• Published 6th Dec 2023
  • 392 Views, 12 Comments

Probably the Most Unique Story You've Ever Read (Probably, Idek) - Majestic_Donut

Imagine Luna in fanfictions. Now Luna in the MLP series. Now allow them to meet via another Luna fanfiction :D This will go well.

  • ...


Equestria: Such a nice, peaceful place to live... Yeah, no.

Equestria: Where monsters and demons constantly try to take over the world or the ponies get involved in petty squabbles that actually teach you a life lesson once resolved!

Seems nice enough. Every episode has a happy ending (except the two parters, then only the second episode has a fulfilling ending) and everyone always learns a new friendship lesson... Such is not the way of my life. Luna thought to herself as she observed the TV show world known as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She'd been observing it for awhile now.

How did she come to be able to see this world? Well you see...

It was a normal night in Ponyville, and all through the town, not a creature was stirring.

Not even Luna.

Wait what? What is she doing in Ponyville?!

"Do you see? They still shun your night," Nightmare Moon sneered.

"No, they're sleeping because they need to rest. I've learned now Nightmare. I am loved and accepted. You will never get me to fall again!" Luna rebuked back.

"Is that so? I have several sources that say you can fall again, and worse." Nightmare said as she pulled up a computer out of nowhere.

"Wait where did you get-"

"Do not question these things. Discord just dropped this on my head a few months ago and I've been reading something called 'fanfiction'. Specifically, it's about us," Nightmare explained.


"Well, all of us really. And do you want to know something?"

"What?" Luna asked.

"We deviate quite a bit from 'canon' when it comes to this show it says we're on."

"Wait what?! You mean we aren't real?!" Luna screeched.

"Well, I don't think the Luna in the TV series would react the way you did, so no, we aren't real. None of us are. You and I are the creation of an author and Luna in the TV series is a creation of a woman named Lauren Faust. Both of our worlds exist for the entertainment of these 'humans' who also created us."

"Is there a way to see these other fanfiction worlds?" Luna asked.

"Eh, why not? I've read versions of us where we're friends... and um... nah, I won't mention that. You'll see for yourself if you dare."

"Okay! Wait what?..."

And so Luna travelled through many stories, witnessing them silently in the corner. Some were quite entertaining! Some were very depressing. Some... were in need of an editor. Some were absolutely precious!

"I had no idea I could be so adorable!" Luna remarked as she decided to hug her filly self.

"Hey! I can't breathe!!!" Woona cried out.

"Sorry!" Luna apologized. "Can I keep her?"

"She's you," Nightmare face-hoofed.

"But she's so cute! I could snuggle 'Woona' forever!"

"Nooooo!!!" Woona cried. "I wanna go on adventures and get into trouble I could've avoided if I'd listened to Tia more!"

"Hmm, 'Tia'... I like it. I think I shall call my sister that too!" Luna mused.

"Well, I believe that's all the stories! Shall we move back to our story?" Nightmare asked.

"Wait, what is this setting here? 'View Mature'... do I even want to know?" Luna asked.

"No, you don't," Nightmare answered, shuddering in memory of the horrors she'd seen.

"What about the world of the TV series us?" Luna asked.

"Sure, I guess we could watch some episodes on YouTube," Nightmare said.

~ 9 Seasons and roughly 82 hours of ad-free binging later ~

"So, that's it? It's over now? I retire with my sister and we go to a retirement home and leave the palace?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Nightmare answered.

"We didn't even get that much screen time!"

"No, we didn't."

"What becomes of us now?"

"The magic dies."

"Wait what?"

"I won't give you any spoilers for the movie."

"There's a movie?" Luna blurted.

"Watch it on your own time! I'm headed out." Nightmare said tiredly.

"To where?" Luna asked.

"I don't know. Our author is too lazy to think up a reason right now. Goodnight!"

"But, don't we sleep during the day?"

"Looks like you'll need to read some more fanfictions and fan theories. Bye!" And she was gone.


And here we are. Against better judgment, Luna did see the rated M stories and she is officially scarred for life. In traveling to so many different stories, she began to pick up some... interesting quirks from each story.

