• Published 29th Dec 2023
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The Eve of the Day of Magic Theft - Communist_Egor

Cozy Glow prepares to carry out her plan to steal all magic to become the Empress of Friendship. Who will stop her?

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Chapter 2. The Past

And the day of the ritual arrived. Cozy woke up and flew to the basement of the School of Friendship, where the artifacts were already prepared for the ritual.

"It's time!" decided Cozy, about to recite the activating spell when suddenly, a wind blew (in the basement?), and a mysterious voice was heard.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Ah! Golly! Who's there?" the pegasus exclaimed in fear.

"The spirit of magic from the past, that's who!" replied the voice, and suddenly, a ghost in the likeness of Starlight Glimmer appeared from the center of the ritual circle.

"Advisor Starlight? Are you a ghost? Is this some kind of joke?" Cozy asked, frightened and confused about what was happening.

"No, I'm just using the appearance of a powerful unicorn from the past who once used magic for evil. But she has changed, and now it's your turn!"

"What?! Are you here to stop me?"

"And did you think your spell would go unnoticed by influential forces? You've attracted our attention, Cozy Glow, and we are not pleased with your sorcery."

"I'm saving Equestria from evil princesses!" protested the determined pegasus against the uninvited spirit.

"What?!" 'Starlight' was astonished by Cozy's response. "The princesses raise the sun and moon every day! They take care of us, in dreams and in reality!" argued the guest, to which Cozy responded.

"The princesses deceive all of Equestria with a facade of kindness, but their actions show how cruel they are!" And Cozy began to explain her point of view.

"Firstly, when the princesses overthrew Discord, they could have simply destroyed the tyrant or banished him to the moon, but instead, they decided to turn the villain into stone. As their trophy, they placed his statue in the Canterlot Garden, for ponies to mock and laugh at the defeated ruler of chaos, imprisoned in stone until their descendants forgot that the statue was once a fearsome tyrant.

When Discord eventually escaped from his stony prison and almost took over Equestria again, Princess Celestia, fearing the draconequus's escape, decided to 'soften' and teach him about friendship. It was a very risky plan: Discord could easily have stolen the Elements of Harmony. We were very lucky that Discord liked Fluttershy, and for her sake, he chose not to seize power immediately. But the spirit of chaos didn't change much: over time, he betrayed Equestria, joining forces with Tirek, and recently caused terror in our school. I still shudder at those events: I cleaned the hooves of the grumpiest donkey in the world myself; then, the spirit of chaos disrupted Trixie's lesson and frightened me with a ghostly bear, another class will remember the bear cub attack for life, and at the end of the day, he created a real nightmare: he animated armor and paintings, making them attack us.

And everyone seemed to be under a hypnotic spell: Discord was not held accountable for betraying Equestria or causing chaos in the School of Friendship. In the second case, Starlight even had to yield her deputy position to the villain. Fortunately, Twilight and all the professors returned in time! But Discord was not even demanded an apology for the false and dangerous friendship quest or the nightmare in school. There is no doubt that hypnosis is involved. Even when I become the Empress of Friendship, I'll have to pretend to be his friend until I find a way to limit his powers," Cozy trembled, personally knowing the chaos spirit's tricks.

"But let's get back to the princesses. One day, Scorpan, a gargoyle from distant lands, told the sisters about his brother Tirek's plans to steal all the magic from the inhabitants of Equestria. He asked them to stop his brother, but he probably didn't expect the princesses to send the centaur to Tartarus for a thousand years. It's unknown what the princesses told Scorpan afterward, but he never appeared in Equestria again.

Tirek, like Discord, recently escaped from Tartarus and attempted to seize Equestria. But unlike Discord, no one gave him a second chance. I understand that the centaur is a dangerous villain: with great power, he can deprive even Discord of magic. But I also learned Tirek's motives: he just wanted to gain strength so that his father would be proud of him. And the princesses locked him in Tartarus – a prison for monsters, where he has been for over a thousand years. And no one before me even thought to extend a hoof of friendship to him!" Cozy genuinely felt sorry for the centaur, and sadness reflected on her face.

