• Published 4th Oct 2012
  • 6,038 Views, 222 Comments

The Griffon War: A Soldier's Memoirs - Dusk Quill

The journal of a front line soldier in the Royal Guard.

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Chapter 5

Morning came slowly to the weary Fleethoof. The pony sat at the edge of Skyfall, staring out at the highland plains that led across the griffon lands as the morning sun rose across them. Sleep had avoided him the night before. The silence was too unsettling after the sounds of battle, much as how the silence of the morning made his stomach twist now.

The Equestrian army had just begun to stir behind him, gathering up their equipment and getting ready for another day of war. He could hear friends separating, bidding goodbye and good luck to one another, vows of buying rounds of cider when they returned going about.

But he could still hear the worry and doubt in their voices. Not everypony knew they were going to make it back. Fleethoof sighed and picked up his rifle, returning the join the group of the damned. Many had already been divided up between the officers and sergeants into smaller platoons.

“Hey, Fleethoof!”

Shining Armor’s voice caught the pony’s attention. The unicorn was flagging him over to where a mass of ponies stood, Captain Phalanx and Cuirass addressing the soldiers. Fleethoof trotted over to stand next to his friend, hoping he hadn’t missed too much.

“Everypony else, listen for your names and who your CO will be. This will determine where you are heading today,” Captain Phalanx called out, levitating a long scroll to his face.

One by one, the captain ran through the list of names, and one by one, the ponies went off with other groups. Fleethoof watched as each group left the city, heading off to battle. He hadn't realized how many ponies had come across with them. Gradually, the mass of the army was dispersed until only a small group of about sixty ponies were left.

“…Private Valiant, Corporal Shining Armor, and Corporal Fleethoof, you are all in my outfit. The rest of you will remain in Skyfall with Captain Cuirass and hold the city,” Captain Phalanx said. “Reinforcements will arrive within a few weeks, but you should all be fine. You’re the best of Equestria. Just keep your heads down, guns up, and listen to your COs.”

Fleethoof separated himself off with the rest of his group, doing a quick head count. Twenty ponies, including himself—just twenty ponies. What were they going to do with such a small group?

“All right, everypony, we’re pushing deeper into the kingdom. Expect the Skyfall welcome everywhere we go,” Phalanx said, leading the group out of the city’s eastern gate. “We’re taking the south road to Midgard. From there we’ll proceed north to the capital of Asgard. 2nd Company will arrive at Midgard before we do, so we’ll be cleaning up their mess and regroup with them before we take Asgard. Hooah?”

Everypony gave a hurrah in response. A single cart filled with weapons, ammo, and supplies was handed off to them as they passed through the gates. Before them, Fleethoof could see an expanse of wide, hilly grasslands, surrounded on all sides by a never-ending mountain range. The air was cooler on the highlands, with hints of moisture on the wind as it rolled across the land. Everything was so calm and quiet; it put the pony on edge.

“All right, squad, let’s move! We’ve got a ways to go and not a lot of time,” the captain said, and then they were on the move.

Two ponies pulled the cart while the rest marched along in front of and behind it, hooves clopping in near-perfect rhythm against the old cobblestone path. The road spun off in several different directions like cracks in a pane of glass. Off in the distance, Fleethoof could just make out the dispersed Equestrian army, heading off in every which way. He may have been new to the war scene, but if they didn’t need the army sticking together en masse, he guessed the griffons’ homeland wasn’t that large.

Nopony said a word for the longest time. They all marched in silence, unicorns, pegasi, and Earth ponies side by side. Fleethoof guessed the first battle must’ve still been taking a toll on them also. Eventually, a few ponies would start a song or a chant, and one by one, the rest of the group would join in. Then bouts of silence would return. Then more song or idle chatter. And on the pattern went for the rest of the morning.

“It’s the Summer Sun Celebration back home today,” Shining Armor said after some time, receiving multiple murmurs of remembrance from the other soldiers. “Everypony’s gonna be celebrating today while we fight to keep them safe.”

“We have Celestia’s blessing with us today. We’ll do our families proud,” Captain Phalanx remarked. Fleethoof nodded—that they would.

But one thing continued to trouble Fleethoof, and it worried him every time he glanced back at the ponies he was with.

“Captain,” he said, approaching his officer so as not to alert the others. “Why did you choose so few ponies? There are just twenty of us. We can’t do anything significant.”

Phalanx caught him off guard with a stern stare.

“I chose the soldiers I knew perform the best,” said the captain. “There is plenty we can do with twenty ponies. One pony can change an entire war. One pony can be the difference between victory and defeat, and don’t you ever think otherwise.”

Fleethoof was too surprised to say anything. When he didn’t get a response, Phalanx heaved a sigh and continued.

“You’re young, Fleethoof. You haven’t seen enough yet to know that everypony and everything always matters. Every little detail means something. You still have much to learn if you’re going to be an effective officer.”

