• Published 11th Oct 2023
  • 737 Views, 59 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Ninjas vs Animatronics - Dinomite123

The Turtles and Rainbooms have to survive Five Nights at Freddy's.

  • ...

Night 3

After the night of the battle between the animatronics, the turtles and Rainbooms realized they needed April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, and Keno.

Later, they finally arrived. It's was gonna hard for them to explain to make them believe that the animatronics in there are alive.

"Thanks for coming, guys," Leo greeted them.

"So, what's big situation, Leo?" Karai asked.

"Let me explain that." Mikey butted in. "Did you guys hear on the news about Freddy Fazbear's?"

"That old pizza place with those animatronics?" April asked.

"Yep, that's the one."

"Ugh, those weird looking robots are so cheesy." Casey complained.

"What does that have to do with the situation?" Shinigami asked in confusion.

"Well, Monday at midnight, we decided to go the old place to check it out. Then at 12:00, something wasn't right."

"Was it another mutant?" Casey asked.

"Not exactly. The animatronics there are...not in their place."

Everyone was confused at what he meant by that.

"Parten me." Pinkie cutted in. "What Mikey is trying to say is.... THE ANIMATRONICS ARE ALIVE!"

April stared at him in disbelief. "Alive? As in, moving on their own?"

The turtles and Rainbooms nodded.

"We know it sounds ridiculous, but we saw it with our own eyes," Twilight said.

"Yeah, those things wanted a party for a beating." Applejack replied.

"We're not sure if it's trick or if they really are alive." Raph said. "But whatever it is, it's our job to shut them down."

Casey scratched his head. "So what do you need us to do?"

"We need your help to figure out what's causing this and how to stop it," Donnie explained.

Karai crossed her arms. "And why do you think we can help you?"

"Because we've all seen some crazy things in our own worlds. We need all the help we can get," Mikey said with a grin.

Shinigami nodded. "I'll do what I can. I've dealt with some strange occurrences in my time, but I've never seen anything like this."

Keno shrugged. "I don't know if I can be much help, but I'm in."

"I'll see what I can find out from my sources," April said, already taking out her notepad.

The group spent the whole day brainstorming, exchanging theories and ideas, and researching everything they could about the pizzeria.

As they discussed their plan and tried to gather more information about the animatronics, Twilight remembered something she had read online.

""There have been some reports of missing children in this area over the past few years. And we believe it had something to do with the animatronics." She said.

The group's expressions turned serious. "That's definitely a possibility," Leo said. "We need to look into this further."

Donnie tapped away on his own computer, trying to find any information that could be relevant. "There have also been some lawsuits against the pizzeria for faulty equipment and safety hazards," he said. "Maybe that has something to do with it."

"Or maybe someone is using this place for illegal activity," Karai suggested. "It wouldn't be the first time a business was used as a front for criminal activity."

Casey nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and whatever's causing these animatronics to come to life could be dangerous. We need to get to the bottom of this."

The Rainbooms looked just as determined. "We're with you guys," Twilight said. "Whatever it takes to uncover the truth and protect the town."

With a plan in place and a goal in mind, the group set out to investigate the pizzeria and uncover the mystery behind the animatronics. They knew it wouldn't be easy, and there were still many unanswered questions, but they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

Later that night, the group met up outside the pizzeria to put their plan into action. They split up into teams, with the turtles and Casey heading inside the pizzeria, while the Rainbooms and their allies kept watch outside.

As they searched through the pizzeria, Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey couldn't help but feel uneasy. The animatronics looked harmless and lifeless when they first entered, but they knew better than to let their guard down.

"Keep your eyes peeled, guys," Leo said, gripping his katanas tightly. "We don't know what we're dealing with here."

Donnie scanned the area with his scanning device, looking for any signs of movement or activity. "I'm not picking up any unusual readings," he said. "But that doesn't mean we're safe."

As they continued to explore, they came across a room in the back that seemed to be off-limits. Leo motioned for the others to follow him as he cautiously approached the door.

As soon as they opened the door, they were met with a sight that made them freeze in horror. The room was filled with parts and pieces of animatronics, some of them looking like they were torn apart and discarded.

"This is...disturbing," Mikey said, stepping back.

"So this is were they build and repair animatronics, huh?" Karai said.

Donnie examined the parts more closely, using his tech skills to try to figure out what was going on. "I think someone has been tampering with the animatronics," he said. "And not in a good way."

Mikey looked at his T-phone and see's that it's almost twelve at midnight.

"Guys, it's almost midnight!" He reminded them.

"Let's hurry to the security room!" Leo ordered.

They all ran to the security room and shut the metal door. Donnie turned on the security screens.

"Okay, what time is it now?" He asked Mikey.

He looked at his T-phone.

"In a few moments...and...magic time!"

They see the camera of the party room's stage, the animatronics were gone.

"Whoa! That was fast!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Where did they go?" Casey wondered.

"Only one way to find out." Karai pulled out her sword.

"April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, Keno, you guys go down the basement. The rest of us will stay up here and search for them." Leo ordered.

They obeyed orders and went down the basement. As April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, and Keno make their way down to the basement, they realize that it's dark and creepy, with flickering lights casting strange shadows on the walls. The air is musty and thick with the smell of mold and dampness. The creaking of the aging wooden stairs echoes throughout the basement, making them jump at every sound.

"It's so dusty in here." Shinigami coughed.

"I don't like it down here." Keno whimpered.

"Either do I." Casey joined with him.

"Oh, grow up you guys." April told them.

Then, they heard a thump.

"What was that?"

"No clue."

