• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 413 Views, 12 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Liberty Thankgiving - Dinomite123

Donnie takes Twilight and a few of the gang on an adventure in the 17th century with three teenage reporters.

  • ...

The Rescue Mission Part 2

As time passed, the whole team couldn't wait any longer.

"How long is this going to take?" Raph grumbled.

"Be patient, Raphael. Mr. Franklin is a very busy man," Moses said calmly. "He's already sent a message to his contacts in the British Army, trying to find out what they know about the Boston Tea Party's plans. We just need to wait for his reply."

As they waited, the group found themselves occupied with various tasks around the colony. Sarah and Leo helped Mrs. Washington with her chores, while Mikey and Chayton worked on repairing some equipment in the smithy.

One afternoon, as they were taking a break, they heard the sound of galloping horses approaching the colony. The group gathered around curiously as a rider came into view, covered in dust and sweat. He handed a letter to Moses, who quickly opened it and read through it. His face pale, he turned to the group.

"The Boston Tea Party has taken Chayton's father hostage at Fort Necessity. They plan to exchange him for a large ransom of gold and jewels. We must act quickly if we want to save him!" he exclaimed.

There was a moment of silence as the news sank in. Everyone looked at each other, determination in their eyes.

"Well, then, I guess we don't have much time," Raph said. "Let's go rescue your dad, Chayton."

"Wait, wait," Mikey interjected. "We can't just charge in there guns blazing. We need a plan."

"Yeah, we don't know how many soldiers are guarding the fort," Sarah added. "We could use Chayton's knowledge of the place to our advantage, though."

"I remember there's a secret tunnel that leads into the fort," Chayton said. "But it's been years since I've been there. I'm not sure if it's still hidden or not."

"We'll have to take a look at the map and find out where the tunnel is," Sarah said. "Once we know that, we can plan our attack."

They gathered around a table in one of the rooms of the Washington house, studying the map of Fort Necessity and the surrounding area. Chayton pointed out the location of the tunnel, which was hidden behind a false wall in the smithy.

"So, we'll have to distract the soldiers guarding the entrance to the smithy while the rest of us sneak in through the tunnel and rescue your dad," Sarah said, coming up with a plan. "Moses, you and Raph can handle the distraction. Mikey, Leo, and I will sneak in through the tunnel with Chayton."

"Wait, are you all sure about letting Chayton be a part of this?" James asked.

"He knows the fort better than any of us," Sarah explained. "He'll be a huge asset in this operation."

"But he's so young."

"He may be a kid, but he's also our only insider. And he's shown us he's capable of handling himself in dangerous situations," Mikey argued. "We need all the help we can get if we want to rescue Chayton's dad."

"He knows the fort better than any of us," Sarah explained. "He'll be a huge asset in this operation."

"But he's so young."

"He may be a child, but he's also our only insider. And he's shown us he's capable of handling himself in dangerous situations," Mikey argued. "We need all the help we can get if we want to rescue Chayton's dad."

"Alright, but if anything happens to him, then it's on you guys."

They spent the rest of the day planning and preparing for the rescue mission. Mikey and Leo each took a weapon, while Chayton carried a lantern to light their way through the tunnel. They gathered at the entrance to the smithy, waiting for Moses and Raph's signal.

Moses and Raph charged out of the woods, their weapons drawn, shouting and firing at the surprised guards. The distraction was enough for Mikey, Leo, Sarah, and Chayton to sneak into the smithy and find the hidden entrance to the tunnel. They crept through the darkness, feeling their way along the damp walls. The air was thick with the smell of earth and mildew.

After what seemed like an eternity, they emerged into a dimly lit chamber within the fort. They could hear shouting and the clash of weapons from outside. They quickly located the room where Chayton's father was being held and burst through the door. The room was empty, however.

"Where is he?" Chayton cried out. "Where did they take him?"

"Calm down, Chayton," Sarah said gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find him. Mikey, Leo, you two stay here and guard the entrance. Raph and I will search the rest of the fort."

They split up, with Mikey and Leo guarding the door while Sarah and Raph searched the rest of the fort. They checked every room, every hallway, and every nook and cranny, but they couldn't find any sign of Chayton's father. They were about to return to the chamber where they had left Chayton when Raph noticed something out of the corner of his eye. There was a hidden panel in the wall, barely noticeable because of the dim lighting. He nudged Sarah and pointed it out.

Sarah nodded and they both carefully examined the panel. With a click, it slid open revealing a hidden passageway. They hesitated for a moment, unsure if they should investigate further, but their curiosity got the better of them. They cautiously made their way down the narrow, winding passageway, the air growing colder and damper the deeper they went.

After what seemed like an eternity, they emerged into a large chamber with torches burning along the walls. In the center of the room, Chayton's father was tied to a post, surrounded by British soldiers. A man in a red coat stood before him, shouting threats and demands for information.

"Chayton," Sarah whispered, a mixture of relief and fear in her voice. "We're here."

Chayton's eyes widened as he saw them enter the chamber. "Sarah, Mikey, Leo," he managed to croak through the gag in his mouth. "Thank goodness you're here."

The soldiers, distracted by their entrance, hesitated for only a moment. Raph and Sarah took advantage of the opening and charged forward, weapons drawn. Raph tackled one of the soldiers to the ground while Sarah slashed at another with her sword. Mikey and Leo followed suit, quickly subduing the remaining guards. The man in the red coat, realizing that he was outmatched, drew his sword and prepared to fight.

