• Published 15th Dec 2023
  • 359 Views, 3 Comments

The Twilight Princesses - emerald_shine

Twilight finds herself meeting a strange creature from another world. Strangely, with a similar name.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Linky?

"Oh What the FUCK!"

The cry rang out throughout the Everfree Forest. The deliverer? A small imp-like creature sitting on her knees in a clearing. The creature gave a small jump as she heard a growling from her side. Another creature was sitting there. A wolf.

This wolf wasn't your every day timberwolf. The wolf had a mixture of grey and white fur and a chain around its left leg. The most curious thing, however, was the mark on its paw. Three triangles oriented in a way that they formed a fourth in the middle. Even weirder, this wolf seemed to be growling at itself.

The imp walked slowly over towards the wolf and laughed a little. "Hey there buddy!"

The wolf looked up from its chain and stared into the imp's eyes. His eyes widened as memories rushed back to him. The imp came a little closer. "Hold still there buddy. Remember? This doesn't hurt." She reached a hand towards his head and her hand began to glow a mysterious blue. A black and orange spike was drawn from the wolf's head into her hand.

The wolf collapsed to the ground as his legs became arms and his paws became hands. The chain disappeared and his muzzle shrunk into a human head. The human stood up. He was wearing a green cap with a green tunic. "Midna?"

The imp laughed. "Great! You remember me!"

"MIdna! It's been like nine years! Where the fuck have you been?"

The imp flew over his head and readjusted the fused shadow on her head. "Same place you saw me go, Linky! I was in the Twilight realm!" Midna looked around. "Although, I'm curious to know what this place is. I sense a very different magic around here. Not twilight magic. Something... different."

The human rolled his eyes. "I told you to stop calling me that!"

Midna flew over and touched his nose with a finger. "Come on LInk! Have some fun every once in a while." A thought flashed into her mind. A thought of what had happened the last time she had seen Link. "B-By the way Link, I was wonderi-"

Her sentence was cut off by growling heard from their sides. Three timberwolves had surrounded them. "Holy shit!" Midna yelped. "What the fuck is that thing?"

Link reached behind his right shoulder but instead found his hand coming back empty. "Midna! I don't have my sword! What do we do?"

Midna looked down at the spike in her hand. She floated over towards Link. Before Link could see what she was doing, she jammed the spike back into his head, causing him to transform back into a wolf. Midna floated over and landed on his back. "Great! Now attack!"

Link lunged at the first timberwolf and tackled it to the ground. It nipped at his ear and clawed at his back, but Link eventually took it down. He broke it into little wooden shards and spat some more pieces onto the ground. He looked back towards Midna and she nodded.

The area around them grew dark as an orange circle appeared around them. Moving carefully, Link positioned himself so that one of the beasts was contained in the circle. It began to glow with orange sparks. he moved to target the other and signaled to Midna.

Midna used her magic to enhance Link's attack and his attack speed and he darted between the two Timberwolves, knocking them both into pieces in one hit.

Link panted and Midna used her magic to transform him back into a human. "Hylia! What were those things."

Link continued panting as he rubbed his back. "I don't know. But they put up a hell of a fight. Anyways, what were you saying?"

Midna remembered quickly what she had been saying and blushed. "Oh. I was just thinking, since... You know, back at the mirror?"

"What about the mirror? Midna you're not making any sense!"

"All I'm thinking is, maybe..." Her voice trailed off as she began staring at something behind Link. Link turned around to see what she had been looking at. The pieces of the timberwolves were glowing an eerie green and they began floating and piecing themselves back together.

The wolves were soon baring their teeth as if nothing had happened. Midna jumped forward to return the spike to Link's head, but one of the timberwolves jumped and knocked the spike out of her hand. Midna let out a scream of pain as the wolf latched its teeth onto her arm and began to pull.

In this form, Midna was not a very heavy creature. So when the wolf began to pull, she wasn't able to put up much resistance. Link jumped forward and began attempting to separate the two, but he was attacked by the remaining two wolves who knocked him down and began attacking him.

Eventually, Link passed out from blood loss. The attack had been going on for about three minutes. Link had multiple claw marks across his stomach and bite marks across his arms. His tunic was stained crimson with blood. Midna screamed his name as she continued frantically shaking her arm. She was lucky it was still attached to her body.

She finally got the wolf off of her and she too fell to the ground. As everything began to go to black, she saw a yellow figure dart out of the trees. It had wings and pink hair. It almost looked like it was staring them down? That wasn't possible, Midna thought to herself, as everything went black.

* * *

Midna let out a small groan as she sat up in bed. She found herself waking up with her arm in a pool of black liquid on her bed, which she quickly realized was her own blood. Midna looked over to her arm. She noticed it had been bandaged and put into a sling. She winced as she attempted to move it and found that it still hurt like the devil.

So that wasn't a dream? That all really happened? Why am I still in this cursed form? Where's Link? She looked around and saw that she was in some kind of cottage. There were animals running everywhere and it all had some sort of cozy feel to it. It almost felt too happy. Midna shivered.

"Sorry about that." The same yellow figure from before came walking down the stairs. Midna winced as she raised both of her arms to rub her eyes. She was definitely seeing this right. In front of her, was a yellow pony with wings that was talking to her. "I kept needing to change your bandages. There was nothing I could do overnight though. A pony has to sleep every few nights." The pony walked over to the window and stared out into the twilight. "Not that anypony really knows what night is anymore. How are you this morning?"

