• Published 20th Aug 2023
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G5 Adventures in The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie - ponydog127

Our pony heroes arrive back to Bikini Bottom to help SpongeBob and Patrick, along with some sea-unicorn pals, recover King Neptune's crown and save Bikini Bottom from Plankton's scheme.

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Captured by the Cyclops

Our intrepid pony and undersea heroes have been captured by the dreaded cyclops, right after hearing that Plankton was the one that stole the crown.

Now, it seemed like our heroes were done for... unless they could escape from the cyclops in time to fix things.


Eyes begin to stir, and moans leave their lips as the group found themselves waking up, lying on a lumpy bed of pink, red, blue, and yellow rocks. “Are we dead?” Patrick asked. “I don’t think so,” Sunny shook her head, snuffling her hooves at the rocks below them. “Artificially colored rocks?”

Patrick also picked up one rock, but instead of observing it like his friend, he just and ate it. “Mmmm… strawberry.”

“Patrick, eww! Spit it out before you suffocate!” Arctic began pounding his back to get the rock out. “I don’t know where we are, but--” SpongeBob crashed into some sort of invisible wall in front of them. “What is this?”

“It’s some kind of wall of psychic energy,” Patrick said, tapping the barrier. “No, Pat…” Zipp studied the wall for a second with wide eyes. “It’s a giant glass bowl!”

Turns out, he was right-- they were all trapped in a giant glass fishbowl, and it seemed that there was no way out. “We're trapped in here! We can't leave the water in our seapony forms!” Misty said worriedly. “What are we gonna do?”

SpongeBob looked around for a solution, but then spotted something close by. “Hey, there's some fish folk.”

In fact, the place had more fish folk than Goofy Goober’s Party Boat on its busiest night! There were fish all over this shack. SpongeBob, Patrick and their friends tried to get their attention, but they just seemed to stare at them. Then, all at once, SpongeBob’s eyes bugged out when he realized exactly what was going on. All the fish in this place were completely lifeless, knick-knacks on shelves and nooks. “Wait a second,” SpongeBob said. “Those fish are… dead…”

“AGH!!” Izzy and Hitch shrieked as the others trembled. It was at this moment, however, that they all felt they weren’t alone. Slowly turning around, they all stared right into the fact of the giant scuba cyclops, the beast who kidnaped them, spying on his prisoners. “AHHHH!!!!”

SpongeBob and Patrick ran around the fishbowl while the others remain frozen in place as the cyclop’s booming laugh shook their prison. The monstrous scuba diver walked toward the far corner of the room, as they all stared in horror. “W-What’s he gonna do to us…?” Tropic trembled. “I don't know,” Zipp whispered. “Maybe if he sees we're not really sea creatures, since we're from Equestria, he'll leave us alone.”

“Zipp! Really?!” Pipp scolded as the group watched the cyclops take out a larger than life toolbox. “Oh no!” SpongeBob cried out in panic. “He’s going for his evil instruments of torture!”

The cyclops soon took out a bottle of glue and another bottle with plastic google eyes. To the confusion and dread of the others, as the giant glued a pair of googly eyes onto a dried-up clam. He then puts a hat on the clam’s head and a tiny plastic phone onto the little dried-up guy’s hand. “What’s he doing?” Izzy asked SpongeBob. “He’s making a humorous diorama of…”

Finally, the giant hunt a little paper sign around the clam’s neck which read Alexander Clam Bell. It was then that Izzy realized what was going on. “Guys, he’s killing sea animals and making them into smelly knickknacks! And I think we may be next!”

“You think so?” Patrick asked her. By then, the giant reached into the fishbowl and pulled Patrick out of it. “Paaaaaatrick!” SpongeBob screamed before the cyclops grabbed him too. “NOOOOOO!!”

“SPONGEBOB!!! PATRICK!!!” the group screamed for their friends. The giant then dropped the two boys onto a table, directly under a bright, hot light of the heating lamp. Instantly, Patrick and SpongeBob started to sizzle under the intense heat. “The heat is so intense from this lamp that I can’t move,” SpongeBob said weakly. “Tell me about it,” Patrick said, practically parched. The group watched as the cyclops laughed evilly before coming back over to the fish bowl. “Leave us alone, please!” Tropic pleaded. “We just wanna go home!!”

