• Published 31st Aug 2023
  • 4,634 Views, 27 Comments

Everything, from A(non) to Z(ecora) - RunicTreetops

Anon and Zecora, two outcasts who found solace in each other. The love that they share is true... even if it takes some getting used to.

  • ...

Everything, from A(non) to Z(ecora)

Anon's head spins as he accidentally breathes in some of the vapor coming from the large cauldron in the center of the hut. He stumbles backwards and nearly bumps into a nearby wall, but he is caught by a watchful, chuckling Zecora. Taking a moment to shake his head and clear his sinuses, he gives the zebra a smile.

"Thanks, Zecora. I... probably shouldn't have done that, huh?"

"Hmhm! The smell of this brew can be hard to stand, that's why you must do as the recipe demands. Once we add some crushed-up jade, the overwhelming scent is sure to fade."

"R-right, jade. I just finished crushing it a few minutes ago. Do I just toss it in and pray, or should I gradually mix it in?"

"I understand that you are new to this, but I feel the answer should be obvious. How are you supposed to mix it in when standing near the brew makes your head spin?"

"Haha, true!"

Anon approaches a nearby table where a stone bowl rests. Inside this bowl is what remains of a jade he brought over this morning at Zecora's request, which has since been pulverized into very small pieces. The jade won't actually be absorbed into the potion, but its properties will allow the brew's other ingredients to take on the properties Zecora desires.

Potion making is weird.

Keeping a safe distance from the cauldron, Anon tosses the jade bits into the concoction. Almost immediately, the vapor rising from it goes from white to a sickly green color, and Anon's eyes widen.

"Uhh, is that supposed to happen? That looks worse than before."

"Hmhmhm, oh ye of little faith, I promise that this concoction is perfectly safe." Zecora steps directly into the path of the vapor, shrouding her face in the same green color. However, she seems completely unaffected by it. With a smile, she begins to mix the contents of the cauldron with a metal ladle. After a few seconds, she brings the ladle to her mouth and takes a teeny tiny sip, smacking her lips together a few times and narrowing her eyes as she does. After a moment, she smiles and nods to Anon. "While not perfect, the consistency is fine. I'd say you got it right this time."

Anon breathes a sigh of relief.

"And it only took seventeen tries."

Anon takes a seat in a small wooden chair nearby, and Zecora withholds a laugh as he does so. She really needs to get a human-sized chair at some point. Anon tilts his head back in exhaustion. They've been at this since sunrise, and it's already dark out. Learning how to make potions is NOT easy. But, as Zecora walks around the cauldron and affectionately rubs her head against his neck, he can't help but smile. She makes it all worth it. He wraps an arm around her and pulls her into a tight, albeit somewhat awkward hug.

The two have been dating for some time now. It was a complete coincidence when they met in the Ponyville market one day. While Anon was surprised to see a zebra for the first time since ending up in Equestria, Zecora was even more curious about the strange bipedal creature walking around town. After an awkward introduction, the two hit it off really well. The fact that Anon was immediately smitten by the idea of potion-making and alchemy being a real thing certainly helped. Next thing they knew, Zecora was teaching Anon the basics of what it means to brew potions. Then, a few months after that, things got a bit more... intimate. Being different from your peers doesn't really lend itself well to finding romantic success, and the solace that Anon and Zecora found in each other was just the spark they needed. Is it weird sometimes? Yes, absolutely. But they'll do whatever they can to make it work.

Anon glances down at Zecora. He really wasn't expecting her to be the type that shows her affection so openly or so frequently. After all, much of Ponyville still sees her as this wise and mysterious figure who always has her head on straight, so to speak. Yet, here she is, happily cuddling up against him. It's pretty much the cutest thing he's ever seen.

"So, what's next?"

Zecora just closes her eyes and relaxes in Anon's embrace.

"The mixture you made is just a base, but we can make more complex potions from it at a later date. Now we just need to give it time to sit, so this is about as easy at it gets."

"Oh. So, we're done for the day?" Zecora smiles and nods, though her eyes remain closed. Anon smiles too, reinforcing his grip on her. "I really made a potion today, huh? And it only took months of practice to get right."

"There is no shame in getting a potion wrong. When I taught myself that recipe, it took me twice as long!"

