• Published 15th Oct 2012
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Assassin's Creed: Friendship is Sacred - iDeltaVelocity

"Nothing is true; everything is permitted."

  • ...

Rescue Party

Assassin’s Creed:
Friendship is Sacred

Chapter 5: “Rescue Party”
The past few days followed the same routine: Celestia would wake in the morning and go to raise the sun, and then she’d try to locate Twilight, wherever the young unicorn and her friends had ended up. After receiving the urgent letter from Spike about what happened regarding the Elements of Harmony, Luna had to cancel the meteor shower and accompany her sister to Ponyville.

When they arrived at the library, they saw the Element of Magic was missing, and the remaining ones were left scattered across the floor. Spike had told them about what happened, about the Element of Magic going haywire. There was no magic residue from when it activated nor from Twilight or Rarity, which meant there wasn’t any chance of sensing where they might have been.

Regardless, Celestia still tried to locate them, and she had taken up considerable amounts of energy as a result. “Perhaps you should rest, sister.” Luna walked up to her. She bared a worried look at seeing Celestia like this.

The normally calm and collected alicorn was a mess with baggy eyes, a disheveled mane, and drowsiness from how much energy she lost. “It’s hard to believe that the Element of Magic could do something like this. It doesn’t seem possible.”

“The other Elements have been stored in the vault,” said Luna, “I don’t think we’ll be able to locate the Element of Magic, though—at least not at the capacity we’re working at.” She looked up at her sister. “Why don’t you take a rest? You’ve been at this all day.”

Celestia had to admit it to herself, searching for Twilight and her friends had been running her ragged ever since she found that they went missing. She left for her room. Hopefully, after she had some rest, she’d be able to locate them.

Volodya paced the floor of the cavern. He wasn’t happy that Benoit had decided to let the girls leave Paris with the Element, especially with Gabriel and his Templar subordinates and masters on a global man-hunt for the other Pieces. The mentor of the Russian Assassin branch had sent him to France to assist with finding the Ring, as well as any other artifacts they stumbled upon. This included the Elements, but with them gone, he feared that the Templars might get to them first.

“Are you sure it was a good idea letting them leave with the Element?” He turned to Benoit, who was sitting at a desk. A map was laid out with certain areas circled, being the locations of assets vital to the Templars.

“It had to be done.” No matter how many times Benoit told himself this, there was still a hint of doubt of whether or not it was the right choice.

“What if the Templars go after it?”

“Equestria has been able to keep the Elements of Eden safe for millennia, which is impressive by itself. Since we’ve never seen one up until a few days ago, I doubt the Templars know where to look. If the girls manage to reach Italy without the Templars discovering, they should be okay, especially when under protection from Flavia and Marcello Auditore.”

Volodya stopped pacing and thought about it. The Auditore name was held in high regard within the Order, and mentioning the children of Ezio provided some relief to the Russian. But aside from this, he still couldn’t put his finger on something. “It seems strange, doesn’t it?”

“What does?”

“Equestria…” The Russian Assassin looked at the map. “I mean a country—big or small—near Belgium that we have just now discovered. It’s not even anywhere on the map. We don’t even know what it looks like.”

He had a point; in all his times traveling east, Benoit had never came across a place known as Equestria, nor had he ever heard anyone speaking it. He determined that it was an isolated region somewhere on the Belgian-German border. It made the most sense to him.

The caverns were soon accompanied by the echo of a familiar voice. Volodya and Benoit, as well as the other Assassins, looked over to see Twilight and her friends running into the Bureau. Francois was with them, his arm wrapped around Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as they carried him. Upon seeing the injured Assassin, he stood and hurried over. “What happened to him?”

“We were on our way out of the city when some guards attacked,” said Rainbow Dash, “They know where the Bureau is.”

This came as shocking news to everyone in the cavern. For years, they believed it was impossible for the Templars to locate them, especially since they were hiding underground. Volodya walked over. “Should we pack up and leave? If they know where we are, it’s only a matter of time before they descend upon us.”

“I don’t think we have to,” said Twilight, “Adeline said that as long as we have the Element of Magic with us, they won’t try to attack.”

“Where is Adeline?”

Francois coughed and answered, “They took her away… to the Bastille. She’ll be executed tomorrow morning. We have to save her.” He attempted to stand on his own, but collapsed. He was tended to by another Assassin, a medic.

“Can you help him?” asked Rarity.

The medic checked over the fallen Francois, taking a look at his injury. The wound had cut deep into his torso, even puncturing a vein. “I don’t know if I can. Give me some time; I’ll see what I can do.” With help from others, she picked him up and carried him to a nearby room.

