• Published 14th Dec 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Curse of the 13th Ghost - ponydog127

In the season three opener, our favorite ponies, Alphabittle and Queen Haven meet up with Mystery Incorporated in order to track down the last of thirteen ghosts they had hunted years ago.

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Mystery Inc Members Reunited/The Case Closes

While their friends and families were trying to make their way inside, Kova, the rest of Mystery Inc and the Mane 6 were slowly walking through the halls of the temple, cautious and watching out for Asmodeus, all while looking for Vincent and the Chest of Demons.

They had to be close… Kova could feel it in her wings.

Suddenly, a faint sound could be heard, causing Daphne to stop the group as she looked around. When they got moving, she heard that same sound again, and came up with a hypnothesis to what it could be. “Izzy… did you take off your balloon-pack before we got moving?”

“Uh…” Izzy gulped nervously. “Sure did!”

But as she, Shaggy and Scooby moved forward a bit, Zipp saw the balloons hanging from Izzy’s backpack and tugged on their cord, sending her back onto her rear and causing her to chuckle nervously. “Uh… where did those come from…?”

“Izzy, we’re supposed to not get noticed!” Zipp whispered. “Somepony like Asmodeus could see the balloons and they would be onto us!”

“I couldn’t do it with just my hooves! No thumbs!” Izzy said before pointing at Scooby. “Scooby was supposed to help me take this thing off but he forgot?”

Scooby chuckled nervously at this. “Oops.”

Daphne looked at the Great Dane sternly. “Scooby…”

“Shh! Like, would you guys keep it down?” Shaggy asked from where he and Kova were sitting. “Kova and I are trying to hear what Vincent and Asmodeus are talking about.”

This caught everyone’s attention immediately. “Huh?”

Daphne, Scooby and the Mane 6 approached the side of the railing with their friends and looked down to see Vincent with the Chest of Demons in his arms, and Asmodeus was stalking up closer to him… but what caught them offguard was the fact that they were having a conversation. “Then take it!” Vincent said to the demon king. “Strike me down and take it, if that's what you wish.”

However, Asmodeus did no such thing. “I won’t.”

“That’s right,” Vincent taunted. “Because the chest can only be opened by the living. You need me.”

“NONSENSE!!” Asmodeus roared. “Now hand over the chest!”

“We have to do something!” Sunny whispered. “I don’t think Vincent is going to be able to stall much longer!”

“But you don’t have your magic!” Kova argued. “How are we going to fight back?”

“...we’re not,” Hitch said, getting an idea. “We’re going to try and get Asmodeus away from Vincent so we can get him to a safer place.”

“Okay,” said Zipp, “but do you have any ideas on how we can do that?”

Hitch looked around and saw a large white cloth nearby, and then glanced at Pipp and Zipp’s wings before glancing at Daphne. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I think so,” Daphne smiled. “Let’s do this!”


While the others were formulating a plan to save Vincent and the chest, the shopkeeper and Ciela used a bottle of what they call ‘Lotsa Luck Joy Juice’ to melt the snow around the doors so they could get in with the ghost chasing gear, impressing Fred further. “Unbelievable!”

“Yeah,” the shopkeeper smirked. “This stuff melts anything.

Suddenly, Vincent’s voice could be heard further into the temple. “Take it!”

“I think I hear something! Come on!” Ciela urged, and the group rushed after the leopard and into the dark hallways.


“I would've thought all this toying around was beneath you. Maybe the great king of demons isn't quite the fierce monster we thought he was,” Vincent said, avoiding Asmodeus’ fire blasts as best he could while taunting him. “Let us be done with this. I've lost everything to you in this decades-old fight, starting with my best friend! If Mortifer were here…”

“Well, he isn't, is he?” Asmodeus challenged with a growl. “He's gone forever. And soon, you can join him.”

Suddenly, a ghostly moaning caused them to turn, and a large white ghost (which was really Scooby, Shaggy and Daphne standing on each others' shoulders under the white sheet they found earlier) came out of the shadows, while Pipp and Zipp used their wings to create an unearthly wind while Scooby spoke in a ghost-like voice. “I am the 14th ghost... whoooo...

Misty quietly sighed at this. “Oh boy... why did we think this was a good idea?”

