• Published 13th Oct 2023
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Into the Equestria-verse - Evil HERO Malicious Bane

They did it, they managed to get the goober into the Super Collider to stop King Pin and to be returned home. Peni was the first to go through, but it did not send her back.

  • ...


"Well, nice to know we're not alone." Peni remarked, looking at Spider-Noir before turning her eyes to Peter, Miles, Gwen, and Spider-ham. "Right?"

"Yeah," nodded Gwen with sincerity.

"I've got the portal open, you first Peni." Miles let out, the holographic controls lighting up at his fingertips.

"Thank you Miles," she smiled before looking at the spider on her arm that let out his own little sound of agreement, "from both of us." She closed her eyes and gave a two finger salute before pushing herself off from Noir and over to the brightly colored portal, vanishing with the colors turning red briefly.

The sensation of the portal made her skin tingle with goosebumps, the flashing lights making her close her eyes and wrap her arms around her body as the spider held on by her neck. Her mind shifted from the amazing adventure with her new friends to what it'd be like to get back home. The memories of such a place made her squeeze herself harder.

Her aunt May and uncle Ben might say how glad they are to see she was ok, but that's all. Just a simple phrase without much feeling behind it. To them, she was just a pilot for the suit, without her and the spider sharing a bond to work together, they'd probably go out and find someone else to get involved with a different project entirely.

Not to mention the fact that being a hero wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Sure she saved lives, which was good, but it always got in the way of her social life. Lack of one technically, but that's exactly what she meant. She tended to be a bit out there for some people, and with her time taken up by hero work, it made it that much harder for her to try and interact with people and make friends. Being friends with the spider wasn't bad, but having at least one human friend or two wouldn't be asking too much, would it?

And just like so many other heroes, she had to keep her work a secret. She'd wish she could be free to scream it from the tallest building who she is and maybe feel some gratitude from them. It wouldn't keep her from saving lives, far from it, but it'd still be the thought that counts.

(Another universe)

At a normal suburban house, one of the residents were still sleeping with the lights off and curtains drawn; snoozing away under the covers.

Besides the bed, the clock hit 6 AM before it started beeping. In the blink of an eye, a hand zipped over and hit snooze as the person groaned and grumbled, sitting up under the covers and rubbing their eyes.

"Ugh, here we go again." they mumbled before dragging themselves from the bed. They walked over to the dresser and grabbed some clean clothes out before getting dressed up. They went and opened the curtains, shedding some light inside. "Time to get my job in."

The person discretely headed out of their room and down the stairs to get to the front door so he didn't wake up his brother. When he got outside in the sun, he was shown to be a young teen who had lightish gray skin, short hair colored two-tone gray, wearing a pair of goggles on his head while decked in a black short sleeve with white accents, dark brown shorts with steel toed black boots, and a dog tag around his neck.

He cracked his fingers and began to do some light stretches before he took off down the sidewalk and down the road, getting started on his daily job. This was a routine he got started on ever since the school year began. He had gone with it when he did some studying on how to improve his body and get it more in shape. After all, if he was gonna pursue his dream of being like his older brother and upholding the family legacy.

His brother, Thunderlane, had been a high profile and well renowned track runner, which Rumble thought was amazing when he was smaller. So he had dreams of wanting to be just like him, if not a little better. He wanted to be a big time track and field champion, and he needed to keep his body running into overdrive to make it happen.

Even if it meant he had to cut back on so much junk food and sweets to get it done.

He made his way through town, the park, and eventually came back to his house, having worked up a sweat as he went inside and smelt breakfast already being made.

"Morning little bro, have a good job?" asked Thunderlane, an older boy who was bordering on college level with dark gray skin, blue-silver hair that was styled in a mohawk-esque style. He didn't wear any shirt and showed off his toned physique with a pair of long blue jeans over his legs that showed a storm cloud with a lightning bolt coming from it stitched on the pocket, setting a stack of waffles down on the table.

"Yeah, kinda warm out." replied Rumble as he walked over to grab a glass and fill it up with some OJ before he started chugging it down to satisfy his thirst. "Ah, needed that."