Volodya watched with contempt as a fellow Assassin was carried away. “Templar мудаки,” he muttered. He had watched countless other comrades die at the hands of the Templars, his mother included, and seeing another only made his blood boil. “I’m surprised they didn’t kill her where she stood.”

“They’re planning to send us a message,” said Benoit, “‘Lay down your arms and surrender the Element or die’.” They’d done this plenty of times before in different countries, to different branches of the Assassins.

The Russian scoffed at this, as he sheathed a sword and holstered a pistol. “They’ll be the ones to die by my blade. The last thing I’ll do is conform to what that сука, Gabriel Robert, says.”

Benoit agreed with his words. He grabbed his sword, and with Volodya, made for the exit, but not before being stopped by the girls. “We want to help,” Applejack told him.

Fluttershy looked at her. “We do?”

“You’re cute,” said Volodya, “but no. This job is not for civilians.”

Rainbow Dash confronted him. “Who says we can’t help. Besides, whatever this Bastille place is, it has to be extremely well-guarded. You two could use some extra help.”

Benoit confirmed it. The Bastille was possibly the most heavily defended fortress in Paris, if not all of France. However, that had only served to drive him away from the idea. “I’m sorry, but he’s right. It’s too dangerous. In addition, if you’re seen, you’ll be captured. You six are too valuable to let happen.”

With that said, Benoit and Volodya walked past them. None of the girls did or said anything to try and stop them. What did they have to say? It was then that Twilight said something that earned her shocked looks from her friends, as well as from the two Assassins they were trying to convince:

“What if we became Assassins?” She had tried her best to keep that idea out of her mind, ever since meeting with Nirvana in that strange dark realm, but now she saw the proposal from the supernatural being was unavoidable. Perhaps—just maybe—she predicted something like this; Twilight couldn’t be too sure. She was still stuck on trying to deduce the real purpose of the Element of Magic, now that she knew it wasn’t even native to her world.

She felt a hand touch her shoulder and looked over to see Rarity beside her. “Are you hearing yourself, dear? The six of us as Assassins? Where did you get such a crazy idea from?”

Volodya looked over at Benoit. The Frenchman was just as surprised as he was at hearing Twilight’s words, but that still didn’t get either to agree. “Outsiders cannot just become Assassins, my friends. It is preceded by years of training before one can be considered a valued member of the Brotherhood.”

“Then make us!” said Rainbow Dash.

Not sure of what to say next, Volodya decided to consult with Benoit. There were many people who had been recruited into the Assassins; even the branch in Russia had recruits in its ranks. Because of this, the Brotherhood was comprised more of those who were considered “outsiders”, as opposed to those born into the Order by their parents. “What do you make of this?”

“I’m not sure,” Benoit responded, “I was hoping you could tell me. Do you think it would be a good idea?”

There wasn’t an immediate answer. Volodya couldn’t quite get his head around it. He recruited many people before; that was a fact, but the situation he was facing was something else entirely.

If only this was simple, he thought.

He thought about it more, wanting to come up with a clearer answer. He glanced over at the girls who were awaiting a decision. “Maybe they can be of some use,” he said.

Making his way back to the table, Volodya picked up and rolled out a map of the Bastille fortress. Thanks to past reconnaissance in the area, he was able to point out many positions of the guards. Marks on the map represented vital areas where they could access it without raising an alarm. Several X’s near the entrance represented the fortress guards that stood on patrol outside, and the lines showed the route that each defender took.

“I noted that the very top of the Bastille has a trapdoor that we could use to get in undetected, but perhaps there is an easier, quicker way.”

“How so?” asked Benoit. He and the girls listened attentively, eager to know what the Russian’s intentions were in this situation.

“Simple: We disguise Miss Twilight and her friends and have them lure the guards stationed at the entrance. Once they are out of the way, you and I will infiltrate the fortress through the front.”

“What about Adeline’s cell? We don’t even know where to look.”

A smile came to Volodya’s face. “Does not mean we can’t ‘persuade’ one of the guards to tell us where they are holding her. Once we’ve set Adeline free, we make our way out and back to the Bureau. It’s as easy as раз, два, три.”

Benoit nodded in acknowledgement. The plan was fool-proof; there was no way it would go wrong, only if someone saw through the disguise. “What do you say, girls?” The Frenchman looked at the Equestrians, “You wanted to help. Are you up for the challenge?”

The girls looked at each other. There was a chance to back out and forget it, and let the two Master Assassins get on with their mission, but none one took it. Adeline helped them try to escape Paris and made sure they stayed unharmed when they were being chased by the guardsmen, just as she had promised; it wouldn’t be right abandoning her like this.