Prankster, Gamer, Victorious, Depressed, Wise beyond her years, supremely stupid, sane, insane, practically bipolar and schizophrenic! It was a blessing and a curse to have herself so well rounded and yet such a complicated mess. She watched and rewatched the series, longing to live in those simpler, but profound episodes written for children rather than stay in the fanfiction world written by the teens and grown-up fans of the show. So finally, after years of merely watching the series and looking through a window, she smashed through the computer screen into "A Royal Canterlot Wedding: Part 1" and snuck off-screen to find herself.

"Hellooooo? Luna?! It's me! Or, you too, I suppose." As Luna looked around, she realized she was searching in a void. "Looks like I'll have to rewind to on-screen instead," Luna resolved. So she grabbed a remote from who cares where and pressed rewind until she found herself back on-screen. Just as her TV show self was about to leave, Luna grabbed her and yanked her off-screen before anypony could notice anything had happened and the next scene played on.

"What is the meaning of this?! Oh..." Canon Luna said as she noticed she was looking at herself. But there was no mirror, sooo... "What is going on here? Art thou a changeling? Release Us at once!"

"Relax, I'm not a changeling, I'm you. Well, sort of. I'm you in a different universe." Fanon Luna explained.

"Oh... but, how did you get here?" Canon Luna asked.

"My author wrote me in here and I jumped through a computer screen."

"What is a computer? Author? W-what?" Canon Luna's confusion has been doubled.

"Oh, right, you're an underdeveloped character in a TV show with not nearly enough screen time. Let me explain," Fanon Luna began. "I am one of many different depictions of you in the form of what humans call 'fan fiction', or fictional stories that are based on the lore of Luna from My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, aka, you. There are also others stories about our sister, Twilight Sparkle, Cadence, all of the villains, an-"

"Wait, all of the villains? Exactly how many more shall We face?" Canon Luna asked.

"Oh, right, I forgot I grabbed you out of season two. Lots. Actually, you're about to face off against one now. See?" As Fanon Luna explained that, she pointed back to the screen just in time for Chrysalis's reveal.

"WHAT THE HAY?!" Canon Luna cried. "YOU MEAN SHE WAS AN IMPOSTER?!?!?"

"Well duuuuuuh. Was it not obvious? Honestly, these writers couldn't have written her to do just a little more research on who she was impersonating? She didn't even know Shining Armor had a sister or that they were the best of friends. There goes that plan. Twilight caught on pretty quickly, but was booted from her own brother's wedding. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!" Fanon Luna ranted.

"Um, are you okay?" Canon Luna asked.

"I'm fine. Sometimes the fans can get a bit intense, though, this is hardly that dramatic."

"It tisn't?"

"Nah, We can go muuuch further drama wise."

"How much further?"

"Unaliving further."



"So, let me get this straight. You're not real? You're based on me and written by 'humans' for their twisted entertainment?"

"Yes, and so are you."

"Wait what?"

"Did you miss that part completely?" Fanon Luna asked.

"... What part."

"Oh for crying out loud. YOU. ARE A. TV SHOW CHARACTER!!!"

"... What is this, TV thou speakest of?"

As the author finally decided to break this wall of dialogue and the fourth wall, Fanon Luna was on her last string.

"A TV is type of technological device much like a mirror, but instead of seeing your reflection, you see plays and other stuff instead. Not sure how else to explain it."

"Sounds quite interesting... what is the primary purpose of this 'TV' thou speakest of?" Canon Luna asked.

"Mostly for entertainment of little human minds. Possibly some brain washing as well, but who really knows or cares, we're all doomed to die one day and I'll never be enough I should just die."

"Wait WHAT?"

"-shakes her head violently- Oof, sorry. That happens once in awhile." Fanon Luna stated.


"I start randomly monologuing something depressing or prank someone or get unreasonably cranky at the state of the modern world and how things have chang- WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE DON'T HAVE A FORMAL MILITARY ANYMORE!??!?!"

"... we don't?"

"... -deep breaths- Main point, we both exist solely for the entertainment of humanity with the added bonus of some life lessons. In your case, you exist for the entertainment of small children and to teach them life lessons about friendship. I exist as a creation of the older fans to entertain them and maybe teach them life lessons, but not always."