Seeing that the cyclops was ignoring the plea, the ponies trembled and hugged each other as they prepared to be grabbed...

...but the hand never came.

As they opened their eyes, the cyclop’s hand was inches away. Then, before their eyes, he slowly reeled his arm back and turning around. He then picked up a book, and stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. “Phew…” Hitch sighed. “That was close.”

“Quick! If we jump out of here quick enough,” said Sunny, “we can turn back to our land forms! Ready? Jump!!”

The group leapt for the surface, their tails turning into back legs once more before the group, especially the twins tried to rush to SpongeBob and Patrick before it was too late. “This doesn’t look too good, Patrick,” SpongeBob spoke weakly. The poor undersea sponge barely had a voice, as if he hadn’t had a drink in centuries. “You mean we’re not gonna get the crown, save the town, and Mr. Krabs?” Patrick asked weakly. “I don’t even think we’re gonna be able to save ourselves, buddy.”

Just then, SpongeBob’s arm snapped off, falling onto the desk, making the ponies, as they climbed onto the table, cringe. Patrick, with little strength he had, grabbed for the arm, and carefully placed it back onto SpongeBob. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it,” Patrick smiled. “There’s gotta be a way to help them!” Zipp said, feeling helpless. “But if we move them with our unicorn powers, they’ll fall apart!” Misty argued. “We can’t let them die!” Tropic sobbed, tears flowing down her cheeks. “We just can’t!”

But by this point, the majority of the group sat in silence as they listened to what could be their new friends’ last conversation. “Well, it looks like what everybody said about us is true, Patrick,” SpongeBob said. “You mean that we’re attractive?” Patrick asked. “No, that we’re just kids. A couple of kids way over their heads!”

“No... it isn't true! I didn't believe it before, but now I do!” Tropic sniffled. “You let two strangers into your home, not even knowing what we've been through, and look at how far we came! That proves that you two are the bravest people we've ever met!”

“Thanks for trying to cheer us up guys,” SpongeBob thanked. “But… we were doomed from the start. I mean, look at us! We didn’t even come close to the crown; we let everybody down. We failed.”

“Shell City…” Patrick said to himself. “Yeah, we never made it to Shell City,” SpongeBob agreed. “Shell City…” Patrick rasped again, and SpongeBob nodded. “Exactly, buddy. Yeah, the place we never got to,” he frowned. “Shell City…”

“Okay, now you’re starting to burn us out, Patrick,” Zipp deadpanned sadly. “No, look at the sign!”

All at once, Patrick pointed the group toward something above. Before their very eyes, it was a sign they failed to notice before which read ‘Shell City: Marine Gifts and Sundries’. “Shell City is a gift shop?” SpongeBob asked. “But, wait…” Zipp held up a hoof. “If this is Shell City, then where’s the…?”

As they looked around, there sat the crown on a plush pillow to their left side. “CROWN!!” the group cried. “Neptune’s Crown!” SpongeBob said happily. “This is Shell City!”

Satisfied, his and Patrick's heads slammed back onto the desk. “Pat, we did make it!”

“Yeah, I guess we did!” Patrick said, happily. Pipp sniffled her tears with a smile across her face. “You did all right for a couple of goofballs…”

SpongeBob and Patrick each shed one tear each, forming into the shape of a heart once it was out of the heat lamp. Then, with what little strength they had left, SpongeBob and Patrick decided to sing their favorite tune one last time.

SpongeBob: I’m a Goofy Goober, yeah!

SpongeBob and Patrick: You’re a Goofy Goober, yeah!
We’re all Goofy Goobers yeah!

Goofy… Goofy… Goober… Goober… yeah…

Before the very eyes of the pony crew, SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star shriveled up till only a normal sponge and a normal starfish laid before them.

All the ponies around them began to cry harder than they ever had in their entire lives... their friends, and the twins' caretakers... were gone.

Just like that.

But, what they didn’t realize was that their friends wouldn’t be gone for long. The joined teardrop began to roll down the table and onto the lamp’s wire into the electrical outlet, which let out smoke, causing the sprinklers to turn on.

And just like that, SpongeBob and Patrick were brought back to life, suffocating for merely one second. “Hey!” SpongeBob cried. “We’re alive!”