"When I become the Empress of Friendship, I will pull Tirek out of Tartarus and offer him the position of my advisor. I'll even allow him to take a bit of magic from the creatures of the Everfree Forest. And Discord will make sure Tirek doesn't think of new betrayal!" Cozy declared cheerfully.

'Starlight' wanted to express her thoughts on an alliance with a magic-devouring centaur for a moment but decided to withhold and listen to Cozy's further arguments.

“Next, the princesses decided to help the Crystal Ponies overthrow their tyrant. And at the same time, become the new rulers of the Crystal Empire, which happened a thousand years later when the Crystal Ponies recognized Princess Cadance, a former student of Celestia, as their new ruler.

But instead of carefully planning to assist the enslaved empire, which entirely belonged to the dark king in all aspects, the princesses intervened directly and, through brute force, defeated the villain. No wonder Sombra cursed the Crystal Empire under his control, making it disappear with him for a thousand years! And how, after that, do the princesses still consider themselves ‘wise’ rulers, despite this obvious failure? “Cozy couldn't understand.

"And the most important proof: out of jealousy, Princess Luna betrayed her own sister! And instead of helping her sister get rid of the darkness using the Elements of Harmony, as Twilight later did with her friends, Celestia banished her to the moon. And we continue to trust the worst sisters in the world to rule Equestria?" the pegasus exclaimed in outrage.

"Oh, Cozy, you don't know how it really happened!" And ‘Starlight’, using magic, began to show and explain past events:

"Princess Luna was tainted by darkness after the battle with Sombra. She betrayed her sister after becoming Nightmare Moon. And after her return, the princess of the night blamed herself for a long time.

But Celestia had a much harder time: to save the world, she had to use the Elements of Harmony. She hoped to help her sister get rid of the darkness, but without the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, they couldn't handle Nightmare Moon. Celestia had to banish her sister to the moon.

Since then, every day for Celestia ended with a gaze at the moon, full of sorrow and pain. She regretted not seeing the darkness in her sister's soul earlier and couldn't help her. And only a thousand years later, precisely with the return of Nightmare Moon, did the princess find ponies who could unleash the full power of the Elements of Harmony and free Princess Luna. That's how Harmony returned to Equestria. And the Elements of Harmony have saved Equestria more than once!" ‘Starlight’ concluded her magical narrative.

"But we can't always rely on the Elements of Harmony. What if they fail, and all of Equestria is in danger? My plan will point out this obvious flaw in the country's defense against dangerous threats to all ponies. And as the Empress of Friendship, I will address this issue first and foremost!" declared Cozy.

‘Starlight’ pondered before responding:

"Yes, you are right: the princesses are not perfect. And they don't have time even to think about creating such a system of magical defense. They entrust the resolution of crises to the proven heroes of Equestria. Discord is an unreliable ally, and Tirek is still a prisoner of Tartarus. But despite all their mistakes, the princesses are ready to sacrifice even their personal happiness for Equestria!

"But where should I know that you're showing me the real past? And why should I believe that you're the real spirit of magic from the past?" the pegasus asked. ‘Starlight’ sighed heavily.

"I see that you don't trust anyone, Cozy! You consider Celestia and Luna evil, even though you haven't personally met them. For the sake of power, you're willing to betray and expose the Princess of Friendship, who trusts you as much as her friends. And you haven't even told the school friendship counselor how much Discord frightened you. Cozy, I see that you're afraid. I think not only Discord has hurt you in the past; that's why you want to become stronger than everyone. Let's find out where it all started!" proposed ‘Starlight’, and a flash of light blinded Cozy for a moment.

When the pegasus opened her eyes, she saw the old shelter in Canterlot, where she had spent much of her life. Cozy had conflicting memories about this place. And then she heard ‘Starlight’ start singing:

[Song basis: "The Seeds of the Past"

Youthful life's a tricky tale,

Decisions to make, can't just sail.

Growing up like a little sprout,

Dreaming of the good, figuring it out.

Many things to learn, in a hurry we go,

Each tough choice in the path, helps us grow.

Let's journey back to childhood years,

Discover what they whisper in our ears!

From the past's trace,

Answers we'll embrace.

Look at what you used to be,

Growing little shoots,

They won't tell untruths,

They'll open our eyes, just wait and see.