“Just wait for the signal, Misty,” Zipp whispered. “That’s when we'll dive in and get the chest.”

Asmodeus stared at the so called ghost with a skeptic look. “There is no 14th ghost.”

Like that's what yoooooou think...” Shaggy moaned in a ghostly manner. Asmodeus took the opportunity to lunge for the group, causing Vincent to quickly react, throwing the chest down before leaping onto Asmodeus, and causing both of them to fall to the ground.

Pipp gasped as soon as she saw the chest land. “The chest! We have to move now!”

“You’re right!” Sunny nodded. “Ponies, Kova, move out!”

Kova took to the air as the ponies charged toward Asmodeus and the chest, but Asmodeus was able to grab Kova out of thin air and threw her into the ponies, causing them to fall into a heap on the floor. After a moment, Izzy chose to speak. “Okay... it may just be me, but that went so much better in my head!”

While the ponies and Kova were down, Asmodeus took the chance and grabbed the chest before making a run for it, much to Vincent’s horror. “No!!”

“Vincent!” Kova exclaimed and tried to follow him, but she could barely move from under the stack of ponies trying to get to their feet, and before she knew it, Vincent was out of sight.

And as the group tried to figure out their next move, the others looked down at them from the top of the balcony. “Is that Asmodeus?” Ciela asked, looking down at the disguised group. “Nope,” Velma said as she took out one of the ghost-chasing devices. “But a ghost's a ghost!”

“Huh? Hi,” Scooby waved from underneath the sheet. “I think it's doing something!” Queen Haven cried. “Velma, now!” the shopkeeper cried. “Use the Vaccu-Spook!”

“Oh no...” Misty cried out before she and the other ponies blocked their friends. “Dad, Queen Haven, no! This is a misunderstanding!”

“Wait, huh?” Ciela looked confused until Daphne and the boys removed their disguise. “Daphne? Shaggy, Scooby?” Fred questioned. “Ha! Nice human pyramid.”

The shopkeeper immediately recognized those names, lighting up with a smile. “Did you say Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby?!”

Those three immediately recognized their old friend with excited smiles. “Flim-Flam?!”

“Oh, you all know each other! That's great!” Ciela smiled. “Hold on a second,” said Velma, turning to the shopkeeper in confusion. “I thought your name was Benny.”

“Oh no,” Flim-Flam said. “Benny owns the shop. I'm just the eye candy.”

Ciela then chuckled nervously. “Did I forget to tell you his name when we first met? Whoopsie...!”

“Flim-Flam, is it really you?” Daphne asked. “Of course it's me!” Flim-Flam said as he ran down the stairs to greet his old friends. “Like, dude,” said Shaggy, “you grew up!”

“Fast,” Scooby agreed, causing Flim-Flam to nod. “I was long overdue for a growth spurt. Daphne, your hair is totally different. Shaggy, I've never seen you wear a shirt that isn't red.”

“Hiya!” Scooby happily licked Flim-Flam in the face. “And Scooby-Doo!” Flim-Flam exclaimed. “You haven't changed one bit. You know, I thought that red van was familiar. Oh! And this is Ciela!”

The pink leopard bowed to her new friends with a smile. “The pleasure is all mine. Flim-Flam's told me all about you guys, but I never thought I'd get to meet you!”

“It’s great to meet you too, Ciela,” Daphne smiled, rubbing her head. “We owe you one for keeping Flim-Flam here out of trouble.”

“Well,” said Fred, “looks like the gang is finally all here.”

“Come on,” Kova quickly urged. “We’ve gotta find Vincent before he winds up in even more trouble!”

“Wait wait wait… Vincent Van Ghoul is here too?!” Ciela asked. “Was nobody going to pick up a phone?”

With Kova and her light leading them, the group set off down the hallway that Asmodeus and Vincent disappeared down, eventually reaching a larger room at the end.

When they got there, everyone gasped in shock-- Vincent was laying back against the edge of a fountain, groaning in pain, and the Chest of Demons was no longer in sight! “Vincent!” Kova cried, flying over to him with Ciela and Flim-Flam in pursuit. “Kova? Flim-Flam?” Vincent asked with surprise. “Oh, this is quite a reunion. But I'm afraid it's too late! The world is doomed, and it's all my fault!”