"Heh. I'd chalk that up to me having a good teacher more than anything."

"Try though you might to embarrass me, I have grown quite used to your flattery."

"Your cheeks tell a different story."

Sure enough, the varying shades of grey that make up Zecora's cheeks have turned pink. She just smiles more and buries her face further into Anon's neck.

"I'm not the only one whose cheeks are red, so don't you start getting a big head."

Yeah, they're both a couple of blushing, lovestruck fools. No more words need to be spoken. The lovebirds are content to just sit there, relishing their embrace as they listen to the concoction gently bubbling in the center of the room.

Eventually, the embrace is broken when Zecora's stomach makes a growling noise. With a laugh, she begins to prepare dinner. Anon, feeling awkward just letting her cook for him, starts to help. He may not be all that good at brewing potions yet, but he knows his way around a kitchen. Thankfully, Zecora's garden provides plenty of fresh ingredients, and before long the two are happily sharing a meal at Zecora's small table.

"You know, I never bothered to ask: Who do you even make your potions for? I've never seen you out selling them."

"Sometimes I do receive specific requests, and while they are often foolish, I do my best to acquiesce. I do not really make a lot of money, but I also have no need here in the Everfree."

"Don't you have to, like, pay taxes and stuff?"

Zecora shakes her head.

"According to the princess, I am the only citizen living in the Everfree. They have no official rate with which to tax the property. Besides, with a few exceptions I have little need for money, as this forest provides nearly all of my essentials for me."

"That sounds... oddly peaceful. I doubt it would be easy to get away with that back where I'm from."

Suddenly curious, Zecora leans forward with an interested smile on her face.

"Perhaps this sort of lifestyle might suit you?" Anon, immediately understanding her implication, breaks eye contact with her and focuses on his food. He chooses not to say anything, but it's clear that he didn't even need to think about it that much. "Hmhm. It seems my words ring true."

Still not looking at his lover, Anon laughs as he takes another bite of his food. Not knowing what else to do, he decides to change the subject.

"I understand why you rhyme when you speak, but I'll never get used to how good you are at doing it. Practice makes perfect, right?"

"When I first started it was an exercise in humility, but eventually it started coming to me naturally. Er..." Zecora suddenly appears a bit self-conscious as she, too, takes another bite of her food. "I hope it does not bother you too much. I've been told it makes me seem out of touch."

"Oh, come on, Zecora! You're wonderful! Rhymes and all!" Zecora smiles, but she doesn't look back up. "I was trying to convey that I'm impressed by it. Even in the most dire of circumstances, you never seem to miss a beat. It's just something that makes you so... you. Th-that's why I love it so much..." Anon trails off, though Zecora still hears his words.

Seriously, these two are something else.

Eventually, they finish their dinner. After a bit of cleanup, Anon stretches in place and looks down at his zebra girlfriend with a smile.

"I guess I'd better get going, huh? It's getting awfully late."

"O-oh, leaving already? I suppose the time got away from me."

"I'll be back in the morning, okay?"

Anon notices how hesitant Zecora seems. With a smile he meets her at eye level. She barely has time to react before he grabs the back of her head and pulls her in for a kiss, one which she happily returns.

The two stay like that for some time, doing little more than enjoying the moment. However, Anon eventually has to let go so they can catch their breaths. He says nothing as he gives Zecora one more smile and starts to turn around, only to be stopped by her grabbing him by the shoulder.

"I know you said that in the morning we'd reunite, but... but..." Zecora hesitates, clearly embarrassed to say what she wants to say. Anon turns around to look at her, a knowing smile on his face, but saying nothing. "...Would you like to sleep with me tonight?"

To both of their surprise, the typically composed Zecora's voice cracked when she said that. Her face immediately goes beet red, causing her to turn away from Anon. However, as she does so, she finds herself being scooped up off of the ground and into his arms. He holds her tight and places a kiss on her head at the same time.

"I think I'd like that. Though, I didn't take you for the cuddly type."

Zecora gives Anon a light hit on his shoulder, and he puts her down as she happily trots towards her bed.

"My dear Anon, be careful what you wish for. You might find that I'm capable of..." She gives Anon a look that sends shivers down his spine. "So much more."

Anon freezes for just a moment before deciding to feign confidence and follow her to the bed.

