• Published 4th May 2024
  • 579 Views, 49 Comments

Kamen Rider Shifter - Banshee531

Monsters known as Mimics have invaded Canterlot and wish to wipe out humanity. Only a select group of heroes are able to stand against them. The Kamen Riders.

  • ...

Episode 10: Trust and Revelations

Several days had passed since the defeat of Grace-Kal-Lutz. Several days since a discovery about the Mimics had come to light. That they couldn't just mimic animals, but people as well.

Ever since then, Canterlot has become a completely different place. People found themselves unable to trust anyone, even the people closest to them. There was no telling who could be a Mimic in disguise. Family, friends and multiple loved ones. Nobody seemed able to trust anyone.

At CHS, Flash wasn't feeling great.

Derpy had just gotten out of the hospital and she seemed to be the only person everyone was willing to admit was who she claimed to be, but only because her doppelganger had been publicly destroyed. But everyone else was refusing to get close to each other.

As Flash made his way towards his locker, he spotted Trixie at hers. "Hey Tricks." He walked up to her and the girl suddenly looked worried.

"Hey...you." She slowly stepped back, "Flash...if that is who you are."

Flash moaned, "I am Flash. How many times do we have to do this?" Trixie had doubted him, every time they met since Derpy's ordeal. And it wasn't just Trixie. Everyone gave suspicious looks to people they were usually close friends with, which was clearly putting a strain on relationships.

"You say you're Flash," Trixie glared at him. "What's my favourite food?"

"How am I supposed to know that?" Flash asked, Trixie giving him a raised eyebrow. She chose this moment to move away from him, Flash sighing as he grabbed his things out of his locker and headed off to his first class. Along the way, he passed the music room and heard voices.

"It's gonna work!" Flash stopped and looked inside, where he saw the Rainbooms talking. Pinkie jumping around, telling the others something was gonna work. "It's our only way. We've gotta do it or the town will become a horrible place to live."

"Hey," he called out. "What are you girls talking about?" The Rainbooms looked around, Flash frowning. "Don't tell me you guys don't believe I'm me too?"

"Sorry, Flash." Twilight told him. She had her phone out, the girl looking at it every five seconds. "It's not that we don't believe you're you. But..."

"AHHHH!" Rainbow cried. "This sucks. I know it's good that we know the Mimics can copy people. But everything is totally lame now. Nobody's trusting anyone. I hate this!"

Fluttershy nodded. "I don't like it either. I don't want to be scared, but I can't walk down the street without worrying a Mimic is gonna snatch me up."

Sunset sighed. "If this keeps up, the Mimics are gonna win. Shifter and Morphic are strong, but they can't beat the Mimics on their own. Eventually, mankind is gonna need to unite in order to defeat the Mimics. And with everyone suspicious of everyone, that's never gonna happen."

"That's why my idea has to happen!" Pinkie cried. "A party!"

"A party?" Flash frowned. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Of course it is. Everyone needs something to help remind them how important trusting each other is. A party will do just that. Everyone will have so much fun, they'll forget they were paranoid and realise the Mimics can't be allowed to destroy the bonds we all share."

"I guess," Flash nodded. "But if everyone's so paranoid, why would they come to a party in the first place? What if they think it's a trap, set up by the Mimics?"

"Of course they won't think that. Mimics might be evil, but nobody's evil enough to use a party as a trap." They weren't sure she was right about that. "I already got permission from Celestia to use the gym, so we've gotta work really hard after school to get everything sorted. You guys with me?" They still weren't sure this plan would work, but they didn't have the heart to tell her. Besides, there was a chance some people would come and have a good time.

"Alright," Sunset told her. "We'll help set up the party." The others nodded, Pinkie smiling before the bell rang to signal the start of the school day. No doubt, all the students and teachers would be too paranoid to do any real work. But hopefully, things would soon get better.

In their dark lab, the three Mimic Generals were sitting around.

Over the last few days, Frill and Maya had been hard at work creating more Mimic spawns. But none of them would be ready to be used for a while. "This is taking too long," Maya growled before turning to someone else. "It would go a lot quicker if someone lent us a hand."

Gule was sitting in the corner, currently disguised as Timber Spruce.

As he sat there, his mind was still thinking back to what had happened several days ago. When Shifter had used that new weapon and unleashed the power within him. There wasn't a moment that went by, where he wasn't sure about what he had felt.

"Hey, Gule!" He looked up, as Maya stepped up to him. "Have you forgotten what we're supposed to be doing here? We're never gonna conquer the world, if you just sit around all day doing nothing. What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing," Gule stood up and took his monster form. "Just focus on your own work and let me work on mine."

"I would, if you actually did anything. But you're not. You just sit around, doing nothing. If you're not gonna help us here, why don't you go cause some problems for the humans. I'm sure they're in need of a Mimic to scare the daylights out of them. Unless you think something like that is too difficult for you. You're probably right, to be honest." Gule glared at her, looking ready to bite her head off.

Before Gule could say anything, an alarm sounded within the base.

The three went as stiff as a board, clearly worried by whatever that alarm meant. As such, they rushed over to an area of the room. On a table was an odd looking device and when they reached the table, they knelt down as the machine switched on.

A light came out the top and formed a holographic screen, which soon switched on to reveal three figures hidden in shadows. One was sitting in the centre, whilst the other two stood behind him.

The three Mimics bowed their heads and spoke together, "master."