“If it means rescuing Adeline from certain death, then yes. I’m in,” said Rarity.

“Count me in, too,” Rainbow chimed in, as well. The two were followed in suit by their friends, each wanting to help rescue the imprisoned Assassin.

Volodya stared at them with bewilderment. They seemed more than determined to ensure the rescue went off without trouble. He looked over at Benoit, who shared a similar reaction. The Frenchman shrugged nonchalantly. “I guess we’re doing this, my friend,” he said.

The Russian nodded, adding a smirk. “I guess we are.”

The moon shone through the clouds just over the Bastille. It had taken them all day to train the girls in the art of disguise and deception, two things that Volodya was a specialist in. But now, after hours of preparation, they decided that they were ready enough. It was the girls first time being involved with the Assassins in something like this. They weren’t in any real combat, but they knew if something went wrong, they’d be taken prisoner, something far worst when under the Templars.

From the shadows just a little ways off, they could see the entrance was protected by two guards donned in heavily armour and holding spears. Benoit and Volodya would be on alert in case the girls failed to keep their disguise. The last thing they wanted was to be spotted. They knew they wouldn’t last too long against an entire legion of French soldiers raining down on them.

With the girls and what little experience they had, it was going to take more along the lines of luck rather than skill to successfully infiltrate the fortress. Each of them had separate disguises: Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were dressed up as thieves; Fluttershy was a civilian; and Pinkie Pie and Rarity would be acting out as guardsmen.

Despite his earlier thoughts on Volodya’s plan, Benoit couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. He would be sending the girls out on a possible suicide mission should they be compromised. “You all remember your routines, correct?”

“Don’t worry;” replied Rainbow, “We know what to do.”

“I hope so,” said Volodya, “There’s no doubt you six are still infamous throughout the city. The guards have probably been ordered to attack you on sight, so be sure to keep your identities from being discovered.”

They seemed to understand what was being told of them. Fluttershy pulled a hood over her head to keep her pink hair out of sight. They would easily recongnise her if they noticed. The girls went and took their places. Twilight held a pouch in her hand, filled with money. Once she gave the signal, they’d be running while Rarity and Pinkie Pie pretended to chase after them.

“This armour’s heavy,” said Pinkie. Rarity agreed, but they would have to deal with it until after the rescue was complete.

“Okay,” said Twilight, “Everypony ready?”

They nodded, and in a moment’s notice, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash sprinted out into the open, running down the street in front of the Bastille guards. Fluttershy stepped into the scene. She was murmuring most of the time; her words were almost inaudible as Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow got farther away.

Seeing her hesitance in trying to sell the situation, Rarity and Pinkie Pie decided that now would be the time to start the chase. They ran past Fluttershy, pretending to chase after the other three.

“Halt,” one of the guards ordered, “What seems to be the problem?”

“Thieves,” Pinkie Pie said, putting on the best male voice as she could, “They stole money from this lady. We need help to stop them.”

“We’ve been ordered to stay put here to keep away any trespassers. We can’t help you,” said one of the guards.

“But we can’t catch them alone,” said Rarity.

“Why not…? There are only three. It shouldn’t be too hard, right? Plus, you’re the only ones who have weapons and training. I think you can take them.”

Pinkie Pie tried to think of an excuse; any that would help her. “We’re… new?”

The two guards sighed at hearing this. As if dealing with two incompetent guards was stressful enough, they had to be new. They talked amongst themselves, voicing their displeasure at wanting to help them, but they knew it would not a good thing to let thieves get away. “Alright, fine, we’ll help. But we have to do this quickly so the others don’t find out we’re gone.”

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie lured the guards from the entrance, all relieved that they managed to do without being compromised. As they abandoned the area, Volodya and Benoit stepped out from the shadows. They made their way through the street towards the entrance of the Bastille.

Benoit stopped and looked after them as they left. “They aren’t very good actors,” he said.

“They managed to get the guards to leave their posts. That’s good enough,” replied Volodya. Together, the Assassins entered the fortress.

Adeline sat in her cell. Her execution was supposed to happen tomorrow morning, over in the town square for everyone to see. Her crime: subversive activities aimed at overthrowing King Louis from the throne and resisting arrest from the Parisian guards—at least that was what the attending the execution would be told. Gabriel Robert wanted as many Assassins dead as possible; she would just be added to the list, just as many of her comrades were.

She had been denied food and water all day, and received harsh treatment from her interrogators. They wanted to make her experience here a miserable one before she would hang from the gallows the next day. But she didn’t care. The girls were safe; she made sure to send Francois after them before she was taken prisoner.

