• Published 19th Nov 2023
  • 340 Views, 16 Comments

It'll Be Okay - Leviathan Eclipse

What does it really mean to be a "B.B.B.F.F"? Sooner or later, Shining Armor is bound to find out.

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Today was going by in a flash. Shining Armor's mom and dad were running around, well his dad was. His mom was mostly screaming and walking funny. Later they all took a fancy carriage to the hospital where his mom and dad were taken to a room and he had to wait while some older ponies watched him. He tried to sneak off to see what was happening, but the guard ponies watching the white colt just kept blocking, and telling him to be patient.

After the fifth try Shining admitted defeat and decided to talk to them out of boredom. “Hi, I'm Shining Armor. What's your name?”

Relaxing a bit the pegasus guard answered. “Name's Kicker, Thunder Kicker, but you can just call me Thunder. Don't want to confuse me with someone else from my clan after all.”

“Clan?” Shining asked, cocking his head and wiggling his ears in curiosity.

“Yeah, it's like a really big family. We have a long and proud history as one of the original pegasus clans who were loyal to Princess Celestia during the lunar rebellion. Thanks to our loyalty we weren't forced to disband," said Thunder, pride welling up in his voice. "Now-a-days if you see a pegasus guard, they're most likely a Kicker. Hay we even have a few non pegasi in our clan.” Thunder Kicker puffed out his chest a bit in pride as he finished his explanation.

“Oi, Thunder! Don't bore the kid any more, can you not go five minutes without gushing about your clan?” The unicorn guard asked in an annoyed tone, before softening his gaze on to the young colt. “By the way kid, as long as we're doing introductions, you can call me Flash Break. No famous clan name, just a humble guard. So what's your story?” He asked, not wanting to hear any more of his partner's ramblings.

“Well, my mom and dad are somewhere down the hall and I don't really know what's going on but dad said something about a foal and mom was walking funny.” Shining said with a twinge of concern in his voice. His ears drooped back on his head as he looked up to the guards. “Is my mom gonna be okay?”

Thunder kicker perked up and gave his best reassuring smile. “Your mom is gonna be fine. And soon, you're gonna have a little brother or sister,” he said with an excited grin.

Shining Armor's ears flipped back up at attention. “Oh yeah, they said something about that last month. I think they said I was getting a little sister...” He stated, a look of contemplation on his face.

Flash Break showed some visible interest at that. “Really? I have a little sister too! Let me offer you a bit of advice,” He said looking directly into Shining's eyes. “Now listen up because this is important” Flash continued. “Your gonna be her best friend. You'll be there for her no matter what. You'll also be her shield against anything that would dare hurt her. It's a big responsibility, but it's your job now. Failure is not an option. You hear me soldier?!” The unicorn reverted to his usual commanding guard voice.

“Sir yes sir!” Shining suddenly stood at rigid attention and gave an enthusiastic salute.

Thunder Kicker rolled his eyes. “Really? You get on my case about my clan but you go on a mega rant like that over your sister?” He said before returning his attention to the colt. “Kid, it's great you're so excited to be a big brother but you don't have to go overboard. Be there for your sister, but don't be overbearing or anything. I've seen how that goes,” Thunder said with a sigh. “Just make sure she knows you're her best friend and big brother, and it'll be fine...” He paused a moment in thought before speaking again. “Although if you ever want to go the extra mile and learn how to protect her and other ponies better you can always join the guard.” Thunder finished with a gentle smile on his face.

“Really? That sounds great! I wanna protect ponies! Especially my sister!” Shining was practically bouncing in excitement thinking of all the great memories he would make with his new little sister.

The next few hours went by much faster as the two guards told the young colt all about being a guard and answering his occasional questions about being a good big brother. Eventually though, Shining Armor's father came trotting down the hall slightly limping and looking frazzled, yet happier than Shining had ever seen him.

“Shining, come with me, there's somepony I want you to meet.” Night Light looked at the guards before speaking again. “Thanks for watching him guys. I hope he didn't bother you too much.” Shining trotted up to his father happy to finally see him.

