• Member Since 21st Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I´m just an amateurish amateur.

Comments ( 31 )

I still need to finish Disco Elysium. You have absolutely NAILED the vibe the game has. I hope Mr Thread can help with the murder investigation.

ALso, unless you plan to include Explicit sex or HORRIFIC amounts of gore, you could probably tag this as Teen

This rocks actually.

You captured the voice of the skills well, though we only really saw some perceptive skills and encyclopedia. I'm really excited to see what happens when he sees the body, I wanna see how his brain ticks.

I had to cut corners. It’s useless to have 24 ‘characters’ inside his head without being able to do them justice. Besides, I don’t have gameplay, meaning their usefulness would be greatly diminished outside of the context of Disco Elysium.

While it’s simpler in that, think more Freudian. I’ll explore it of course, but don’t expect Espirit de Corpse coming any time soon, or skill checks, no big text saying Half Light (Success): Put the ice into the deep fryer.


Speaking of Freud, while I am no fan of excessive violence, sex, and gore, if it doesn’t serve a grander purpose, I’ll hint at it. But I am going to be on the safe site. I’m not sure if having a voice telling the character ‘You want to have sex with your parents’ or many things else that are going to happen is teen material.

Oh, well, at least you have funny brain damage.

If you ever were gay, she de-gayed you in this instant moment.

Oh man, you've got that humor thing down pat XD

Hi, I'm back from killing Henry Kissinger with my bare hands.

Thank you for your service.

I think your writing is fine, but then, I've played disco elysium, so I get the thought stuff. It probably doesn't read very well for someone who hasn't played the game. Maybe colour coding the dailogue could help?

Don't take the dislikes too harshly. I don't believe that there's any issue with the story itself, except maybe Disco Elysium is a difficult text to replicate so it will inspire a great deal of subjectivity from readers.

This is me telling you to continue, I've enjoyed every word so far.

I certainly can't speak for others but I and my friends have all spoken very positively about this fic and think it's a fantastic concept.

I think that if you want to continue it you should. I found it great

Welcome to Stalliongrad! *says a racist pony*

Where'd he get the word "bohemian" from if there's no bohemia? :raritywink:

Great as always. I think there's some underrated aspect with leftism that to my knowledge, only Disco Elysium acknowledges, and it's that learning leftism makes you go mad with the realization. The waffle iron is a great example, especially talking about the conglomeration of horror stories. It's very similar to Wallace Shawn describing commodity fetishism, just a little taste of the two days where he can see all of the history.

Bohemians, you know?! Ponies from the land of Bo!

I hoped no one would notice. I did notice it and I am happy you did too. It is fun finding etymological-friendly words like hoofiwork, hoof it over, gentlecolts etc. but I do have my boundaries. While it does sound like an interesting project to look for every word’s purity and replace it, I try to stay sane, and I just couldn’t find a good replacement that I liked.

In this world bohemian would always stay uncapitalized and its heritage would be a mystery. Probably some bohemian invented it.

Also thanks to leading me to Wallace Shawn’s The Fever. Seems like a good read.

Ya the thought stuff was tough to understand at first. Good show with killing Kissinger. I love the story. Bi-Sexual is truly the best.

That’s what it is, yes I completely agree, ever sense I learned about basic leftist concepts I can’t read fantasy without asking my self if I really should be cheering for the exploitative monarchy. Class consciousness is so infuriating.

Disco Elysian, brainrotten, anti-thriller story

...A what kind of story, now?

Wow this chapter was incredible! Love the little pieces of romance aswell.

Man, I am so HYPED to start catching up with this story again. The pntrast between Revachol's failed revolution and Stalliongrad's successful one. I also hope that That BT-7 shows up, because it would be quite funny.

Oooooooooh' Man! That BT-7 DEFINITELY needs to show up now. Incase you are unaware, Stalliongrad has a general by the name of Tjat BT-7, who is a sapient tank. Yes, really. Having our detective friend being used to talking to voices that others cannot hear, and then having him talking to an object that others CAN hear would absolutely shatter his worldview XD
The tank in question.



Thanks. It’s always weird seeing people actually being excited about what I have written.

Also I try to prevent having any contact with ‘important/canon’ characters. The characters are ultimately small fish and just get swept up by history. Just like in Disco Elysium…. and real life.

But I honestly considered having something like a conversation BT-7. Maybe I will make some disconnected chapters, and have Harry meet his pony counterpart, having conversation with different creatures around EaW, and so on.

Disco Elysian, brainrotten, anti-thriller story

Disco Elysian: Crossover/inspiration with the game Disco Elysium.

Brainrotten: I have consumed many political and different niche topics through the internet, which irrevocably formed my brain as it is now and thus made this story as it is.

Anti-thriller: Some things are simply anti-climatic.

All this doesn’t really mean anything. It was more or less an attempt to destroy any expectations the reader has. If I left it with the tag ‘slice of life’, you would have viewed it through different lenses. But if I throw definitions around, which are very interpretable, you go at it with a different mindset.

At least, that was my thought process.

IS THIS OUR KIM?!?!?!?!? :D
ooof, and here I thought that this story was very pre war. By the sounds of things, the Great War is only a year or so away.

Oof. RIP Nova Griffonia. They've gone down probably the worst path for them. Ev3n the fascists or bandits tak8ng over it better than THIS! Ancaps truly are devilspawn.

I can't wait for more!

Ah yes the Princesses of Love, Friendship, Communism, Fascism and Liberalism. Sad that they cut out some of them from the show.

Man, Thread is down BAD. I look forward to seeing more, ESPECIALLY how our birb fren adjusts from one political extreme to the other XD

And they were room mates!

Ya going straight from ancap to Leninism is going to be a tough transition for our dear bird friend.

And they were roommates.

Yay! Another friend, also city mommy is back too.

Hehehehehehehehehe floofy birb :3

Also, Equalist! Yet another thing I didn't think would show up, as they usually are stomped/integrated bybthis point. Interesting to see them around and about.

Hallelujah! Communist Irish Malpractice Doctor!

Comment posted by jimerjam deleted May 5th

Ooooooo, Radio! I wonder what sorts of laws Stalliongrad would have on "non party approved channels,"given their proximity to equestria would prevent them from fully blocking them out. Happy to see birb is getting back on bis talons!

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