• Member Since 8th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Comments ( 17 )

that sounds like an interesting story, got interested of EAW through an OC I saw art of

I see a good potential for this fanfic and I'm interested in continuing reading.:twilightsmile:

Between Napoleon Birbs, Merchant Queens, Ultra-Visionary seaponies, and potential world-ending dark witches, things such as world conquest and interspecies relationships should not surprise our man in the field.

So, Vivienne, Posada, Rosa(?), Honoria(?)... seems like there's a lot of fun to be had.

Very good story i love eaw and this story have a potential
But why the tag "porn"?

Read the full story description.

I read, but usually this tag is only used for stories that focus on pornography
In the geopolitics story the tag "sex" Is enough

А тут будут пегасы земные пони единороги и бэтпони?! Короче говоря тут будет гарем из кобыл?

RUS: Гарем будет, да. Также использую DeepL для ответа на этот вопрос, и он может быть сформулирован некорректно.

EN; There will be a harem, yes. Also using DeepL to answer this question, and it may not be worded correctly.

Большое спасибо за ответ!

Мне понравилось начало! Жду продолжения этой прекрасной книги.

Happy to see you here once again, Bukharin !

Oh, wow.
The inciting incident will be next chapter?
No time for the protags to think. To plan!

I hope they're ready.

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