"Well go ahead and dig in, I'm making plenty."

Rumble sat down and took note of the huge variety that took up most of the table and noticed more than two plates. "Wait, what's with the extra plates?"

"Oh that? Flitter and Cloudchaser crashed here last night when they got off work. They had to deal with a last minute night shift."

"Aw man." he groaned, right before feeling someone rub and mess up his hair from behind. "Hey quit it!"

"What's that supposed to mean? Already getting tired of your two favorite babysitters?" teased a girl close to his brother's age with grayish-lilac skin, aqua green long hair that went down her back and partly on the side of her head with a pink bow on the back. She wore a short sleeved lilac colored shirt with dragonflies on the front, and a pair of blue shorts.

"I just got it brushed." he huffed as she pulled back and went to take a seat and add on to her plate.

"Hey, when you go out jogging, all that sweat is gonna make it messy anyway."

Rumble grumbled and bit into his waffle right as another girl walked out, but in less clothing. She had similar skin color to Flitter, albeit darker, with light blue hair that stuck up a little in the back while draping over her forehead on the front. She was draped in a long sleeved lilac colored t-shirt with a pair of blue panties, no pants on as she walked to the fridge with her eyes closed.

"Morning Cloud." Thunderlane greeted casually, unphased by the girl in her underwear as she grabbed a cup and filled it with coffee, with Flitter and Rumble noticing her state. Rumble blushed and looked away with Flitter face palming.

"Yo Cloudchaser! Pants!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry." she let out, looking down while sipping the coffee. "I kinda forgot them."

"Man, tough shift huh?" remarked Thunderlane as Cloud Chaser took a seat and smacked her lips.

"Why can't cafes be easy to work at? They make it so much less stressful on TV." remarked the older girl who popped a strawberry and looked at Rumble, still averting his gaze. "Morning Rumble, sleep well?"

"Y-Yeah, just fine." he replied, looking at his plate and trying to distract his attention.

"So, care to give details on how your shift went?" asked Thunderlane as he took his own seat.

"It was a huge pain, people were angry and arguing with each other for the dumbest reasons." remarked Flitter biting into some toast with Cloud Chaser perking up.

"Yeah, it was hard to get any orders with them being too distracted. Plus there were these girls who sat in a booth away in the corner who didn't want anything. Not even coffee or water. They even had their hoods covering their faces."

"Wait, you mean the ones who walked out after we were done?" asked Flitter.

"Uh huh!" nodded her sister. "You know how some girls have crazy hair? Well when we were clocking out, I saw them take their hoods off and their hair was enormous! I had no idea that hair that big could fit in hoodies so easily."

"In a way, it's kinda like magic." remarked Flitter rubbing her chin. "And weren't they the only ones not bickering or fighting? Almost like they were unaffected…"

"By what?" asked Thunderlane.

"Well, what if they were doing it?" she asked. "Everyone is acting weird, except those three, and they have weird hoods that can hide hair that didn't look messy in the slightest after getting pressed down under that tiny hood? That seems out of the ordinary."

"So…you think they were casting some spell?" asked Cloudchaser.


"Well if they're casting spells, maybe I should practice my card tricks." joked Thunderlane, him and Cloudchaser chuckling with Flitter pouting.

"Oh ha ha ha."

"Good hair doesn't automatically mean magic." remarked Cloudchaser with a shrug before looking at Rumble with a smile. "So Rumble, what are you up to today?"

"Just going to school, same old same old, nothing different." he replied, nothing sounding enthused or really excited. "It's just school."

"Wait, isn't there something going on this week?" his brother interjected, looking up in thought.

"Oh yeah! The Fall Formal." Cloudchaser spoke up in realization.

"Say, that's a pretty big deal, huh?" Flitter put her arm over Rumble's shoulder with a smile. "Sounds like a fun time to hang out and make some friends, huh?"

"I'm not going." he replied, drinking some juice. "I'm just gonna come back and do my usual stuff."

"Aw come on bro, why stay at home on such an awesome night? I mean, it'd be a waste not to cut loose." Thunderlane smiled with his brother rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, because that's worked out SO well so far." he replied sarcastically.

