• Published 21st Oct 2023
  • 561 Views, 23 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship Blazes - Royal Pony Dude

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Prolouge-When Twilight met Sunset

I first met Princess Celestia when my parents were signing me up to be a student at the School of Gifted Unicorns. She saw how skilled at magic I was, and she saw a lot of potential in me. I studied under the regular program at the school for a few months, and everypony was impressed with how well I performed. Eventually, she did take me under her wing and made me her student.

You wouldn't believe how ecstatic I was. Me, Sunset Shimmer, receiving private lessons from Princess Celestia! And I get to live in the castle with her! My parents were so proud of me! I still attended regular classes for stuff the Princess couldn't teach me. My life was fantastic...

But at the same time, it began falling apart... and I completely failed to realize it.

I let my status as Princess Celestia's get to my head, and I just became an arrogant snob, bragging about how much better I was, and picking on those that I felt were way below me. I even sent Trixie Lulamoon the wrong way on her first day when she asked me where her classroom was. The other students complained to the faculty about how much of a bigot I was becoming, and Princess Celestia eventually caught wind of it. Needless to say, she wasn't impressed. She gave me a good long lecture about humility, saying that even though I was at the top of the class, I shouldn't consider myself superior to other ponies. When she finished, she also gave me a suggestion... to make some friends

But I refused to listen to her.

"Pfft! Who needs friends when you're at the top?" I thought to myself.

Turns out, everypony needs friends. But I was too stubborn to admit it.

Many years went by, and the Princess's frequent talks about humility and relationships were refusing to sink in. I wasn't getting along with other students, only driving them away with my elitist attitude.

Then came... the mirror.

After hearing about how rudely I turned down a fellow student's invitation to hang out, she began lecturing me again about humility. During that, she brought me to an old chamber that contained a giant mirror. She asked me to look into it and tell her what I saw.

I told her I saw myself as an all-powerful alicorn princess, a ruler of Equestria.

However, something in the mirror caught my eye. But I didn't know what it was, and Princess Celestia escorted me out of the chamber before I could get a good look. I'm not entirely sure, but that thing I saw for a split second... it looked a lot like me, but... different somehow.

During the next few weeks, the mirror was the only thing I could think about. I kept barraging the Princess with questions about it, and she refused to give me an answer, telling me I wasn't ready. It stayed like that for weeks: both Princess Celestia and I were losing our patience, tensions were building up, and the two of us slowly drifting apart...

...until it all came crashing down one evening.

I snuck into the dark magic section of the library, trying to dig up some dirt on the mirror. After some searching, I found out that the Crystal Mirror was a portal leading to another world, a portal that opens up every thirty moons.

When I turned the page, I saw something else that Princess Celestia didn't tell me about...

She had the power to turn me into an alicorn princess.

My mind filled with rage at that moment. Princess Celestia knew I had the potential to be a great ruler, and she was holding me back! She was worried that I could surpass her, so she was hiding this from me and lying through her teeth! I just couldn't believe it!

Just then, Princess Celestia arrived in the library, two Royal Guards escorting her.

I still remember it like it was yesterday... we both had an argument about me becoming a princess but Celestia stood her ground and told me no and that it was final so I stormed out in anger.

I don't know how But the Princess saw something that I was completely blind to: I wasn't ready. I didn't deserve to be a princess, and by lashing out at her like a spoiled brat that night, I had made it clear.

But at the time, all I felt was pure hatred towards her for denying me something that I felt I deserved.

That was when Celestia showed me the mirror and told me to look at it.

I looked at it, but what I saw was not me inside was a demon was bat wings and have star-shaped crown but above the demon managed to burn everything in sight and that was cackling.

I asked her what was and she told me that was me, who does anything for power even restoring to dark magic. I was in tears that one day that would end up being me, and with that I apologized to her for lashing at her, Celestia would accept it on one condition, the terms were she had another student who good as me, her name was Twilight Sparkle and that she would be her number two meaning she would have lessons with me.

I was somewhat ticked off at first about it, but Twilight was pretty good.

Her magic wasn't as good as mine but she was able to pop a dragon from its egg like it was nothing. When I did it I couldn't do magic for days.

I was an idiot. I threw two years of my life away, all over a stupid dream.

I was met with nightmares and visions that drove me to insanity.

But in the end, someone offered her friendship and knew there was a second chance for me.

Since then we became best of friends trying our best for greatness.