“That’s crazy!” Flim-Flam said. “You, me, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby? We all fought the 13 ghosts.”

“And we helped with this mission too,” Sunny said. “And if it really is the end,” Alphabittle frowned, “we’re all responsible.”

“No, you don’t understand,” Vincent explained, shaking his head. “The portrait hanging in my family's castle. It isn't of me but my ancestor.”

This caused the others to glance at him in confusion, just before Vincent began telling them a story. “The first to bear the name Van Ghoul. He was the most powerful sorcerer the world has ever known… but power corrupts. Little by little, he used his magic to twist the will of man into his service. But the powers of good conspired to relieve my ancestor of his self-appointed throne. He was defeated, stripped of his mortality, trapped in a specially-crafted inescapable prison. Where, unfortunately, he had nothing but to wait and grow his already substantial powers. In life, he was called Asamad Van Ghoul. But now he goes by…”

After piecing everything together, Ciela and Zipp reached the same conclusion as to who Vincent’s ancestor turned out to be. “Asmodeus…”

“I’m the last of the Van Ghouls,” Vincent concluded. “And as such, the crimes of my ancestor are my responsibility and mine alone. I'm sorry I never told you.”

“Vincent… I understand exactly what you’re going through,” Misty said, stepping forward. “For years, I served an evil alicorn who was bent on conquering Equestria, and even after she was defeated, I still felt really guilty about it. And I’m sure Ciela and Kova can agree, neither of them are proud for serving Allura when she had eyes on them like a hawk. What matters now is that you have friends here who care about you, and that we’re gonna help you end this fight, no matter what. Right, everypony?”

“Right,” Kova agreed. “That’s a hoof to heart promise right there.”

“So… I say that we should all band together,” said Queen Haven, “find this king of demons and get the Chest of Demons back! What do you say, everypony?”


Everyone immediately turned to see Asmodeus at the top of a very large staircase, the Chest of Demons in his grasp. “It’s finished!” he roared. “The chest is mine!”

And just like that… the Chest of Demons was opened.

Lights and mist came swirling out of the chest and into the room, as did a horrendous smell that caused many to cover their noses in disgust. “He’s releasing the ghosts!” Misty cried. “We’re too late, and we’re powerless to stop him!”

“What kind of attitude is that?” Fred asked before getting out a set of pom-poms and waving them around while chanting. “We’ve got spirits, yes we do! We’ve got spirits, how about… uh…”

Everyone looked at him in such a strange manner in that moment, and Queen Haven found the moment to chuckle nervously. “Freddy, darling, I think we can all agree that this is CLEARLY bad timing.”

“Yeah… you’re right, your highness,” Fred cleared his throat. “Bad timing.”

“HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!” Asmodeus cackled at the top of his lungs. “Velma, now!” Flim-Flam shouted. “Use the Vaccu-Spook!”

Velma stepped forward with the device in her hands, the others watching in suspense so she could turn it on and get this nightmare over with. However, upon realizing something, Velma laid the device on the ground. “No.”

“Velma, what in Equestria are you doing?!” Zipp cried. “The Vaccu-Spook is the only thing that can stop him now!”

However, Velma ignored her and walked over to Vincent. “Mr. Van Ghoul, something’s bothering me.”

“Is it the smell?”

“In the last day,” Velma began, “I've seen everything I believed turned upside down. Ghosts and demons were real. So I decided to play by that set of rules.”

However, Daphne was still confused. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying,” Velma continued, “that rules are rules. And the first rule of the Chest of Demons is that it can only be opened by the living.”

While many of the group gasped at this, Izzy was the only one to speak. “She’s abso-tootly right!”

Asmodeus seemed to realize that the group found this out, sealing the chest again before trying to make a break for it. “Yes she is,” Daphne smirked. “Sparky, toss me the Vaccu-Spook!”

The little dragon did as requested and tossed Daphne the device before she smiled at her friends. “I think it's time we see who this king of demons really is.”

Upon activation, Daphne used the Vaccu-Spook to pull Asmodeus closer to them until his head, which was just a mask, came right off and revealed who was under the mask.

Underneath the costume was a man who was overweight, partially bald, with brownish hair, slightly grayish, with a curly mustache.