“Ah, he wasn't any trouble. You've got a great kid there Night,” Flash said, a gentle smile on his face.

“Do I get to see her now? My little sister? I wanna see her so bad!” Shining Armor was practically vibrating in excitement.

“Of course, follow me and try to stay calm and quiet. There's lots of others here and we don't want to disturb them, okay?” Night light turned around and started limping back to the room he came from as he motioned for Shining to follow. After a minute of slowly walking they made it to their hospital room. Night Light opened the door with his magic as gently as he could to make as little noise as possible. As he did so, he wrapped his son in his telekinesis, lifting him up to sit on the bed where Twilight Velvet was laying down.

As Shining got situated on the bed he noticed his mom was holding a small bundle of blankets. His heart skipped a beat and he froze in place as if afraid any movement would disturb the scene in front of him. With a gentle nudging from his father and his mother giving him a gentle smile, Shining slowly made his way closer to the other end of the bed. His eyes never left the small bundle of blankets, locked on like it could just disappear at any moment.

Night Light walked around to one side of the bed to face his wife and two children. “Shining Armor, meet your little sister, Twilight Sparkle.” At that Twilight Velvet gingerly lifted her daughter up to face Shining.

Shining for his part, was utterly speechless. Seeing his baby sister for the first time, this scene would be forever ingrained in his memory. She was the cutest thing he's ever seen with her lavender coat of fur to her messy dark purple mane with a pink and purple stripes in it.

Just when he was getting used to seeing his new sister, she opened her big violet eyes and stared right back at him before smiling and cooing at Shining. Suddenly, everything he talked about with those hospital guards clicked in the deepest depths of his soul. It was one thing to talk about being there for your sister, but Shining suddenly felt brand new instincts kicking in he never knew about. He was utterly determined to make sure no harm ever came to his baby sister.

“C-can I hold h-her?” Shining whispered as gently as he could, afraid of raising his voice and disturbing his sister.

“Of course, just be very gentle,” Velvet said a little louder than her son's whisper. She then slowly held Twilight out to Shining while Night Light maintained a gentle magic hold on his daughter. Shining held out his hooves expectantly. He tried to reach out to his sister with his magic and to everypony's surprise he actually managed a weak telekinetic field of his own. The three of them gently guided Twilight to Shining's grasp. Once she was safely in his hooves, Night Light let go of his magic, but Shining kept his up, not willing to take the slightest chance of letting her go.

For what felt like forever, he just sat there dumbfounded, eyes locked with his sister's. He couldn't tell how long he held her there. A minute, and hour, five seconds, it felt like time lost all meaning until twilight scrunched up her face, and started crying. Snapping out of his daze he instantly panicked, then calmed down as his mother took Twilight back and his father put a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. “Did I do something wrong?” Shining asked as his ears fell back against his head.

“Not at all. She's just hungry and tired, so is your mother,” Night Light said before letting out a barely stifled yawn. “Let's leave them be for now. You look pretty tired yourself son. Lets see if we can get some rest back in the waiting room,” Night Light finished, as he prompted Shining to follow.

“Okay dad,” Shining replied. Glancing over his shoulder he caught one last look at his baby sister being held by their mother. Although he was tired, he was also excited beyond description to have a baby sister. Noticing his son was wavering on his hooves, he picked up the young colt in his magic to drape him over his back. Despite his insistence on staying up longer, Shining Armor's biological clock won out and he fell asleep on his father.

The next thing he remembered was waking up in his bed at home, to the sound of a foal crying. Any annoyance at the disturbance was overridden by the joy Shining felt in his soul. “I have a sister!” he said to himself, squirming in excitement. In that moment, he felt that no matter what happened, everything would be okay.

Author's Note:

Please let me know if there's any spelling or grammar errors I missed. This is my first time publishing a fan fiction, and I'm defiantly planning on this being a fairly massive project. I just want to get some brutally honest feedback. Like, Rainbow Dash levels of brutal honesty.