• Published 22nd Sep 2023
  • 161 Views, 11 Comments

Never Made The Cut - Uz Naimat

A collection of deleted, scrapped and re-written stories from yours truly.

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Deleted - The Princess & Her Dungeon (23 Nov ’17)

Friendship is Magic, Slice of Life, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer

Twilightʼs castle has a dungeon and it isnʼt just an ordinary one. We are about to discover what makes it different.

Twilightʼs castle has a dungeon.

The dungeon is bit different from other dungeons in Equestria, for it has magical properties.

Chapter 1 - Prison of Harmony

“So, where are you taking me?” Starlight Glimmer asked as her former teacher led her to a dark hallway in the castle.

Twilight Sparkle did not answer and instead gestured for Starlight to follow her.

The two mares, accompanied by Spike the Dragon, reached a small yet intimidating door. Glimmer tried to open it, only to discover that it was locked. She tried to teleport inside, but the room somehow sent her outside. She let a groan of frustration.

“Thatʼs not how it works. This place has only one way in and one way out. And only I can open it,” Twilight explained. Her horn then activated, and a golden key with her cutie mark appeared out of thin air. She used to unlock the door.

The three of them went inside. It was dark. The alicorn used her magic to light the torches on the wall.

Starlight has seen dungeons before. And what she saw looked no different. There a big cell. There was little in terms of furniture; two beds, a book shelf and a crate. Curious, she walked towards the open cell and stepped in.

“I wouldnʼt stay there if I were you,” Spike warned.

“Why?” the unicorn was busy examinng the cell to pay attention. She wondered why Twilight had brought her here. This was just an ordinary prison, right?

Before she could understand, Glimmer heard a noise and looked around to see Twilight locking the door.

“Ha, ha, very funny.” Starlight tried to activate her horn.... only to find her magic gone. She was shocked, “What?!”

The princess smirked, “Spike warned you. This is no normal dungeon. This place is anti-magic. Thereʼs only one key, which appears out of thin air only me. When the door is locked, the magic and strength of anyone in is disabled. There is no escape.”

Starlight was confused, “When did you discover that?”

Flashback prior to Season 5

Twilight roamed around the gigantic castle, followed by her number 1 assisstant, answering the same question for the fiftieth time.

“Spike, Iʼll tell you one last time. A self-tour of this place is nessecary. This castle appeared out of nowhere yesterday! Donʼt you wanna know whatʼs in it?”

They arrived in front a dark hallway where they a small locked door. Sparkle tried using magic to get in but in vain.

“Um, do you have any idea how to get in?” Spike asked.

Twilight focused all her willpower on her magic, mumuring under her breath, “The key, please...”

Spike tapped her hoof, “Uh, Twilight, you should look.”

A golden key with Twilightʼs cutie mark was lying on the floor. They got in.

A dungeon is what the pair saw. The mare entered unlocked the first cell and went in, leaving the key outside.

“Spike, lock the door, please.”

No magic.

Spike unlocked the door, letting Twilight out. This wasnʼt the only cell as there were many others aligned, hidden out of sight.

Twilight tapped Spikeʼs claw, “I think we should keep this a secret.'”


End of Flashback

“Okay, so that happened. But why did you bring me here?,” Starlight was still confused.

“I thought you could the perfect test subject to confirm my theory,” Twilight smiled.

“What theory?”

“The cell takes your magic to strengthen itself and make your escape more impossible,” Twilight explained.

“Ooookay. Whatʼs this?” Starlight pointed to a small rectangular hole in the bars.

“Thatʼs my cue,” Spike rushed upstairs and came back two minutes after with a rectangular food tray that fit the hole perfectly.

“It looks like the tree thought of everything. Even food,” Twilight laughed. Spike went back.

“Sooo, is this place still a secret?” Starlight inquired.

“Thatʼs correct.”

“And has it never occurred to you that you make it be known to the public? This dungeon could be really useful to hold dangerous criminals and such things,” Starlight suggested.

Twilight considered it, “Right. I'll make the princresses know.” And with that Twilight dashed out of the dungeon, leaving behind poor Starlight who was still locked in the cell.

“No, wait! Twilight! You have to let me out! I donʼt know for how long youʼll be out! I donʼt wanna stay here! TWILIGHT!"

Chapter 2 - Starlight has no way out

Starlight lay on the bed, thinking. She had nothing better to do here. I am extremely bored. What should I do?

Earlier today, Twilight and Spike had introduced her to this dungeon. While she was exploring the cell, Twilight locked it before informing her that no magic can be used in a closed cell. Both of them then left.

Since the cell had no clock, the unicorn had no idea for how long she was there, alone. It might have been an hour. Or two.

She got up and looked at the bookshelf. Typical Twilight. Who would want to read while imprisoned here?

Growing extremely bored, she picked a random book with her levitation. Nothing.

Starlight groaned; there is no magic.

An eternity later, or rather five minutes later, after having seen all the boring books, Starlight heard footsteps.“Starlight? Are you still down here?” A familiar male voice echoed.

“Spike! Thank goodness you are here,” Starlight sighed. “Perhaps you can let me out now?”

Spike came in front of the mare before nervously saying, “Sorry. But only Twilight has the key.”

“Well, then go call her. Please!”

“She rushed off to Canterlot earlier today!”

“Canterlot?!” Starlight went back to lying on the bed. Great, me and my big mouth... She got up, only to see that Spike was gone.

She looked around the cell, looking for distractions, when she a small, high window with bars. Perhaps I could attract someponyʼs attention from outside. She pushed the crate to the wall and climbed on it. The window led to the outskirts of Ponyville. It was then that Starlight realized that the dungeon was underground.

“Hey! Please! Somepony help me! Get Princess Twilight for me! Please!” Starlight started to shout while waving a hoof through the bars. Well, nopony heard her as she was facing the outskirts of Ponyville.

She groaned again.

It was only when Princess Luna had raised the moon that Starlight heard more footsteps. A certain purple alicorn finally came.

“Starlight! Iʼm so sorry! I never should have left you here! Sorry!” Twilight unlocked the door.

Without a word, Starlight left the dungeon and got out of the castle to take a lungful of fresh air.

Author's Note:

Go on. Laugh.

This is the first fanfic I ever posted on this site. It was so bad, so cringe, that I deleted it as soon as I could. Behind-the-page blog coming soon.