• Published 18th Oct 2023
  • 280 Views, 7 Comments

Twilight Reminisces - InkyFeather

After a long day of ruling over Equestria Princess Twilight Sparkle reminisces the past.

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Twilight Reminices

Twilight Sparkle stood on her balcony as she raised the moon.

It feels like my first day at Ponyville was only yesterday… thought Twilight with a sad smile.

"And check,” Spike said with a quill and scroll in hand, "That's the last thing on the list!"

The fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends

"Twilight. Twilight, are you listening? Twilight!"

"Sorry, Spike. You were saying?"

"I said that's the last thing on the list for today."

"Thanks, Spike, you're a great help."

"That's the job of the number one assistant," Spike said playfully as he flew away, "Goodnight, Twilight. I’m going to read my new comic."

"Goodnight, Spike," Twilight called after him as she turned to look at the dark rain clouds.

Hey, I could clear the sky in ten seconds flat!

Twilight felt her eyes tearing up as she gave a small smile. She took a breath to steady herself while the memories began to pour in…

Rainbow Dash, thought Twilight, would've been happy to know that she became a legend that inspires all creatures, the holder of the Element of Loyalty. A fierce, brave, and loyal friend fighting for Equestria till the very end. What would she say about her statue, probably…

It needs to be about 20 percent cooler

Twilight gave a quiet chuckle as tears began to stream.

And then I said, "Oatmeal, are you craz-"

Pinkie Pie would always say the funniest and most random things, Twilight thought, she would make sure that everypony was doing okay and had a smile on their face. Sometimes a little laughter is all you need.

Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you!

Twilight wiped her tears and sniffed as she began slowly walking. Her hoove steps echoed with each step down the dark and silent corridor. Stopping only when she reached the stained glass windows illustrated with the many adventures she had with her friends…her best friends…her family.

You want the truth, Twilight? Bad things happen. No matter what you do, there's never gonna be a time when everything's perfect. But that don't mean you quit tryin'.

“I can still hear you clearly, Applejack,” Twilight whispered, “Your advice is still helping me today.” Your honesty meant so much to you and you shared it with others.

Twilight, look at me! This will be the biggest celebration Equestria has ever seen. As the Princess of Friendship, you cannot fail. This day will define who you are. The pressure is intense. It’s almost too much for any single pony to handle!

My coronation was really something, wasn’t it? Fighting villains without you all… is just not the same. Twilight’s eyes drifted to Rarity’s picture.

Out of my hair? What about your hair?

I was a stranger to her but she still went out of her way to help me. She always helped others when she could, there never was a pony as generous as you were…

They may not be as sophisticated as some of you Canterlot ponies, but they are my best friends. And they are without a doubt the most important ponies I know.

Twilight’s eyes then drifted over to Fluttershy, Fluttershy could get any creature to listen to her just by showing them a little kindness but when that didn’t work she could always be stern and stand up when she needed to.

You do not hurt my friends!

The fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends

But it did. It did and now they’re gone, tears spilled from Twilight’s eyes as she choked back a sob. She wouldn’t let herself cry, not now, not here. Hardening her features she swiftly made her way to her room missing the concerned looks from her palace guards.

Upon entering her room Twilight went straight to her bookshelf for two very specific books: the journal of friendship lessons she started with her friends and the scrapbook Starlight Glimmer had given her after her coronation. Twilight snuggled up in her bed and began looking through the books to fill the hole in her heart…Her eyes began to get heavier and heavier until she could no longer read…

Twilight, now a unicorn, was standing in the middle of the Golden Oak Library. She could hear Spike having a one-sided argument with Owlowiscious.
Pinkie Pie bounced in to cheerfully say, “Hi Twilight! Hi Spike! Hi Owlowiscious! You’ll never guess what! My sister Maud is coming to visit!”

“That’s great, Pink-”, Twilight started only to be interrupted by her excited friend.

“Oh, I can’t wait for you to meet Maud! She’s the most…” Pinkie continued talking while hopping out the door.

Twilight followed Pinkie out and thought, Maud, that name…I’ve heard it before, something to do with rocks? She bumped into a cloaked figure.

“Sorry, Zecora, I wasn’t paying attention.”

“Ignoring your woes is not the key. To heal, time is the only remedy.”

“What?”, Twilight asked in confusion, “I’m not ignoring anything and I don-”

Rainbow Dash flew by causing a gust of wind that blew Twilight’s mane into her face.

“Twilight! Guess what! Once I pass my History of Wonderbolts test I get to be a Wonderbolt! Well, a reserve but…” Rainbow continues to drone on not seeing how confused her friend was while looking around.

Where did Zecora go? And wasn’t Rainbow Dash already a Wonderbolt? Was she though?, Questioned Twilight as she remembered helping Rainbow Dash study for the test but she wasn’t quite sure that had happened.

She looked up to ask Rainbow Dash a question but she wasn’t there, nopony was there. Twilight then began walking around town and knocking on doors but Ponyville was completely deserted.

Where is everypony? Something was going on but what?, Then she saw him, “Discord! What have you done!?”

“Why, Twilight, I haven’t even made it rain chocolate milk yet and you’re already blaming me. Doesn’t seem something like a friend would do, isn’t that right Princess of Friendship?”, he snapped his fingers and made cotton candy clouds pour.

“Princess!?”, Twilight looked at her newly acquired wings, “This doesn’t make sense!”

“That’s what I said. Do listen to your friends, isn’t that a part of friendship.”

Listen to your friends

Ignoring your woes is not the key. To heal, time is the only remedy

You want the truth, Twilight? Bad things happen. No matter what you do, there's never gonna be a time when everything's perfect. But that don't mean you quit tryin'.

Twilight woke with an abrupt start, her scrapbook falling off her face as she stared down at the picture she took with her friends.

The fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends

She wept.

Comments ( 7 )

... And? That's it? Or was Twilight hallucinating at the end?

So... now what? I got kinda confused at the end.

I don’t understand what this is. I am very confused.

All of you here! Listen up!
This story has a meaning: Twilight, being the alicorn ruler that she has become, has obviously lived long enough to outlive her friends. I have seen many a picture of Twilight, now older, thinking and reminiscing about her friends and such. That is the key here, how she can recall each of her friends, and how much Twilight misses them.
A simple, yet powerful message of lost friends and companions. Thank you for this tale!



My problem with the story is that it has no feeling, no feelings whatsoever, this may be the first time I’ve said that about somebody else’s story usually people say that about my stories

Yeah, but the thing is, suddenly, with absolutely no hr line or italics, Twilight was flung into some sort of... dream, and in this dream she wasn't an alicorn. I'm sorry, but this just had no emotion, it didn't make me feel sad or maybe thats my fault I'm not sad; there's just wayyyy too many "TWILIGHTS FRIENDS WILL DIE WAY BEFORE HER OMGG! SO DEPRESSING FR!" stories that I have read so I guess they don't have any effect on me anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I agree with you. This was awful.

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