• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 16 )

It will be so awkward that once Tempest was "reformed" at the end of the movie. What happens when she meets them again?

I don't think they will like to see her again. :ajbemused:

Or maybe they'll enjoy turning the tables on her?
(Eh, oh well. A lot of Tempest's post-reform meetings are going to be pretty awkward. I really wish the show had given at least one episode to showing what she did after the movie.)

I thank you for this. There is nowhere near enough Tempest Shadow fanfic. Got anything with her and Twilight? I do prefer them to date after the end of the movie, yet anything really would work. Tempest deserves more love!

If I were the folks running this place, I'd keep track of what all the stuff they did for her should have cost and then bill her for it after the fact. Or slip it into a request for reparations. Or do the first and then threaten to do the second if she balks.


Good idea. They should be good ole consequences for your very bad actions. Even if you are "reformed".

Hm... True. Their scene at the end of that movie was really cute. I should do a Twizzlepop shipping story sometime.

But Blueblood already paid them...

Heh... Out of all the things Tempest canonically did, I don't know if this visit to the strip club even cracks the top 10...
She's gonna have a lot of reparations to do!

A fun and sexy story. I know many people, myself included, would like to see a sequel, but if this story is just a one-and-done, I'd be happy with that too. Great work!

Heh, yeah... At this point, a sequel seems pretty unlikely, given the mysterious unpopularity of this story. (I can't really fathom why this one wasn't more popular ... I thought it was pretty good. And I don't really understand why this one is one of my least popular stories ever.) But oh well, so it goes.

It is probably less so because of the story itself being bad, and more so because it has the Non-con tag, and it seems that some people have made it their goal to immediately dislike any fic with that tag. I have seen plenty of fics use that tag, and they will immediately get dislikes.

Yeah, lol ... but it's hardly my first, and all my other non-con stories have done a lot better. Including one just a few days ago.

To be fair, that same story you just mentioned, Rule of Law, does have 99 likes and 40 dislikes, and has 1.8 thousand views, as opposed to this one, which only has 444 views, so give it a few days for people to see and read it so you can see what the majority think. Also, it's possible that many people who enjoy the story wouldn't leave a like because they may be embarrassed to like a clop story, but I could be wrong. I have no qualms with it, but other might.

I'd blame Blueblood, lol. I kept wanting to not be reminded he was present. Still, the rest of the action was great.

Hm... Maybe I should have gotten rid of him sooner...

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