"What progress have you made, with our conquest of this world?" The figure in the centre asked, their voice deep and fear inducing to the other Mimics.

"We...we have yet to complete our task," Frill announced. "The Kamen Riders-"

"Should have been dealt with!" The figure roared. "You think you're the first Mimic team to come up against resistance? The other teams were able to defeat the obstacles that got in their way. Deal with these Kamen Riders or you will regret the day you were spawned. I don't care what it takes. Get things ready for my arrival." With that, the device cut out and the three sighed.

"Great," Maya growled. "It's bad enough we've got the Kamen Riders messing things up for us. Now our master's threatening to destroy us himself, if we don't get things going."

"He won't destroy us," Frill stated. "The master never wastes Mimics just because he fails. No, he'll keep us around. But we'll wish he'd destroyed us. We need to get rid of the Riders, now."

"We need to uncover how they came to be," Maya stated. "If they gained these abilities to fight us, whose to say more people won't gain the same powers. Until we figure out how the Kamen Riders were created, destroying them will be futile."

As this was going on, Gule picked himself up and headed off. "Where are you going?" Frill asked, but Gule just headed out of the room. "Gule?"

"Leave him," Maya stated. "I have an idea."

"Which is?" Maya turned to him and smiled, as she walked through the room and eventually reached another corner. There, a strange tube-like machine could be seen. "You can't be serious. We have no idea if that machine will even work properly. It could blow up in our face."

"Or it could do just what we need it to do." Maya stepped forward and pulled the leaver, causing the machine to power up and fill with electricity. As it did, a small blob of orange-brown slime was dropped into the tube from above and hit by the lightning. This caused it to go wild, squishing and squeezing in different directions.

Eventually, it began to grow and take humanoid form. Maya and Frill smiled, only for the device to begin sparking. "Too much strain," Frill announced as he pressed several buttons. This stopped the device from blowing up, as the creature inside finished forming.

The tube opened up and the creature stepped out, with the tube closing again and repeating the process.

"How long do you intend to do this?" Frill asked, as Maya smiled at their creation.

"For as long as the machine can hold out. We need as many as we can." As this was happening, Gule watched from where he had left the room.

He frowned, as his mind focused once again on Shifter. "I'll uncover the truth myself. And if what I suspect is true, I'll find a way to fix this problem myself." With that, he walked off with his mission set.

The school day had come to an end and Flash was in the gym with the Rainbooms.

Flash had to give it to Pinkie. She could set up a party fast and skilfully. There were tables covered in colourful table cloths, with food on different kinds of platters. Banners were hanging from the ceiling and balloons were floating all over the place.

Flash was helping tie these balloons to spots, so they wouldn't float up to the roof or out an open window. Meanwhile, the rest of the girls were using their magical abilities to help set things up as well.

The only girl who wasn't helping was Twilight, who seemed more focused on her phone than on decorating. And it hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Yo!" Rainbow called out. "Earth to Twilight. You listening?" But Twilight stayed quiet, causing Rainbow to grab a napkin off the table and scrunch it up to throw at her.

It hit the side of her head, catching her attention. "Hey!"

"What's wrong darling?" Rarity asked, sitting on one of her gems with Fluttershy near the ceiling. "You've been distracted all morning. You almost pocked yourself in the eye with your fork at lunch time."

Twilight frowned, as she looked back at her phone. "Timber hasn't called or texted me in days." That confused them, since Timber always texted Twilight whenever they couldn't hang out. "He's not answering his phone either. I'm starting to get worried."

"I'm sure he's fine," Flash told her. "He's probably really focused on work right now. He's still working at the zoo, isn't he?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "but he should have still called me when he got off work." Flash had a feeling he knew why Twilight was worried. Given what had happened to Derpy, she was clearly worried the Mimics had done something to Timber. There was no telling what could have happened if the Mimics got their hands on him.

"i'm sure he's fine," Sunset walked over and patted her on the shoulder. "But if you're really concerned, maybe we can go over to his place after we're done here and check things out. You said Timber has a place in town, right?" Twilight nodded, "so we'll head over there. If he's there, we can ask why he's been avoiding your calls. If he isn't, we'll look for him together. That sound good?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded. "Thanks, Sunset." Sunset smiled back and the pair stood up to get back to work, the others doing the same.

But suddenly, Flash was overwhelmed with his Mimic Sense. So much so that he almost fell over. "Are you okay?" Applejack asked, noticing Flash looking disorientated for a moment.

"I'm fine," Flash assured her. "But...I need the bathroom. I'll be back in a bit!" With that, he ran out of the gym before the girls could stop him. He followed his sense and it led him out of the school, Flash being sure nobody was around as he left the building.

As soon as he was outside, the feeling began to feel really strong. He looked around, but couldn't find any sign of a Mimic. At least until something shot towards him.

Flash spun around, just in time to see a green creature flying towards him and slamming his feet into Flash's chest. The teen grunted, as he was thrown backwards across the sports field and slammed into the grass. "Augh!" He quickly recovered and looked up, where he saw Gule standing there. "You."

"Me." Flash pushed himself to his feet, as Gule looked ready to fight. "Well, what are you waiting for? Shouldn't you transform, Shifter?" Flash's eyes widened, as the Mimic growled. "That's right. I know. Why do you think we put so much effort into capturing your friend before?"