Chayton's father tried to break free from his bonds, but to no avail. "Help me, please," he begged as the man in the red coat circled around him.

"Stand aside, Chayton," the man commanded. "This doesn't concern you."

Chayton hesitated, but Sarah's hand on his arm stopped him. "It's okay, Chayton. We've got this."

The man in the red coat lunged forward, his sword flashing through the air. Mikey and Leo sprang into action, deflecting his attacks with their weapons. Raph stood beside Chayton, watching the fight intently.

Sarah turned to Chayton's father. "We're going to get you out of here, okay?" she said, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. She glanced at the gag in his mouth and quickly untied it. "Can you tell us where the documents are?"

Chayton's father coughed, his voice hoarse from the gag. "They took them to the north tower, in a hidden chamber. Only a few people know of its existence."

The battle between Raph, Mikey, Leo, and the man in the red coat intensified. Swords clashed, sparks flew, and grunts of exertion filled the air. Despite being vastly outnumbered, the four friends fought with a fierce determination that seemed to unnerve their enemies.

Meanwhile, Sarah and Chayton hurried through the winding passageways of the fort, their hearts pounding in their chests. They emerged into a dimly lit chamber, filled with crates and barrels. In the center of the room, a hidden door was barely visible in the shadows. Chayton's father had described this place in detail, and they knew they were close.

With careful precision, Sarah and Chayton moved the crates and barrels aside, revealing the hidden door. It was unlocked, and as they opened it, a musty scent filled their noses. They stepped into a small, impeccably maintained room, lit by flickering candles. Along the walls, rows of leather-bound books and scrolls were neatly arranged.

"This must be it," Chayton whispered, his eyes wide with anticipation. He hurried over to one of the shelves and began rummaging through the documents. Sarah knelt beside him, scanning the titles of the books and scrolls. After several tense minutes, they found what they were looking for: a thick, ancient-looking scroll wrapped in silk. The title read, "The Plans of Yorktown."

As they unrolled the scroll, they realized that it was a map of the fort, with secret passageways and hidden chambers marked in intricate detail. Chayton studied it intently, memorizing every turn and twist. "We can use this to our advantage," he murmured, "to find the documents and get out."

Suddenly, they heard shouting and the sound of fighting from the other side of the hidden chamber. "They're coming," Sarah whispered. "We have to hurry."

Chayton and Sarah quickly rolled up the map and stuffed it into a pocket of their clothes. They hurried back through the hidden door and into the main chamber. The four of them had managed to subdue the man in the red coat, but Raph, Mikey, and Leo were still exhausted from their battle. The soldiers had reinforcements arriving at any moment.

"We need to find the documents and get out of here," Chayton said, his voice strained. "Follow me." He led them back through the passageways, memorizing the map as they went. They moved quickly and quietly, avoiding traps and patrols. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally reached the north tower.

The chamber was massive, with a high ceiling and rows of shelves stacked with crates and barrels. In the center of the room was a large, ornate pedestal, on which rested a heavy chest bound in iron. Chayton motioned for the others to stay back as he approached the pedestal. He knelt down and slowly opened the chest. Inside were several stacks of parchment, tied with red ribbon. He quickly scanned the titles and found the one they were looking for: "The Plans of Yorktown."

As they hurried back through the passageways, they could hear the sounds of the battle raging outside. The soldiers were closing in on them, and escape seemed increasingly unlikely. But Chayton had a plan. He led them to a hidden tunnel that he'd discovered on the map, a forgotten passageway that hadn't been used in centuries. The tunnel was dark and cramped, with a damp, musty smell, but it led them deeper into the heart of the fort, away from the fighting.

After what felt like an eternity of crawling through the darkness, they emerged into a small, abandoned chamber. The four of them collapsed on the floor, panting and exhausted. Sarah unrolled the map once more and studied it, trying to orient themselves. They were still far from safety, but at least they had a plan.

"All right," Chayton gasped, "we need to find a way out of here. The map shows that there's a hidden tunnel that leads to the beach. We can hopefully make our way to a friendly ship and sail back to Boston."

As they set off down the tunnel, the air grew colder and damper. Their footsteps echoed off the wet stone walls. The further they went, the more the tunnel began to slope downwards. Eventually, they emerged into a small, damp chamber with a narrow passage leading to the ocean.

The beach was deserted, the waves lapping against the sand. Chayton and Sarah exchanged worried glances. They had no idea which way to go or if they would be able to find a ship. Suddenly, they heard the sound of horses galloping towards them. A lone rider appeared on the horizon, waving his hat.

"It's him!" Sarah cried out, relief flooding through her. "It's Mr. Franklin."

The lone rider galloped up to them, his face red from exertion and worry. "I'm glad I found you," he gasped, dismounting his horse. "We've been searching for you for hours. You were supposed to meet us at the old oak tree, not here." He glanced around, taking in their disheveled appearance. "What happened?"

"It's long story, but we'll explain when we get the others." Sarah said.

"No need to."

They turn to see the rest of the team behind them.

"We're right here."

They both hopped on the rider and they galloped all the way back to Boston.

Their story reached the ears of the general, and they were hailed as heroes. Not only had they managed to retrieve the plans, but they had also saved the life Chayton's father.