• Published 25th Nov 2023
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Guidance: An Introduction to the World - Animatorsnake

Guidance is a collection of stories focusing on the perspective and history of the characters from IANG.

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Prologue – The Storyteller

Once upon a time...’ a famous saying spoken to tell the beginning of a story, but what about the points of the story that are left unseen and unspoken. The stories of wandering knights, adventurous rogues, brave peasants, and righteous bandits.

Well let me tell you of a story, a story about the storyteller... it all started... before the beginning of everything.


Stars flickered in the sky, streaking across the black canvass like tears of white; nights like this brought a hidden beauty to the world. The calming musical sound of the insects and croaking of nocturnal critters echoed across the vast land.

That silence was shattered with the thumping of feet as a figure ran through the foliage and trees of the once peaceful forest. Breath haggard and body sore from tireless days of running, but he couldn’t stop, no matter what.

After the failed attack at the eastern frontier, most of the forces were demolished against the ‘enemy’, if they failed here, this would be the fourth realm taken by them.

Taking a moment of rest, he breathed long, desperate breaths, the life-giving air trying to fill his tired lungs from going overdrive.

I need to get these documents back to the HQ and to the commander stat!

Then a snap of a branch echoed out and silence returned once more, without even seconds to process the noise, he swiftly brought one hand forth while his less dominant hand wielded a dagger. His right hand with palm opened, glowed a light grey light as he faced the source of the noise.

The light took the form of a miniature lightning bolt that floated inches from his hand, ready to unleash its power on the first thing on sight. Caught in the dim glow of his power was a deer, the animal gazed at him with both caution and curiosity. The two faced one another for untold seconds, until he lowered both hands, sheathing his dagger behind him.

A deer...

The deer tilted its head, before wandering off back to the rest of its herd. Returning to a sense of calm, the lone man returned to his goal of reaching his leader – with swift action, he cast another glow from both palms and sent himself speeding through the forest in seconds.


After nearly expending his aura, the man reached the edge of the forest, where he found himself standing on the edge of the cliff. Gazing downwards, just a fair distance away was the camp of his comrades.

A smile came upon him, but before he could get down to the camp, something flew by his cheek. A streak of scarlet dripped down his face and stained his shirt, swiftly looking to the source that caused the injury, he found a crossbow bolt plunged deep into the ground.

It was soon followed by a wave of more bolts, most missing, a few grazing him... one managed to hit its mark – piercing his shoulder and coming out the other end until lodging halfway through.

With a muffled scream, he tilted himself forward, until finding himself free-falling down the cliff to the ground. Using all his willpower, he cast a quick levitation spell on himself to lessen the speed of his descent. This didn’t stop his persistent hunters, with more bolts came raining from above, one nearing bisecting him between the eyes.

Thinking he was certain to meet his fate here, a rapturous roar of metal and fire was soon unleashed upon the attackers. In the distance a figure unleashed metal fury, as dozens of bullets were fired toward the attackers, turning them to mulch.

Facing who was responsible for the counterattack stood a man who wore something that didn’t fit his current surroundings – wearing an outfit that is most common between the Victorian era to Industrial era, the man’s suit made him look like a mobster with criss-cross silver threading, and on his right breast of his suit was a brooch – a silver gear with a jade skull on top of it.

The man’s face had a few scars, while both eyes were putrid toxic green, shining brightly in the darkness as smokey energy leaked out both before subsiding.

“For fuck’s sake, I’m trying to take a nap and I hear some commotion going on out here! I see our poor youngest getting his ass handed to him by a bunch of scrawny little shit stains… well more stain than shit!”

The man touched the ground safely before hobbling his way to his loud compatriot, who continued to boast loudly as he wielded the monster of a machine in one hand.

I still wonder how in the deities he managed to both use and maintain that thing… I still can’t believe he’s the one who built it either.

The green-eyed man noticing his piece was being gazed at, grinned cheekily at him before placing his weapon on his back, as it hung on a hidden harness. “You like her huh, well she’s a one of a kind, ain’t no way I’m letting anyone touch, Maria. She may be an Iniquitous Eater Model II, but she’s the only prototype model made before the mass-produced ones were released… and destroyed.”

The end of his sentence held a tinge of anger, before he turned away and went back to camp. “The commander’s been waiting for you youngest, don’t keep him and others waiting.”

With a sigh and grunt, he walked by the several guards standing around the perimeter entrances, letting him in – after they swiftly dealt with the arrow lodged in his shoulder. He walked by many individuals, each of various characteristics, races, and types, all sharing a singular description about them.

Survivors… of worlds doomed and wasted away.

It was less of a world of warriors and more of a conglomeration of refugees, runaways, and wanderers. Pity was the most prominent image upon these different creatures… but all were united by one being – the commander, the Hero of Ends.

That title was one of the many titles the commander held, but it was the one that brought them together here. Right now they stood at most ten thousand, but the majority of their forces was splintered apart, with this current force standing at most around the hundreds. Only a quarter of them were close retainers and warriors loyal to the commander, while the rest were just basic foot-soldiers.

