• Published 26th Mar 2024
  • 470 Views, 14 Comments

The Markless Wonderer: Origin - OllerusTheFailure

The tale of a usual colt with an exceptional thought. One that doesn't belong in the mind of a young pony. But that's the dilemma. He's a pony of Equestria.

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Chapter Twelve: A Lost New Ordinary —Bridge of Ice—

The day after the tour…

Living in Ponyville has been an absolute delight, a place that brought so much joy to life. Currently, I was attending a class with my dearest friends. Starry Vision, Serene Snowfall, Nature Thorn, and Ice Whistle. There’s Splotch Wing, too, I guess.

Lately, I’ve noticed Nature Thorn has been unusually quiet. He might have his reasons. I’m sure he’ll be back to his usual self soon enough. But if this persists for a few days, then I’ll be worried—even though I already am. Maybe I should discuss this with Ice Whistle and Starry Vision after school?

Now that I think about it, the class size reminded me of the schoolhouse in Luna Bay. I’d like to know how Miss Scarlet Petals is coping with her soon-to-be baby foal and if she will get overwhelmed by the motherly experience. However, the most striking difference is that the classroom had a different ambiance. To start things off, the grey natural stone flooring was cold to the touch. The classroom walls, painted in two shades of blue-grey, created a visually appealing striped pattern. Rows of student desks filled the rest of the room, with the teacher’s desk and a green chalkboard at the front. Above the chalkboard was a rolled-up projector screen, ready to be pulled down anytime.

The school interior itself had an air of both sophistication and simplicity. The combination was flawless, with just the right amount of each element. Despite its purpose as a ‘university’ for friendship, the building’s exterior had the allure of a castle. Which made me consider how Hayvard Unicorniversity’s student life looked.

No point, I’m an earth pony, not a unicorn. Though I have heard rumors that earth ponies and pegasi could attend.

Back on topic, our teacher for this class was a beautiful, light grey unicorn. Her coat was so light that it could be mistaken for white at first glance. And her mane and tail had an enchanting blend of mulberry purple on one side and a delicate rose pink on the other. A grown mare going by the name of Sweetie Belle. She and two other instructors released some hit songs, so I already knew of her before our meeting. It was a thrilling experience for me, being both a fan and a student of hers.

“For those who aren’t aware, I’ll be helping you further explore each other in my class.” Sweetie Belle stood by her desk, showing interest in all of us. We had a griffon, a changeling, a kirin, two hippogriffs, three dragons, and six ponies—a total of fourteen students in this one room. This must have been the maximum number of students she could handle simultaneously. This number was possibly selected to allow everypony and creature to get acquainted. “Today’s your first day, so if you have questions, please state your name, then ask away!”

A white and grey griffon extended his talon into the air, rustling his feathers. “Like, isn’t that another teacher’s class? Oh, and my name is Arden.”

Sweetie Belle ruminated, tapping her chin with her hoof. “You must mean Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. I guess you’ve heard from a friend about what they were learning in their classes. You wouldn’t be wrong to say that, Arden. But I’d like you all to think of our three classes as one.”

Then, another student raised their claws. An orange female hippogriff this time. “Hi, nice to meet you all! My name is Aella.”

Everyone greeted Aella with a hello back, and then Splotch Wing opened his big mouth. “Aella… heh, what’s up, girl?”

“Ugh…” I audibly groaned.

Puzzled, Aella replied. “Uh… hi?”

“Ignore him, Aella. And get used to it. Unfortunately, he’s always like that,” I said.

“It’s nice to meet you, Aella. You had a question?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“What makes the three of your classes so similar?”

“That’s easy. Like I said before, I’ll be helping you explore each other. Apple Bloom will help you explore yourselves, and Scootaloo will help you explore hobbies.” Sweetie Belle answered and then confirmed an earlier theory of mine. “And to help the students become familiar with each other, we implemented student rotations within these three classes. It should be every two to three weeks.”