"But Rumble, you keep slipping away all the other events." Flitter spoke up with concern. "We just want you to-"

"Just forget it!" he cut her off, standing up with a huff before walking away. "I gotta go."

"Rumble, wait! We're just concerned!" Cloudchaser called out as he walked out before slamming the door behind him. "Oh man."

"Dang it, I really wish he could open up." sighed Thunderlane. "I know he's not the most social, but….I don't know."

"It'll be alright, maybe we could find someone to take him to the dance. There's still time." suggested Flitter.

"Which just might make things harder." her sister clarified. "If he's not gonna hear us out now, what do you think he'll do if we try to set him up with someone without his knowledge?"

All three of them collectively looked down, unsure how to go about this next as we cut back to Rumble who was riding his skateboard down the sidewalk, his mind brimming in annoyance.

"Not like I DON'T wanna go, but how the heck would it matter anyway? Every other girl acts like I'm some kinda creep every time I go near them…" he grumbled to himself, his body riled up.

It had been like this ever since he became a freshman. Out of nowhere, without any warning, people had been leaving him alone and giving him too much space. Whether it be the girls who acted like he was gonna do something sick, or the guys who acted like he was some kind of thug ready to start something. He did not remember doing anything out of the ordinary last year that would warrant the reasons, but at some point he decided to say screw it and just use the space to focus on what he wanted. If they wanted to be jerks about it? Then who needed them?

He was gonna be a great track and field star no matter what, for himself and for the family legacy. That would show everybody and make them regret giving him the cold shoulder.


Rumble walked through the hall, having just wrapped up with history and bored so badly he felt numb. He passed by the various other students with many giving him space with a few odd glances and stares. He had gotten used to them, but that didn't mean each look didn't make him feel the need to tell them to take a picture while it lasted. All he wanted was to get this day done and over with.

Right as he rounded the corner, he bumped into someone and looked to see it was Thunderlane, this time wearing a muscle shirt with the same thundercloud icon from his pants across it with a smile on his face.

"Hey Rumble, glad I caught up with you, I wanted to introduce you to someone."

"Seriously bro?" Rumble gave a deadpanned look. "Please tell me you're not doing what I think you're gonna do."

"Aw don't be like that Rumble, I'm just doing what any good older brother would do."

"You mean-"

"Say hello to Applebloom." Thunderlane cut him off, gesturing to a girl his age who had yellow skin with large red hair, a pinkish bow, short sleeved green shirt with blue jean shorts, and orange boots. Said girl looked a bit awkward and gave a little wave. "I ran into her and thought maybe you two could get to know each other."

"I was on my way to class." Apple Bloom deadpanned.

"Thunder, not gonna happen." Rumble spoke flatly before walking past the two with a frown.

Later on, after finishing an excruciatingly annoying math test, Rumble dragged himself over to his locker, his mind feeling like mush given how hard he pushed it.

"Whoever made math should get drop kicked." he muttered before closing the door, seeing Flitter standing right there with a smile. "AH!" leading to him jumping back with wide eyes.

"Hey Rumble! Funny seeing you here."

"It's…my…locker…" he got out, holding his chest as he tried to get it to calm down before frowning at her. "Why'd you scare me like that?!"

"Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to come by and introduce you to someone I know you'll like. Meet Scootaloo!"

"Uh…hey." greeted said girl who had orange skin with short purple hair, a black sweatshirt with blue accents, green shorts, and black boots with blue accents. She had a scooter with her and looked lost and like she didn't wanna be there.

"Flitter? Thunderlane already tried this." groaned Rumble with Flitter trying to look innocent.

"Tried what? I'm not trying anything, I just thought you and Scootaloo could get to talk and learn more about each other. I saw her by herself and thought of you."

"I was waiting for my friends actually." Scootaloo piped up, which Flitter seemed to ignore.

"She's really good on her scooter and loves speed, so maybe you two could have a few races, huh? Get some healthy competition out of it? Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Yeah, it would be, if you weren't putting her on the spot like a hostage." he remarked dryly with a raised eyebrow, making Flitter look away as Scootaloo stepped back.