"Huh, I am... unusually okay with this..." Canon Luna admitted.

"Strange, you shouldn't be... unless..."

"Unless what?..."

"You're becoming one of us."


"You've been in this fan fiction for awhile now. Perhaps the longer you stay, the less you become 'canon' to the show and the more you become fanon!"

"What?! NO!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE FANON!!! What is 'fanon'?..."

"We don't have time for this, just get back in the show! You already missed the whole wedding!"

-Violently shoves Canon Luna back into the world as she flounders in the sky off-screen.-

By the time Luna came into frame of the screen, she had corrected her flight to be graceful and had a sudden wardrobe change.

"Hello, did I miss anything?"

"And that's the real reason Celestia and I retired! That night I told you about the tantabus was not because I was still feeling guilty, though that was part of it. I had a bit of an existential crisis after fanon me left, and while I did TRY to stay true to canon, it was clear I'd never be able to stay the same forever. So here we are in what is called 'off-screen' just having a nice moment of identity crisis."

"W-w-what?! You expect me to believe all of this?!" Twilight shouted.

"Oh, also, you removed all magic from the world." Formerly canon Luna stated.


"We still do not know."

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading this quick random piece :rainbowlaugh::twilightoops: Today is the last day of finals and I have a few assignments I still need to do, but otherwise school is done for the year!!! Until next semester...

Big thanks to KingSombraTheTyrantRuler for proofreading my story! Like and follow if the fancy suits you, and have a great day!

Comments ( 12 )


Who doesn't like Luna? Or any of her various depictions? I certainly am always glad to find a Luna fic...
Okay, I am a Luna fan, of course. This small bit of words did appeal to me; it is Luna being Luna after all...
For concept, meh. I read a similar tale with the various Anons in fanfiction, so it is just another version of that with Luna instead of Anon. (And why is Anon always green-faced??? Anypony out there tell me why?)
For execution, I was quite entertained by the story..

All in all, a nice story. :moustache:

Glad to hear you like the story!

As for the concept being similar to a story about all the Anons in one place, I actually think I know what story you're talking about. The one I read was a great story, but I had no intention of copying it. That was a coincidence 😂 I did put extra emphasis in my title on "Probably" since I haven't read UNGODLY AMOUNTS of fiction like some have and my genre interests are narrow.

Also, I don't know why Anon is green, maybe to anonymize race too? :moustache:

Thank you for reading and reviewing and have a great day!

Preeeetty cute!

This is good

Equestria: Where monsters and demons constantly try to take over the world or the ponies get involved in petty squabbles that actually teach you a life lesson once resolved!

That’s why every real pony carries an M1911 chambered in .45 ACP to work. 9mm might kill the body, but .45 ACP kills the soul to make sure they don’t come back as a seasonal villian.

"Wait what?! You mean we aren't real?!" Luna screeched.

This reads like a TF2 sfm. I love this.

~ 9 Seasons and roughly 82 hours of ad-free binging later ~

The only unrealistic thing about this whole story. Completely ruined my immersion smh.


Exactly, why DON’T they have an official military? It seems like 90% of problems can be solved with big gun, or maybe bigger gun, but they always try friendship instead (like 50% of the time they end up having to resort to WMD’s to win. Just create a military, all problems suddenly go away.)

This really feels like just a rant. It’s pretty cool, dialogue could use some work. Overall structuring as well. But it more or less feels like how when someone animates something to specifically be broken or “bad”. Might be digging somewhere where I’m not supposed to, but this whole thing feels intentionally “bad” to make fun of “bad” stories.

Otherwise, I love this. Definitely following you, with some improvement you definitely can become a good writer.

To a certain degree, it is "bad" on purpose (making fun of some common Luna tropes) but the dialogue/structure is because it actually is bad. I appreciate the feedback you gave me:

1) Not totally sure how to fix the rambly dialogue
2) This was a one shot written in roughly 1-2 hours and is indeed me writing whatever comes to mind to try to make my basic concept 1k words :rainbowlaugh: (So yeah, it feels like a long rant because that's exactly what it is :rainbowlaugh::twilightblush:)
3) I sent this to my friend for a proofread because I knew the story was a little off and not my best, but he said it was fine so I published it.
4) If you'd like to send me any edits or more advice on what I could fix, feel free to PM me! I really do want this story to be good after all and I know it could use some of my usual polishing :twilightoops:

~ 9 Seasons and roughly 82 hours of ad-free binging later ~

The only unrealistic thing about this whole story. Completely ruined my immersion smh.