Midna looked at her confused. She looked to the window but the pony lowered the blinds. "Um. Fine."

The pony smiled. "That's great! You're lucky I heard you guys from here. Timberwolves are vicious creatures. Most ponies don't survive an encounter like that." The pony walked over and examined Midna's arm. "Strange. The herbal medicine that I put on your arm should have healed it."

Midna winced as the pony began to unwrap the bandage. She tilted her head as she saw a bunch of withered leaves around the wound. "That's weird. Here, let me wrap your arm again."

The pony walked over to the counter and grabbed a roll of gauze with her wing. "Hang on a second. Miss?"

"Fluttershy. What's wrong?"

"I have so many questions. First of all, where's Link?"

"That human? He's upstairs."

"I have to see him!"

"Oh! So you two are together? I was conflicted on whether or not to put you in the same bed or not."

Midna felt her face go red at the sound of that. She laughed in her head as she contemplated the thought. "No no! Nothing like that! He's just an old friend!" Fluttershy nodded and Midna decided to keep asking questions. "What did you mean nobody knows what night is anymore?"

Fluttershy walked to the window and raised the blinds to reveal the dark glow coming from the outside. "For the past three days, there's been a perpetual twilight over the entire land of Equestria. Princess Twilight said she would do whatever she could to fix it but we haven't gotten any results for the past few days."

Midna couldn't help but start laughing. "Your princess is named Twilight?"

"Twilight Sparkle. Why?"

Midna winced again as Fluttershy began wrapping her arm. "No reason. It's amusing that Princess Twilight has to fix the twilight over the land!"

Fluttershy gave a small laugh. "I suppose it is kind of funny."

Midna's face changed quickly from laughter to concern. "Is Link okay?"

"He's been off and on. He almost got killed by that attack. Don't worry though, I think I fixed him up well enough." Fluttershy pulled over a chair and sat down. "So, out of curiosity, what kind of creature are you? I've never seen a creature like you around before."

Midna hesitated over her answer. "Um, I'm a Twili."

"A Twili? What's that?"

"I'm from the realm of Twilight." MIdna gestured to her whole body. "Usually, I'm not in such an unflattering form but I was cursed a long time ago and it seems re-entering the twilight has restored that curse."

"Re-entering the twilight? You've seen this magic before?"

Midna sighed. "Yes. Usually, the glow of twilight is something beautiful. It's usually not this. A few years ago, a bad man attacked the Twilight Realm and corrupted the Twilight magic, turning it into a dark force. I don't know how it's gotten here but I have a hypothesis."

"You don't think that man could be here do you?"

Midna slowly shook her head. "It's a possibility.I just want to know how I ended up here."

"I don't know if this helps, but when I found you, there was some weird flying blue and black square in the sky with a spiral in the middle."

Midna's eyes widened.That sounded like a description of the portals that she and Link had used to travel around Hyrule. She wasn't sure how one had gotten here. But she was sure that that was her ticket home. Midna sat up but Fluttershy got up and pushed her down. "Please! Don't get up! You need rest to heal. What do you need?"

"I need to talk to Link!"

"I can try to set up some form of communication. You really won't want to move too much."

"It's okay! I can see him without moving!"

Fluttershy tilted her head so Midna decided to demonstrate. She focused her energy. If everything here was the same as it had been, then her shadow should still be connected to Link's. She began to dissolve and she appeared upstairs in Link's room, emerging from his shadow.

Fluttershy rushed upstairs, shocked at what she had just seen. "Wow! You're some sort of shadow creature! You might be able to help Equestria!"

Midna sighed. Not another world to save. She reached down and kicked Link's leg, waking him up with a start. "Ow! What the hell Midna!"

Midna tossed him a bottle with a red liquid inside and pulled another out of her shadow and began to drink it. "Heal up fairy boy! It look like we're saving another fucking universe."

Link looked at the bottle, disgusted. "Midna! Where did you get this?"

Midna laughed as her arm's wound began to close up. "What? You didn't stock pile souvenirs from last time?"

Link studied the bottle. "Midna! This says "Malo Mart 2016!"

Midna floated over and grabbed the bottle from Link. She uncorked it and shoved the head into his mouth. "Just drink it you baby! It still works fine."

Fluttershy watched with awe as she saw the dynamic between the two heroes. "I can bring you guys to Princess Twilight! I'm sure she'd love to meet you!"

Midna nodded as Link got out of the bed and stretched. Fluttershy clapped her hooves. "Okay! Follow me!"

Fluttershy walked downstairs as Link walked over to Midna's side. As Midna was floating out, and Link was walking by her side, Link grabbed her hand and faced her back towards him.

Midna found herself blushing again and she said, "What?"

Link sighed. "Listen Midna. No matter what happens with this Hylia forsaken twilight again, I want you to know that, well, I guess what I'm trying to say is..."

Midna cut him off by jumping forward and connecting her lips to his. Link pulled back a little in shock but then gave in to Midna. When the two separated, Midna said, "I've wanted to do that again ever since the first time. At the mirror! Remember?"

The two embraced as the memories came flooding back to Link.

They heard a gasp from the staircase outside the room. "I knew it!"

"Go away Fluttershy!" Midna yelled as she looked back into Link's eyes. "This is our moment." She said softly.

Comments ( 3 )

Warning Anomaly detected
Now this is something im gonna watch!

Aw Thx! I'm glad you're enjoying this!

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