"Yeah…I gotta go, later." getting on her scooter, she headed off quickly with Rumble giving Flitter a blank look before walking off.

"Just think about it!" she called out to him.

Soon, Rumble had gotten through to his science class, feeling better given how the lesson wasn't AS bad since there was no homework, which took some pressure off. He made his way down the stairs and rounded the corner of it, only to jump back when he nearly crashed into Cloud Chaser who had a big smile on her face. "Seriously?! That's the second time!"

"Now Rumble, I know you weren't open to the idea of meeting other kids-"

"Still not."

"But I found one that's perfect for you!" she reached over and yanked a girl beside her around his age. She had white skin with curly pink and purple hair held up by a magenta headband, a matching coat over a pink and white striped shirt underneath with a long yellow skirt underneath it. On her feet were a pair of magenta boots with two yellow straps around each. "Meet Sweetie Belle."

"I know who she is, she's Applebloom and Scootaloo's friend." Rumble answered with a blunt tone.

"See? You're already a headstart on getting to know her."

"What is up with you and Flitter kidnapping people?! I'm not interested already!" he declared before she could speak up, stamping away with a growl.

Cloud Chaser let out a sigh with Sweetie herself crossing her arms.

"So what was that about introducing me to a cute guy?"

Cloud Chaser gave an awkward chuckle with a sweatdrop.

Later on, after finally reaching gym class where he could finally stretch his legs and get to moving, he was hard at work on running the track. His heart was beating with his brow getting some sweat, but he felt alive and better than ever.

"Ok, just one more, just one more." he repeated to himself as he rounded the bend and poured on the speed. He came upon the finish line and slowed down, leaning on his knees to catch his breath with satisfaction.

"Way to go bro!"

'Oh come on!' his head whipped up to see Thunderlane, with Flitter and Cloudchaser on his sides walk over with smiles on their faces. He crossed his arms with an annoyed expression. "Seriously? Again?!"

"What? We just wanted to congratulate you." Flitter tried to feign ignorance.

"Looking good out there." Cloudchaser gave two thumbs up.

Rumble gave them a blank look and raised an eyebrow. "Alright, where are they?"

"Where's who?"

"The kid you dragged here to meet me."

"Dragged is a harsh word." Flitter stepped aside to show a girl, again his age. She had lavender skin and light blue hair with two pink stripes going down it with the front having an even cut across the top, with the rest resting behind her back. She wore a pair of black workout shorts, a tan short sleeved top with a pink horseshoe on the side of it in a blue gust of wind. Her expression showed she was not too happy either.

"Rumble, say hi to Wind Sprint. She's-"

"Getting out of here because she was busy." the girl cut off Cloudchaser before walking away from the three with a none too pleased grumble under her breath.

The older teens watched her before looking at Rumble who was shaking his head with a hand to his face.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm fine being on my own." he looked at them with a glower. "If people wanna act like I'm a freak, then go ahead. I don't need them; I just need to focus on my goal."

"But Rumble, you can't be that way the rest of your life."

"Sure I can, they don't seem to be bothered by it after all," he huffed, turning away from them right as the bell to signal the end was heard. "Look, just leave me alone, and drop it. I'm not going to that stupid dance and that's final."


Without turning, he walked away from them and headed back to the locker room to change back into his clothes, now fuming and really upset. He needed to use his time to focus on getting his body ready, not mingle with people who were jerks! How was that so hard to understand?

After splashing cold water on his face to help cool down, he stamped out of the locker room, face looking a little red at this point.

Later on, after the day was finally over, he made it back to the track and field, completely alone, and was doing some stretches at the starting line and getting ready to get to running. He needed to keep working and clear his head or else he'd go crazy.

"I don't need anybody, you hear me?!" he yelled out loud, his voice echoing around him as he took a starting position and gritted his teeth. "I. Don't. Need. ANYBODY!" before he shot right off down the track, adrenaline now coursing through his vein.

Right ahead of him however came a sudden rift in the air itself. It tore wide open, like ripping wrapping paper off a box, glowing and sparking across the air.