"You did that to get to me?" Anger raced through Flash's body, as he reached into his back pocket and took out his phone. Luckily, he was able to navigate it without looking and sent a message to Shining. "Fine. You wanna fight? Let's fight." The Mimic Driver appeared and Flash took out his Mimicore, looking around to make sure nobody was watching before activating it.


Flash opened the draw and quickly placed the Mimicore inside, striking a pose as he called out. "Henshin!" With that,

"MIMIC! LIGHTNING BUG!" The Driver unleashed the slime and Flash was soon sealed within a cocoon, which then shattered to reveal him in Rider form. "Illuminate the light, striking through the darkness!"

As soon as the transformation was complete, Shifter ran forward and leapt at Gule. He tried to deal a kick to the monster's head, but Gule dodged and tried to slash at him. Shifter avoided the claws and dealt several punches to Gule's chest, knocking him backwards.

As Gule staggered back, Shifter pulled out his new Shift Striker along with another Mimicore.


He slotted it in and in a bright flash, the weapon transformed into a sword that Shifter began to slash at Gule with. Gule dodged the blade as best he could and at one point, even managed to catch the weapon between his hands.

The pair struggled against one another, Gule glaring him down. "Sheave. Is that you? Answer me!"

"Sheave?" Shifter asked, "what are you talking about?" Gule finally pushed Shifter's blade away and the Rider was sent staggering, as the Mimic charged forward.

"Don't play games. I know who you are. I've been sensing it for a while." He started slashing at Shifter wildly, Shifter dodging and blocking with his sword. "You are Sheave-Far-Tar! I know you are! Don't try and deny who you are. Why are you doing this?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Shifter slashed at Gule and hit him in the chest, the Mimic General flinching as he leapt back. Shifter then removed the Blade Mimicore and took out another one.


He slotted the Mimicore into the weapon and caused it to transform, morphing into a strange looking device. The bottom half of the Shift Striker was the same as before, only now it was yellow, but the top looked like it had a yellow metal owl on top of it. The Shift Striker was connected to its main body, whilst its wings were spread out at the sides and the head was pointing forwards. Within each wing was a fan-like rotor.

Shifter pointed the device at Gule and as he pushed himself up, the Rider pulled the trigger. The wings shifted so the underside was pointing at the Mimic and the fans started spinning, pulling air from the other side and unleashing a pair of twin tornados that shot towards Gule.

The Mimic braced himself, as the wind slammed into him and lifted him into the air.

As this was happening, The Rainbooms and several more students ran out of the school after noticing the commotion coming from outside. They arrived, just in time to see Gule be blown backwards.

"Yeah!" Rainbow cheered, loving the sight of Gule getting his butt kicked.

As Gule fell out of the wind and crashed into the ground, Shifter stopped the tornado before the wings spun a hundred and eighty degrees. He pulled the trigger again and the tornados were blown behind him, propelling him forwards as he reached for his belt.

But before he could hit the Driver and prepare his Climatic Finish, a bunch of feather darts flew down and almost hit him. "WOW!" He spun the wings of his Shift Striker around, causing the tornadoes to move and push him backwards. The darts slammed into the ground, whilst Shifter landed. But when he did, he felt his foot stick to the ground. "Huh?" He looked down and saw his foot on some kind of web.

As Gule picked himself up, Frill and Maya jumped down beside him. "You look like you could use a little help," Maya laughed.

"I can handle him on my own," Gule announced. As he said that, an engine made them look around and see Morphic race onto the scene on his bike.

"Fine," Frill nodded. "Deal with Shifter. We'll keep Morphic and the others at bay until you can destroy him." Gule nodded, Frill and Maya racing off. Frill took to the air and flew towards the school, whilst Maya charged towards Morphic.

Shifter had changed his Shift Striker back to the Blade Form and cut himself free, then charged at Gule as the Mimic unleashed a bunch of lights. Shifter had to look away, allowing Gule to slash at him. But Shifter responded by unleashing his own lights and blinding the Mimic.

This allowed Shifter to blindly swing his sword around, hitting Gule's leg and making him cry out. The Rider then jumped towards the noise and dealt a kick right to the monster's chest.

At the same time, Frill launched the feather darts towards the Rainbooms.

Rarity had put up a shield to protect them and the school, allowing Rainbow to use her super speed to zip everybody away. Once Frill stopped firing, Rarity created several openings in the wall. This allowed Pinkie and Twilight to launch projectiles at him, Frill getting blasted by exploding cakes and battered by pieces of metal.

"Why didn't we capture these girls when we had the chance?" He flew up higher than Pinkie to throw, now only needing to avoid Twilight's attacks. As he did, he watched Morphic and Maya fighting.

Morphic was currently in his Rush Form, using his claws to cut Maya's webbing whenever she shot it towards him. "Don't worry!" Morphic announced, "I'll destroy you quickly. This might not even hurt." with that, he shot forward at a blinding speed and slashed at Maya, making her cry out in pain.

He then attacked three more times, all at high speed and doing some serious damage to her. But before he could make a fifth attack, Maya surrounded herself in webs and Morphic ran into it.

"Augh!" He pulled on the leg, but it wouldn't move. This allowed Maya to do several flips through the air before slamming her foot into Morphic's chest, making him cry out as he was thrown backwards whilst the web broke. "Gyah!"

Maya laughed, as Morphic began to pick himself. "You realise the problem right now, don't you?"

"What?" Morphic asked. "What problem?"

