• Published 22nd Nov 2023
  • 152 Views, 5 Comments

Scattered Tales - App Stories from Ponyville Ciderfest - Trinary

Two short stories from the Ponyville Ciderfest storytelling event.

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#Adinkable - The Daring Dinky Doo and the Mystery of the Blank Page

Dinky Doo hopped around the Ponyville mail office, humming to herself. She was in a good mood because was the luckiest filly in the world. She knew she was because she had the best mommy in the world! Her mommy was Ditzy Doo and she had the SUPER important job of delivering the mail! Sometimes Dinky would help her, which was what she was doing today!

Miss Pinkie had invitations go to ALL the ponies in Ponyville for her super-big party to celebrate … something. Dinky forgot what it was cuz Miss Pinkie kinda had a lot of parties. But they were a lot of fun and she always remembered to make Dinky a SUPER special treat just for her!

So Dinky was helping out by putting invitations in ALL the mailboxes. There were lots and lots of them, that’s why mommy needed her help! She reached into the bag to pull out another invitation, but this time she got a funny piece of paper. It looked like somepony pulled it out of one of Miss Cheerilee’s history books, the real old boring books. She stuck out her tongue. She should do something to make it more fun!

Deciding to take a little break (mommy said break time was important, though mommy broke things ALL the time, even when she wasn’t s’posed to!) Dinky pulled out her crayons and turned the page over, doodling on the back. History would be much better if they had more muffins in it.

Just as soon as she finished writing about it, she spotted a muffin sitting on a chair! It was banana-nut too, her favorite! Just like the one she wrote about! “Whoaaaa!” She gasped, looking at the paper again. She decided to try an ex-spear-a-mint, like Miss Twilight would, and wrote about something else! This was about a super-cute otter she saw when she visited Miss Fluttershy. She called him Skipper and he was SUPER snuggly otter!

The second she was done, there he was! “Skipper!” Dinky squealed as the silly otter squeaky-barked, slipping and sliding around the room like a big fuzzy noodle. As soon as he saw her, he scampered over and began hopping up and down. “I’m happy t’see ya too!” She hugged him close as she realized what this meant. “Whoaaaaa!” she said again, looking at the page. “Miss Cheerilee said reading was like magic, but I dun think this is what she meant!”

Then she got really excited. “I can do all kinds of really cool stuff with this page! What do you think, Skipper?” Skipper squealed, his tiny paws rubbing at his head. “I’mma take that as a ‘yes.’”

What could she do? She thought about it and had a whole bunch of ideas! Some of them were really nice things she could do for other ponies, but some were SUPER silly and that was fun too. “Hmm, I can’t decide! Skipper, help!” She held out her right hoof. “Should I do nice stuff?” She held out her left hoof. “Or silly stuff? You choose!”

Skipper sat up, sniffing at Dinky’s hooves.

[CHOICE] What should Skipper have Dinky do with the Page?

> Do nice things for Ponyville. (Hero)

> Do silly things around Ponyville. (Chaos)


The otter booped Dinky’s right hoof. “You picked nice stuff! Okay, I’m gonna do that!” Dinky grabbed the page. “Come on Skipper, let’s help mommy first!” She began scribbling on the page, with Skipper doing the extra important job of curling up on her back and keeping her cozy.

She wrote that mommy’s boss came in and gave her a BIG raise because she worked so hard. Oh! And Princess Luna should come too and give her a medal for being such a good worker! She beamed, barely able to hold back a giggle as she poked her head out to see it all happen! Mommy looked confused, but really really happy!

As much as she wanted to stay and give mommy a hug, she had lots of other ponies she could too! She raced outside and saw one of her favorite ponies, Rainbow Dash! She was so cool and had a really pretty mane! She gasped as she got a new idea! She wrote that Rainbow Dash got an extra pair of wings so she could go even faster than fast!

Dinky felt really good about helping ponies. It was like she was a superhero! “That’s it Skipper!” A quick doodle on the page later and Dinky was transformed! A cool one, not a stinky one with a dumb name like Mare-Do-Whatever. She had a uniform the same yellow color as her mane and covered in katydids! And a cape. Cuz capes are cool! She was … the Fantastic Katydid! “Oh, and you’re my sidekick, uh…” she thought hard about it. “Captain Skipper!”