Fleethoof furrowed his brow in bewilderment. “What do you mean, sir?”

“Weren’t you to be promoted? Did I hear Cuirass wrong?” he asked, casting a knowing smirk to the soldier at his side. “If you want to be an officer, prove that to me. Stop thinking negatively. Put some trust in your fellow soldiers. At the end of the day, they’re the only ones watching out for you.”

Fleethoof let that process in his mind while falling back into line with his comrades as they marched ever onward down the road. The hills rose and fell around them, distorting the horizon. He didn’t know how far they’d travelled, but it had been a few hours, that was certain.


An unexpected nudge to his side caught Fleethoof’s attention. A sandy-brown colt was beside him now, smiling a little. His deep, purple mane hung down over his teal eyes slightly, but he could make them out. The pony was a pegasus was well, his wings folded against his sides. At his end, Fleethoof could just make out a silver heart on his flank.

“I just wanted to say thanks,” he continued, smiling all the while as if it was a completely normal conversation. Fleethoof gave him a quizzical look, hoping he’d get some sort of context clue. “You, uh, you saved my life yesterday. Indirectly, but you did. So, thanks for the save. I owe you one.”

“Oh, you’re welcome,” said Fleethoof, still as confused as ever. “How did I save you again?”

“You stopped that big gun in the plaza yesterday,” the pony said. Fleethoof’s eyes lit up as realization came over him. “I was part of that group way at the front. I would’ve been killed for sure if you hadn’t stopped them.”

“I can’t take all the credit for that. I had a lot of help,” Fleethoof admitted with a sheepish grin. “I’m glad I could help though. What’s your name?”

The pony beamed and saluted. “Private Valiant, at your service!” Fleethoof laughed and saluted back.

“Corporal Fleethoof, at yours.”

“If there’s anything I can ever do to repay you, Fleethoof, you let me know!”

He couldn’t help but laugh at that. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

The rest of the day passed between idle conversation and walking—lots and lots of walking. The cities were much more spread apart than Equestria’s were. That, or the griffons just didn’t have many metropolises.

Just as Fleethoof was beginning to wonder how far away they were, the squad reached the crest of a hill, they saw a valley below, nestled between the hills. A gorge ran the length of the gully, vanishing between the hills. The sound of a river flowing could be heard. A stone bridge crossed the gorge, and a small town sat between the ponies and their path. Below, griffons could be seen about the village.

“Steady, colts,” Captain Phalanx said back to them while they made their way down the path towards the town. “We don’t know if there’s any hostiles here yet. Keep your guard up and eyes high. Remember your rules of engagement. Nopony fires unless fired upon.”

Everypony suddenly fell dead silent, several of them even making sure their weapons were chambered and ready. Fleethoof held his rifle tight as they came into the town, giving a quick glance to Valiant and Shining Armor. Both ponies looked just as on edge and agitated as he felt.

The moment they crossed into the town, the griffons stopped everything they were doing and stared. Conversations died. It was unsettling how quiet it had become. Glares came at them from every side. Mothers pulled their children indoors. Fleethoof glared back at them, and noticed some of the other ponies were doing the same, just waiting for one of them to make a move. They were very obviously not welcomed.

“Sir, I don’t like this,” somepony nearby muttered.

“Steady, soldier. Remember, we do nothing unless provoked,” said Phalanx, his voice cool and steady—the voice of a veteran who had been in this very situation before.

Fleethoof swallowed hard and continued down the road, trying his best to keep his eyes forward. It was an impossible task. All around him, he could hear the almost inaudible mutterings of the griffons as they walked by. Silent slanders and muted curses were muttered under their breaths as the squad pressed on.

“Hey mules! Why don’t you save yourselves the trouble and give up now? Maybe then you’ll all make it back alive!” a griffon called out from somewhere in the crowd.

You’re Equestria’s army? I’ve seen scarier things in my toilet!”

“Happy Sunny Sun Day, or whatever, you soulless murderers! Is this when you all line up to kiss your princess’s fat, lazy ass?”

A sudden scuffling sound caught Fleethoof’s attention. He and the rest of the squad turned to see two ponies being held back by their struggling friends, seething and snorting as they tried to charge the cocksure griffon that uttered that slander.

“You wanna say that to my face, featherbrain?!” one of the enraged ponies shouted back. The griffons laughed and jeered.

“Back in line!” Captain Phalanx yelled, glaring at the two as they fought for a moment more, then relaxed and returned to formation with scowls.

The squad was now halfway through the town; just a little bit more and they’d be free and clear. Griffons had taken to the rooftops now, leering down at them from their lofty perches. Fleethoof did not like having his enemies overhead, not one bit. As they crossed through an intersection, two large male griffons walked from the sidewalk and blocked the path, crossing their arms to make give their defiance physicality. The group halted, everypony tensing up. They were ready for a fight. All they needed was the excuse. Phalanx just held up a hoof to signal them to stop, then walked up to the two till he was right in their faces.