"If you and Shifter, the only ones able to defeat Mimics, are here. Then who's protecting the rest of the city?" Morphic wondered what she was talking about, until he realised what must be happening.

"No. Don't tell me."

In one part of the town, people were living their lives whilst still paranoid about whoever was next to them.

Then, suddenly, a bright flash of light filled the air and they cried out. From out of that light, a creature that had once terrorised the town appeared. The Spider Mimic that had attacked the first time Flash became Shifter.

The beast snarled, as it began launching webbing in all directions whilst using its spider legs to flip a nearby car and cause people to scream and run. And they weren't the only ones.

In different sections of the town, lights appeared and Mimics leapt out of them. The Grasshopper Mimic. The Ant Mimic. The Crab, Cheetah, Hawk, Eel, Wasp and even the Dove Mimic all appeared. They began to attack, causing the citizens to scream and run as fast as they could. It was utter chaos.

"What have you done?" Morphic asked, the others hearing this and worrying something bad had happened.

"Mimic Clones," she announced. "Not as strong as a real Mimic, but they'll still do the job. With you two stuck here, nothing's going to stop them from reducing this city to nothing." Morphic and Shifter growled, with Morphic trying to rush off to hopefully destroy the Mimics. But before he could, Maya stuck a web to his back and pulled. "You're not going anywhere!"

"Augh!" Morphic hit the ground, as the others continued their fight.

Frill started beating his wings and creating a powerful gust of wind, which slammed into the gems and pushed them back against the Rainbooms. This forced Rarity to lower them, allowing Frill to launch several darts in their direction.

Pinkie barely managed to react in time, filling the air with a line of sprinkles that exploded and knocked the darts back. Applejack then grabbed part of the ground that had been damaged earlier and threw it at him, Frill dodging the attack at the last moments.

As this was going on, Shifter swung his sword around and Gule dodged each and every attack. Then, his fist sparked with energy that he used to punch the Rider and knock him back. As Shifter fell back, he removed the Blade Mimicore and took out another one.


The weapon transformed into a futuristic rifle and he quickly started firing, Gule dodging the spines as he flew in close. He slashed at Shifter, but the Rider dodged the attacks and dealt several charged up kicks into Gule to knock him back before shooting his rifle and hitting him.

"Augh!" Gule staggered back, as Shifter ran forward. He fired several more times and as Gule slashed these spines away, Shifter leapt up and kicked him in the face. Gule was knocked back, Shifter landing and shooting him a few more times. All the while, he worried about the Mimics attacking the city at that moment. He had to end this fight and deal with them before anyone was hurt.

The city was in absolute chaos, as the people tried to run away from the Mimics that had appeared.

One of those people was Misty Vail, Flash and Scootaloo's mother having been out shopping when the Mimics attacked. As such, she ran into the Ant Mimic as it threw cars and anything else it could lift all over the place. She screamed, praying that the Kamen Riders would show up and save her.

But as she ran, she heard a cry and turned to see a woman who had been pinned to the ground by a piece of metal. The woman was trapped and unable to escape, as the Mimic noticed her and slowly made its way towards her.

Misty wanted to help, but fear gripped her. What if that woman wasn't a woman? What if it was a Mimic, wanting to capture someone by playing the victim? She had two kids. Could she really risk putting herself in danger?

And she wasn't the only one putting herself first. All over the city, people were in danger. And other people were too scared or too paranoid to try and help. All they knew was that they had to keep themselves safe, which meant others needed to look after themselves.

Gule leapt forward and grabbed Shifter's weapon, pushing it away so that it wouldn't be used to shoot him.

"Why bother doing this?" Gule asked. "Even if you're not Sheave, why put yourself on the line to protect these weaklings? All they do is hide behind you and let you and Morphic do the fighting. Why protect others, who refuse to even protect themselves?"

Shifter glared at him, as he spoke loud enough for all to hear. "They might not have the power to protect themselves, but that doesn't mean they're weak." What Shifter didn't realise, was that his words weren't being heard by just those around him.

As the people ran to try and escape, something happened.

Some of the buildings in town had large video screens on the side of them. Mostly, they were used to show advertisements. But as everyone screamed and ran for their lives, the screens glitched for a moment before changing to show an image of Shifter and Gule.

"Why bother doing this?" They heard Gule say, making them look up as the video glitched for a moment before stabilising. "Why put yourself on the line to protect these weaklings? All they do is hide behind you and let you and Morphic do the fighting. Why protect others, who refuse to even protect themselves?"

The people looked down in shame, truly feeling useless. They had been allowing Shifter and Morphic to fight for them. But what other choice did they have. It's like Gule had said. Humans were weak compared to the Mimics.

"They might not have the power to protect themselves, but that doesn't mean they're weak." Shifter's words filled the air and they looked up to see him push Gule away. "I fight to protect them, because that is what we do. Humans band together to do what a single human can't do. And that's helped us overcome any obstacle thrown at us."

The people wondered what he meant by that, Gule asking the same thing.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's too bad you didn't learn anything about us, from the poor guy you captured to get that smart. If you had, you might have realised we humans can overcome anything together. We've survived millions of years of evolution, becoming the dominant species on this planet. That didn't just happen. We worked hard, together, to overcome everything the universe threw at us. Disasters, disease, everything. Humans worked together and found ways to overcome all these problems. And you Mimics are just that. A problem that's gonna be solved."

"What?" Gule growled. "You think you humans can solve us? We are your destruction."

