• Member Since 9th Mar, 2023
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Sailor Aether

Resident insomniac enjoying what he does

Comments ( 98 )

Wow, this chapter really paints this guy as being quite dumb. How hard is it to say, "I went to sleep as a human on Earth after a picnic with my mom and woke up next to some ruins as a pony." All you can do in this situation is tell the truth or lie. And lying will only cause problems. Then not thinking and wanting a steak. You never got into how old this guy was, but I'm guessing at this point he was quite young.

You are kind of losing me here. He just seems like he will blindly stumble into issue after issue.

Thank you! I was going for “hey it’s my second day here and I’m not used to being different” and “how well do I even describe it”. Thank you for pointing out I forgot his age I’ll have to go back and edit that. Appreciate your honesty and you takin the time to read this.

I always felt ponies would run away screaming the moment one opened a human history book.

You got me hooked looking forward to more keep up the good work

Interesting story so far I wonder what got him to Equestria and go through another transformation into an alicorn? Looking forward to see what happen next.

I think you’ll like the lore behind it I got some interesting ideas ;)

Me like, into my library you go!

This made me laugh for some reason! Im glad you enjoy :)

Has anything happened in this story to change your mind or have you just dropped this story entirely?

“Sorry I’m not laughing at you I promise it’s just, nevermind continue” her laughter subsided. She hadn’t had anyone truly interested in her since Shining armor, Twilight's brother had passed. Along with her ability to sense the emotions of people, she knew who cared for her and who didn’t.

I'm sorry but.....What!

I hope he comes back to it if he isn't already, He lowkey inspired me to work a little harder on the details of how people felt and Sol's personality interacting with the world. Hope everyone else that reads this likes it <3

Thanks for the update!
Buttercream gonna be cursing/praising him at the same time for a while.

just finished the story board for the next chapter! <3

I'm not gonna lie man, it reallly feels like my man is a bonafide Gary Stu, he became a alicorn after 2 days in Equestria, he just knows the periodic table and can separate the elements all willy-nilly, Cadance only saw him for 5 minutes and already wants his babies, oh look at the starry night hey let's just bring some stars from my world like no problem and he is star swirls grandchild.


Thanks for the feedback back. It will help with my writing in the future. I’m no master story writer so I do appreciate you takin the time to say this. Have a blessed day :heart:

“Do I like you? What the fuck is wrong with me I can even think right” Sol said a little to loud. Which made for a very awkward silence

My guess would be hormones. We as human men and women have all our lives to get used to the hormones and urges that those hormones produce. We spend our teenage years mastering them. So as adults, they don't stand out in our everyday life. With a new body, and no time at all to get used to the different hormones and pheromones that the opposite sex puts out, it would literally hit you like a brick. Think about it. You instantly become an adult of a foreign species, with the full hormone charge, no experience learning to deal with it and surrounded by females dumping sex pheromones into the air. Not to mention a more sensitive nose.

I have to say that I'm liking this story. I came here after reading Aethers other story, "Night of the Moon." You can tell by Night of the Moon, that Aethers writing has vastly improved. I highly advise the Author to NOT fix the earlier chapters until the story is completed. He is already eight chapters into it and redoing massive amounts of eight chapters will kill the story. The fastest way to murder a story is to have the Author redo huge numbers of chapters. The story becomes boring to the Author and they loose any enthusiasm to add to it. And so that story dies. You see it all the time on this site. n Author makes a comment that he is going to pause to redo the earlier chapters. He redoes four or five and gets so sick of the story that he drops it. That was four or five chapters that could have been new exciting chapters that could have continued the story.

Here is my advice to the Author. "Smaller sentences." In this story you are cramming too much into most sentences. Try to keep sentences to ten words or less. I think that the majority of the sentences so far in this story really should be two or three separate sentences.

Also, in the name of all that is holy, stop using the word chuckled. Never use that word again in your story. Chuckled is a poison because you will never use any other word BUT CHUCKLED. Want to see proof? In a story of only eight chapters, you use chuckled or chuckles, or chuckling, 41 times. 41 times in only eight chapters. I'm telling you, that word poisons stories because Authors who use it stop using any other word for laugh. Chuckled literally ruined an entire decade of stories on this site. Just read anything from the earlier years of Fimfiction. You will read stories that, if you do a word search use chuckled, 130 times in 12 chapters. (Not an exaggeration)

Other than that, I think this is a fine story. Keep up the good work.

