• Published 27th Nov 2023
  • 203 Views, 3 Comments

The Beauty of the Rock - ItsMrCapey

Hearts and hooves day… a splendid day for all.. yet, why was she alone?

  • ...

A Walk around Manehattan.

The streets were bustling with couples. Hearts and Hooves Day can do that; bring ponies together, have relationships form and thrive and even strengthen a couple’s bond further.

At the corner of Rarity’s eye, she could’ve sworn that she had seen Lyra Heartstrings with her fiancé, Bon Bon or rather Sweetie Drops. They were most definitely on a trip here! How romantic! A Hearts and Hooves Day trip to Manehattan. Rarity wished that someday.. that would happen to her.


Maud’s call had awaken the unicorn from her swooning daze and turn to the gray earth pony. “I’m very sorry, darling! I-I’ve briefly zoned out!”

Maud looked over towards Lyra and Bon Bon. “You’re looking at them? Do you know them?”

Alas; Rarity gave a nod, confirming the question, “I indeed do. The unicorn is Lyra and the earth pony is Bon Bon. They’ve been together for quite a while now and had just recently gotten engaged. I’m happy for the pair of them.”

Maud gave a couple nods and spoke again; “I hope the wedding goes well for them. They seem very happy.”

Rarity smiles as she turned away from the loving couple who sat upon a bench, Lyra once again in the strange position that she usually sat in with Bon Bon giving a gentle sigh. Rarity and Maud soon stopped outside of the local restaurant ‘The Cantering Cook’.

Hopefully; Rarity was able to get Maud’s mind away from the idea of romantic relationships when they entered. There was bound to be couples inside of the restaurant for their Hearts and Hooves Day dates. Oh Celestia, this will be hard..

Rarity watched Maud open the door first, thinking she would enter first but to her surprise; Maud held it open for her.

“Here you go.” Maud’s hoof pressed firmly against the wooden restaurant door, awaiting her unicorn companion to enter.

Rarity smiles softly and walked inside as she gave an appreciative ‘thank you’ to the monotone earth pony.

“Thank you, darling.” The white unicorn watched Maud let go off of the door and follow her to the table where they would dine at. The two ponies sat down at the table and with a glow of sparkling blue aura, two menu were placed in front on the table in front of Rarity and Maud. “So, what do you fancy having, darling?” Rarity looked up at the gray earth pony who was looking over at a couple on their date.

Rarity had recognised the pegasus mare as ‘White Lightning’ and the the unicorn stallion as ‘Ponet’.

“Maud darling?” That slight concern was what made Maud turn back towards Rarity. “Are you alright, dear? You had been staring at the couple across the restaurant.”

Maud looks down in a mix of deadpan and a tiny bit of.. shame? “I’m sorry, it’s just that.. I used to do that with Mudbriar, you know?”

Poor dear. Thinking of the good times she had with Mudbriar proper to their abrupt break up.

“I understand that, darling. I really do. But; today is going to be a day of you being a strong and independent mare. It hurts right now but it’ll be okay, I promise.”

Before Maud could respond; the waiter approached the two; his orange magical aura holding onto a notepad and a pencil.

“Good day, what may I get you both?”

Rarity opened her menu and the same could be said for Maud. “A daffodil and daisy sandwich for me please, dear:”

The waiter turned to Maud. “And you?”

Maud looked through her own menu and decided on what she wanted to dine on for her lunch. “An oatburger please?”

The waiter nodded as he had written down the two meals Rarity and Maud had selected. “Coming right up, ladies.” He walked away from the two, prompting Rarity to talk to Maud again.

“So… what do you want to do after lunch, dear? Ice skating? Explore some fashion? Go to the market?”

Maud gave it a thought and finally responded after a few seconds of silence. “Maybe we can go ice skating?”

Whilst unsure at first; Rarity nodded and said; “Oh we definitely shall, darling! You was a great skater from what I’ve seen the last we had came here! You’re very talented at ice skating, Maud.”

“Really?” Maud tilted her head, her turquoise eyes focused on the unicorn mare opposite of her. “I didn’t think I had impressed you that much.”

Rarity’s sapphire orbs widen when she heard what Maud had said about her own ice skating skills. “Are you kidding, darling? You were absolutely astonishing at ice skating! I even went back home and I was still so impressed!”

She could’ve sworn she saw a faint blush growing on Maud’s gray cheeks.

Maud hadn’t realised that she had impressed Rarity with her skating skills before and it felt strangely good to be recognised for a hidden talent.

When the food finally arrived, the two mares dug into their meals, enjoying and savouring the delicious tastes. Rarity was enjoying this trip as far and she could only imagine that Maud was enjoying it as much as she did.

After their meals, Rarity and Maud reached into their separate saddlebags to pay for their food. “I’ll pay for it.” Maud turned to Rarity, prompting the unicorn to shake her head. “Darling, you don’t have to do that, I’ll pay.” Maud shook her own head in response to Rarity’s generous offer. “No, I’ll do it.”

Whilst Rarity and Maud had a minor disagreement over paying for the food, a mare behind Rarity started to complain over the long wait. “Hurry up! You’re both taking forever!”

Who was this mare to yell at them both? How rude! Before Rarity could confront the rude mare behind her; Maud turned around to face the mare and said. “We’ll be a moment. Please wait your turn.”

The mare growled at Maud with pure anger and resentment in her venomous voice. “You two are taking so long! I have a date in ten minutes and you fools are taking all day!”

This was starting to annoy Maud deep down but she held onto her expressionless face. “Don’t be rude. We’re sorry for the wait.”

This didn’t make the aggressive mare stop her aggressive tirade towards Rarity and Maud. She continued her obnoxious behaviour and yelling as Maud and Rarity decide to split the bill 50/50.