"Haha, sure, Zecora. Just you wait. Who knows, maybe I'll even get you to mess up a rhyme or two?"

"Haha! If what I'm thinking is what you really meant to imply, then by all means!" Zecora sits on the bed, pats the space next to her, and begins to remove her many rings. Despite the fact that they don't really cover much, the scene makes Anon blush all the same. "I'd like to see you try."

Anon lets out a nervous chuckle. It seems this evening will be more eventful than he initially realized.

...Well, good luck, Anon.

Author's Note:


As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Comments ( 27 )


I think you did a wonderful job:D

"According to the princess, I am the only citizen living in the Everfree. They have no official rate with which to tax the property. Besides, with a few exceptions I have little need for money, as this forest provides nearly all of my essentials for me."

I cant see the rhym

This is so cute! :rainbowkiss:
Iā€™ve never heard of this ship, but itā€™s so adorable! (We finally get the Zecora/Anon fic u were hinting at :yay:)
I havenā€™t even tried to write Zecora, but I can imagine the rhyming is hard to make it feel natural. But you did it really well. Props to you.
Zecora deserves more appreciation, and I love how she shows Anon that there is so much more to her than what meets the eye.

'Everfree', 'property', 'money' and 'me' all end in an 'ee' sound.

ah thank you:D

It's been around for a while. You just have to go looking for it.

"Haha! If what I'm thinking is what you really meant to imply, then by all means!" Zecora sits on the bed, pats the space next to her, and begins to remove her many rings. Despite the fact that they don't really cover much, the scene makes Anon blush all the same. " I'd like to see you try ."

I'd also like to read/see that

I do love the fluffy fics! Now and then, a bit of fluff does a weary mid good!

Also, don't worry about how you write Zecora! If it doesn't sound natural to make her rhyme in a specific situation, then don't! The way you wrote her here was fantastic!

Thanks! I didnā€™t know. Always love learning of cool ships that are new to me.

NGL, I was hoping this story would he a sequel to the one where Cadence hunts down Anon to tease him. Would've been the ultimate revenge on her for how she's treated him.

Also, yes, writing for Zecora is tricky. She's one of the few characters I've never written.


Props to you on being able to come up with so many rhymes. That alone must be hard. Also great job as always.


Same here. Maybe even somepony or someponies could finally get her to release that ironclad/Alicorn grip on that ā€˜idiot/conflict/jerk' ball she must have.


maybe a prequel?

Letā€™s go! I told you I was excited for a Zecora/Anon story and that writing Zecora is either a major success or a major failure. And you did it so well!:rainbowkiss:

It was cute and fluffy and my girl got the love she deserves! The only thing I hate is that Iā€™m not in Anonā€™s shoes.:fluttershbad:

Great story and excellent job!:twilightsmile::raritywink:

Everything, from A(non) to Z(ecora)

The alphabet of a relationship together ā¤ļøšŸ˜. A very poetic rhyme.

Zecora representation. Letā€™s go!!!

Dan #16 · Sep 1st, 2023 · · 15 ·

Too short. Unsatisfying vignette.

Not asking for lengthy Alcor or Pusspuss-tier romance, but flesh it out a bit, pls.

This was really cute. And I feel your pain, writing Zecora dialogue is HARD.

You did pretty well though, at least I think so. Keep it up~

If you're such an expert, then do it yourself :facehoof:.

You're great at these romance fics, they're always really cute.


And... the next day Zecora was walking funny and you would have needed a crowbar to remove the smile off Anon's face.

Yeah I would say she is easily the most challenging character I can think to write. Even if you can easily come up with rhyming words pentameter is likely to trip you.

I can only imagine how much of a pain it is to rhyme, let alone make sure it flows like a river.

To be fair, it's usually one of the princesses or Mane 6 in this spot, not Zecora. Because apparently the mutant hairless green ape is better looking than actual ponies for some strange reason.

True. I donā€™t ship Anon with any specific characters mostly because Iā€™ve only recently started reading/enjoying fics with him. I feel like heā€™s a blank slate, so as long as you write him good, you can ship him with anypony. I searched up the ship in Fimfic and Iā€™m happy I found some fics, this was my first time hearing about it.

Oh my god this is fuckin adorable :raritydespair:

Theyre just so adorable :raritystarry:

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