be sure that nothing would happen to them, how Twilight would think that Spike was going to bring her to a game where she could be hurt?

The mares and Spike were teleported through the magic bubble. Spike was out of sight of the mares so he wouldn't be a distraction and they would just focus on the minigame. Spike and Discord were invisible making it impossible for them to be seen, Discord would just watch and Spike would give the indications of when a mini game ends or when it should start.

Meanwhile Twilight and her friends got on their respective conveyor belts. Of course, they didn't miss the opportunity to observe the place where they were, since the ponies were no longer in Equestria but in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Rainbow Dash stretched and exercised ready to gallop, she was sure she would win since she was the most athletic of the four. Twilight just got into position, prepared for whatever was coming. Trixie's nerves disappeared, just seeing Starlight next to her, they promised themselves that they would put her love aside and focus on winning at all costs.

Spike blew his whistle and yelled "START!"

The ponies began to gallop at a moderate speed since the conveyor belt didn't move that fast, the first obstacle had appeared, they all dodged it without problems, there were twenty-five seconds left, it felt like an eternity, Twilight was already beginning to feel tired.

An electrical obstacle had appeared, Rainbow Dash managed to dodge it, Trixie could barely jump, Starlight, despite being tired, also dodged it, the only pony who couldn't was Twilight, she jumped too late when her rear hooves hit the electric obstacle and got electrocuted "Nooaghgshgashahsgsa HAAAAAA" Whatever Twilight said and fell into the pit.

"I'm sorry, this minigame ain't for eggheads hahahah" Said Rainbow Dash while laughing.

There were only fifteen seconds left, Trixie was fighting against her tiring to stay in the game, she was also very sweaty, Trixie had never galloped so much in her life, when she tried to jump an obstacle, her left front hoof hit the obstacle, it wasn't an electric one, it caused Trixie to fall to the ground and since the conveyor belt was moving so fast, she didn't have time to stand up and fell into the pit.

It made Starlight feel bad that her marefriend lost, but she had to maintain the spirit of competitiveness, Starlight was afraid that their love affair could ruin the fun that the others were having. Starlight continued on her way, doing everything possible to win and have fun.

Only Rainbow Dash and Starlight were left, Rainbow thought of a strategy, and that was to slow down from time to time so as not to run out of energy. She also stayed on the edge of the pit to be able to react more quickly to the obstacles that the machine generated.

Starlight was sweating too much, that from time to time she had to wipe her face with a hoof, while she was cleaning herself, an electrical obstacle approached her, Starlight reacted late and was electrocuted, just when she fell into the pit, time reached to zero. "FINISH!" Said Spike very excitedly.


"Oh yeah, I'm the winner, in ya face!" Cheered Rainbow Dash happily, raising her hooves to the sky. The other mares just sighed in annoyance, because Rainbow was going to start her show-off routine.


1st Rainbow Dash 17 bits 0 Stars
2st Twilight Sparkle 13 bits 0 Stars
2st Starlight Glimmer 13 bits 0 Stars
4st Trixie Lulamoon 10 bits 0 Stars

Author's Note:

I know that I had said that I wouldn't longer do episodic fics until finish the others, this was supposed to be a One-shot, but the introduction was very long, more than I imagined, sorry for that.
Here I leave you with the comments of our players!

I won the first minigame, I'm the best! I may have started with the wrong hoof but I'm going to get that star faster than I can fly. To all my fans, comment with the emoji of myself if you want me to win.
Anyway, you should have seen Twilight's face when she was electrocuted hahahaha, that's the funniest thing I've seen today.

Keep laughing Rainbow, the pony who laughs last, laughs better, besides, I'm sure that not all minigames are going to be like this, some will require more brains than muscles, I would like to see you try. For all my fans, comment an adorable picture of me or just use the emojis of me.

That was unfair, just before I fell into the pit the countdown has already finished, I should have won too. I demand we play again! To my fans, do you think I should be treated this way? If you want me to win, comment "justice for Starlight" and let's make a rebellion together where-

The great and powerful Trixie sometimes she loses and sometimes she wins, Lamebow Trash will not have a chance against me, she was just lucky, but I can show her what I am made of. For my dear powerful fans, comment with the emoji of me with that strange face, that emoji does not make me look powerful, so better a fan art of me, showing how perfect I am.