The entire town was deathly silent as the pony faced off with his larger adversaries. Ponies gripped tight to their guns, putting all their trust in their officer. Fleethoof felt his breath coming in fast and shallow as his eyes darted around to keep an eye out for any threats. Not a single word was said. Captain Phalanx glared into the eyes of his opposition, fire burning in his irises as their wills collided, a hoof placed subtly on his sidearm.

Fleethoof saw the feathers of one of the two ruffle, and a moment later he backed down. The captain then turned his steely gaze to the last remaining one, and he folded like a house of cards as well. He turned back to his soldiers and motioned for them to proceed with a flick of his head.

The squad pressed on down the road, making it out of the town a few minutes later. The ponies at the rear watched their flank as they approached the bridge. A couple of griffons had gathered at the edge of town, watching them as they began across the gorge, but did nothing in defiance. Fleethoof breathed a sigh of relief as they crossed the gap. They’d made it out without incident. Beside him, Shining Armor exhaled deeply as well.

“You know, for a moment, I was su—”


The bridge shook with a violent lurch upward before falling apart beneath their hooves. Fleethoof was knocked back while he scrambled backwards, just barely able to grasp onto the edge of the destroyed bridge. He could hear the screams of ponies as they fell to their deaths, risking a glance down to see a few of his fellow soldiers falling down, down to the river at the bottom. To his side, Shining Armor and another soldier grunted and also held on for dear life.

“Everypony get back! Back away from the edge! It could still collapse!” Captain Phalanx ordered, and then a few gunshots snapped through the air close by.

“We’re taking fire from the rear!”

“Return fire!” the captain hollered, and then louder gunfire erupted on the bridge.

Fleethoof groaned as he tried to pull himself up, struggling a little to grasp the loose cobblestones. If he fell, he was done—his wing was still too wounded to lift his weight yet. Shining Armor managed to hoist himself up, helping the other soldier get back to his hooves. Fleethoof pulled himself up again—and felt his hoof slip off the cobblestone, leaving him hanging on by one hoof. He cried out, making the mistake of staring down at the rushing water so far below. A chill ran down his spine as he dared to imagine what that icy water would feel like stabbing into his skin from all over.

“Hold on, Fleethoof! I got ya!”

Fleethoof glanced back up as Valiant landed at the edge, grasping his hoof and tugging him up despite the great risk of tumbling down with him. The corporal managed to get his other hoof back up, and with the assistance, was hoisted back up to safety. The scene on the bridge was complete chaos. Ponies had taken up defensive positions behind the cart and in the open, keeping their eyes on the town. A couple more had been shot and lay across the ground in spreading pools of blood.

“I don’t see them anymore, sir!”

“They’re in there, and we have to go back.” Phalanx gave a bitter growl and reloaded his weapon. “Everypony back through the town. Keep it tight, check your corners.”

Fleethoof was breathing heavy now, his forehead slick with sweat from fear and muscles quivering like gelatin. He clutched his rifle close to his chest, feeling the blood pounding in his ears like a drum. The squad, now further diminished, advanced into the hostile town again, guns up and ready. The civilians had all but abandoned the streets by now. Doors and windows were shut. The active village had become a ghost town in a matter of minutes.

The wind ran through the empty streets with a shrill whistle, making Fleethoof’s feathers rustle anxiously. His eyes scanned the buildings ahead of them. It was way too quiet... A door slammed shut behind them, and he and several other ponies jumped and spun around, guns aimed in various directions. Nopony could seem to pinpoint where the noise had come from, but nothing was there. They were messing with their heads.

They had reached the town square again, crossing the abandoned and vulnerable intersection in a slow procession. A shot went off behind them and high. Fleethoof turned just as a series of shots was returned, spotting a griffon up on a roof collapse and fall to the street, a revolver clutched in his talons. It was one of the griffons the captain had faced off with a moment ago. It took Fleethoof a good while to comprehend what was happening. The civilians were fighting them too.

Phalanx motioned with his head to move onward. The troops moved faster down the road. They were all more than eager to get out of the danger zone and keep moving. Fleethoof’s ears perked up when he heard a set of door hinges creak to his side. He turned to see a griffon emerging from the back door of a store. He leveled his rifle, and the griffon flinched and dove back into the building. He breathed out and lowered his weapon again. False alarm.

Bang! Bang!

Two bullets were fired from above them. Somepony called out while another one fired back. The griffon dove to his belly on the roof just out of view. Valiant and another pegasus flew up to the roof to intercept him before he escaped. A surprised cry came from the roof, followed by a duo of shots before the ponies returned to the squad.