"No," Shifter shook his head. "You will not destroy us. You might have scared us, with your intimidating power and the ability to sneak around as us. But humans don't give in to fear. You want to divide us and maybe you will, for a little while. But eventually, everyone will realise trust will save them more than paranoia. Because when humans stick together, there's nothing we can't overcome. That's why I fight. Because so long as I protect them, I'm giving them the time they need to find the strength to defeat you. The strength that comes from working together."

Everyone heard this and realised Shifter was right.

They couldn't stand alone. Not against something like this. If they wanted to stop the Mimics from destroying their world, they couldn't do it alone.

Misty Vail shook her head and turned to the trapped woman. The Ant Mimic got closer. But before it could get to her, Misty ran over and grabbed a piece of metal off the ground. "Get away from her!" Misty slammed the pipe into the Mimic and surprisingly, it staggered back in pain.

Other people saw this and were also inspired by Shifter's words. He was right. Humanity was doomed if it couldn't work together. If they wanted Shifter to keep protecting them, they had to be people worth protecting. No more letting fear control them.

All over the city, people began to fight against the Mimics. Cops took out their weapons and opened fire, whilst other people grabbed whatever they could find and used it to fight against them. Misty and several others quickly worked to save the trapped woman, lifting the metal off of her and carrying her to safety.

"Thank you!" She cried, as the Ant charged at them. But the people began to fight against it, using smaller parts of the metal to stab into the creature. And to their amazement, the creature roared in pain before melting.

Back with Shifter and the others, Gule growled.

"What a load of hogwash. Humans will never be able to trust each other. How can they? For all you know, everyone you're close to has already been replaced by a Mimic. You really think you can trust someone, even if there was the slightest chance they could be a Mimic?"

"I know it'll be difficult," Shifter agreed before firing his weapon. "But I won't let it stop me from trusting those around me. I don't care that you Mimics can copy our forms. There's no way you can copy the people themselves. I'll figure out if someone's a Mimic. But I won't push everyone away." He ran forward and his boot glowed, as he leapt into the air and dealt a kick to Gule's chest.

The force sent him staggering back, as Flash back-flipped and fired several spines from his rifle. These spines slammed into Gule and made him cry out, knocking him back as Shifter landed.

As this was going on, Morphic managed to start picking up speed. The coyote themed Rider flew around, managing to avoid Maya's web blasts. As he did, he got in close and dealt a slash to her leg.

She screamed, as Morphic stopped behind her and started spinning on the spot. This caused him to morph into a vortex, which flew towards Maya and started slashing at her over and over. She screamed in pain, getting cut up several times until Morphic skidded to a stop.

She staggered back, parts of her body covered in gashes that the brown slime was oozing out of.

At the same time, The Rainbooms kept their fight against Frill up. Rarity continued to create a shield, protecting them from his feather darts. And whenever he stopped firing, she would drop it so the others could attack.

"You ready?" Applejack asked Rainbow, who nodded as the girl grabbed her. And as soon as Rarity dropped the shield, Applejack threw her through the hole towards Frill.

"RAINBOW KICK!" Moving at incredible speeds, she slammed her foot into Frill's stomach before he could react. He cried out, as he was thrown backwards and fell to the ground. Rainbow also fell, but Rarity created a slide of gems that she landed on and safely slid down back to them.

Frill groaned, as he pushed himself back to his feet. As he did so, he noticed Maya was in a bad condition whilst Gule and Shifter continued their fight.

Shifter ran towards Gule and as the Mimic slashed at him, the Rider fell to his knees and slid under his claws. Shifter then leaned back and fired his rifle backwards, hitting Gule in the back and making him cry out in pain.

"GYAH!" He fell to the ground and looked ready to collapse at any moment, Shifter leaping back up and spinning around to point his weapon at him.

"Give it up!" Shifter cried. "You've lost this fight."

"Hardly," Gule groaned. "Whilst you and Morphic are stuck here, our Mimic Clones are tearing through the city. All those people. There's no telling how many have fallen to the Mimics by now."

Shifter shook, angry welling up within him as he prepared to fire a barrage of spines towards him. But then he noticed something behind Gule and smirked beneath his helmet. "You might wanna take a look behind you." Gule looked confused until he turned around, where he was shocked to see a bunch of people running towards them. It was a massive crowd, made up of people from all over Canterlot.

"What the?" He looked shocked. "Where'd they come from?"

"Hey!" One of them yelled, "MIMICS! We heard what Shifter said and he's right. We're not gonna let you scare us anymore."

"Shifter and Morphic can beat you!" Another cried. "But we're gonna fight back. No more letting you make us scared. We managed to take out all those Mimics you sent at us!" This shocked the generals.

"They defeated the clones?" Maya asked, as Frill growled.

"Well they were weaker copies of the originals." He pointed at them. "You might have been able to defeat the clones, but you pathetic humans can't defeat us!" He fired a dart at them, but Morphic got in the way and slashed at it.

"Maybe not yet," The Rider announced. "But I'm sure the police and others are looking into ways to hurt you guys." He knew for a fact that they were, since the police's best lab techs had been studying the Mimics and trying to discover ways of damaging them. "And until then, Shifter and I will protect this town and everyone in it."

"That's right!" Shifter nodded, as he focused on Gule. "And I'll start by taking you out, once and for all!" Gule glared at him, as he pulled out the Mimicore in his weapon. "Face it. The winds of victory have shifted." With that, he slotted the device back in before slamming the side of his belt.