After exiting the line, Rarity sighed and turned to Maud. “I’m sorry about that awfully rude mare. Are you alright?”

Maud gave a gentle sigh and nodded. “I’m okay. I was a bit annoyed though but I chose to keep it together.”

Rarity smiles softly and said. “I’m glad you didn’t lose yourself back there, darling. Don’t pay attention to ponies like that.” She opened the door and allowed Maud to exit first.

“Thank you.” Said the gray earth pony as she walked out of the restaurant, Rarity following her out after. Rarity and Maud started to walk down the street to search for the local ice rink.

Rarity caught a glimpse of a very familiar couple from Canterlot; Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis. It did take the two a long while to confirm the rumours of them being together. Fancy spotted Rarity across the street and the two sent brief waves to one another before he returned to focus his attention onto Fleur.

Rarity was way too deep into snooping when she walked face first into a lamppost; making the white unicorn grunt.


Maud turned back to see what had happened and immediately walked over to the unicorn. “Are you alright?”

Rarity was embarrassed to say the least. She couldn’t help but wonder if anypony had seen her blunder. “I’m.. I’m fine, darling. Just zoned out a bit and walked into a street light!” She gave a nervous chuckle as she focused on the gray pony.

Maud gave Rarity’s hoof a couple of gentle taps and said in her usual deadpan tone; “Be careful, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

Rarity chuckles sheepishly, trying to assure Maud that she was indeed in top shape. “I assure you, dear; I’m fine.”

Maud gave a nod and once again; the two mares resumed walking together towarrs the close by ice rink.

Finally; Maud and Rarity had reached their destination. The Manehattan Ice Rink. The shining ice glistening after a recent cleansing. Ponies awaited at the gate until they were all granted access to go skating.

Rarity and Maud made their way towards a set of bleachers and taken their seats to put on their ice skates. After putting on their skates, Maud and Rarity stood up and gently walked towards the open gate, Maud setting hoof onto the ice and once again; impressing Rarity with her skills.

However, when Rarity stepped onto the ice, she immediately fell onto her white stomach. “Oh!”

Maud skated over towards the unicorn who laid on the ice beneath. “Are you okay?”

The unicorn on the ice gave an affirming smile as she regained her stance. “I’m okay, I’m fine.. just a little fall as all.”

“Do you need help? I can be a support for you.”

Maud offering to support Rarity? Such a generous gesture. Rarity nodded, taking on Maud’s offer. “How do we-?”

Rarity’s question was cut off by Maud wrapping her straight periwinkle tail around Rarity’s own tail, holding to each other for support so the other would not fall.

Maud’s tail had a grip to ensure Rarity’s safety as much as Rarity‘s tail did her. The gray earth pony turned to Rarity, her turquoise eyes glistening. “Are you ready?”

Rarity gave a deep breath and nodded, accepting fate. The nod gave Maud the opportunity to start to start skating, Rarity in her grip. “Hold on.”

Rarity could feel the cool breeze through her curled mane as Maud supported her on the frozen surface below. She smiles gently, enjoying this moment greatly. Other ponies were skating around them; enjoying one another.

The music playing through the stereo nearby was changed to a pretty romantic song by a band of three stallions. ‘Make you mine.’

Rarity loved this song but this wasn’t a moment between lovers, more like one between two bonding friends! But she wouldn’t dare complain about the song choice as it was Hearts and Hooves say. She chose to put up with it. To be completely honest; some would consider Maud supporting Rarity and them holding tails as both romantic but Rarity had considered it as platonic. Had Maud thought the same?

The breeze was flawless, the moment was wonderful, the aura was gracious. Rarity could’ve sworn she heard Maud quietly singing along to the current song.

“You like this song too?” Rarity questioned the monotone mare. Maud gave a nod. “This song has a special place in my heart. Mudbriar and I used to listen to it when we were together.”

“Oh dearest, I’m so sorry. I could ask if we could change the song?” After a moment of thought, Maud shook her head. “As hard as the memories are and how the song reminds me of him, it won’t stop me from liking it.”

That sentence alone made Rarity smile and respect Maud more. She was very selfless indeed. Rarity had seen generosity in Maud before but.. this is for a lot of ponies. She could’ve said yes to turn the song off but.. she didn’t. That was very sweet of Maud..

Rarity had definitely enjoyed the time on the ice and she hoped Maud did too. After a while of skating together, Rarity and Maud exited through the gate, returning their ice skates to the pony at the counter. Rarity turned over to the earth pony beside her with a brief worn-out smile. “That was… very fun, darling!”

Maud gave a quick ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ smile of her own. “I did too.”

“So, what do you want to do next, dear?” Rarity questioned the earth pony. Maud instead said; “I’ve decided the last activity, it’s your turn. I want to be fair.”

That surprised Rarity! Maud wanted to be fair and let Rarity decide next!

“Well hmm… how about we go and see a movie together? I hear an old movie is back in for today.”

Maud tilted her head as she focused on Rarity, her gray ear twitching momentarily before speaking again. “Which movie is that?”

“It’s an old movie but… it’s called ‘A Trot to Remember’ and it’s very good! Do you want to see it, darling?” Rarity asked after she answered Maud’s question.

Maud gave a quick ponder and nods in approval. “A Trot to Remember is a great movie. I’ll gladly see it again at any opportunity.”

Rarity grinned brightly; this was another thing they had in common! They both favoured this masterpiece of pony cinema!

And onwards they went! Towards the Manehattan movie theatre!

Author's Note:

Oohhh boy! Another chapter in the book! You wouldn’t believe the struggles and occasional writer’s block I had to endure to print this chapter out! Enjoy and I’ll see you all for chapter four!