• Published 17th Oct 2023
  • 869 Views, 78 Comments

The Black Heart - Wooden Wheel

Twilight claims that for Chrysalis to have a good life, she just needs to not be evil. Chrysalis takes it as a challenge, With the intention of proving Twilight wrong.

  • ...

Back to the Hive

Chrysalis's morning was uneventful. During breakfast she expected Twilight to lash out to her about the events that occurred at the market, either because Applejack informed her of what happened or words of her altercation with a rather resentful mare would had reach her ears, but in either case, It seems that the Princess of Friendship chose not to sour the early meal by bringing up the topic for discussion, instead making small talks on trivial topics, stopping her chatter to thank her pet dragon for his services or give him instructions to follow.

Oh yeah! After her day of interacting with Twilight, Chrysalis began to see the drake back inside the castle to return to his cleaning duties. Chrysalis remembered that his name was Spike, but she refused to recognize him as such, not until the little lizard grew a spine and deigned to face her, aware that since his return, he had been avoiding her, always staying close to Twilight, watching her with distrustful eyes, as if he was a frightened larva and its mother, avoiding being alone in the same room with her. This behavior didn't bother the Queen, after all, what should she care what a servant might think of his betters?

She was also aware that Starlight Glimmer was back at the castle too. Chrysalis had not seen her yet, it seemed like the Princess had gone the extra length to prevent them from meeting, but she could feel the unmistakable essence of her every time she was near. It was curious, unlike the dragon, she did not feel anything coming that could indicate that the unicorn felt any ill emotion, no hate nor fear towards her. Chrysalis knew of Starlight's magical power and how she apparently had no qualms about using it violently, but it bothered her that she felt so safe with the Changeling Queen so close to her.

"By process of elimination, I take it that today is my turn with the Pink one," says Queen Chrysalis walking next to Twilight, towards the exit of the castle.

"Her name is Pinkie Pie," Twilight reproached her. "And no, you won't meet her today," she concluded, a tinge of her sudden nervousness not escaping the Queen sences.


"Pinkie told me that she will be very busy planning what, in her own words, 'Must be the best and super duper biggest and most important party of them all!' and asked me to postpone your meeting for a couple more days.

The Queen didn't know how to feel about this news. On the one hoof, she was relieved to not have to deal so soon with another pony and its possible odd behavior, on the other, she couldn't help but feel a little hurt that a dumb party was taking priority over meeting her, the one and only Changeling Queen.

"Don't feel bad," Twilight said, having heard the hurt grunt that Chrysalis shouldn't have let out, and then continued: "I've been talking to other friends about our situation and a couple of them have been willing to participate and spend time with you. One of them in particular seemed very excited to meet you the moment I told him that you were with me and what we were doing. So, for today you are going to meet with some old acquaintances."

It was then when Twilight opens the door, reaching the front space of the castle. If Chrysalis was able to do it, she would have turned pale in that instant. A fear like she had never felt before fell on her like a hundred tons of stone (and she had faced some pretty terrifying things in the past); If it were still up to her, Chrysalis would have spread her wings and flown in the opposite direction at full speed rather than face what was in front of and waiting for her, but it was too late, she had already been spotted and her pride would not allow her to take that course of action. A couple of quick and deep breaths were the only thing she allowed herself to take control of herself.

A very ornate carriage as colorful as the pair of Changelings driving it was waiting for her, ready to take the Queen to her next destination.

Traveling from Ponyville towards the Badlands was proving to be a heavy task. The fact that her coachlings did not bow before her made her departure bitter, and during the trip they never bothered to speak to her or tried to start a conversation with her. This didn't bother Chrysalis, no sir, after all, she was Queen! And Queens do not engage in idle conversation with their servants, did they not?

To distract herself from this lack of respect and how it didn't faze her at all, Chrysalis closes her eyes and decides to remember her last days in the hive and how her plan went downhill. A small smile start forming on her lips thinking about how bad of a situation they must be in, and how the hive must be a garbage dump and be in ruins without her and how her subjects will jump of joy, happy and pleased to see her back again, and will demand her return and reinstatement as their legitimate Queen, begging her to take them out of the deplorable state in which they must find themselves after succumbing to the ponies corruption.