There was a chance they were back at the Bureau, and if they were, they’d be kept safe as long as they stayed there. While they didn’t escape to Reims, she knew her mission was at least half-complete. In the silence, she heard the sound of someone struggling from behind the door outside of her cell.

Suddenly the door was flung open as an unconscious guard was thrown into the room. Two Assassins stormed in. She recognised them; Benoit and Volodya. She was relieved to see that they hadn’t forgotten her. “I’m glad you two came.”

Volodya grabbed a key ring from off a nail in the wall and went over to Adeline’s cell. “In Russia, we have a saying: Everyone lives, or everyone dies. The last thing we let happen is a comrade’s execution at the hands of their captors.”

He opened it and Adeline walked out. There were some scrapes and bruises on her legs and arms, but nothing too serious. She was still able to walk. Benoit grabbed a sword from the unconscious guard and tossed it over.

“Where are the girls? Are they safe?” Adeline asked.

“Right now, they’re distracting the guards,” said Volodya. ”

Hearing this made the apprentice uneasy. “They’re crazy for coming along. What if someone notices them?”

Benoit reassured her: “Don’t worry; we gave them disguises to keep their identities hidden, but it won’t stay like that for long. We need to hurry back outside before they’re compromised.”

The apprentice nodded. It was nice to know the girls hadn’t been injured or killed during their escape. There might have still been a chance to get them out of Paris and over to Italy without arousing suspicion from the guards.

Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack stood against a wall, spears aimed at them from the two guards they lured away from the Bastille’s entrance. Their plan was going accordingly; Benoit and Volodya should have freed Adeline and fled the fortress by now, but there came the question of how they would escape the new situation they had thrown themselves in.

If the Assassins saw where they’d run off to, there was a chance the two guards in front of them would be taken care of quickly. They just hoped Benoit and Volodya were on their way.

“We’ll take it from here,” said Pinkie Pie, standing between her friends and the two armoured soldiers in front of them.

“We’re taking them back to the Bastille,” said one of the guards.

His words froze the six former ponies. “I’m sure there’s another prison around here that can hold them, right?” asked Rarity. She realised their plan was now taking a turn for the worse.

“Yes, there is, but the Bastille is the closest one, so we’ll be taking them there.” He looked back at the trio of thieves in front of him. “Let’s go.”

“You can’t!” Fluttershy blurted out.

The guards turned their attention to her. Why would a civilian who just got herself robbed care what happens to the thieves? It was then they noticed a thin strand of pink hair in front of her face. One approached her and pulled her hood down, revealing a full head of wavy pink hair. “I know you!” he said. He remembered that one of the fugitives they were meant to be on look out for had pink hair.

The other guard grabbed the hat off Rainbow’s head, revealing her multi-hued hair for all to see. “These are the fugitives! We’ve been tricked!”

Suddenly a voice echoed through the night air, followed by a pair of bells ringing. “Prisoner escape!”

“You six are coming with us,” said guard #1. Thinking fast, Pinkie Pie grabbed a nearby wooden bucket on the floor and swung it against his head. He was knocked out cold almost instantly.

The second guard pointed his spear at her, but before he knew it, Rainbow ran at him and threw her fist, making direct contact with his jaw. She stared in shock at what she had just done, looking at the unconscious guard on the floor. They heard footsteps and turned to see three individuals—Benoit, Volodya, and Adeline—approaching.

They stopped upon seeing the unconscious guard lying on the ground, along with the girls standing over them. The sight’d particularly surprised Volodya. “I see you six have the situation under control.”

“We’re so glad you’re still in one piece, Adeline,” said Twilight.

“The same can be said for you,” the apprentice responded, “Being out here like this is dangerous with your reputations.”

“After what you did for us, there was no way we were leave’n you alone in that place,” said Applejack.

Their reunion was cut short when an arrow hit the ground at their feet. An archer had caught sight of them from a nearby scaffolding, and down the street, a group of Bastille guards were rapidly approaching. Benoit took the spear from Rarity and threw it at the scaffolding. It collapsed; it, along with the archer, plummeted down onto the pursuing guards, blocking their path.

Taking their chance, the group made a run for it. It wasn’t too long before the nine of them managed to shake the guards off their trail, using blind spots and shadows to mask their movements. The rescue had gone off without a hitch.

Author's Note:

Well, that's another chapter done. I will provide translations whenever possible. Mainly for Russian because that the only other language I know.

Мудаки = Assholes
Сука = Bitch
Раз = One
Два = Two
Три = Three