• Published 26th Nov 2023
  • 636 Views, 18 Comments

Another ANON FILLY Story - FIM Fiction

A prophcy speaks of one who will slay the Elder Gods. Unfortunately its Anon.

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Chapter 1, A Random Profecy

Once upon a time, long long ago, there lived three nations. The Unicorns, the Pegasi, and the Earth Ponies. These three nations fought one another. Their hate for each other grew so strong, that the land herself grew sick of pony kind. And so Gaia, mother of all nature, gave birth to creatures of coldness and dark, that feasted on the hate. To give birth to such hateful creatures, she fouled a part of Earth, The Tar Pits of Malice. A womb that would only bring forth the most awful one things. Only when the tribes learned to see one another as brother and sister would her terrible children leave.

And it worked. The three nations starved and bled, but one day a spell fashioned from good will and love drove back the Windigos. The nations fought wars for any scrap, cannibals had been slain from all parties. Families had to decide who lived and who died. And Gaia saw it good, for they learned to acknowledge one another, and depend on another's warmth. And so she went to slumber, until she was needed once more.

But there were those who thought the three nations should not be joined. They tried to separate the nations, in any way they could. Assassinations, blackmail, lies and deceit. They brought gods from other realities where dreams became anguish, only for heroes to rise up and slay them. They released The Father of Monsters, Grogar himself. They persisted even as Immortal Goddesses of Day and Night took the throne and defended their nation.

And so they grew tired of Failures. They grew tired of Pony kind being one. And so one went to the place where none of the others dared to go. To the Pit of Malice.

A hooded figure sat within a dark, dank cave, writing. He seemed to chuckle to himself, every so often.

Journal entry 9452. Those fools think that we should give up. That Ponykind should get to frolic in its glory and splendor. They disgust me. But now they will praise me. I found it. I found the cursed womb. This time we will make a creature as fearsome as the windigos, and there will be no way to stop them.

He stopped, turning to face a shaking burlap sack. "Come on then, we shouldn't dilly dally for too long after all." He reached out and grabbed the sack, dragging it deeper into the darkness. "We have so much work to do."

And so the forces of darkness fought on, trying to destroy Equestria. Forces rose and fell. Tirek. Chrysalis. Discord. But there were always heroes. Until finally, they gained a win. The Pony of Shadows consumed the pillars and sent Equestria into a state of madness not seen since the days of Grogar himself.

But as with every other time, Pony kind rose back up. This time wielding the Elements of Harmony, the most powerful magic ever seen. And in the hooves of goodness, an infinite one. Even as they tainted the very protector of dreams, Celestia prevailed, stronger than ever. And on that night, their forces were slaughtered. Scattered to the wind, only the young survived.

And STILL they persisted. As mere street thugs, gangs and multiversel maniacs. Even as the Mare in the Moon rejoined her sister, they persisted as always. But one in particular still lived. Waiting in the darkest of darkness. One who watched and learned from every villain to have ever been. And so, he released his monster. For what could destroy something that even a lord of chaos failed to? A being of pure chance. A Randomness. And so he named it so, Random Chance. A creature that could twist a creature's fate until it was unrecognizable from its own species.

The lands cried and six ponies rose to slay this beast, traveling to the dreaded womb. They did not return. And so Random spread. And spread. AND SPREAD... Until the whole nation was warped. And the master laughed and laughed, until he discovered he could no longer control his monster. And so, Random continued to spread, until he had consumed the whole continent. Other gods tried to kill him. And so he ate them.

His master, he kept alive. To show all the horrible things he would do. To show all that he could do. And so he consumed until he reached the oceans. And so he drank. He drank the oceans, and the lakes, and the skies, until water could not be found. He consumed until he had covered the whole of Gaia. And then he ate.

He ate away the land. He ate the mountains. He ate the valleys. He ate the very caverns of the earth. He ate until Gaia could live no more. And so he kept her corpse as a trophy. As a testimony to all he had done.

And so his Master did as he had always done. He conspired to destroy. He told his monster, Look, look at the stars. See how brightly they burn? Eat the stars and burn brighter, my boy.

And so, the moon was spared. Random traveled the cold dark of space and flew into the Sun. But the master was too skilled in what he had created.

Random ate the sun.

Then he burned the moon, and ate it's ashes.

And so Random went, consuming the stars and the earths, make the great expanse emptier and emptier. Until he grew bored, and opened a crack in reality itself, to go even further. Yet something prevented him from going to the other side. He could only send his influence, his will, but not his form. So he tried to make a vessel that could hold his mind on the other side. And failed.

And so he tried many more times, trying to go beyond, and failing. Making many more vessels, and failing every time.

His actions did not go unnoticed. For even as Luna was there to protect the Night, and Celestia to protect the Ponies, there was one to protect the heavens.

THE GIANT. A creature so massive and powerful, it could move the stars. It watched the first star go out, and knew what needed to be done. To fight a monster so Random, one would need a creature just as random. Or a prophecy, written into the fate of Reality itself. He witnessed the Cracks form, and sent aid to those outside, even as darkness grew in his own reality. He found ways to combat the Children of Random.

But once the last star was consumed, there would be nothing to stop Random Chance from leaving. Random Chance was a problem that could not be avoided. A Hero was needed.

And so he searched for a mortal who could stop this madness. One pure in heart, devout in spirit. THese would be great attributes. But above all, one unwilling to change for any scenario, no matter how severe the consequence...

Anon woke with a snort. "Huh? Wazat?" He toppled out of bed, slamming his face into the ground. "Ah shit!" Anon let out a groan, slowly pulling himself up. "Ow. Alright, let's see what's on the schedule today," he said, slightly in pain. Anon pulled a notepad out of his nightstand. "Annoy that person..." Anon read. He hummed. "Annoy who?" Anon flipped the page. "Oh that's right, annoy everyone!"

Anon dropped the notepad, heading to his closet to get dressed. As the notepad landed, it revealed it only had doodles of poorly drawn penises.
CHAPTER ! IS COMPLETE! If you are here from the previous story, then you are in for a treat! And remember, if you like this story, then lick the green thumb so others know it's worth reading! Or click it, whichever you prefer.