And she will gladly take them back... well, after they grovel for a little bit; After all, no matter how loving of a Queen she was, they, as her subjects, needed to be taught their place.

The enjoyment of her imagination came to an end the moment she opened her eyes and could see her old hive in the distance.

Her once imposing hive was no more. The shape was the same (minus the main tower, thanks to what transpired on that terrible day), but now its dark exterior was a clean gray blue and much of its jagged edges were dull, covered by vines, moss and colorful flowers, in addition to a large number of various plants. The harsh, arid desert that surrounded it was now occupied by a lush and vivid vegetation.

She could barely recognize it as her own.

When the chariot finally descended, Thorax and another Changeling were already there to receive her.

Meanwhile the Changeling drivers bow to Thorax, who seems quite unaccustomed to this kind of treatment towards his person, and a military salute to that other Changeling, Chrysalis was still dumbfounded, admiring, appreciating the new appearance of the hive. It was quite beautiful.

After saying goodbye to the Changelings drivers, Thorax approaches to greet her in a warm and friendly manner.

"Welcome back to the hive, Que..." Thorax tried to say, but the other Changeling interrupted him, 'slightly' punching him in the side.

"Don't address her that way," the other Changeling chides in a stern tone.

"But don't you remember what Twilight told us in her letter?" Rubbing his side, Thorax turned to the other Changeling who was looking at him with a hard look.

"Well, the pony princess is not here, and even if she was, she is no one to rule over us; you are our leader, so you do not address her that way."

Chrysalis finally snapped out of her stupor and paid attention to the Changelings in front of her who were arguing among themselves. To the left of her was Thorax, that was obvious. The image of the traitor and subsequent usurper was burned into her memory. His green chitin, his orange antlers, his eyes, elytra and sparkling purple tail. What a mockery of the Royal Changeling form was his own. Disgusting!

Averting her gaze from such an unpleasant image, it now landed on the other smaller Changeling, even if it was larger than the average one, this was a true oddity in her eyes. His chitin was a dark cyan color; just like the traitor, his eyes and elytra were purple, albeit in a darker tone, but his antlers and tail were an amaranth color. She couldn't recognize him, not only because of his 'reformed' appearance (yuck!), but because his scent, his pheromones were completely unknown to her.

"Ahem!" Chrysalis clears her throat to get the two Changelings attention, as they were still bickering among themselves, apparently forgetting that she was there.

"Who is this Changeling?" the Queen asked once she got their attention.

"I'm sorry about that, your highness..." Thorax paused to look at his companion, having expected another blow to his side; but on this occasion, the Changeling was serious, looking straight ahead. "This is my older brother, Pharynx."

"Pharynx..." Chrysalis repeats, squeezing her face, trying to remember the owner of that name. "Pharynx? My head of changeling patrols!?" Chrysalis exclaims, incredulous at what she was seeing and hearing, a tinge of anger covering her words.

"That's me," Pharynx confirms in an emotionless tone, looking straight ahead, not at Chrysalis.

"What happens to you? You were once one of my best warriors."

"I am still the best," the dark cyan Changeling responds back with a little more excitement, still not bothering to look Chrysalis in the face.

"False!" Chrysalis roars into Pharynx's face as if she were a drill sergeant, her anger unleashed. "If you were the best, you would have stopped the ponies from infiltrating my hive!"

Pharynx's firm and serious expression never left his face during the entire verbal barrage, but once it finish, a smirk show in his face and then said:

"The only time I fail and it ends with the best thing that could have happened to the Changelings? Damn, I am truly the best." Pharynx concluded, still not deigning to face the Queen.

Chrysalis's eyes, injected with green ichor, glowed with fury, foam escaping from her mouth.

"Ha, ha, ha..." Thorax laughed nervously, placing himself between Chrysalis and Pharynx, before the Queen bit, or tried to bite, his older brother's head off. "How about we enter the hive and start the tour?"