Serene Snowfall commented from the desk behind me. “Nifty idea. Some of us are already well acquainted after all, wouldn’t you say, Mint Spring?”


“I can feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach already,” Starry Vision whispered from the desk to the left.

The first desk column on the far left, from front to back, was Starry Vision, Ice Whistle, Nature Thorn, and a dragon. My column started with me, Serene Snowfall, and a yellow changeling. The column to the right began with a kirin, Aella, and the other hippogriff. The last column had Splotch Wing, Arden, and the other two dragons. This was the desk arrangement for the classroom.

Over the past three years, Starry Vision’s confidence grew, though not dramatically. Still, I could tell she was ready to tell Ice Whistle how she felt. Ah, adolescent love is like a blossoming flower, so full of hope.

In front of all the students, Sweetie Belle singled out one to ask a question. “How about you? The earth pony with the green and yellow mane. Please introduce yourself to the class and share anything you’re talented at.”

With his cheek resting on his hoof, Nature Thorn gazed out the window, watching birds flutter by. Hearing his physical description, he blinked, and his eyes flickered toward the teacher while his head remained fixed in place, unmoving, as he responded. “…Nature Thorn. There isn’t anything I’m skilled at.”

I haven’t seen Nature Thorn like this before. It’s quite concerning. I never thought about whether he felt self-doubt due to his bare flank. If that’s the case, I hope he finds his passion soon.

“I’m…sure there’s something you just haven’t discovered yet,” Sweetie Belle responded, concerned if she brought up a sensitive topic.

Ice Whistle raised his hoof to garner attention. “My name is Ice Whistle. I’m his best friend, and he’s pretty good at baking cake.”

“See! You can leave it up to Scoota—Hm-hmm—Instructor Scootaloo to help you further explore that interest.”

Amid the lesson, a surprising sight unfolded as a brown pony with vibrant orange hair burst into the classroom. “Sweetie! Are we still set for our date later?”

Some students started ‘Oooing,’ me included.

Instructor Sweetie Belle’s cheeks turned rosy, voice nearly cracking. “Button Mash! Couldn’t you have asked me after I’m off the clock?”

“I was attempting to play the new game at the arcade, then a constant mental loop of today or tomorrow being our date disrupted my concentration, leaving me frustrated and—”

“Okay, okay! Yes, it’s later today!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

Then, a female voice cut in from the hallway. “Button! Are you disrupting your robot marefriend’s class again?!”

“Not a robot…” Sweetie Belle muttered.

“Myaaaaamm! What are you doing here?! N-No! Don’t pull me by the tail!” Button Mash cried while he held onto the door’s side jamb, trying to lock eyes with Sweetie Belle. “Got it, thanks! See ya later toniiiiiight…!” Button Mash’s voice disappeared into the depths of the hallway.

With one more ‘Ooo’ from the class, we resumed getting to know each other, except…

“Honestly, Button Mash, you’re too old for this!”

“Aren’t you too old for this?!”

“What was that?!”

“Aahhh! No! Somepony call the royal guard! Sweetie Bellllllle…!”

After Button Mash and his mom left for good, we resumed class. Nature Thorn briefly diverted his attention, but when I skimmed again, he was already staring out the window again. Without a single cloud in sight, the clear blue sky stretched to no end.

Maybe… he’s into bird-watching? Or he’s daydreaming, but of what?

Rays of sunlight beamed.

Gathered on a stone bench in the courtyard, Starry Vision, Mint Spring, and I relished our lunchtime together. From here, it’s clear to see how the various buildings of the school were connected and formed a unified structure. The courtyard was an oasis in the heart of the school, teeming with bushes, fragrant flowers, and ripe berries, letting off a delightful floral aroma. At the same time, a water fountain was placed in the center of a river. That river cut through the middle of the courtyard, through the school, to the entrance. The water fell into ‘Sparkling Lake’ with gentle splashes, creating brief ripples across its calm surface.

With a hint of haughtiness in her expression, Mint Spring got up from the bench after finishing her meal, wiping her muzzle with a napkin. “What’s going on with Nature Thorn, Ice Whistle?”

