• Published 26th Nov 2023
  • 66 Views, 2 Comments

The Cider Runners of Marewaukee - a Ciderfest App Story - Snowday_Pegasus

Barley Tender discovers there were cider bootleggers in his family during the Roaring 20's

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Beginning: Marley "The Tenderizer"

Barley and Caramel are both in shock.

“You didn’t know anything about it?” Caramel exclaimed.

Barley replied, “I’d heard somepony in my family was involved with the Draft-Horse mob, but I didn’t know just how far up the chain he was.”

“And Draft-Horse had a hideout. Here! At this hotel.”

“Pretty neat, huh? So somepony in my family was smuggling Cider here when it wasn’t legal. And I’m here serving it when it is.”

“If the hideout is still here, it sounds like a place where one of those pages might have hidden themselves.”

You offer to try and find the secret hideout.

“Thank you, [USERNAME]. We’ve got a rough idea, but it might take some effort to find,” Barley says.

After you reach the floor where the hideout is rumored to be, the three of you spend roughly a half hour feeling for cracks in the walls, stomping the floor in search of hollow sounds, and nudging random wall decor.

“Maybe workers sealed it off,” Barley suggests.

You lean against a wall and suddenly it turns behind you, causing you to stumble backwards. The heavy air in the dimly lit room forces you to cough. Somehow a faint smell of cider permeates the air.

Caramel points in your direction. “Barley, look!”

“You found it, [USERNAME!]”

As you look at the two Ponies still outside in the hallway, you notice there’s a page wedged in a split in the old wooden door. Immediately, the door begins to close.

“Wait, wait!” Barley yells as he runs towards it. You reach forward as well, but it’s too late. The door closes itself tightly and you would be lost in total darkness, were it not for the faint glow of the page. You decide to grab it and use it like a flashlight, but the moment you touch it, the whole room lights up and you hear lounge music coming from an antique radio in the corner.

There are a lot of voices speaking; some playing cards at a table in the corner, others enjoying a round of cider at the bar counter. A couple whispering not far from you catches your attention.

“So, what’s the job, Tender?”


“Nelly, we got a pretty reliable tip that our old buddy Hal Capony is going to be striking a deal with the Apple Gang. And they’ve got some new brewing machine they call the Super Cider Squeezy. And it’s all going down… tonight.”

“That sure ain’t good. We gunna make a move?”

A loud voice speaks from right behind you, “What are you doing, sweetheart? Haven’t seen you around before.” You jump a foot off the ground. You turn around and see a white unicorn mare with a lavender mane, wearing a sparkly cocktail dress.

“Yeah, I’m… new,” you reply.

“Well, don’t be a wallflower. Let’s get you introduced to the Underboss.”

She gives you a strong push in the direction of the two Ponies you heard talking. Each of them is wearing a pristine white suit with a fedora.

“Hey, Tender. We’ve got a new recruit here,” the mare says.

“Oh, is that right, Scar?” The earth pony asks you, “What do we call you?”


He looks at you disapprovingly. “Not the best mobster name, is it?”

The others shake their heads.

He continues, “Well, we can fix that later. We’ll give you a fitting mobster name when you’ve earned it. I’m the Underboss, Marley Tender. This pegasus here is my Capo, Equine Gun Nelly. And the one behind you is our most accomplished Femme Fatale, Scarcity; we usually just call ‘er Scar..”

Scarcity says to you with a laugh, “On the streets, Marley Tender is known as: the Marley the Tenderizer.

Tender says, “Well, [USERNAME], welcome to the Draft-Horse organization. That is… if you’re really here as part of the organization.”

Scarcity huffs loudly. “Hmm…”

“If you’re not… we might just be fitting you with a pair of cement horseshoes.”

You tense up at the threat.

He continues and points, “Just like our pal Joe Gallop over there in the corner. Say hello to the new guy, Joe, and tell him about your fancy shoes.”

“Oh, these things hurt. I’ve been wearing them for two weeks. Can I please take them off now?”

“Maybe in another week, you’ll have learned your lesson.” Tender looks back at you. So, are you in?”

What other choice do you have? You nod.

“Good. Well, you picked a good first day. This is going to be big.”

A while later, you find yourself sitting on beautiful upholstery in a covered wagon, making your way across Marewaukee. You’re surrounded by tough, able-bodied Ponies; all of them surprisingly well-dressed.

“There’s the warehouse. Stop in this alley,” Tender says.

Nelly asks, “What are they unloading? Is that the Slooper Cider Speakeasy–”

“Super Cider Squeezy. There sure is a lot of muscle over there. Looks to be a big fight if we go at them like this.” He says to you, “Hey, [USERNAME], any bright ideas?”

Chaos: Steal the Super Cider Squeezy.
Villain: Destroy Hal Capony’s warehouse.