“Now, this is a magical miracle!” Zipp cried, and the group hugged and cheered in rejoice, despite getting wet in the process, but honestly, they didn't care. Not even Pipp. “Let’s get that crown!” SpongeBob cried, causing the twins to nod their heads firmly in agreement. “Right!”

The group leapt down and ran across the wet floor towards the podium where the crown rested. Water still poured down from the sprinklers, as the group made their way to the crown and tried to lift it. “On three, guys!” SpongeBob cried. “Ready? One, two, three!”

The crown flew into the air, with all of them still hanging on. “Hey, it’s lighter than I thought!” Izzy said. Then, they realized none of their feet and hoovws touched the ground and they were staring right into the face of the cyclops! “AHHHHHH!!!”

The cyclops roared angrily and was ready to squash them when suddenly, the room and all its lifeless fish inhabitants began to shake violently. “What’s happening?!” Patrick asked. “I don’t know!” SpongeBob answered, just before Misty spotted something and pointed down toward the ground. “Look!”

Everyone looked around to see all the sea animals he dried up, all 1,007 sea creatures, came to life including: reanimated and staring angrily at the cyclops. A lobster tapped the cyclops’ shoulder, drawing the cyclops’ attention before the lobster pulled out some googly eyes and a tube of glue. “Uh oh…”

The lobster sprays glue into the cyclops’ eye, causing him to fall over as the sea creatures start attacking him. The puffer fish puffed up and stuck him with their little points. The clown fish attacked his shins; the clams snapped his butt and made him yelp. And the Mariachi fish… they just shrugged and continued playing.

All the while the Shell City sea creatures continued to snap, gash, finned, pretty much beating up the cruel one-eyed monster who tortured them, the group boldly made their escape. “Come on, guys!” Sunny called as they galloped out of the shop. “Let's get this crown back to Bikini Bottom!”

They soon hopped down to the beach, where the group sat the crown down on the sand. “Let's get down to business. Do you still have that bag of winds?” Zipp asked Patrick. “I sure do!” Patrick said, showing them a lump on his butt, causing everyone to chuckle and giggle in amusement… until Patrick pulled the bag out from nowhere. “Here you go.”

The laughing stopped immediately, as SpongeBob and the others stared at the lump with wide eyes, some shuddering and trying to fight the urge to throw up at this. “What?” Patrick asked. “Nothing, nothing... okay, let's go over the instructions,” SpongeBob pulled out the instructions sheet. “Let’s see, it says here... step 1: point bag away from home.”

“Okay,” Patrick said, pointing the bag away. “Step 2: plant feet firmly on ground,” SpongeBob read again. “Right,” Patrick did this with a happy nod. “Step 3: remove string from bag releasing the winds.”

“Check!” Patrick pulled the string tied around the bag. A rush of wind exploded from the bag, the force snapping the sack out of Patrick’s hand, and it sailed away like a balloon full of air! “Well, that seems simple enough,” Tropic hummed as she, Arctic and SpongeBob continued to look at the instructions and the others looked back and forth with wide eyes. “Point bag away from home, feet firmly on ground, pull string, releasing the winds. All right, let's do this for real!”

“Uh... guys?” Pipp gulped and nervously pointed out to sea. Everyone turned around as Patrick pointed to their bag. There was the bag of winds, hurling through the sky, far out to sea like a deflated balloon. They chased after the bag, but it’s too late… the now deflated bag had now fallen into the water. “Oh no…” Arctic whimpered. “How will we ever get back to Bikini Bottom now?”

“It's too far to go without the Marestream,” Zipp said. “We have to think of something or someone else to take us.”

“I can take you there,” a friendly voice said. The gang suddenly looked up spotting a man with luscious brown curly hair wearing a bright red swimsuit, carrying a flotation device and has a smile brighter than the California sun stop before them. “Who are you?” SpongeBob asked curiously. “I’m David Hasselhoff.”

“Hooray!” SpongeBob and Patrick cheered. “Um… so where's your boat?” Tropic asked. “Boat?” Hasselhoff laughed heartily. “The way we’re going, we won’t need… boats.”


Hasselhoff soon swam out to sea, and on his back were SpongeBob, Patrick, and even their friends, the crown safely with them. “Go, Hasselhoff!” SpongeBob shouted, causing Sunny to smile proudly. “Next stop, Bikini Bottom!”