“So you’ve noticed? I’m not entirely sure,” I replied, taking another bite of my flaxseed salad sandwich. Nature Thorn, our somewhat reserved friend, had been distant lately, and it was clearly starting to worry us.

“Well, whatever it is, you’re his best friend. Do something about it!” Mint Spring exclaimed, concern clear in her voice, and sashayed away with a dramatic flick of her mane.

Deep down, she cared about Nature Thorn. Mint Spring, Serene Snowfall, Splotch Wing, me, Nature Thorn, and Starry Vision were more than just friends. We were a tightly-knit group, and our bond was forged through shared experiences and fun memories. We attended Luna Bay’s festivals, holidays, or camping on peaceful snow days and nights, always together. It only made sense she would react this way.

“Don’t take it personally, Ice Whistle. She’s just worried about him, that’s all,” Starry Vision assured.

Finally, I swallowed the last of my delicious flaxseed salad sandwich. “Yeah, I know.”

“Why do you seem so down right now?”

“Because…” The shadow of tree leaves spreading out from skeletal branches covered my face, leaving me with unfinished thoughts. But now was not the time to think about myself. Instead, I redirected the subject, taking Mint Spring’s words seriously. “Hey, Starry Vision, I want your help with something.”

Violet irises darted my way and responded as if they knew exactly what I was getting at. “Does it concern Nature Thorn?”

“It does, but not in the way you’re expecting.”

“Are you planning a surprise?”

A tree became the perch for an orange dragon, which flew over and lay atop its crown, all her attention absorbed into her notepad. I had no idea what she was writing about. No matter, I exhaled a quiet breath out of my nose and relaxed my posture.

Considering who I am, it’s not an easy one to give.

A gentle breeze passed by, causing our manes to flutter a slight. “Yeah, I am.”

With no more classes left for the day, and after another few hours, I found myself drawn to the bookstore near the Great Valley River. By chance, this river was also connected to the lake in front of the School of Friendship. The store wasn’t too far a trot, and inside, I ran into a familiar face—a scaly one. It was the Royal Advisor Spike.

“Hey, you’re the one that visited my hometown by Luna Bay.”

At first, he was tapping his chin with his claw, his eyes darting around the book spines on the bookshelves. Then, he directed his attention toward me after recognizing I was speaking to him. “Hm? Yeah, a couple of years ago, I did. And you are…?”

“Ice Whistle. You stayed the night at my place with King Thorax.”

“That’s right, Ice Whistle! Your mom is Hailstone Rime. That was a kind thing for them to do. And your father prepared one of the best breakfast meals I’ve ever had.”

“Shh!” The elderly pony running the store shushed us.

“This is a bookstore, not a library…” Spike countered.

“I know, I just like meh quiet.” Then she fell asleep oddly fast.

Not paying her further mind, I continued. “What is the Royal Advisor doing here, anyway?”

“For memory’s sake, Twilight likes to check out any new books in this store. I was visiting Ponyville today to hang out with some friends, so the ‘two birds with one stone’ sort of deal. Don’t tell Fluttershy I said that when she returns.”

“So it’s an ‘I might as well’ thing, huh?”

“You understand.” Royal Advisor Spike reached for a book spine, blew dust off the cover, and held the book under his armpit. “Hey, why don’t you hang out with me and the guys? It’s a guy’s night ooout.”

Interesting. I didn’t see this coming, but I seized the opportunity. “Sure, as long as I can bring a friend.”

Spike crossed his arms. “Bring two if you like.”

I considered bringing Splotch Wing but dismissed the idea. “I’ll bring one. When and where is this happening?”

At Sweet Apple Acres on the outskirts of Ponyville, a red barn stood tall, its flooring covered in dry barley hay. The family farm was a picturesque scene, with apple trees dotting the landscape as far as the eye could see.