Thorax had to forcefully push his brother into the hive, turning his head giving the Queen a pleading look, to forgive his brother, then morphed it to a more friendly one, to invite her to come inside the hive.

The inside of the hive was as different, as strange, as alien to her as the outside was. The hive was warm, mind you she always made sure it was warm, but now it was both warm and illuminated by the sun that now came, mostly, through the hole left by the destruction of the main tower... the tower in where her throne room was located.

As they walked, she could see hundreds of colorful Changelings moving animatedly back and forth. The hive had become a center of activity like she had never seen. There were Changelings taking care of the plants, making ceramics, textiles, resins, jewelry and various crafts, all of them with a clear Changeling cultural image, with thick lines, with predominantly sharp edges accompanying soft curvatures, but now painted with solid brighter colors beyond the black, green and blue that she remembered as the only ones they previously use.

"What is all this?" Chrysalis asked, wanting to distract herself from the uneasiness that this view caused her.

"Well, now that we have more energy than ever, we were able to get busy growing plants with which to beautify the hive and, when we saw that we could do more, also its surroundings!" Thorax expounds with childlike joy, as a pair of Changelings fly over them, gardening and watering the plants with loving care.

"Some, wishing to try different activities," he continued, "have dedicated their time to making a wide variety of items, such as Changeling silk, creating figurines made from our resin, and the design of jewelry with the crystals and precious gemstones that exist all around the hive."

Passing by them, a pair of Changelings wearing yellow helmets and covered in a little dirt were pulling a cart full of precious stones of various shapes and sizes, distributing them among the multiple customers, to use them in their different arts. Some embedded them in canvases of colorful and delicate fabrics, others made them into a fine powder and to mix it with a viscous substance, giving it shape before it hardened, and a few analyzed them with meticulous eyes, taking only the best, most beautiful and shiny, polishing them and attach them in fine metal receptacles, making rings, pins, necklaces and other jewelry items.

"Yes! Who would have imagined that not dying of hunger all the time would allow us to prosper and expand our horizons as a species?" Pharynx says with venom and sarcasm directed towards their guest.

Chrysalis feels the sting in the Praetorian Changeling's words, but other than an angry tick in her right eye, the Queen chooses to ignore it.

"And what about the use of clothing and... accessories?" Chrysalis asks, having noticed that a large number of Changelings were wearing everything from the aforementioned small pins and earrings on their ears or fins, to complex dresses that cover almost their entire body. This notion made her feel uncomfortable, as if she were naked where she shouldn't be.

"Oh! And now that we don't need to use disguises anymore, some Changelings decided to experiment with clothing and accessories to express their individuality, and the idea stuck once the rest of the hive members saw them. Isn't this fantastic!" Thorax responded enthusiastically, giving small jumps, like a child happy to share his tastes.

"And here we have 'The Field of Flowers', our Honey Production Center!" present Thorax with pride. "Our honey is one of the main products with which we began to trade with many other species, turning out to be quite popular with ponies for its sweet flavor and its varied colors."

In front of them they could see a long line of Changelings entering a large room filled with hundreds of thousands of flowers, and more small bugs flying from one to another. On the other side the Changelings could be seen leaving a couple of minutes later, all carrying jars full of the aforementioned honey, depositing them inside boxes destined to be transported to Equestria.

"Although a few days ago we received a letter from the ponies, asking us to stop the shipments," Thorax mentioned, raising a hoof to his lips, confused. "Supposedly some kind of warning was issued by the Institution that regulates their food. They seem to want to investigate how we specifically make our honey. Do you know anything about it?"

"I have no idea," Chrysalis replied, shaking her head. "Ponies seem to be very delicate creatures and quite capricious about what they eat."

Thorax shrugged, not wanting to bother with that issue any longer.

A Changeling just out from the flower room shook his hoof, happily greeting Thorax.

Thorax returned the gesture and used his raised hoof to indicate to the Changeling that there was something on his face; A drop of a liquid strangely similar in color and consistency to what was in his recently filled honey jar dripped from the corner of his mouth.