"Look! You used to love princesses. You were friends with a unicorn who admired them," said ‚Starlight‘ as Cozy saw her past self playing with her best friend – a white unicorn with a blue mane and a beautiful name, Bright Shine.

Cozy was pleased to see her best friend from the past again. But she also sadly remembered that their friendship would end in five minutes.

At the shelter

The teacher entered the room with a couple of ponies eager to adopt a foal. For a while, they examined the foals while the shelter worker told them about her wards until their gaze stopped on Cozy's friend. Then they asked the teacher a few questions, after which they decided to adopt the white unicorn with the blue mane.

The teacher called Bright. Cozy from the past didn't want to let go of her best friend, but like everyone else, he wanted to find his family. After talking to his future guardians, the final decision was made that Bright was leaving the shelter. He said goodbye to everyone, but it was especially hard for him to say goodbye to his best friend, who couldn't hold back tears. But he couldn't refuse his family happiness.

"Don't cry, Cozy. Despite parting, we'll still be the best friends in all of Equestria! I'm sure we'll meet again, and you'll find your parents too!" Bright comforted his friend.

"Do you really think so?" Cozy asked, wiping away tears with her hoof.

"I'm sure of it because you're such a wonderful filly. Just don't give up, okay?"

"But who, if not you, will protect me from bullies?"

"I'm sure you'll find new friends who can protect you. Just don't give up, okay? Promise me you'll make friends with someone else!" demanded Bright.

"I promise!" replied Cozy and hugged her best friend tightly one last time before finally letting him go, wishing him happiness in his new family.

On the street

"Since then, we haven't seen each other. And soon, a real nightmare began," replied the pegasus, while ‘Starlight’ moved them into the future, to the day when a new unicorn appeared in Cozy's group, greatly affecting her.

Two weeks later

"Kids, meet Dark Flash. He was transferred to us from the Manehattan shelter due to certain circumstances. Dark is a kind and modest colt. So try to be friends with him!" introduced the teacher, presenting the ten-year-old gray unicorn with a dark mane and leaving the room.

"I want everyone to know right away that I'm not modest or kind at all. I am the strongest unicorn in the entire Manehattan shelter, and now you are obliged to serve me if you want to avoid trouble," Dark suddenly lashed out at everyone.

"But that's not right! Unicorns should use their magic for good deeds!" objected Cozy to the newcomer.

"Really?! And who told you such nonsense?" the unicorn menacingly asked the pegasus.

"Bright Shine – the kindest unicorn in the world!" Cozy fearlessly replied.

"And where is he now?" Dark asked threateningly.

"He was adopted," the pegasus said quietly.

"A couple of earth ponies?"

"Yes, but how did you guess?" Cozy wondered, but the unicorn just laughed.

"Do you not know? This is Canterlot, the city of unicorns. And for Earth ponies to have a chance to stay here, they must have a unicorn in the family. So, I aimed to come here because it's obvious that unicorns in Canterlot are adopted more often than others. And I hate to disappoint you, but you, earth ponies and pegasi, have little chance of finding a family because this is not Appleloosa or Cloudsdale."

"Lies! I will definitely be adopted!" declared Cozy.

"Oh really? Well, let's see! Meanwhile, you will serve me if you don't want trouble!"

"Never!" replied the pegasus and immediately regretted it as she was lifted into the air by the unicorn's magic and flipped upside down. A pillow gagged her while Dark laughed villainously.

"So it will be with anyone who dares to oppose my will. And don't even hope that the teacher will help you: you won't have any evidence, and my revenge will be terrible. Everyone understood? And when all the foals nodded in fear, Dark, smiling satisfactorily, released Cozy to the ground.

"And you too, I think, learned your lesson! It doesn't matter how we behave: whether we pretend to be good, like your best friend, who abandoned you for a better life, or use magic right now to get what we can, like I do. The only power in our world is magic.

Cozy and the other ponies in the room listened to the unicorn's monologue, confident in his words. Meanwhile, Dark continued:

"And it doesn't matter who governs the country: an evil spirit of chaos or supposedly good alicorn sisters. The truth is one: the world is ruled by whoever has the strongest magic. And we are all just pawns for the winner in the endless struggle for power. We are all lucky that the princesses are now benevolent to all ponies. But we must remember that once Princess Luna got angry and became Nightmare Moon. And there are no guarantees that an angered princess, for whatever reason, will not become a threat to all of Equestria. And it is quite possible that one day Princess Celestia herself will turn into a fiery demon. Will Twilight have the courage to stand up to her mentor?