But while the rest of Mystery Inc, the ponies, Sparky and the leopards were confused on who this man was, Vincent’s eyes widened in surprise and complete confusion. “It... it can't be! I saw you die!”

“Die? Wait a minute...” Zipp immediately paused. “Does that mean that... this is Mortifer?!”


“Neigh way!”

“That’s not possible!”

“Hold on...” Ciela whispered. “Who's Mortifer?”

Mortifer decided to ignore the comments and turned back to Vincent. “You saw an illusion. I was always good with illusions. The magician that tricked the wizard.”

“But... but this doesn’t make any sense!” Sunny said, running forward with Kova. “Why did you do all this? Vincent’s your best friend!”

“I wanted the chest from Vincent, but he wouldn’t let it go,” Mortifer sneered at Vincent. “You thought it called to you. You never saw for what it really is-- an artifact. Ancient, beautiful, and priceless.”


Everyone looked at that moment to see Bernie Alan emerge from the shadows with a smirk. “Then how'd you come up with 10 million? That's your asking number, isn't it, Quinch?”

“Bernie Alan?” Fred raised an eyebrow. “Boy, are you a bad penny.”

“More like a bad check, Freddy,” Pipp spoke up. “Bernie Alan?” the tourist man said in a British accent. “Ha! I think not.”

Just then, his disguise ripped off, revealing a slender British man underneath, much to the group’s surprise. “Vance Linklater. Undercover Interpol detective and amateur figure skater. Swarm, boys!”

Just then, FBI agents poured in through the ceiling and handcuffed Mortifer instantly, surprising the group even further than before. “Okay, okay, okay. Is this an episode of ‘Things Get Weirder and Weirder’?” asked Hitch in confusion. “What’s going on right now?”

“Well, sir, we’ve been tracking old Quinchie here for months ever since he began reaching out to the world's wealthiest collectors about selling them the legendary Chest of Demons,” Vance explained. “But the trail went cold after your garage sale, kids. So, lucky I was in town for the upper Himalayas Men's Interpretive Semi-finals.”

“Hold on,” said Shaggy in confusion. “Like, if you're a cop, then, like, why did you run away from us?”

“I’m afraid of teenagers.”

Even with Vance’s ridiculous excuse, Daphne did begin to put the pieces that they had missed together. “So it was only about profiting off the sale of an ancient relic.”

“And that means,” said Zipp, finishing the conclusion, “that is was never about releasing the 13 ghosts!”

“But speaking of which, where are they?” Misty asked. “We saw the chest open, but what was with all that vapor?”

Scooby, Kova and Ciela began to sniff at the chest for a moment before coughing in disgust, and Shaggy approached and instantly saw what was wrong. “Oh man!”

“Shaggy?” Queen Haven said. “What is it, dear?”

“I think I shipped Vincent the wrong Chest of Demons,” Shaggy said, showing the group all the rotten food inside. “This… this one's the cooler I bought off Flim-Flam!”

“Told you I sold one,” Flim-Flam said. “But even if it is the wrong chest,” said Sunny, “that still doesn’t explain all the lights and screaming mist.”

Flim-Flam chuckled and pointed to a switch on the side of the chest. “That's just part of the premium, total-immersion package.”

“So… we were never in any real danger with the Chest of Demons around?” Alphabittle said before sighing in relief. “That’s such a relief…”

“Well, you all have been a great help,” Vance told the combined teams. “You should think about solving mysteries full-time.”

Pipp let out a chuckle at such a claim. “If only he knew…”

“Wait a second,” Daphne said. “We’re not done here.”

“Oh, yeah!” Fred realized and went over to Mortifer, whispering what he wanted Mortifer to say. “Huh? I would've gotten away with it… if it weren't for you meddling kids?”

This caused everyone to sigh in relief. “That’s better,” Misty smiled. “I’m just glad we’re all together, safe and sound.”

“Believe me, dear. So are we,” Queen Haven smiled. “Alphie and I are so proud of all of you.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Zipp smiled. “I know this quest wasn’t easy on either of you, but… I’m glad we’re all together for this one moment.”

As the ponies and gang hugged it out, Mortifer approached Vincent with a sorrowful look. “I’m sorry, old friend.”

“For impersonating my ancestor?”

“And for this.”