A few more moments of traveling through the main halls of the hive, Chrysalis finally realized something. She was able to sense the emotions of all the Changelings around her. She could feel their apparent perennial happiness waning a little as a hint of worry and unease washed over them the moment they caught a glimpse of her. This discovery filled her with dread. She shouldn't be able to perceive other Changelings' emotions so freely and openly. I mean, as the Queen that she was, she could always do it, but for that she would have to force them out of them, nothing like what was happening at that instant.

"Are you okay, your highness? You look tired," Thorax said, looking worried, finally noticing Chrysalis's state, mistaking her downcast state as exhaustion.

"No... no. I'm fine," the Queen lied, raising her head into an imperious pose. She really wasn't feeling well, in fact she felt dejected. Every change she saw was a stroke of regret, every Changeling happy and with a feeling of fulfillment doing something they could never have done under her rule a pang of guilt.

"I know what could lift your spirit!" Thorax exclaimed like he had a great idea. "I know for a fact how much her highness love music, so, how about we go to the theater to hear some!"

Given this suggestion, Chrysalis actually perk up. Yes, it was true! It was no secret among the Changelings that of the few things that the Queen indulged in enjoying from time to time, music and everything that it entailed was among them.

"Yes, I'd like that," Chrysalis said, flashing her first genuine smile of the day.

To her surprise (and relief) the theater inside the hive was just as she remembered, everything seemed carved in rock, with an air of prestige, luxury and elegance. In those moments she could care less that some curtains were new, that the space was cleaner than before, or that the lower floors looked more worn.

At the entrance of the theater, the three crossed a hallway which was adorned with carvings of Changelings representing various theatrical activities, some playing musical instruments, others in histrionic poses of tragedy, comedy and everything in between. The path came to an end at what was the entrance to the main box —Queen Chrysalis private box— a large elevated space in which she could see and hear in the best possible way her Changelings participating in some of the few artistic activities allowed in the hive.

Pharynx took his seat in one of the side spaces, reserved for the Queen's bodyguards or high-ranking Changelings who were fortunate enough to share presence with the Queen in her moments of leisure and fun.

To her amusement and to the apparent and audible annoyance of the smaller Changeling, Thorax offered Chrysalis the larger seat —HER Queen seat— in the middle, while he took the other space next to her.

In a few minutes the lights dimmed in the room, leaving only the stage illuminated.

The Queen looked forward to hearing again the calm and peaceful Changeling music produced by the beating of logs like a drum and the collision of stones against stones as she had enjoyed in years past.

And that is what was happening at the beginning at the back of the stage, where a Changeling slowly and rhythmically hit a half log with a pair of sticks acting as drumsticks, when, suddenly, a new Changeling is illuminated and the chords of a guitar reverberated throughout the theater, followed by the drummer animatedly hitting the cymbals. Soon a chorus of trumpets and tambourines joined the orchestra as eight pairs of Changelings entered from each side, dancing and singing:

Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love is the greatest and deepest
Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love is the greatest and deepest
Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love

You and me
the happiest we are
We love each other

You and me
the happiest we are
like this is how we are
In love is how we are

You and me
the happiest we are
United we always go hoof in hoof
We are madly in love
In love
In love

The Changeling couples were lively doing circles, jumping and spinning while lifting their partners without stopping the dance, hugging each other, cheek to cheek, professing the love they sang about.

Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love is the greatest and deepest
Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love is the greatest and deepest
Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love

You and me
the happiest we are
We love each other

You and me
the happiest we are
like this is how we are
In love is how we are

You and me
the happiest we are
United we always go hoof in hoof
We are madly in love
In love
In love

Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love is the greatest and deepest
Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love is the greatest and deepest

Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love is the greatest and deepest
Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love is the greatest and deepest
Our love is the loveliest in the world
Our love is the greatest and deepest

If she felt defeated before, this had been the Queen's coup de grace.

She couldn't recognize this as her hive. This were definitely not her Changelings, at least, not anymore.

They truly look the happiest they have ever been.

Leaving the theater, while Thorax bounced on his hooves giddily over the seen spectacle, trying to imitate some of the dance steps, Chrysalis seemed to be a metaphorical corpse, a body without spirit, moving solely by inertia.

