• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 138 Views, 6 Comments

Ciderfest BOAS APP Stories: 86?! - Janicethelight

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12. #DreamsComeTrue

Knowing Ponyville is a prime spot for pages to be found, you and Fizzy are taking a look around Ponyville. Fizzy watches as the Ponies go about their day with a sigh. "Maybe it would be easier if I could find somepony who understood what it was like to love something that no pony seems to care about." Fizzy thinks aloud.

At that moment, you and Fizzy are bumped into by Bon Bon. Bon Bon looks worried. She sees you both and sighs. "Sorry. Don't have time to chat. Tell Lyra I'll be back soon!" She waves as she goes off.

After shaking off the obvious shock, you and Fizzy shrug and go to talk to Lyra as requested.

Lyra is in her house, humming an upbeat and jazzy tune. She sees you both and brightens up. "Hello there Fizzy! Hey there uh…"

"[USERNAME]." Fizzy informs her.

"Nice to meet you! Say. I have a problem. Maybe you two can help!" Lyra grins.

"We can try." Fizzy shrugs.

“Okay, Let’s imagine you’ve always dreamt of something, but aren’t sure which experience would be most fulfilling. If you could become something you’ve always wished to be, or see something you’ve always wanted to see, which would you choose?” Lyra asks.

>[A.] Be what you've always wanted.

>[B.] See something you’ve always wished to see.
>[C.] Why not both?

> [A.] Be what you've always wanted

Fizzy and you converse for a moment and you nod. Turning back to Lyra you answer, “We’ve decided we’d rather become something. Does that solve your problem?”

"Does it!" Lyra beams, pulling out a bright glowing page. A blinding light engulfs her. The glow around lyra makes her look as though her minty fur has turned to peach. You realize it’s not just your eyes; she has peach skin where her mint fur once was, which has now turned to mint colored clothing. Not only that, but her fur has shrunk to just a small patch atop her head and her shiny hooves have turned to hands! You and Fizzy stare in shock as she shakily raises to two legs instead of four. Lyra meets your astonished gazes with a wide grin. “I finally did it! Look, I’m a human! I knew they existed!”

Fizzy buries her face in her hoof with a heavy sigh. "Honestly, we should have seen this coming."

Ignoring Fizzy’s neigh-saying, Lyra takes a couple shakey steps, figuring out how to balance while walking bipedally. She then moves on to bending and flexing her new found fingers, trying to pick things up. "This is the best day of my life!” She squeals in glee. “Wait until Bon Bon sees me!"

Fizzy scratches her head in thought. "Well, Lyra is certainly different, but she seems happy. I don’t really see any real harm. Although Bon Bon may not see it that way… Should we just…let this one be?

> Let Lyra stay human. (Chaos)
> Help Bon Bon convince Lyra to stay a pony. (Hero)

You shrug and Fizzy nods, "Yeah. What's the harm? So she looks a bit different. At least she’s happy. Come on, let's find a page that makes a worse outcome."

(+1 page for Chaos)

You see Bon Bon returning and make your way toward her to explain what happened, but before you can break the news gently, Lyra rushes over waggling her new fingers in Bon Bon’s face.. "Bon Bon! Look! Hands!"

Bon Bon’s mouth drops open as she jumps back nearly falling over. "Wha-how?!" Is all she manages.

"Magic page!" Lyra grins.

Bon Bon slaps a hoof to her head. "Lyra. How are we going to be…you know…super secret buddies if you stick out like a sore thumb?!"

"And how will you be able to nuzzle?" Fizzy asked.

You point out flaws you see in the body she has as well.

She looks at her hands. "But…I love myself this way. If I stay this way though…I won't be with the one I love as often?" You three nod. "Fine." She sighs sadly, and goes back to normal in a glow, gloomily giving you the page. "I love Bon Bon more than I love being human."

Bon Bon trots over to her then and there, planting a kiss.

(+1 page for Heroes)

>[B.] See something you've always wanted to see.

Fizzy looks at you and you talk together before nodding. "We think it would be better to see something we've always wanted to see. Does that help?"

"Does it?!" Lyra grins and pulls out a page, which glows brightly, engulfing the entire house and maybe more as the bright glow prevents you from seeing anything. After a moment, the light dies down and you see a group of people, mostly boys, who are all human!

You would think that that would be the weirdest part, but these people somehow have various ponies on their person: shirts, plusses, and other memorabilia of Twilight and other well known creatures of Equestria.

"What in the Stargate is going on here?!" Fizzy asks, "is this like a Sliders situation or-"

"No worries Fizzy!" Lyra grins, "I just wished to find humans who would want to meet us as much as I wanted to meet them. I guess there's a human world with people who love ponies! Isn't that amazing?!" She grins, holding one of the human’s arms up, "And look! Hands! It's so cool. I have so many questions!"

Fizzy looks at you. "These creatures seem…strange, but not evil. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have them around? What do you think?

> (Chaos) Allow the bronies to stay
> (Hero) Make Lyra have the bronies leave
> (villain) Allow the bronies to stay and manipulate them into luring the heroes away

"Well. If you're sure." Fizzy shrugs.