The lights on Shifter's body began to light up, unleashing energy that Shifter channelled into his weapon. This caused the lights on the rifle to glow brighter and Shifter pointed it at Gule, who pushed himself up and started channelling power of his own.

Then, the pair unleashed their attacks together. Gule fired a blast of green energy, whilst Shifter unleashed a green spine bullet surrounded by orange energy.

The two attacks collided and pushed against one another, the two fighting using all their strength to try and overpower the other. As they did, the attacks began to unleash a bright light that expanded and consumed the pair before they could try and escape.

Both cried out, as they were overwhelmed by the brightness of the explosion.

Shifter was forced to close his eyes and when he did, every sound around him suddenly disappeared. "Huh?" He opened his eyes and found himself in some kind of white void. "What?" He looked around, only to suddenly see Gule standing in front of him.

The Mimic looked just as confused as Shifter, the pair staring at each other before Shifter spotted something behind Gule. Timber Spruce.

"Timber?" Shifter saw the young man, on his knees with his arms and legs trapped in some kind of amber coming out of the void's ground. His head and chest were uncovered, but everything else was trapped in the same amber Derpy had been trapped inside of.

Timber opened his eyes and saw Shifter. "Please," he begged, "help me." He then seemed to spot something behind Shifter, "Flash?"

Shifter looked around and to his shock, he found himself kneeling on the floor the same way Timber was. And just like Timber, he was partially encased in the strange looking amber. "What's going on?"

"Do you not remember who you are?" Shifter turned back to Gule, who stared at him with an almost worried expression on his face. "You've turned against who you truly are. Who you were always meant to be." Shifter didn't understand any of this, but didn't get the chance to ask what he meant.

Suddenly, the void around them was filled with light and Shifter was blinded once again.

The next thing he knew, he was being thrown backwards and crashed into the ground. "Augh!" He opened his eyes and found he was right back where he had been before, having been blown back by the blast that had also sent Gule flying towards the ground.

Shifter pushed himself up and as he did, he slowly started putting the pieces together. He assumed what he had just seen was some kind of mind merge, but there was only one reason he would see Timber in said mind merge. "He's the one you gained a human form from. The person you've been living as." He stood up and thought about all the times he had run into Timber where a Mimic appeared. "You're-"

"Careful," Gule growled. "We wouldn't want to give away each other's secrets now, would we?" Shifter frowned. If he outed Gule, he would be outing himself. Who knows what would happen to him then. Would anybody trust him?

Gule looked ready to attack, Shifter still off balance after what had just happened. But before he could attack, a beam shot down and hit him in the chest.

"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" Everyone looked up towards the source of the beam, which was coming from a nearby rooftop, Shifter and Morphic being shocked to see the cloaked figure that had given them the Mimicores and Shift Striker. The figure was holding some kind of gun, which was firing the beam currently hurting Gule.

Everyone watched, as Gule fell to his knees. As he did, his body began to turn to a liquid and reshape itself. "What are you doing?" Maya asked him, as Gule just screamed. Then, his body solidified and revealed a human figure. One that shocked Twilight.

"Timber?" Everyone was absolutely shocked to see Timber, standing there as the beam finally stopped.

Timber panted, falling to his knees as smoke came off his body. Maya and Frill rushed over to him, all the while looking up at the cloaked figure. "Who is that guy?" Frill asked, as Timber recovered and looked himself over.

"I don't know. But he forced me into my human form." He tried to change back to his monster form, but his skin only bubbled for a moment before returning to normal. "I'm stuck!"

"A temporary measure," the figure replied. "Though I wish I could trap you in the forms you stole from the people you've kidnapped. You go to so much trouble to hurt them, you should be forced to remain in their weak forms."

The Mimics growled, only to then see Shifter and Morphic approaching. "We're leaving," Frill announced. As he did, Timber's gaze happened to fall on Twilight. The two stared at each other, as Frill surrounded them with a powerful wind that forced everyone to stagger back and look away. When the wind disappeared, the Mimics were gone.

Threat over, everyone turned their attention to the man atop the building. "People of Canterlot," he somehow announced loud enough for all to hear. "I understand many of you are worried, about the Mimic attacks and their ability to impersonate anyone they can get their hands on. But you have shown today you will not allow them to destroy your trust in others. In order to defeat the Mimics, you must work together to keep your world safe."

"We already know that," Rainbow stated. "What's his point?"

"To help you combat the Mimics, I have a gift for you all." He took out some kind of glass sphere full of a yellow light, which he threw into the air. As soon as it was in the air, the sphere exploded and the light flew out in every direction.

From it, strings of light flew down and shot towards everyone. And it wasn't just them. The light spread across the entire city and flew down towards the people, even entering buildings and other sealed places.

The strings hit everyone's arm, connecting to their wrists and taking shape. When the light faded, everyone looked down and saw some kind of gray armband with a blue light on the top. "What the?" Applejack tried to take hers off and it came off, the others doing the same as the figure spoke.

"Those devices will help you detect the Mimics. Even if they're in human form, you will be able to find them. Whenever a Mimic is near, the light will flash red and beep. This should alert you to the presence of a Mimic and help you rebuild the trust that has been shaken within your world."

"Amazing," Twilight smiled. "With this, we won't have to worry about being taken by surprise." She then looked up at the man. "How did you build something like this? And how were you able to make something that forced...Timber, to change form? Who are you?"