They heard it and turned to a closet.

The group's attention was now drawn to a closet at the end of the hallway. They could hear rustling noises coming from inside, and it sounded like something was moving around inside.

"I wouldn't open that if I were you." Keno said.

"Oh please, it's not like one of the animatronics is gonna be in that closet." April said. "Maybe it's just one of the Purple Dragons trying to scare us?"

She opened the closet and it revealed it to be an animatronic. But was not just any animatronic, it's appearance looked broken-down, it's ears are completely intact, rusted, it had multiple smaller rips throughout, and it's eyes lit red.

The human allies were shocked and horrified at what they see in their sight.

"Should we admit the guys weren't kidding when they said the animatronics were alive?" Casey whimpered.

They slowly nodded.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Leo and Raph looked around the hallway until they a frightening scream.

"What was that?" Raph wondered.

"That sounded like..."Leo gasped.

Leo picked up his walkie talkie and spoke to Donnie through it.

"Donnie, we gotta get down to the basement! Something must've happened down there."

Donnie panicked when it heard the news and thought that might mean April and the rest (Only April) is in danger.

"I'm coming!" He yelled.

He raced out of the security room to join the rest of the team.

The turtles and Rainbooms sneaked down to the basement.

"I sure hope April and the rest are alright." Donnie said in worry.

"Believe me, do too." Sunset Shimmer responded to him.

As they made their way down, they could hear strange noises and whispers coming from the shadows. It felt like something was watching them, following them in the dark.

"Something tells me this basement filled with horrors too." Rainbow Dash's teeth clicked together.

"Oh please, darling. It's just a room full of dusty and nasty dirt since I hate getting dirty." Rarity bragged.

They suddenly see April and the rest held in chambers.



"What happened?" Sunset asked.

"You guys, this basement is filled with animatronics too." Karai answered.


They heard a creeping sound behind them. They slowly turned around and see the rusted animatronic with more of them. The animatronics were unlike anything they had ever seen before. They were twisted and contorted, with rusted metal limbs and lifeless, glowing eyes. Some of them had sharp, jagged teeth and others had long, spindly fingers that reached out from the shadows.

They screamed in horror.

As the group tried to back away, they found themselves surrounded by the animatronics. The creatures seemed to be closing in on them, their mechanical whirs and clicks filling the air.

"This is really getting really scary!" Rainbow Dash whined.

"We've got to find a way out of here!" Twilight shouted.

Rarity used her gem magic and burst it at scary animatronics. They fell with a thud.

The turtles ran to see their friends free. As they got free, the animatronics got back up.

The group didn't waste any time and quickly made a run for it. They ran as fast as they could, trying to find a way out of the basement. But the animatronics were relentless, chasing them at every turn and corner.

"We have to find an exit!" April shouted.

"I see a door over there!" Donatello pointed towards a door in the distance.

The group made a beeline towards the door, but the animatronics were hot on their heels. They were almost within reach, their metal claws and teeth snapping and clanging.

"We can't keep running!" Leo demanded as he pulled out his katanas. "We have to fight our way out!"

The group agreed with Leo, knowing that they couldn't keep running forever. They had to fight back against the animatronics if they wanted to survive.


The team knew that they needed to work together if they were going to have any chance of defeating the creepy and rusted animatronics. They stayed close to one another, constantly communicating and making sure that everyone was aware of what was going on.

Rainbow Dash took to the air, swooping down and delivering powerful kicks to the nightmare animatronics, while Karai used her knowledge of martial arts to deliver crushing blows to their weak spots.

Rarity, meanwhile, used her gem magic to channel powerful energy blasts that shattered the animatronics' armor and left them vulnerable to attack.

Donnie used his intelligence to analyze the animatronics' weaknesses and find new ways to attack them, while Twilight used her magic to levitate objects and send them hurtling towards the enemies.

April provided backup support with her ninja stars, throwing them with deadly accuracy and taking out any animatronics that got too close to her friends.

"We gotta get out of here, now!" Casey shouted.

"Ninjas, fallback!" Leo ordered.

The team quickly regrouped and began to retreat, making their way back and shut the metal doors.

"Now what?" Karai asked.

"I guess we wait in here the whole night." Donnie said.

"The whole night?"

"Uh, guys. I think you should see this." Mikey replied, pointing at a screen that shows a battery power picture.

It show it was at 43 persent.

"Oh, great! This whole time the metal gate had battery power. And didn't bother checking." Raph growled.

"How was I supposed to know that it had battery power." Mikey argued.

"Can we not start a blame game and just stay calm?" April ordered.

"Let's just see what this brings us." Donnie said.

In the morning, the same thing as always. They fell asleep through the whole night. Karai wakes up with a yawn and see's the clock and see's it was 6 am in the morning.

She was startled when Mikey shocked awake with a jump and ninja move.

"What? Did we survive?" He asked.

"Apparently." Karai answered.

The rest of the team woke up.

"That's a relief." Raph sighed

They got out of the security room and see's that everything was normal. They decided to quickly get out raced back to the Shellraiser. On their way back, they discuss a plan for the place.

"It's a good thing we made it out of there alive." Casey said.

"Indeed," Donnie agreed. "But we need to come up with a new plan to stop those animatronics once and for all."

Leo nodded. "We can't just keep running from them. We need to figure out a way to destroy them."

Rarity chimed in. "Perhaps we can use my gem magic to create a powerful energy blast that could destroy them."

"Whatever it is in there...we are gonna give it a imitate showoff." Raph pounded his fist.

But the next night they show up, there's going to be an even more menacing challenge that they don't know.