So out of it's was the Queen that she almost didn't realize that it was about to crash with a Changeling and his pet iguana. Oh yeah! Having pets was a thing now in the hive too.

"Ah, Queen Chrysalis, it is a pleasure to see you back in the hive." The old Changeling, or at least he wanted to look old if his glasses without lenses and fake mustache were any sign of that, took off his fedora hat and made a half bow.

Who would have thought that this small act of respect had the power to revive the dead, because hearing herself being addressed with true feeling and meaning as Queen, was all it took to bring a warm sensation back to her insides. She felt so pleased that a tear almost escaped her eyes. But regaining her composure, she contained herself; After all, a queen cannot be seen crying by her subjects.

"Are you planning on returning to us?" the Changeling asked.

That question shook Chrysalis again. What was she supposed to answer? Even before she knew what she knew now, she wasn't sure if she would ever return. But now? Now she was more insecure than ever. Did she want to go back? Did they want her to come back? She felt overwhelmed by doubt and uncertainty. What should she answer?

But before she could reply with any possible answer...

"She's only here to visit," Pharynx responded in a rather serious tone, giving the old Changeling a threatening look.

"Oh, look at the time. I'm almost late for my daughter's recital. It was a pleasure to see you, Her Majesty. Thorax. Pharynx," trembling with fear, the Changeling excused himself and ran past them carrying his pet iguana.

"It seems that at least your elders still know how to properly address me," says Queen Chrysalis, tall and powerful, or at least taller in spirit than she had been not many minutes ago.

"Well, it's obvious that, even if the metamorphosis cured our hunger, senile dementia is a disease that can still affect anyone."

And as soon as she got it, Chrysalis's tiny happiness was crushed under Pharynx's merciless words.

"Pharynx, I don't understand, why are you being so rude to our guest?" Finally Thorax intervened, unable to remain silent any longer in the face of his brother's antagonistic behavior and comments.

"You want to know why I'm acting the way I'm acting!? You want to know why I'm being so rude to you!?" Shout out Pharynx with an angry scowl, pointing first at Thorax and then at Queen Chrysalis.

"Because you were a coward!

"Under your command we were defeated again and again. We were on the brink of collapse as a kingdom and of extinction as a species; At the time when we were scared, confused and directionless, when we most needed a leader, a ruler, a queen, what did you do? You fled! You could have accepted an honorable defeat and asked the ponies for the help we so desperately needed, but you chose to abandon us!!

"My little brother got to work and with no one to tell him how to do things, he picked up the pieces that were left and with them he rebuilt the kingdom that you left in ruins.

"And in my stupidity and foolishness I became a hindrance to his efforts, because in my senselessness I kept a spark of hope that my queen would return and turn us back to a kingdom of proud warriors, not realizing that this would mean our doom.

"We're doing better than ever and now suddenly I hear that our failure of a queen is mixing with the ponies and that my sweet, caring, naive brother has invited you back to the hive!?

"How must I feel about the nightmare of your return only to drag us back to a worse point than we were even before the decision to attack Canterlot?

"I should kick your flank for having the galls to show your face to us after everything you've put us through!"

"Are you challenging me, grub?" snarl Chrysalis under her breath, her entire body was shaking with fury by this point, her jaws were clenched so tight her molars were in danger of breaking.

"You know what? Yes! I challenge you, fallen queen, to a Changeling Combat!"

All Changelings who pretended not to be paying attention to the scene that these —the three greatest personalities in the Changeling kingdom— were displaying in the middle of such a public and crowded area of the hive, froze at the proclamation of that challenge; now all their attention solely on them.

"I - I don't think that is a good idea," nervously chime in Thorax, trying to defuse the situation.

"SHUT UP, THORAX!" yell both angry Changelings, making him back off in fear of the sudden scream directed at him.

On the way to the combat grounds, Thorax tries to make his two companions reconsider, first with Chrysalis, but even before he can stutter his thoughts, he remains silent, swallowing whatever he may wanted to say at the visage of pure rage in the Queens face.

Slowing down a bit, he stands next to his brother.