After passing the clanging, shouting, and logistical noise across the camp, he soon neared the largest, tallest, well protected tent among them. Four armored warriors stood ready and vigilant, a fifth of their members joined, this one wearing much more regal fancier armor.

“Ah, G, you’re finally here!”

This newcomer is the leader of a group of clandestine warriors from one of many doomed worlds – she stood somewhat taller than him, wearing armor that resembles of a samurai, with a red sash around her waist and two katanas sheathed to her sides. Strapped to her waist too was her infamous helmet, the ‘Gaze of Yddin’ it showed the face of some sort of horrifying creature from her realm’s folklore… now, it was just a memento from a fallen world.

“The commander has been waiting for you G, he and that shadow of his have been waiting for any updates from you… My my, that shoulder of yours took quite the beating, should have the healers get a good look at once you’re done reporting.”

“…I will… see you later.”

With a grin and wave, she soon departed, alongside with her entourage of four warriors. Once they all left, G entered the tent, inside were only two other individuals – one consisted of a being of pure shadows or darkness, two glowing dim eyes gazed at who entered inside as its shadowy body twisted and swayed around itself… the other was the commander.

They stood over a map or rather several maps, some were basic paper maps, others more modern looking ones… and there was even a holographic projection. It was truly a weird yet interesting sight to behold, but his awe soon vanished as he bowed before the commander.

“Commander, I’ve returned, the enemy forces are soon approaching, if we don’t stop them soon… I fear what may happen if we don’t act soon!”

The commander stood still as he continued to examining several papers that were being passed to him by the shadowy figure. After some time, he paused his reviewing to gaze up at G; the commander wore ebony armor that was the definition of intimidating, both sleek and sharp, it made the commander much taller than he would be without it and while there was no helmet in sight to wear, word was that it folded around his head when in need to be used and unfolded when not in use.

A pair of sheathed swords were strapped to his sides, while danging on his neck was a locket, that stood out compared to the rest of his attire.

The one visible part of his body, his head, had a mop of short black hair, a pair of dull eyes that at once were definitely brown… now glowed emerald with a shimmer of white. His skin was of the norm, a slight tan, but pretty average and unremarkable.

He looked younger than anybody else he’s seen, but his eyes showed someone who was much older, and a deep weariness than anybody else he’s met before.

“G, what do they number to and how soon can we expect an attack?”

“...They stand ten times that of our total army… as for how soon an attack… by sunrise.”

Silence soon neared… it wasn’t news anybody would like to hear, but for the commander… it was simply another annoyance to add to a long list of problems.

“I see… and they ignored all requests for peace?”

“...Yes… sadly…”

“Then… I suppose these lands will be stained with fresh blood for the plants… G.”

Looking up to face the commander, he was now standing before him with both hands behind him. His gaze held an unknown emotion, but there was a quiet hunger… and a slowly growing rage that simply wouldn’t settle at all.

“...Do you know why I call you that, G?”

This was an odd change of conversation, but rather than question, he went along with the change of subject.

“It’s because I’m one of the few beings you created personally for a purpose… and for that purpose I shall follow by your will.”

“Yes… and with that will… there is but one final request I need of you.”

The commander turned to face the shadowy entity, receiving a scroll which he passed to the man, with an almost finality in his movements.

“You are to lead the refugees and select a group of warriors to this location… we found a set of several realms that may be a new home for these people… Today you will do the one thing you are made for… you will be their shepherd, their lighthouse in this raging storm…”

“Today, you shall be, the Guide.”

Guide was shocked, after untold years after his creation, he was finally doing the one thing he was finally made to do – to be a guide of those lost.

“I… I shall do this as you request, but what about you and the others?”

The commander stayed silent, until with a click and clack, his armor morphed as his helmet soon appeared and wrapped around the remaining piece of his body that was visible. Once it covered his entire head, the form and shape of the helmet took place of what looked like an ebony dragon with five horns, while the symbol of an eye upon a black star.

“We? We have ran from the ghosts of our – my – past… but now, I will finally accept the role given to me… by sunrise, the Hero of Ends will finally meet his end.”

And then… the Deity of the Void will finally be born… This land and all lost realms… will be one with the Void… as foretold and as it was dreamt.

From now and ever on… this day shall be known as…

The War of Eternity.”


Opening his eyes, the Guide found himself gazing at his surroundings, he woken up from a dream, no… a memory.

He gazed at the infinite white expanse of Infinity… it has been a few days after the battle against the Maker and the Heroes of the Elements… and of the Hero of Creation’s sacrifice.

I could still remember that war like it was just yesterday… after I led the rest, I was told to seal off the passage… so that we were never followed – by either foe… or ally.

For the next thousand or more years, I have helped develop the fledgling races survive in their new home realms. From the elements, I’ve risen spirits who would later become the deities of said realms, I watched over them, both through the good… and bad.

I became their guide from start to end… now…

I’m just their storyteller, now and forever.

Author's Note:

The beginning of an introduction - that's a good way to describe this story, the start of many introductions and origins. A collection of future tales and stories of characters known and unknown.

Next time: In the northern territories of Equestria, a young guard begins his tale of heroism, through the blazing fires of devastation - will he meet the challenge or broken upon the harsh truth of reality.