Skipper squealed his agreement. “Glad you like it, come on!” She galloped down the street, righting every wrong with a flick of her crayon! “We got ponies to help!”

Pipsqueak’s kite was stuck on a roof? “Oh noes! Fantastic Katydid to the rescue!” She wrote that she could jump really really high and then she did! She picked the kite off the roof and hopped back down. “Tada! The FantasticKatydid has returned your kite, citizen!”

“Why’re you talking like that, Dinky?” Pip turned his head.

“No Dinky here! I’m the Fantastic Katydid, ya silly cootie-colt!” She stuck out her tongue and giggled. “Nopony can know a superheroes secret indemnity! So ya can’t know who I am, duh!”

“Uh okay...” Dinky recognized that tone: it meant she had won, and Pip was unable to counter her super-smart argument! “What’re you gonna do now?”

“I’m gonna help foals everywhere and…and punish bad ponies in the name of…stuff!” She nodded. That sounded right. “Oh and get Captain Skipper some fishies cuz even though they smell GROSS he really likes ‘em.”

Skipper thumped his tail and rubbed his head against her cheek, which meant he agreed.

Pipsqueak rubbed his neck. “Well, uh, good luck Di–I mean, Fantastic Katydid!”

“You bet!” Dinky hopped away, Skipper in tow as she sang her new hero theme song!

(+1 Page for Heroes)


The otter sniffed at Dinky’s left hoof. “You wanna do something silly? A’kay!”

Dinky thought about the last time something super-silly happened and got an idea. She raced outside and wrote that it was raining–but instead of boring old rain, instead it would rain down muffins! Special muffins that wouldn’t get dirty or fall apart when they hit the ground. Everypony should have muffins! Like when Mister Discord made it rain chocolate milk that one time, but without all the other stuff that made it kinda bad.

Dinky giggled as ponies looked up in confusion, wondering why muffins were falling. Mommy’s friend Doctor Whooves pointed his special beeping stick at one and took a bite. “Hmm, not pears. Good!”

Scampering off, Dinky looked for other things to make better. There was Sugarcube Corner! She always thought it’d be funny if it actually tasted as good as it looked, so one quick scribble later, and it was made of sugarcubes, gingerbread, and frosting! While she was at it, Carousel Boutique began to spin around like an actual carousel! She thought she heard Miss Rarity yelling, but she was always yelling about something.

She saw Miss Cheerilee carrying heavy bags. Probably full of homework or something. “Bleugh. Gotta fix that!”She wrote that school was out forever (or forEVERRRRR, as Miss Pinkie would say when she poked her head out of her toybox)! Miss Cheerilee deserved a break, and so did her friends from school!

She watched as Miss Cheerilee dropped her bags in the street and started doing cartwheels. “Guess what my little ponies?! We’re all on permanent vacation forever! No more homework or tests ever again!” All the foals on the street who saw and heard this gasped and broke into cheers.

Dinky beamed. “That’s better for everypony! This must be how Princess Celestia and Princess Luna feel!” She paused, gasping in shock. “Skipper! I can do it too!” She grabbed the page and and with a shaky hoof, wrote the most important words she’d ever written (well, second most, after ‘I love you mommy!’).

A crown appeared on her head and wings appeared on her back. “I did it!” She squeed, trotting around in a circle trying to get a better look at them. “I’m an alicorn and a PRINCESS!”

Skipper hopped up and down in excitement, chittering the whole while. She fluttered her wings, lifting off. “WHOA! Oh wow Skippy! Now I can go flying with mommy and Rainbow Dash and all the pegasuses! Maybe Miss Twilight will make me her ‘prentice and we can do, um, whatever that means!” Picking him up in her hooves, Dinky wrote some more in the margins of the page. Soon she had a super big chair like the princesses did!

She giggled and climbed up onto it. “Hugs for the Hug princess! Muffins for the muffin throne!”

(+1 Page for Chaos)