• Published 14th Nov 2023
  • 178 Views, 0 Comments

Past Memories - Crochet

A story about my OC: Firework Daze

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Interesting Start

Clouds drifted across the sapphire sky with a dab of canarnation streaking the horizon where a sleepy sun was beginning to peek over the distant mountains - it began to replace the stars that were simply fading away on their own and the moon which let itself be overtaken by the beautiful light that was given by the big star.

Just like arms stretching out in a yawn, rays of sunlight gently sprinkled over everything and everyone, including a pony which sighed in comfort when a motherlike embrace of warmth crept over them and with a opening mawl to showcase many sharp-looking teeth, a tired sound bounced from their throat and into the out, and with a snap, it closed. But when that happened, they accidentally blinked which broke their dream and to dishonor them, they looked up at the star to give a glare to that would stun even the wildest of beasts - but nothing of the sort happened, mostly because the sun wasn't a sentient being, just a planet and that the miffed pony wasn't giving it their all. With something close to a chirp of a bird, they found the strength to stand up and tried to shake off the sleepiness which was easy but the grass that always clung to their body whenever they slept, and no matter how they slept or what they wore, flaked off stubbornly, like it always did.

The pony held the name of Firework Daze and they looked like the powerful sparklely dynamite went off in a blaze of softness. Their mane was bouncy and bright with three colors, but their fur was a midge thick, anyone could point out the tuff of fur that sprouted from their neck, but nobody ever did - it was also clean because they didn't really do anything that would make them dirty and if they did they would always clean themself with their tongue or go splash off in some water to douse away the grime.

The unwanted stains would be the most noticeable because they wore nothing at all, although their right paw was always occupied with a stick with a hankie tied to the tip that withheld a toy: a slingshot, but they never used the darn thing, it was just an item of unsentimental reasons. But back with the topic at paw, no clothing or cloth could be seen on their body because they thought it was just a barrier between themself and the world and they liked for their body to be free always.

Although they did like the image of hats - which included ear muffs, and they thought they were accurately named. Ear muffs were to be placed over your ears to muffle the sounds, but mainly to protect your ears from the harsh winds or cold temperatures.

Firework Daze stood there, staring up at the sun. It glittered back at her as it too rose from its bed. Glare flickered back and forth in their pupils before reaching the different shades of dark magenta that surrounded the black hole and then with a blink, it vanished and turned into sun spots.

Making a noise close to a whistle but not quite, they fussed with the knot of their bag making sure it didn't loosen in the night. For they were known for tusseling wildly in their sleep.

Nodding in satisfaction, they began to walk on three legs in the direction of a rough but manageable pathway that steered away from the field of grass and flowers to a shaded forest.

Trotting in leisurely pace, they peered at the squirrels bickering back to each other - something about misplaced nuts or an accidental eaten leftovers that were meant to be breakfast from last night. Firework Daze didn't mean to eavesdrop on anyone's conversation, but it was hard not to since they lived all around critters who aimlessly argued about this and that for dramatics. They, Firework Daze, pondered about the speech of animals. It was never hard for them to listen, read lips or speak the language, but the bears that lived in the old cave were the first they spoke to after a question of pure loss awoke them from their dreams.

With a final squeak, the second squirrel pushed the first squirrel off the branch and with a thump hit ground at an odd angle. Firework Daze hadn't noticed and soon there was a horrid meaty noise beneath their paw and they realized they didn't have to travel far for breakfast that day. But as they picked up the fallen rodent, they realized that the forest had become truly silent. They looked up at the branch and saw that the second squirrel had fallen too. Looking closer, Firework Daze saw that its neck was broken. She picked it up and spat out the other to place them both upon their back for a ride to the beach.

Closing their eyes, suddenly drained from the loss of a pair of annoying neighbors but neighbors nevertheless, they let their legs take them to where they needed to go. Soft grass, cool dirt and crunchy leaves underfoot as they made their way to plentiful ivory lands next to vast waters.

With open eyes, Firework Daze sat suddenly which made the lifeless rodents fall from their back in a heap. Stabbing the stick in the sand, they cracked their neck and knuckles before leaning over and snatching a piece of a shell up. Using their fangs, they sharpened the ancient rock into a spear and stood upon their back hooves and glared daggers at the ocean before cautiously taking a step forward before abruptly throwing it into the waves. It struck something with scales and up popped a fish with X eyes. Rescuing it from the ocean, they then used their claws to scrape away the tough skin to reveal the purplish pink flesh underneath. They did the same thing to the squirrels but preferred to dunk them into the sea water to purify their bodies before making a fish sandwich with their husks.


With a burp, breakfast was over and Firework Daze's soul felt heavier with matter than before. But that's alright, because they also felt powerful, but they didn't like how their stomach felt a bit weirder than before they went on a search for food. With a shake of the head and a huff, they brushed the sand from their rump and yanked the stick out of the ivory with their jaw before placing it into their paw, claws gripping the branch with vigor to continue onward to perhaps graze on grass, the occasional flower or go exploring. Closing her eyes yet again, they let their legs bring them wherever without anxiety.


99% herbivore / 1% carnivore.