• Published 17th Nov 2023
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Equestria Girls: Dragon's Awakening - MechaTomX

Spike the dog is about to enter a rare stage in his life, thanks to a strange object, his dog form had suffer a brutal change, a significant change worthy of any human.

  • ...

The Arrival

The girls had been surprised by what Twilight had told them, normally they wouldn't believe that Spike turning into a human was true, but with all the magical things that had happened to them, they could now take it much calmer, still, they would be willing to help in any situation, with or without magic.

“Let me see if I understand,” said Rainbow Dash, “You say that after a trip to the museum you took a nap and the next day you woke up turned into a human?”

“Basically,” Spike responded.

“But I think this has to do with Amore's Tiara,” Sunset Shimmer added thoughtfully.

“You mean the relic they are displaying in the museum?” Fluttershy asked her.

“That's right,” Sunset nodded as she pulled out her journal, “But this smells like Equestrian magic to me, so I think we'll need help.”

“But who could help us with magic from Equestria Darling?” Rarity asked her.

Sunset just smiled, “Twilight Sparkle.”

That confused the girls but especially Twilight Sparkle, “Umm, Sunset, in case you forgot, I was the one who asked you for help, because I don't understand any of this.”

“Not you, but the other you can understand,” Sunset Shimmer responded, making the girls and Spike take notice.

“You mean Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria?”

Sunset nodded.

“It makes sense,” Twilight said smiling, “She helped us when we were stranded in Equestria during Spring Break, I'm sure she can help us.”

“Plus it will be great to see her again,” Pinkie Pie added.

“Great, maybe she can tell me how she got used to walking on two paws,” Spike added.

“Legs,” Twilight Sparkle corrected him.

“Fine, Legs.”

After several minutes, Sunset had managed to contact Princess Twilight, who agreed to see them at Canterlot High, precisely the statue that housed the portal to Equestria.

The girls and Spike were there waiting for her, although for some it seemed like an eternity.

“Come on, how long have we been waiting for her?” Rainbow Dash asked impatiently.

“We've only been here for five minutes, Rainbow,” Applejack responded with a deadpan look.

“But literally the portal is in her castle, she can come and go in a matter of seconds,” Rainbow continued.

“Well, it's a big castle, I wouldn't blame her for getting lost,” replied Fluttershy, who remembered when she was briefly in the castle after Spring Break.

“And let's remember that she is a princess, that she dedicates time to us even with her busy schedule is a gesture that should be appreciated,” said Sunset Shimmer, getting everyone to nod, but Twilight looked nervous, to which Sunset approached her, “ Everything's fine? Twi?"

Twilight seemed to have come back to earth at that moment, because she barely noticed Sunset, “Oh, yeah, it's just…”

She paused, not knowing if it was polite to say something about the person or in this case pony that Sunset Shimmer liked so much.

But Sunset could feel it, she placed her hand on his shoulder, “It's ok, you can say it.”

Twilight smiled at her, “It's just that, she is a princess, the element of magic, she has the same name and appearance as me, but at the same time she is not me, compared to her I am just…”

“Twilight you shouldn't worry, even knowing that she is a princess, we will not look down on you, you are also our friend just like her,” Sunset replied, this calmed Twilight.

Spike approached her and with effort as he got used to his new form, he also placed his hand on Twilight's shoulder, he joked "You don't have to worry Twi, in fact I'm the one who should be worried."


“Have you heard of my Equestria counterpart? That guy is a flying, fire-breathing dragon, I can't compete with that, I'm just a dog,” Spike laughed, this made the other girls laugh.

“Then you'll have something to show off to him right now, silly, you are a human now,” Pinkie Pie laughed.

But at that moment the laughter was interrupted by a sound coming from the statue, upon seeing it, they could realize that a glow enveloped the surface, and when the glow stopped, there she was.

From the portal came a girl her age who looked a lot like Twilight Sparkle, only she had a different outfit, she didn't wear glasses and her long hair lacked her ponytail, of course they recognized her, she was the one, the pony who had helped them on 2 occasions, the princess of friendship.

“Twilight,” said Sunset Shimmer who ran to hug her, she accepted the hug and smiled, “Sunset, it's good to see you again.”

“Me too Sunset, I'm sorry again that Equestria is involved,” Twilight Sparkle responded.

“It's not your fault, these are things that are out of your control, plus we can see you again, right girls?” Sunset Shimmer told her and at that moment, the girls except Twilight Sparkle approached her to receive her.

“Twilight,” the girls lunged at her, causing all of them, except Sunset Shimmer who had dodged them, to fall to the ground.

Princess Twilight didn't mind being on the ground, she smiled, “I'm back, I guess.”

“We're glad you're back, dear, but again wearing the same outfit,” Rarity told her.

“Rarity, I remind you that I don't choose the clothes that the portal gives me,” Twilight responded, but at that moment she saw her counterpart who was keeping a certain distance so as not to disturb this warm reunion.

“Twilight, how have you been?” Princess Twilight asked the Twilight of that world, the princess approached her counterpart.

“I have been very well princess, it is a pleasure to see you again,” responded the Twilight of the human world.

“The pleasure is mine but please do not call me princess, after all, we are friends,” responded Twilight of Equestria.

This made the Twilight of the human world's initial nerves fade away, Sunset was right, even though her counterpart was a princess, she treated her with the same respect, she smiled.