The figure remained silent for a moment, clearly trying to decide what to say. "Someone who doesn't wish for this world to share the same fate as countless others. Including my own." With that, he turned to walk along the roof of the building and out of sight of the people below.

"Wait!" Shifter and Morphic leapt up, landing on the roof but finding him gone. "Figures." They looked down and saw the crowd, who seemed to realise he was gone.

Morphic turned to Shifter. "We should get out of here as well." Shifter nodded and the pair jumped away and out of sight, off to find somewhere to power down so they could return to where they were before.

As they did, everyone looked down at the devices they had been given. As they stared at them, hope began to appear in their hearts. Hope that they wouldn't need to fear the Mimics so much anymore. Hope that they could live their lives in peace once again.

Back at their base, the Mimic Generals were not too happy.

Maya was covering herself in healing slime, working to fix the cuts Morphic had dealt to her. She hissed and groaned, every time she applied it to one of her gashes. "That brute has no idea how to treat a lady." She turned to Frill, who was staring at a jar full of slime. "Who the heck even was that guy? How did he force Gule into his human form? What else could he possibly do?"

"I don't know," Frill growled. "We're clearly dealing with someone who knows more about Mimics than we thought anyone could. This is bad. Really bad. We need to figure out who he is and stop him before he causes us any more problems."

Maya nodded. "And we need to find a way to make the humans fear us again. The Mimic Clones clearly weren't strong enough."

"Maybe not." Frill turned towards the machine they had used earlier, which was smoking after what had happened. "But maybe there's another way we can make them fear us. Humans are still weak and against the right enemy, they won't stand a chance." Maya was intrigued by this, as Frill moved over to the machine.

Meanwhile, Gule thought back to that moment he and Shifter had merged minds. Based on what he had seen in that void, the situation was obvious. "I'll save you, my brother." He looked down at his hands and focused, this body turning to its slimy shape. The effects of that laser were wearing off. But it wouldn't be enough. "I need a way to tip the scales in my favour. I need more power."

Back at CHS, Pinkie's party had evolved from a gym party to a street celebration.

Somehow, Pinkie had managed to pull tables of food out of nowhere. The entire field, or what was left of it, was covered in them. People were gathered around the field, laughing and talking as they happily started to mend the relationships that had been damaged by the fear and paranoia.

"And then I said, at least it wasn't a cucumber." Everyone around her, laughed at Misty's joke. She was talking to the woman she had helped save and a few more individuals, as they ate the party food and drink.

Flash was on the other side of the field, looking at the bracelet he and everyone else was wearing. "This'll come in handy," he told Shining Armor.

"Real handy," Shining agreed. "I wonder why he waited so long to give them to us?"

"Maybe he needed to work out some of the tweaks." Flash looked around, seeing all the people now wearing the Mimic Detectors. With them, nobody would have to worry about being tricked by a Mimic. But no doubt, there were going to be those who would be upset when they learned a Mimic was impersonating their loved ones.

Flash looked over at the stairs of the school, where Twilight was sitting.

She had a cup of her favourite drink, but she hadn't taken a sip of it. Clearly, she was still in shock over what she had learned about Timber. Flash felt bad for her and stepped over to the girl.

"Hey," he sat down beside her, "I heard about what happened. I'm sorry about Timber."

"Thank you," Twilight nodded. "I...I just can't believe it. I can't believe he was a Mimic this whole time and I didn't know. How could I be so blind?"

"You're not the only one he tricked," Flash pointed out. "We all fell for his ruse. But now we know the truth."

Twilight nodded. "What do you think happened to him? The real Timber."

Flash frowned, since he had a pretty good idea. "He must be trapped like Derpy was. And they took him somewhere." Twilight seemed to agree to this, as she took out her phone.

"I'm gonna need to tell Gloriosa. I'm not looking forward to that." Flash couldn't help but feel sorry for her. "I have to find him. To save him. I don't know how, but I've got to figure out where the Mimics are keeping him and get him back."

"I'm sure Shifter and Morphic will find a way to save him." Twilight didn't look so confident about that. Flash frowned, wishing he could help her somehow. Even though he couldn't tell her directly, he promised he would find and save Timber. And anyone else the Mimics had captured.

He didn't know where they were, but he wouldn't stop looking until he found them. And no matter what the Mimics tried to do, he would free them and make sure nobody would be taken by the Mimics again.

Author's Note:

Another intense chapter. Gule's identity is revealed and now everyone doesn't have to worry about Mimics taking them by surprise. But what will happen next? Only time will tell.

Comments ( 2 )

Man! And I thought it was going to be a breather episode. :pinkiegasp:

At least, everyone knows about Timber's true identity and not to mention that the Cloaked Figure gifted them with Mimic Detector, letting them knows which one is Mimic or not, calming them down. (I wonder if he was the one who intentionally broadcast the TV Set?)

Though, I wonder how come Mimic Detector don't detect Flash and Shining as Mimics? Unless the Cloaked Figure intentionally make sure the detector don't detect them? :twilightoops:

And we got a tease from who might be the Big Bad of the story… and I had a feeling he won't be an easy Mimic to take down. :twilightoops:

As Flash made his way towards his locker, he spotted Trixie at hers. "Hey Tricks." He walked up to her and the girl suddenly looked worried.

"Hey...you." She slowly stepped back, "Flash...if that is who you are."