"Please Pharynx, stop this," he begs.

"Dont worry, bro. I am not going to hurt your guest that badly, just going to humble her and make sure she get in her thick skull she should not even think to try dragging us back in to her miserable rule," says Pharynx excited, confident that he can kick Chrysalis's flank.

"Now, if you are so worry, then you know where you need to go, right?" Pharynx continue, more like an order than a suggestion, giving a side glance to his brother.

Thorax sighs in defeat, aware that there is no way to stop this train wreck, but at least he can ensure that it doesn't end in fatality. Quickening his pace, he move to where he needs to go.

Upon entering a building that could be considered a coliseum, the Queen can see inside the existence of training equipment and a bunch of colorful Changelings participating in training combat, both among themselves and with training dummies.

A small bent upward in her lips is a sign that her anger diminishes before the air of security of that familiar sight, which tell her that there is still some part of her hive present.

As if reading her mind and on cue, Pharynx speak, souring once again the mood of the Queen.

"Thorax may have make us act all friendly to other creatures, but I know not all creatures will act friendly towards us. So, I still train some Changelings for combat. You know, to protect those we care from those that want to harm us, as the likes of you." Pharynx threw the first metaphorical jab at Chrysalis, taking pleasure in seeing the annoyance on her face.

The fight area was promptly vacated and cleaned. It was a circular ring without ropes, except for a thick rope at the bottom of the arena, to delimit its perimeter. Outside of it, all the space around them was being occupied by the present warriors and a constantly increasing number of Changelings who heard about the fight, and who had been following them from where the challenge was launched, eager to see the fight.

Queen Chrysalis feel the emotion or emotions that surround her, and all the support is directed in favor of Pharynx. The only exception (and just by technicality) came from Thorax, that, from a small box on the side, was equally worried about both of them.

"The rules are simple," Pharynx begins, stretching his limbs, warming up, never taking his eyes off his opponent.

1.- No magic is allowed.
2.- Flying is frowning upon.
3.- No bites are allowed.

"Do not cite the ancient rules of Changeling to Changeling combat to me, grub." Almost in a roar said Queen Chrysalis. "I was there when they were written. By me!"

From his referee box, Thorax explains to the audience and the contestants that the fight will begin when he says so and will end when the goo from a goo clock finishes flowing.

Once silence falls over the coliseum, Thorax spins the clock and as soon as the goo begins to flow down, he shouts:


The fight start with both of them circling each other. Taking the initiative, Pharynx lands the first blow, with an uppercut-style headbutt, pushing the Queen up and back.

The public howls excitedly.

Pharynx was very confident, thinking that this blow will be enough to knock down Chrysalis, but his expectations are shattered the moment the Queen's head descends furiously forward, onto his own.

All Changelings present flinched as the echoes of chitin smashing chitin are heard around the combat ground.

Standing on their hind legs, the fighters begin to exchange a barrage of blows. Finding himself at a disadvantage against the longer -and incredibly strong- Chrysalis legs, Pharynx chose to go in all four and rams the Queen, finally making her tumble to the floor.

Without stopping in his assault, Pharynx runs towards her and when he is sure to be at the right distance, spin around and throw a buck with his hind legs. Chrysalis, still on the floor, shake her head, expelling her dizziness fast enough to see what was coming to her, but not fast enough to dodge all the attack. One of Pharynx's legs manages to connect with the left side of her snout, drawing the first blood of the fight.

Some of the Changelings roar with excitement, but most begin to feel uncomfortable at how violent the fight is turning out.

From her spot, Thorax's eyes move from the fight to the clock, poking and shaking it, wishing the goo would flow faster, so he can end the fight sooner.

Back in the arena, Chrysalis moves from side to side, searching for a weak point in Pharynx's defense, but the Praetorian's stand is rock solid, closing every opening Chrysalis' position could offer her.

Screaming in fury, Chrysalis decides to charge at Pharynx like a battering ram, her twisted horn wielded like a spear, thrust forward to impale her enemy. Pharynx smiled at the clumsy move that he had seen novice warrior Changelings perform a thousand and one times, and that he always enjoyed punishing for their carelessness. He stood up on his hind legs, ready to drop them on the Queen's exposed head.