Nature Thorn and I felt out of place amongst the other characters present. Spike, a purple and green dragon. Thorax, the king of the reformed changeling hive. A middle-aged red stallion with an orange mane and a large green apple cutie mark. And just when I thought things couldn’t get any stranger, the Lord of Chaos, Discord, appeared in front of us out of thin air. His body, as described, was a strange amalgamation of various animal parts. Witnessing such an oddity was like stepping into a surreal dream, where reality twisted and warped before our eyes. Which was something he could do to his heart’s content.

We all formed a circle, Nature Thorn and I nearest to the barn’s doors, Big Mac and Discord stood near a wood column painted in white with red floral patterns—which was also the side nearest to the family’s living quarters. Last, Spike and Thorax were on the right, a large stack of square hay bales and what I presume to be a cow booth behind them.

Thorax laid back, leaning his dark fuchsia elytra against the haystack.

Then, in the blink of an eye, Discord dressed himself in a dapper tuxedo, adding an unexpected touch of elegance. White gloves, a fancy mustache, and a red flower ornament. Yup, he had it all. “My, my, Spike! You didn’t tell me we were having special guests? Did he inform you, Big Mac?”


“I didn’t inform you guys because I just ran into Ice Whistle at the bookstore.”

“I feel like I’ve heard that name before,” Thorax pondered, clearly bothered by not recollecting.

“From Luna Bay. We spent the night at his parent’s house.”

“That’s right, Luna Bay! Wow, what a charming little town! Think we can get Lila Styles here too, Spike?”

“No girls, Thorax. You know this—this is a guys’ night out,” Spike answered, furrowing his scaly brow at Thorax.

“Aww…” Disappointed, Thorax fidgeted the tip of his hoof on the coarse hay flooring.

Discord raised a corner of his upper lip. “Does Sugar Belle count?” His remark garnered an odd look from Big Mac.

“No, we can’t count her since she lives here. Within this space, guys, just this space,” Spike stated, twirling a claw in a circular motion.

“Well, that’s not fair. How about this—!” Discord stopped. Spike expected his response and rejected the forthcoming explanation with a shake of his head. Discord scowled, crossing his lion limb and eagle talon arm. “Hmph. While we’re on the subject of your family, Big Mac, why don’t you tell me where Applejack is? I do believe it’s been a while since I’ve last seen her.”

Big Mac casually answered, his voice carrying a heavy deepness and slight accent. “She’s been on a honeymoon somewhere away from Ponyville. They’ll return n’ a couple days.”

“Oh, how romantic!” Discord shouted in a celebratory manner, his voice satiating the barn.

Spike leaped into the conversation to bring it to an end and direct every creature’s attention toward us. “Pretty sure the same goes for Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie. Anyway, before something uncalled for happens, why don’t the two of you introduce yourselves?”

Welp, that’s our cue.

“I’m Ice Whistle, and this is my best friend, Nature Thorn. We’re both from a small village by Luna Bay, just northwest of Vanhoover.”

Luna Bay, you say?” Discord murmured, stroking his lock of white chin hair.

“Can’t say ah’ve heard of it.”

“It’s a place that doesn't bear a name on any traditional map,” Nature Thorn clarified from beside me. I hadn’t anticipated him to engage in conversation, but his willingness to interact with others was a pleasant surprise. Since the school tour, his spirit seemed to have waned, much like that fateful day back then. “I’d be more surprised if you did know about it. Our home doesn’t really associate itself with any place besides Vanhoover.”

Spike brought a claw to the back of his head and exchanged perceptive looks with Thorax.

I had my own questions to ask. “What will we be doing here?”

“We have a game in mind, a little something we—cough, only one of us—like to call Dungeons and… Discord,” Spike revealed, his face contorting at the name, then he continued in a hushed tone. “But it’s actually known as Ogres & Oubliettes.”

“Splendid name, if I say so myself.”

With the unmistakable sound of hooves repeatedly stomping the ground, a fuzzy golden sand-colored mane bobbed up and down from the other side of the barn door, a childish colt’s voice breaking out. “Dad! Dad! C’n ah play?”