"You hear that, boys? They decided you can stay!" Lyra grinned. She goes back to asking one brony questions while the rest erupt in absolute joy.

You set up some ground rules to make sure the bronies don't overstep their boundaries. They look around their new home in awe and adoration. One asks for permission before patting Fizzy's mane, squeezing with delight. They all start to go off, excited to see their new home.

(+1 page for Chaos)

"Lyra, this isn't their home. They have families and lives."

"They seem pretty happy to me!" Lyra pouts.

The bronies look ecstatic. You shake your head. "[USERNAME] is right, Lyra! They can't stay. I'm sorry. They may be happy now but there's no telling how long they will stay that way. Or how this will affect every creature in this world. We don't even know if they can eat our food!"

Lyra sighs and, with a glow, the bronies are gone. She hands the page over, tears in her eyes. "It's not fair. Why can't I just enjoy my dream for a little while…"

(+1 page for Heroes)

[ENDING C: Villain]

"Well, if you're sure." Fizzy shrugs.

"You hear that, boys? They decided you can stay!" Lyra grinned. She goes back to asking one brony questions while the rest erupt in absolute joy.

You nod, and talk to each of the bronies about their favorite pony, and tell them they should meet them. You weave ideas of holding them and how the ponies would love to be entertained by these new creatures, knowing full well the distraction will cause the heroes to lose time and pages.

(+1 page villains)

>[C.] Why not both?

Fizzy looks at you and you talk together before nodding. "My friend here makes a good point. Do you have to choose? Isn't there a way to have both?"

Lyra's eyes glitter as a huge grin spreads across her face. "Yeah. I think there just might be!"

She pulls out a page and before anyone can say a word, a huge glow erupts all around you. When you blink, you see an ornate mirror in front of Lyra. Lyra looks confused. She touches the mirror. The mirror ripples. She shrugs and jumps in. What do you do?

> Follow her
> Leave her be, and wait

[CHOICE: Follow her]

You see a world full of humans of every color of the rainbow. You are a human. Lyra is a human. "This is amazing!" She cheers. "Let's go see what humans do!" She stands up on wobbly legs and tries to take a step. She falls, laughing. She tests her hands, going first on all fours and using a nearby statue to stand upright. She helps you and Fizzy up next. As you stand, you notice the side of the statue you came out of seems to be…cracking, or bleeding through to the edges of the statue itself. You turn to Lyra, who is already striding through on her two feet, triumph plastered on her face. You look through this school of familiar faces. Girls and boys who look disturbingly similar to ponies you know are all over this place. Lyra grins. “This is fantastic! I could stay here forever."

Fizzy looks down, "this is her dream, but the magic seems unstable…what should we do?"

> (Chaos) Allow Lyra to live her dream
> (Hero) Show Lyra the cracks

You watch Lyra, who is slowly petting someone's hair who looks confused and weirded out. She smiles broadly, running up to another human and holding her hands out. She squeals when the person shakes one of her hands, causing the person to jump away. You hold one hand on Fizzy's shoulder, shaking your head. She sighs. "Yeah you're right. Who are we to take this happiness from her?"

You and Fizzy return through the portal, leaving Lyra behind with the humans.

(+1 page for Chaos)

You sigh, walking up to Lyra as she slowly pats someone's hair, and pull her away. The hair-patted person is clearly grateful.

"Hey, let me go!" Lyra protests before you point out the statue.

She freezes. Fizzy sighs. "Lyra. I'm sorry, but having this mirror here….it's hurting this world…maybe both worlds. You can see it here, right? The cracks are bigger than when we arrived. This could destroy both worlds!"

Lyra sighs. "It really was too good to be true huh…" tears flow down her eyes as an orange glow engulfs you and you find yourselves back in Lyra's home. She gives you the page. "...sorry." She sighs.

Fizzy hugs her. "You can teach me all about humans." She promises.

"Okay." Lyra agrees.

(+1 page for Heroes)

[CHOICE: Leave her be, and wait.]

You both sit in Lyra's house bored for hours. She pops her head out to see you. "You know, don't worry about waiting for me. I'm staying here forever!"

"Aw, horse feathers.” Fizzy mutters under her breath, “What are we going to do? Bon Bon is going to be so mad!"

> (Chaos) Leave Lyra be

> (Hero) Remind Lyra of Bon Bon

You shrug. Fizzy sighs, "You're right. It's Lyra's choice. Not ours."

Lyra beams. "Thanks for understanding, guys!" And goes back in once more, possibly forever.

(+1 page for Chaos)

"You're right…Bon Bon would miss me if I left to another world forever….and if I had to choose between my life long dream and Bon Bon…I would choose her every time!"

An orange glow surrounds you again and you find yourselves without a mirror. Lyra hands you the page, a sad smile on her face, "Let's keep this whole thing our little secret, okay?"

(+1 page for Heroes)

Author's Note:

Sorry if this one is a bit hard to read. It probably works better on the ciderfest app.

Seen as a pecial story, this is one of a few stories that have multiple choice options (mostly because, in this case, breaking it Into separate stories would just have three stories that are, at their core, way too similar.

This way all three possibilities are offered in a way that makes sense.

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