Flash moaned, "I am Flash. How many times do we have to do this?" Trixie had doubted him, every time they met since Derpy's ordeal. And it wasn't just Trixie. Everyone gave suspicious looks to people they were usually close friends with, which was clearly putting a strain on relationships.

What Trixie doesn't know is she is absolutely right about Flash cause that's not actual Flash.

Before Gule could say anything, an alarm sounded within the base.

The three went as stiff as a board, clearly worried by whatever that alarm meant. As such, they rushed over to an area of the room. On a table was an odd looking device and when they reached the table, they knelt down as the machine switched on.

A light came out the top and formed a holographic screen, which soon switched on to reveal three figures hidden in shadows. One was sitting in the centre, whilst the other two stood behind him.

The three Mimics bowed their heads and spoke together, "master."

"What progress have you made, with our conquest of this world?" The figure in the centre asked, their voice deep and fear inducing to the other Mimics.

Oh my! We got a tease on 3 new villains and one of them might be the Big Bad of the story. :raritystarry:

"Should have been dealt with!" The figure roared. "You think you're the first Mimic team to come up against resistance. The other teams were able to defeat the obstacles that got in their way. Deal with these Kamen Riders or you will regret the day you were spawned. I don't care what it takes. Get things ready for my arrival." With that, the device cut out and the three sighed.

Oh dear, sound like their Master might be the powerful Mimic going by how 3 Main Mimics were intimidated by him… and considered their failure in this episode, their Master will not be happy with them.

In one part of the town, people were living their lives whilst still paranoid about whoever was next to them.

Then, suddenly, a bright flash of light filled the air and they cried out. From out of that light, a creature that had once terrorised the town appeared. The Spider Mimic that had attacked the first time Flash became Shifter.

The beast snarled, as it began launching webbing in all directions whilst using its spider legs to flip a nearby car and cause people to scream and run. And they weren't the only ones.

In different sections of the town, lights appeared and Mimics leapt out of them. The Grasshopper Mimic. The Ant Mimic. The Crab, Cheetah, Hawk, Eel, Wasp and even the Dove Mimic all appeared. They began to attack, causing the citizens to scream and run as fast as they could. It was utter chaos.

Oh, look… cameo appearance from all Mimics monsters from the first 9 episodes.

"Give it up!" Shifter cried. "You've lost this fight."

"Hardly," Gule groaned. "Whilst you and Morphic are stuck here, our Mimic Clones are tearing through the city. All those people. There's no telling how many have fallen to the Mimics by now."

Shifter shook, angry welling up within him as he prepared to fire a barrage of spines towards him. But then he noticed something behind Gule and smirked beneath his helmet. "You might wanna take a look behind you." Gule looked confused until he turned around, where he was shocked to see a bunch of people running towards them. It was a massive crowd, made up of people from all over Canterlot.

"What the?" He looked shocked. "Where'd they come from?"

"Hey!" One of them yelled, "MIMICS! We heard what Shifter said and he's right. We're not gonna let you scare us anymore."

"Shifter and Morphic can beat you!" Another cried. "But we're gonna fight back. No more letting you make us scared. We managed to take out all those Mimics you sent at us!" This shocked the generals.

Yeah, don't let those imposters scared you, people! We are going to show them what happened when they messed with the people of Canterlot! :rainbowdetermined2:

Shifter was forced to close his eyes and when he did, every sound around him suddenly disappeared. "Huh?" He opened his eyes and found himself in some kind of white void. "What?" He looked around, only to suddenly see Gule standing in front of him.

The Mimic looked just as confused as Shifter, the pair staring at each other before Shifter spotted something behind Gule. Timber Spruce.

Huh? So, Flash finally learned Gule's identity?

Gule looked ready to attack, Shifter still off balance after what had just happened. But before he could attack, a beam shot down and hit him in the chest.

"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" Everyone looked up towards the source of the beam, which was coming from a nearby rooftop, Shifter and Morphic being shocked to see the cloaked figure that had given them the Mimicores and Shift Striker. The figure was holding some kind of gun, which was firing the beam currently hurting Gule.

Everyone watched, as Gule fell to his knees. As he did, his body began to turn to a liquid and reshape itself. "What are you doing?" Maya asked him, as Gule just screamed. Then, his body solidified and revealed a human figure. One that shocked Twilight.

"Timber?" Everyone was absolutely shocked to see Timber, standing there as the beam finally stopped.

Yay! Way to go, Cloaked Figure! :rainbowdetermined2:

Man this was cool!

This was a great victory for the Kamen Riders and everyone in Canterlot. Now they can identify if a Mimic is posing as a human, and start rebuilding the trust between everyone. I loved Shifter's speech and how it was broadcast around the city. Humans aren't perfect, and there might be a lot of selfish ones, but I am a firm believer that the good in humanity outweighs the bad. If it didn't we wouldn't be where we are now. Plus Gule's identity as Timber has been revealed to everyone. Just a matter of time until the other Generals are exposed too.

I think it is safe to say the cloaked figure is a good guy, or at least he is helping oppose the Mimics due to what they did to his home. That makes him an ally.

I am still curious about Flash and Shining though. From what has been seen and said so far, it almost makes me think that if they have been replaced by Mimics they have somehow stayed in control, like their consciousness have swapped or something.

We also got a glimpse at the true Big Bad in charge of the Mimics. Seems he isn't pleased by the Generals constantly failing.

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