(an appropriate quote from Dogger807 for this chapter.)

"To be honest, hormones have the backing of countless generations of evolution; thus, they can and will trump common sense or even self-preservation with disturbing regularity." -Dogger807


I'm not gonna lie man, it reallly feels like my man is a bonafide Gary Stu, he became a alicorn after 2 days in Equestria, he just knows the periodic table and can separate the elements all willy-nilly, Cadance only saw him for 5 minutes and already wants his babies, oh look at the starry night hey let's just bring some stars from my world like no problem and he is star swirls grandchild.

In a way, I feel like this story is a self insert. When we place ourselves into a story we try to make things go as well as possible. We as people don't want problems in life, so why would we want that for our virtual self? Thats where the Gary or Mary Stu comes from. You're not wrong. While I wouldn't call him a Gary Stu quite yet, things are going way too easy for the mane character. Now, I give this Author a lot of leeway for having a character that is not sex phobic or touch phobic, and MY GOD that is so refreshing! However you are right in that the Author should strive to make things more difficult for the OC. This is a brand new male Alicorn. Mares should be drugging his drinks to try and get pregnant by him is a seedy motel room. Political climbers should see him as a threat to their goals and power. Hell, there should be someone on that planet that at least thinks he smells funny. Its the difficulties in life that make the story more interesting to read. If everything that James Bond did went the way he wanted it to, the audience would never be on the edge of their seats.

Again, this story isn't that bad, but the Author can improve it going forward.

"Anon had never known a bat pony to shy away from carnage. They were cuter than kittens, and much more bloodthirsty." -HeideKnight

Wait where are we in the timeline and why is Shining dead?

Yeah kinda an OP OC :rainbowderp: not a bad story though.


Its roughly after season 2 but before season 3 since I haven't mentioned the crystal empire. yet, and chapter 7 briefly covers how he died

Wait if it’s before S3 how is twilight an alicorn? Or is she because that particular is a bit confusing.

She isn't quite yet, "the one soon to be Princess Twilight’s" It's implied that she is going to be one soon. I followed the show enough to know when stuff happens but the details elude me so bear with me 😅

light beginning of the transfer story)

My guess is the bracelet was going to turn Star Swirl into an alicorn and since Sol has his blood running through his veins the bracelet activated transforming him

Oh this is a turn of events!

Keep it up!

I’m liking this story so far and definitely plan to keep up with it. My one criticism would be that the pacing feels like it’s set to Mach Jesus, aside from that you’re doing well. Keep up the good work.

Thank You for sayin that! I kinda noticed a lil bit :twilightblush: So in the coming chapter(s) I have some more content to slow this down a tad. Also thanks for reading and enjoying motivates me to do better! <3


Good question, all I can say is perhaps.

This needs an editor. Badly. It's... not painful, but rather uncomfortable to read. Something like a stream of consciousness.

Hopefully Since this chapter, I've gotten a little better. Pacing, imagery, and being more descriptive. My goal is to bring a person (pony) into the moment. Now these early chapters names 1-5 are more like motivation fueled scarcely looked over ideas. I feel that too, I plan to fix that once I complete the story.

Problems with time? Do not worry anymore! Healthy dose of Time magic will cure all your problems!
Besides this whole Temple could be basically pocket-dimension with it's own rules or illusion/mental construct.
Besides it was said he was summoned. It would be real coincidence if temple was just there in the middle of his journey.

Hmm yes Ironic he goes to solve the problem by himself confident he can and disappears. Who could have done such a thing...

I always pictured the bridge, on the east side of the castle....in my imagination.

So..Twilight isn't an alicorn princess yet.

Is Twilight a princess ? She mentioned that Sol had a two princess escort as they made their way to the castle.

I need to edit some chapters I miss spoke (typed) a few times not paying attention to detail Oversight of no editor :3, I meant to say Future Princess twilight.

You described Cadances' body features like a human females', saying thighs and hips, instead of equine features.

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