Then, a kind female voice cut in. “Big Sugar, stop bothering your father and his friends. You’re supposed to be in bed.”

“Aww…” The colt’s voice was filled with deep disappointment, his retreat a clear sign of his crushed spirits.

“Actually, I’m pretty tired, Whis. I’m going back to my dorm,” Nature Thorn said, trudging away from the odd gathering.

Naturally, my eyes followed him. “Thorn, you’re not even going to try to play?”

“Sorry, I feel drained.”

“Okay, if you say so... Good night.”

His ears stretched back, and he gazed downward. We watched Nature Thorn trudge out of the barn, the sound of hay snapping underneath his hooves.

“Shouldn’t we uh… do somethin’?” Big Mac asked.

“Hey, Ice Whistle, is your friend okay?” Thorax asked, joining in Big Mac’s concerned gaze.

“Yeah, his spirit is strong, so I know he’ll get over it. And if he doesn’t, I’ll help him out. There’s no need to worry.”

“Wait, you said his name is Nature Thorn? I feel like we heard that name when we visited Luna Bay, too,” Thorax said, once again bothered by not remembering somepony by name.

Spike snapped his claws. “That’s right! He’s the son of that generous couple who shared the coziness of their home with us before we made our way to the Luna Bay Schoolhouse!” I didn’t know about that part, though.

“Oh, yeah! If that’s the case, then it’s easy to believe Ice Whistle. Forest Seed and Misty Fleurs were such pleasant ponies. I’m sure their son is every bit as strong-spirited as them.”

“Then we’ll leave it to you, Ice Whistle. If you ever need any help, ask us,” Spike said.


“Thanks, all of you.”

“Bah, enough of that, let’s start the game!” Discord exclaimed.

Spike rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay. Go ahead and do your thing, Discord.”

With a snap of Discord’s paw, we started our magical expedition. I expected a literal board game with pieces to move myself, but experienced something much more. Thanks to the Lord of Chaos, we were not just players controlling the actions on a board but active participants in the game. Going on adventures and fighting minions and monsters, my life felt like it was in genuine danger.

It was then that I realized such a life was not for me.

Before coming outside, I had played Dungeons and Discord with Thorax, Spike, Big Mac, and Discord for hours. Silence struck my surroundings when I noticed an orange building with a carrot built on top in the distance. It seemed to be a quaint carrot farm. Then, suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by the clucks of chickens coming from a nearby chicken coop. By said coop, Border Collie puppies were entangled in a playful tussle, their wagging tails and joyful barks supplying the parcel nightscape.


“What is it?”

With determined eyes, I expressed my urgent wishes. “There’s somepony I want you to get in contact with for me. I know they’re on a brief vacation, but I need to speak with them as soon as possible. It’s a matter of utmost importance.”

After guys’ night, there was one thing I wanted Spike’s help for. Thorax had already left to head back to his brother and hive. Big McIntosh was in his house, which didn’t take long since it’s connected to the barn. And I don’t know where Discord went. He was there one second, then gone the next. Spike and I were the only two outside the red barn, moving away from it on a path back to Ponyville.

The soft rustling of apple trees surrounded us, merging with the dusky night and creating a serene atmosphere.

As we sauntered down the dirt path, a white fence and fields of swaying apple trees served as a backdrop for us both. Spike had responded to my proposal. “Considering who my friends are, I’m sure they won’t mind.” Then he glanced at me, lifting a scaly brow. “Who is it?”

Given a simple mention of their name, Spike confidently promised he would make it happen and inform me of the exact time and date of the meeting. My plan was making great strides.

Hang on for a bit longer, Thorn.

Author's Note:

I have little to say about this one. It was another build-up chapter.

Anyway, Sweetie Belle graced us with her appearance. Now, where is Scootaloo?! And Ice Whistle is taking the initiative to help Nature Thorn. But where did Discord go off to in such a hurry? What surprise does Ice Whistle have?

Let’s move on. These next chapters are some of my favorites!