They were almost out of the town by now. Just a few dozen more meters and they would be in the clear. Just as they passed by another side alleyway, the soldier in front of Fleethoof hesitated, looking around cautiously. Fleethoof paused, and another gunshot exploded beside his head. The skull of the pony in front of him exploded in a dense red mist as he jerked to the side, and then his body dropped. Fleethoof turned on his hooves and saw a griffon turn to dash down the alley. He fired three shots into the enemy’s back, watching as he stumbled with each shot and fell to the ground dead.

“Pony down!” somepony shouted. Fleethoof dropped to a crouch beside the body of his fallen comrade, still holding out hope that he was okay. The pony was very much dead, a puddle of blood forming beneath his head. Fleethoof held his breath to try and control his gag reflex. He didn't want to start vomiting in the middle of a combat zone.

“Grab the body, put it in the cart with the others,” Captain Phalanx said, drawing his pistol with a cool, controlled grip as he scanned the rooftops.

It took Fleethoof and another pony a couple of moments to load the pony into the cart. Fleethoof stared wide-eyed at the bodies inside. More had fallen than he thought had. The cart lurched forward all of a sudden, snapping the pony out of his stupor. They still had to get out. The squad made their way out of the silent town without another incident before taking off back the way they came at a gallop, very eager to get away with their lives. Only once the town was out of sight did Fleethoof let his nerves die down, his hooves still trembling against his gun as they plodded down the dusty road to Midgard.

By the time the sun had set and the moon had made its ascent across the nighttime heavens, the battered squad had made their way back onto the right path, well on the way to Midgard. They were a few days' journey outside of the city, having lost a good chunk of time with the direct route cut off. The tired ponies set up camp, a roaring fire burning bright in the darkness of the highlands to keep them warm from the chill of the mountainous night.

Fleethoof sat huddled close to the fire, eating his dinner in slow absentmindedness. His mind processed the day’s events, coming to terms with them easier than the day before. He had seen ponies killed today, but it wasn’t as startling to him like it had been at first. He had killed, but without a second thought this time. Shining Armor had been right—it did get easier each time.

“Valiant…” Fleethoof called out after a minute, getting the pegasus’s attention from across the fire. “Looks like you saved my life this time. I think we’re even now.”

Valiant smiled and chuckled under his breath, turning a book about in his hoof. “Yeah, I guess we can call it one-to-one now. I’m still keeping score though.”

That brought a smile to his face. He looked around the camp. The squad had dwindled down to twelve ponies now. His heart ached as he thought of the eight that had been lost today. Each one lost was somepony to somepony else back home. A hoof placed on his shoulder made him glance up, seeing Captain Phalanx standing beside him.

“Corporals Fleethoof and Shining Armor, I had been putting off giving you your ranks until we had taken Midgard… but after today’s surprises, I realize it was careless of me to underestimate the griffons. Anypony could have been lost today,” he said, looking between the pegasus and unicorn soldiers respectively. “So to be fair, as of tomorrow, you both receive your promotions to the rank of sergeant. I’m sorry I kept them from you.” He turned to the rest of the tired squad next. “Get some sleep, everypony. We have a lot of walking ahead of us. When we reach Midgard, we regroup with 2nd Company and get right back at it.”

Fleethoof followed Phalanx with his eyes as he trotted over to the cart and leant against it, his posture tense and his head hung low. He hadn’t seen the captain like this before. He was grieving, blaming himself for the ponies lost today. He swallowed hard, fighting back the emotion welling up inside of him, all while reaching into his bags with shaky hooves for his journal.

Nopony noticed the moon overhead, or its sudden lack of pony-shaped craters.

Sergeant Fleethoof
3rd Company, 1st Squad, Equestrian Army
The Griffon Lowlands

Dear Journal,

Happy Summer Sun Celebration.

We left Skyfall today, heading for Midgard. It’s apparently one of the griffons’ larger cities, and a main hub for their commerce and roads. My squad has had twenty ponies in it, but… we were ambushed. On the road to Midgard, we had to pass through a griffon settlement. At first, they just acted hostile, making comments and taunting us. It wasn’t anything we couldn’t handle.

But then they blew up a bridge underneath us.

I can still see the ponies falling beneath me. I can still hear their screams, and it terrifies me. That could have been me. That could have been me and I wouldn’t have been able to do a damn thing about it with my bad wing. I watched a pony get shot in front of me—right in fucking front of me! It keeps hitting me… I could have died so many times today, and I just... didn't. Why me? Why not me?

If it hadn’t been for Valiant, I would’ve fallen to my death on that bridge. If it hadn’t been for that pony in front of me, I would’ve been shot. I didn’t even know his name. I think my mortality is starting to get inside my head, Journal. But it’s so strange… I’m beginning to get used to the idea of death and fighting. Is that weird? I don’t know yet.

Soon we'll get to Midgard. Another big city… another big fight. Celestia protect me.