• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Personal Journal of Prosoma Glare - ProsomaGlare

My life during my time at the hive under her majesty queen Bhramari and beyond .

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Entries One and Two



Greetings, if you have somehow acquired this book from my possession, as you probably already know my name is Prosoma Glare just your average changling and I am one of the many archivists in the Everthrive hive under the rule of Her Majesty Queen Bhramari.

After my superiors realized I was not at all good at the lying part of being a harvester, or the deception of an infiltrator. I was placed alongside many of my brothers and sisters in the grand archive of the hive to help ensure that the history of the hive and all of its knowledge is well maintained preserved well organized and most importantly of all readable

This job includes repairing damaged books and re-doing the words if they start to fade. Repairing the covers of the books if they get damaged and ensuring that the books are in their proper sections and shelves. Oh, the shelves do you know how often they break? Far too often for my tastes, we go thru so much wood.


Among the many different sections. I work by myself in the section containing information on emotion harvesting and the various techniques that were developed over history by our ancestors, as well as the scientific and thaumaturgic processes behind the process of extracting emotions. While it is a rather grueling process and it is necessary that doesn't mean it isn't rather boring.

I am writing in this journal because one of my brothers who is named Costa, suggested it to me so I could burn some time as not much happens here aside from the occasional visitor. I do believe he is right, as I have been writing for over an hour now. Oh, and Costa is one of the lings working in the biology section. I say one of them as it is one of the most extensive sections in this Library as our shapeshifting requires us to have at least some knowledge of the form we wish to change into.

Nonetheless, I must get back to work not that I will be doing much other than standing around. If I think of something worth being written down and shared I shall see you in the next entry if I do write another one. Maybe I should read some of the books in my care it might be fun.


It has been 5 days since my first entry and I have started to go through the texts on emotion harvesting specifically storage after they are extracted. They are quite interesting in the past emotions were stored inside large gemstones as they were conducive to thaumic energy and could store it for a long time.

Nowadays however love is stored inside jelly which is distributed by however much the queen declares you will receive. I have created a copy of a sketch of one of these crystals.

#There is a sketch of the aforementioned crystal adhered to the page#

I find it quite beautiful myself, I wonder why we switched from this to the jelly.

On another note, I have overheard somelings talking about how the harvested amount of love seems to have been decreasing. I have yet to see the reports myself but I can taste the anxiety in the air, as I have the authority as the archivist on emotional harvesting I can try and get a bit more information if only to calm my nerves.

So about 5 minutes after I wrote the last few words, my friend Reduvius came by, reduvius is a harvester so I decided to ask her about the rumors about the lower amount of harvested love, her response was unsettling here is the transcript of what we discussed.

Prosoma's POV
That should do it I thought as I finished the paragraph. I slump down in my chair realizing I need a new thing to entertain me. *Huh now what maybe I can read some more of the books in my care* I am snapped out of my moping by some whisper yelling coming toward me from a voice I recognize.

???: "Hey, are you there, Prosma?"

Prosma:*Wait a second is that* "Is that you, Reduvius?" I ask aloud

As an average-looking changeling rounds the corner, we recognize each other almost immediately. She approaches me with a smirk on her muzzle and says, "Hey, I've been looking for you." I asked why, as we didn't have any plans as far as I knew. Reduvius chuckles and responds, "Do I need a reason to visit a friend?"

I let out a mixed sigh and chuckle, realizing something important. "Hey, Reduvius, can I ask you something?" I asked, hoping to gain more knowledge about the love harvest situation.

"Sure, what's up?" Reduvius replied, sounding confused.

"I wanted to talk to you about the rumors," I said, adopting a serious tone.

"Which rumors?" Reduvius responded, sounding concerned.

I glanced around to make sure we were alone, then leaned in and whispered, "The rumors about a decrease in the amount of love being brought in."

Reduvius hissed in shock, "How did you find out about that?" She quickly covered her mouth, realizing her mistake.

I responded by telling her "As archivists, we collect all types of information, including rumors. And as far as the rules are concerned I have the authorization to know," I explained.

Reduvius sighed and sat down on the floor. "What do you want to know?" she asked, looking up at me.

"Are the rumors true?" I asked, meeting her gaze.

"Yes, unfortunately they are," Reduvius replied grimly.

I stood there for a moment, feeling distressed, before muttering "Buuuuuuuuuuck." After regaining my composure, I asked Reduvius if she knew why this was happening.

She shook her head and replied, "Unfortunately no, and as far as I know noling dose."

At that point, we switched topics to something a bit more light-hearted but that isn't important.

That concludes the transcript. I need to think of ways to undo or even just mitigate the damage the lower love income will cause so this concludes this entry.

Author's Note:

The crystal https://imgur.com/a/5Ne3BqZ

*There is a sketch of the aforementioned crystal adhered to the page*