But at the last moment, Chrysalis makes a sweeping move, surprising the veteran warrior, causing it to fall to the surface of the arena.

Rolling around, Pharynx avoids being trampled by the Queen's legs, but she does not stop in her attack now that she has the advantage, not allowing her opponent to get up, she continues to stomp on a Pharynx who can only drag back.

Trapped between the edge of the ring and the Queen, Pharynx watch as Chrysalis rise on her hind legs, with murderous intentions written all over her face, ready to drop her front legs and crush his face.

Pharynx close his eyes and cringe, ready for the deadly impact. The holed legs begin their descent like pistons in pressure...

"STOP!" Thorax scream in perfect imitation of the Royal Canterlot Voice a few seconds before the last drop of goo falls from the clock, but not fast enough to stop the Queen's legs from falling.

Pharynx opened his eyes, seeing a pair of black pillars on each side of her head, and over him, the face and bloody snout of someone who barely managed to contain her desire to kill him.

Backing up a few steps, allowing the Praetorian Changeling to stand, the Queen addresses all observers.

"You all have judged me solely for my recent failures, completely forgetting, ungratefuls, all those times when I risked my neck for the hive. I was the tip of the fang that pirse our enemies defenses and weaken them. All our conquests occurred under my leadership. When the Diamon Dogs invaded our hive looking for the worthless stones with which you now garnish yourselves, when the Maulwurf start eating our larvae, when the Dragons invaded our lands and threatened to burn us, remember that I was your Queen!" scream Chrysalis in indignation.

Turning towards the exit, Chrysalis spits out a stream of blood to the ground.

Thorax caught out to her, anxiously showering Chrysalis with what she thought were apologies or similar useless platitudes, a ringin in her hears would not allow her to be sure. She doesn't care.

"Take me back to Sparkle," demanded the Queen. "There is nothing for me in this hive anymore."

The Queen hides her face with her hair, she had to do it, after all, a queen cannot be seen crying by her subjects... But deep down inside her, she knew that they were not hers, not anymore, the tears that fell from her eyes confirmed it.

In the arena, Pharynx notices something sticking out of the puddle of green blood. He approaches and picks it up, realizing that it is one of Queen Chrysalis's fangs.

Author's Note:

Hear me, hear me, brothers and sisters in critical opinion of the Changeling reformation!

It's a hard pill to swallow, but it's an undeniable truth that becoming easy-to-market toys is the best thing that could have happened to the Changelings.

Without hunger literally eating away their guts, reformed Changelings now no longer have to pretend to be someone else to live. They now have the time to be their own individuals and develop their own culture as a species.

And since I said that for this story I want to stay as close to canon as possible, this is how I choose to present it.

I find it criminal that in the cartoon, Chrysalis never interacted, in any way, with the reformed Changelings, because that would have been very interesting.

And what I find even more criminal is that, not even among fanfic writers, that is not a very contemplated idea; the number of Fics in which Chrysalis interacting with the reformed changelings as the main plot are very low.

And even though in this same space for Author's Notes I said that "I want to stay as close to canon as possible," it's not lost on me that I'm walking on fancanon eggshells by allowing Chrysalis that speech at the end. But a kingdom does not last that long without overcoming many difficulties, and no monarch lasts that long in power without doing something right. And being under the impression that Chrysalis and the Changelings are as old as Celestia, I firmly believe that she faced her fair share of challenges and managed to keep her subjects safe until her first appearance in the cartoon.

The song that the Changelings sing is my translation (as there does not seem to exist a cover of the song in english) of the song "Nuestro amor es el más hermoso del mundo" -- "Our love is the most beautiful in the world", sung by Estela Núñez.

Also, the title of this chapter and the lack of updating the cover image is not a mistake. As a kind of gift to my current readers, I have decided that the revelation of who Chrysalis will be interacting with for the next few chapters will be a surprise that will be revealed the moment you begin reading said chapter. The title and cover will be updated when the next chapter is published. Hope you enjoy it.