• Published 15th Sep 2023
  • 199 Views, 2 Comments

Phoenix's Scrap Bin - PhoenixHorseGuy

An assortment of cut chapters, abandoned projects, and scenes that didn't make the final edit. All written by your favorite tax fraudster.

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The Crystal Human Chapter Seven: The Walmart Draft

Author's Note:

Here it is. The famous draft of Chapter Seven that was written in half an hour in a Walmart restroom.

Except... not really.

This is the heavily edited and expanded upon version of that initial draft that I made after getting home from Walmart later that day. The original Walmart Draft is unfortunately lost to time.

There's a few reasons why I cut this and went with the Chapter Seven we have now. One being that it was just a little dark for the story I wanted to tell, and anther being that I don't like it on a personal level.

Don't get me wrong, the idea of Sombra taking the role of a Sleep Paralysis demon is still an interesting one and I still like it a lot, but rereading this... I don't know. I don't regret writing it, but I'm not exactly proud of writing it either, you know? I feel like I took a great idea and threw it into the toilet back at Walmart.

In any case, I hope you enjoy the meme.

When I awoke in the morning, I found that I couldn’t move my body. I tried to wiggle my fingers and toes, but they wouldn’t respond. I had a mouth, but I couldn’t scream. I couldn’t turn my head to look around the room. Only my eyes worked, and one of them had a pillow blocking half its field of view. I could see that it was dark in my room. I’m fairly certain I left the curtains open, meaning that I must’ve woken up before the sunrise.

I knew what this was. Sleep paralysis. I had dealt with it on and off for years. My experience didn’t make the situation any less terrifying, though.

Especially since today's paralysis demon was already here, sitting next to the bed, watching me. I couldn’t see its eyes, but I knew it was watching me intently, almost as if it expected me to try something.

“I’m not a first timer, pal. Just do your thing and get it over with.”

The intruder was an equine. A unicorn, to be specific. “So even the demons here are unicorns.” One thing I noticed about this particular horned pony was the fact that the horn seemed longer than those I had seen before. If you put this guy in a horn measuring contest with everypony I’ve met thus far, he would place second, only behind Luna, and even then it would be close. The horn was curved and…

… it's red.

Its horn is red.

From my experience, paralysis demons aren’t supposed to come in color. Is this a magical paralysis demon? I swear to God if those are a thing here I’m in for a world of pain and suffering.

Then the demon spoke.

“What a… queer looking creature.”

It wasn’t the fact that it spoke that scared me. No, it was the clarity. Every experience I’ve had with sleep paralysis demons in the past, their voices always sounded off in some way. Sometimes it was like TV static. For others it was too quiet, and for others still it didn’t even sound like real words. Just gibberish.

Not here. This was a voice that was as clear as a real persons. Like someone had stopped me on the street and said that to me for… you know what, no. The reason doesn’t matter. What does matter is that this is the most terrified of a sleep paralysis demon I’ve been in years.

“Yes… a very odd creature indeed.”

I just laid there and stared at it. Not like I could do anything else.

“Where did you come from? Why are you here?”

I didn’t answer its questions. I wouldn’t even if I could.

“Well? Won’t you answer your king?”

“King? You're as much of a king to me as Charles is to the Irish.”

The demon laughed. “Silly creature. You are in my realm. Therefore, you shallbow to me.”

I felt a pressure being placed on my legs, almost as if someone were trying to crush them.

“Now. Answer my questions. Why are you here?”

“I ain’t telling you shit, buddy.”

More crushing pressure on my legs. I wanted to scream out in pain, but the lack of ability to use my mouth prevented me from doing so.

“Why are you here?” The demon asked again.

I’m starting to get the feeling that this isn’t a normal sleep paralysis demon.

“I don’t know. Why are you here?”

I swear I felt the bones in my legs were about to break. Just a little more and I’ll
never walk again.

“Hmph. First you assist the… usurpers… and now you’ve decided to beuncooperative?” The demon seemed almost offended now. “I was willing to letyou stay here in my Empire once I reclaimed my rightful place on the throne. But now…”

A sickening crack echoed throughout the room as I felt my legs finally cave to the pressure.

“... you have signed your own death warrant.”

The demon's horn was covered in a sickening mix of black, green and purple. Before he could fire off whatever spell he was going to use on me, however, sunlight began to flood into the room. The demon noticed the rising sun and began to retreat into the shadows. As it left, I heard it say something.

“Saved by the sun princess. Know this creature. The day we meet again will beyour last. I will make sure of it.”

And with that, the room went silent once more. The demon was nowhere to be found, and sunlight began to flood into the room. As the paralysis lifted, I also felt the pain in my legs evaporate. After a few tests, I found that my legs were completely fine. I confirmed this once I got out of bed and stood on my own two feet without any issue.

“He was fucking with me. The demon was fucking with me.”

I thought back to the conversation and realized something.

“Helped the usurpers… Did he mean Shining and Cadence? But that would mean…”

The puzzle pieces all clicked into place at that moment.

“... that was him. The unicorn king… Sombra.”

I felt a chill go down my spine once I said his name.

“... shit.”