Rumble's eyes widened in shock, his body struggling to hit the breaks and headed right for it. His eyes picked up a shape however, coming out of it, and coming right at him! Before he knew it, it slammed into him and knocked him to the ground. The kinetic force knocked the air out of his lungs, leaving him gasping for fresh oxygen while the thing on top of him groaned.

"Oooohh…..what'd I hit?" came the voice of a young girl before he saw a face sit up and look down at him, showing it was a girl around his age with short black hair, pale tan skin, and a look down showed she was dressed up like a schoolgirl.

"Who…What….How…." she groaned, taking note of Rumble under her. "Oh! Sorry!"


Peni turned her head, spotting three other teens running over, the girls wide eyed and staring at the rift behind her.

"Are you ok bro?!" Thunderlane asked in concern.

Rumble took a deep breath and coughed, before giving a shaky thumbs up.

"D…D…Did she just-"

"I KNEW IT! I knew it!" Flitter cried out, jumping up and down with her fists pumped up. "I knew magic was around here!"

"Well actually, it was-" Peni stopped her talking, her mind registering something on her rear. She turned her head and went wide eyed when she saw Rumble's hand resting on the spot. Feeling her face heat up, her instincts kicked in. Letting out a growl, she turned and slapped Rumble across the cheek before jumping back and tugged her skirt down. "Hey! Watch it pervert!"

"Ow!" Rumble held the spot and sat up, glaring at the girl while regaining more of his breath back. "Hey! What's the big idea?!"

"You touched my butt!"

"I wasn't planning on it!" he threw back, getting back up on his feet with Thunderlane and Cloudchaser smiling before patting him on the back.

"Wow bro! You sure move fast, and me without a camera." joked Thunderlane with Cloudchaser rubbing his head.

"No wonder you were so picky, you just needed to find the right one. You've made us so proud."

"Shut up! It's not like that!" he denied with his face warming up.

Flitter however stopped cheering and went mouth agape. Rumble grabbing some random girl's butt? When he just met her from a hole in the air?! He was way too young to be THAT forward! He was growing too fast to already be pulling something like that off! Especially to a girl who was magical enough to pop out of holes!

"Sure looked like…it…to…me…." Peni started off before she began trailing her, her body swaying and eyelids drooping. Her body was losing energy, causing her vision to go black and fall forward.

Rumble's eyes widened; his body moving on it's own as he lunged and narrowly caught her in his eyes. He grunted, his body feeling stiff from the impact and making the sudden move harder on him than he expected.

"Good catch, Rumble." Thunderlane complimented, giving a thumbs up as Rumble got back on his feet, awkwardly holding Peni who was limp in his grip.

"Who the heck is she?" asked the young athlete.

"No idea, but maybe we should take her back to your place." suggested Cloud Chaser. "She looks really out of it, plus I'd like to know WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!"

"Good call, and since Rumble here is such a casanova, he should carry her." Thunderlane proposed, making his brother gape.

"Are you kidding me?! You carry her!"

"Well you two already got close, so it'd be rude to split you apart."

"Forget it! Let's just take her to the nurse's office!"

"And just how do we explain she came from a random hole in the air?" asked Cloudchaser with Flitter seeing said hole shrinking.

"Which is closing up!"

The other three turned and saw the portal as it vanished without leaving a trace behind.

"Woah." Thunderlane let out.

"Freaky." Cloudchaser uttered.

"Like magic." Her sister got out with Rumble groaning and trying not to drop Peni.

"This is gonna suck…" he grumbled.

"Just carry her like a princess." Cloudchaser advised, smiling as Rumble had to awkwardly adjust his hold and lifted Peni in his arms. "Aw, now we definitely need to take a picture."

"And send invitations," chuckled Thunderlane before the four of them began to walk to the exit.

"No way! He's too young for that! Flitter jumped in with her cheeks puffed up.

"Too young for what?!" Rumble cried out, gritting his teeth and trying to ignore his face turning more red. 'All I wanted was to run track on my own, how did it lead to this?!'