Suddenly, the handcuffs around Mortifer’s wrists disappeared and wound up on Vincent’s instead, just before the same black car from earlier burst through the temple wall. “That’s my ride,” Mortifer smirked at the stunned crowd. “Don’t look so shocked!”

And just like that, he got in the driver's seat of the car and drove out through the tunnel of snow he left behind. “Well, that was different,” Ciela said, earning surprised looks from her new friends. “Hey, I’m just saying, things on this mountain can be DULL when no one’s around.”

“We’ve got to stop him!” Daphne told Vincent, who shrugged as the handcuffs faded into thin air. “Oh, just let him go.”

“No… Daph’s got a point. That car’s engine!” Sunny said with pinned ears. “If he keeps revving it like that…”

“The avalanche!” Kova cried. “You’re right!”

“If Mortifer starts an avalanche, he could bury the entire temple under snow and there’d be no way out!” Zipp cried. “We have to go after him!”

“Then we’ve gotta go out the same way he did!” Alphabittle cried. “Ciela and Kova, lead the way!”

“Follow us!” Ciela cried, and everyone ran through the tunnel as fast as their feet, hooves and wings would allow, hoping to catch Mortifer in time.


Everyone raced through the tunnel as fast as they could after Mortifer, and once they got out, they found the car preparing to cross the bridge. “Mortifer!” Vincent cried. “You must listen! The engine--!”

“Sounds fine to me!” Mortifer said before laughing mockingly. “So long, Vincent!”

But, as he revved the engine to get across the bridge, a large mound of snow began to slide down the mountain toward them. “Mortifer, you fool!” Vincent cried out. “STOP!!”

Alphabittle, Izzy and Misty lit their horns in an attempt to slow down the avalanche, but Misty strained loudest out of the three. “Sunny, I don’t think we’ll be able to slow it down in time!”

“Everyone, get back!” Kova cried to her friends. “Who knows what’ll happen next!”

As everyone backed up as far as they could go, the avalanche reached the bridge as Mortifer’s car was going across it, and the weight of the snow and the car combined on the bridge caused it to collapse into the canyon below, with Mortifer going down with it! “AAHHHHHH!!!”

“NOOOOO!!!” Vincent cried out, but it was too late-- the car had already fallen. Queen Haven stifled a sob into Alphabittle’s shoulder, and luckily, he was there to comfort his girlfriend as the Mane 6 ran over to check the canyon for any sign of life. “I… I-I don’t see anything!” Pipp cried. “Do you think he’s…?”

“I…” Sunny hesitated for a moment. “I don’t know.”

Suddenly, a large waft of smoke caused the ponies to stumble back toward their friends, and Vincent could have sworn that in the smoke was the image of his ancestor before it faded away. “He's at peace. Asamad Van Ghoul can finally rest. I... I don't understand.”

Hitch sighed as he picked Sparky up and put him onto his back. “You and me both.”

“Well,” Velma said, handing Vincent the tome she read earlier, “it might have something to do with this translation.”

Vincent opened the tome to the page Velma had bookmarked. “Asmodeus will not rest until he achieves his revenge.

“Only the ancient Sanskrit word for revenge looks a lot like the word for redemption,” Velma pointed out. “Asamad Van Ghoul had a lot of time in the Chest of Demons to consider his misdeeds. He wasn't looking for vengeance. He wanted to be redeemed. If I had to guess, I'd say the 13th ghost, your ancestor, was watching out for you like a guardian angel. And now that you're safe, he can finally rest.”

“Yes… that’s right,” Vincent nodded. “I’m sure it is.”

“Like, are you guys nuts?!” Shaggy blurt out. “That was just a big glob of-- OW!!”

As Shaggy was about to protest, Zipp stomped on his foot to silence him, causing Scooby to giggle and hoof-bump her with a smile.

Then, Vance approached Vincent, who was watching Mortifer climb out of the canyon, only to be tackled by the FBI. “I'm sorry about your friend.”

“It’s all right. I can always visit him in the ghoul-ag,” Vincent said with a smile. “Ha ha ha ha ha… AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”

Kova merely chuckled at this. “He’s going to be fine. Come on, guys… I think it’s time we got you guys home.”

“Good idea,” Sunny smiled. “A little rest is sure to do us all good.”