Meanwhile, ‘Starlight’ continued the song, addressing the future pegasus:

Downcast, careless words take their toll,

You stand there, uncertain, in a deep dark hole.

Powerless, emotions running wild,

You decide it's time to change your style.

Unknowingly, you start to seek,

Evil everywhere, your spirit weak.

Resorting to deceit and cunning art,

To strip magic from the enemy's heart.

Cozy sang with a sorrowful tune:

Seeds that grow,

Truth they'll show,

Fears and doubts within me sow.

‘Starlight’ continued with her magical sound:

My verdict is clear,

The outcome is near,

You just want to defend, my dear!

In the shelter

Suddenly, Cozy realized that, unlike distant princesses, the unicorn himself posed a much greater threat now. The pegasus devised a plan: she would not only punish the arrogant unicorn but also make sure he was sent back to the Manehattan shelter. Taking chalk in her hooves, Cozy began drawing magical runes to set up a trap for Dark, while he continued his speech:

"And our fate will always depend on the goodwill of beings with almost unlimited magical abilities. That's why I spend my whole life honing my magical skills on creatures like you, to take my place at the top and not become a plaything for alicorns, the spirit of chaos, or any other tyrant. And your fate is to serve someone like me. Everyone – quickly bow down to me!" commanded the unicorn, and almost everyone complied with his request, except for one pegasus who was adding magical runes with chalk. Dark noticed her:

"Are you ignoring me again?" asked the unicorn menacingly, attempting to grab Cozy with magic. However, the pegasus quickly babbled:

"Golly! Forgive me, Almighty Dark Flash! I dared to disobey you!" The pegasus immediately knelt before the ritual circle. "To atone for my guilt, I dare not rise until you come closer and allow me to kiss your hooves!" Cozy lured the unicorn into the trap.

"Wow! Congratulations, you'll be the first pony to voluntarily give me the greatest honor!" Dark was surprised and, unaware of the trick, approached the pegasus, entering the ritual circle.

At that moment, Cozy struck the top of the six-pointed star with her hoof, and the runes lit up brightly. The ritual magic immediately enveloped Dark, forcing his horn to shoot a magical beam upwards. Piercing through the second floor, the attic of the shelter, it exploded in the sky like a magical fireworks display. Everyone stared in shock at Cozy.

"What have you done?!" shouted the unicorn in anger, attempting to strike the pegasus with magic, but realizing he was magically drained.

"Bright Shine taught me this trick, among many others. Never thought I'd have to draw magic concentration runes to create fireworks indoors, violating safety rules so bluntly. But it was worth it to teach you a lesson!" Cozy smirked triumphantly. At that moment, the door to the room burst open, and the caretaker rushed in.

"Dark Flash! Have you lost your mind?! Your magic almost injured the shelter director! Come with me!" She dragged the ‘culprit’ out.

"I didn't do it! This pegasus enchanted me with magical runes!" Dark tried to justify himself, but the teacher didn't believe him.

"That's the stupidest excuse I've ever heard. Everyone knows pegasi's only magic is weather control. But you, liar, will return to Manehattan!" The door closed, and Dark was out of sight.

The foals immediately praised Cozy for cleverly teaching the troublemaker a lesson. Suddenly, the heroine's flank lit up with a white glow, and a mark resembling a chess rook appeared. The foals congratulated Cozy, thinking she got the cutie mark for defeating the troublemaker. However, Cozy realized her talent was manipulating others, and she would use it to become stronger.

Meanwhile, on the street,

"After some time, I learned about Twilight's school and applied to inquire directly from the Princess of Friendship how to become an alicorn. That's when I found out about the power of friendship," Cozy confessed to the spirit.

"Your past is clear now, but it's time to return to the present!" said ‘Starlight’ and cast the spell again. After a bright flash, Cozy found herself back in the school basement. But the ghostly Starlight Glimmer was now replaced by a radiant, semi-transparent Twilight Sparkle...