“But hey, they said there was a magical object that changed forms right?” Twilight Sparkle asked them to which the girls nodded.

“Yes, and I think my appearance says it all,” Spike replied, which caught the princess's attention.

Although his appearance was that of a human like her and her friends, the princess noticed certain features that indicated that he was a boy, but it was not until she recognized the boy's voice and saw his eyes that an idea crossed her mind, “Spike, it's you.”

Spike nodded, “In the flesh, but without my fur.”

She definitely wasn't expecting that, but she tried to stay calm, the best she could in this case.

“I must say this is interesting, I was sure dragons transformed into dogs in this world, but now you are one of our species,” Twilight said as she approached the boy to inspect him, she began to run her hand over his head, eyes, arms and his torso, making Spike uncomfortable in the process.

“Princess Twilight, I don't mean to be rude, but you are very close to me,” said Spike who had blushed.

“Oh, sorry, my curiosity got the best of me,” Twilight apologized, “But it's a drastic change, I can understand that, what does it feel like to walk on two legs?”

“I haven't gotten used to it at all, but it feels kind of weird,” Spike replied.

“Hey, it's not fair,” a voice came from the doorway.

The girls and Spike turned to see who it was but Princess Twilight clarified, “Oh right, forgot to say it, I didn't come alone.”

They saw a purple dog with green floppy ears, it was Spike, the Spike from Equestria.

“Why is he taller than me?” asked the dog surprised to see his counter part with drastic change.

“Spike,” said Fluttershy and Rarity who approached the little dog which was picked up by Fluttershy.

“We miss you, I'm glad you're back too,” Fluttershy said, hugging the puppy tenderly.

“I've missed you girls too, what a surprise I got, my counterpart is the one who walks on 2 legs, I don't know if I've told you, but I know how to walk on 2 legs, maybe I can teach him, since I'm a dragon, ” said the Spike of Equestria.

“If you want we can change places, I don't think I'm comfortable in these clothes,” the Spike from the human world told him.

“There's no way either of you will change places with the other,” the Twilights said at the same time.

“Ok ok, could you guide us to where it all started?” Spike told them.

At that moment the girls guided the princess and her assistant to the museum where the Amore Tiara was located.

Already in the museum, the princess was surprised by the exhibits, she swore that some were also from Equestria but she knew that those things could wait, for the moment the priority was that strange tiara.

They went to the exhibit of the tiara, that was when Princess Twilight began to look around, trying to analyze the strange relic.

Seeing her up close made several ideas cross her mind.

“You notice something Twi?” said his Spike, who began to feel something strange but decided to ignore it to inspect that object.

“There must be something strange, that object had to do with my change of form,” the Spike of that world responded.

After several seconds, the princess spoke, “The ruby ​​embedded in it, I'm sure I've seen it before.”

“What do you think it is?” Sunset Shimmer asked her.

Twilight was going to respond but was interrupted by Spike's bark.

“Spike, what's wrong with you,” the princess picked up her assistant who acted like he was being beaten.

“Something is happening to me,” the little dog responded, but at that moment Twilight felt that he was getting heavier and heavier, so she returned him to the ground.

“AHHH,” the Spike of Equestria shouted, making the Spike of the human world realize, “It's happening again.”

The girls worriedly looked at the poor dog who began to convulse.

“Oh no, I must do something,” Princess Twilight was going to approach but was stopped by the Twilight of the human world, “Wait Twilight, don't rush, you could make it worse.”

“But my little brother is suffering,” said the princess who was very worried.

“Your little brother?” thought Sunset and the Twilight of the human world.

But his thoughts were stopped by the dog's screams of agony.

“GYAHHHH,” Spike shouted.

At that moment, Spike's fur began to disappear, a magical aura covered him and it seemed that he became much larger until he was the size of Spike from the human world, his tail disapeared, his paws became arms and legs, a green head of hair formed on him, his head and the rest of his purple fur turned into purple skin, while a jacket, shirt, shoes and shorts were magically generated on him, although his clothes looked torn, but suddenly, the pain went away, Spike stood up, realizing that he could now walk on two legs again, or in this case legs, “Wow, what happened to me?”

“You have also become human,” the Spike of the human world told him.

“Really?” Spike asked himself, to which Rarity, surprised, handed him a mirror, upon seeing himself, Equestria's Spike smiled, "By Celestia, I look incredible."

“Ok, it's definitely the ruby ​​with the tiara,” said the princess, surprised to see that her assistant and little brother had become a being of the same species in that world.

"I need that Tiara, I must extract that ruby ​​to analyze it," said Twilight Sparkle of Equestria who approached the tiara to take it but was stopped by Sunset.

"Wow, wait Twi, I know it's important, but we can't take things from the museum that easily."

"Don't worry, I'll return it," the princess responded.

"In this world there are alarm systems that prevent you from taking things from museums," Sunset told her.

"It reminds me of the sea pony's pearl protection system," Equestria's Spike said, causing Twi to have flashbacks of Vietnam.

"Ok, message received, but we need that tiara, no matter what."

The girls nodded knowing that another magical mission awaited them, and although none of them wanted to admit it, it filled them with excitement.

Author's Note:

Twilight and Spike arrived at the party, and now both Spikes are human, in the next chapter you will see the differences between the 2 Spikes.