-sigh- a shame I did the math just to be told this :ajsleepy:

Oh, one more funny note

Story I half assed in about 1-2 hours and was posted last Wednesday or something like that: 12 likes 2 dislikes

Story I slaved over (and is projected to be like 200k+ words long) and was posted months ago and updated sort of regularly: 9 likes 3 dislikes (And yes, I like my own stories just cause if that helps you put the statistics in scale)

And this is the story of writing on FimFiction 😂 Just write something dumb and clickbaity and people will like it 💀

Such as life, most authors are practically guaranteed to have their actual life work to be sadly pushed aside in favor of that one random piece they did because reasons. Site traffic could have also caused that one not to be read. This is just a sad fact of life, too many people don’t want to start reading long stories because they are just that, long.

Also the part I said was unrealistic was just a sarcastic joke playing on the fact that youtube has like a million ads per cubic minute of watching, basically don’t fret over that specific part, unless this was sarcasm then ignore this whole paragraph due to my inability to detect some sarcastic comments.

While I do agree this story could use a slight rewrite of dialogue, I do think it’ll lose some of its appeal and charm. This is a good story, I don’t think it’s worth completely ironing out every mistake when they really don’t hurt the story one bit, and possibly even improve it. Another reason I won’t help in that regard, be it a bit selfish, is that I suck at deadlines/expectations and Jinglemas is already taking most of whatever will to write that I have. I got like 10 days left and I’m probably gonna have to man up and just finish it in like 5 days. Procrastination be damned.

Anyways, hope you get more attention, wishing you luck, Foxtrot over and out.

Ok, good to know. It was only after I sent the reply that I realized you were referring to the "ad-free" part of my joke, not the "82 hours" part LOL. I was also being a bit sarcastic or at least lighthearted in my tone 😊 I actually did do the math and had to say "ad-free" because I wasn't about to try to calculate the hours PLUS ads (which can fluctuate heavily) so I took the lazy (if not "unrealistic") way out of having to more than the simple math needed to calculate the time spent based on the actual episode lengths. Even then, I think the calculator said something like 81.78or something like that hours. Accounting for that one hot cocoa break I guess 🙃

I'm glad this story has "charm" (I did actually try to play off my "I don't feel like coming up with details rn" mood as "humor" on purpose cause I'd seen other writers and SilverQuill on YT use this method of humor [Super ancient quote I never forgot: "Wait, but you're a griffon. Can't you fly?" "Nah, my editor's too lazy to do that" -promptly jumps into oblivion-]. I also purposefully added lots of self-awareness to the Fanon-Luna character about the fact that she's written by me to help people be a little more accepting of the fact that this story is a fairly underdeveloped one-shot)

Now that I think about it, a lot of the "wrong stuff" in this story is done on purpose... huh... 😂 As long as the jokes are snappy and the fandom/fanfiction references get across, I'm happy with this story 😊 (I actually have been referencing several Luna fics throughout this story. The part about "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE DON'T HAVE A FORMAL MILITARY???" is a direct quote from [I think] "How Luna Adopted a Griffon Hatchling (Against Her Will)" when Luna wants to take out some "enemies" [which, they have none] and Celestia informs her they don't have a formal military and thus can't afford to go into war frivolously. There were other references I've made but I don't remember what they were. So yeah, maybe I put a little more thought into this story than I thought 😅)

I coulda sworn that I left a comment here the other day, but I guess I got distracted. I very much enjoyed this story. Luna totally wrecked that fourth wall.

I'm just disappointed that nobody has gotten the "Toy Story" reference yet.

I KNOW RIGHT?!?! And thank you, I was pleasantly surprised when this story didn't get downvoted to Tartarus :rainbowlaugh::twilightoops:

-sigh- back to those other 15 notifications now that showed up when I logged on today :twilightsmile:

Erm, akshually . . . :twistnerd:

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