• Published 5th Jan 2024
  • 351 Views, 3 Comments

Rarity's Sunset - JediWyrm

  • ...

The Forgotten Student

Author's Note:

While I outlined with the Most likely to be forgotten episodes on, I am not trying to just fully retell the story so expect some scenes to be different.

It has been a while since I've wrote stuff, so forgive if the quality is a little lower than my other works.

Sunset Shimmer lifted her camera to capture Flash Sentry and several of his friends putting up posters promoting the yearbook. Smirking at how the purpose of her camera today is to take photos for it she proceeds to meander around the school. She spotted several other groups of students showing school spirit or general friendliness which would make good photos for the yearbook.

Continuing her random path her thoughts stray to previous years where she would've been terrorizing the other students. That inevitably lead to the results of her bullying where after Princess Twilight Sparkle had defeated her preventing her from charging Equestria as a she-demon with an army of mind-controlled teenagers (a fairly stupid plan upon reflection) where nearly every student ignored her or treated her to her own medicine.

Even with Princess Twilight having asked her friends to try to befriend her, it still took time for Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash to become Sunset's friends. Pinkie Pie would make friends with a stray breeze and therefore doesn't count for this. It took months, and a trio of sirens taking over the school, for her to be redeemed in the eyes of the rest of the students.

During all that time the loneliness crept in and drove her mind to some dark places. Luckily her friends were able to brighten her life up. Allowing the good memories they've made to drive away the funk that was trying to build, Sunset entered the yearbook committee room and plugged her camera into one of the computers.

All her friends were already in the room helping to figure out the layout of the yearbook and choosing which photos to put in. Turning around she bumps into a girl with long green hair causing her to fall on her butt.

"Sorry, didn't see you enter." Sunset apologizes as she helps the student up.

"I was already here actually." She responds, accepting the help up.

"Oh. well it's nice to meet you."

"Wallflower Blush. I'm part of the yearbook committee and we met in eighth grade math." She states a little gruffly.

Sunset mentally runs Wallflower's face through her mind as she verbally backpedals, "It was nice to meet you back then, which is what I was about to say if you had let me finish."

"I have the list of superlatives for the yearbook." Wallflower says as she hands over a stack of papers.

Continuing to try, but failing, to place her face, Sunset turns around and shuffles through the list.

"Well, no surprise, we won best friendship." The red and yellow haired girl remarks, to the excitement of all her friends.

Rainbow pipes up with, "Just don't put use across from best biceps. Don't won't our picture to be kissing Bulk Biceps every time the book is closed. Though I don't understand the hype around a yearbook. Just a bunch of photos."

Applejack shakes her head as Pinkie Pie gasps while Rarity and Sunset look very annoyed at the remark.

Sunset responds with "It's a good way to keep track of the memories you've made during school."

Before much more could be said, the door slams open and a blue-haired girl storms in and demands "I need to speak to the president of the yearbook committee!"

Sunset takes a deep breath before answering, "How can I help you Trixie."

"You can fix the horrible mistake of me not winning Greatest and most Powerfulest." Trixie states

"That superlative doesn't exist. We can only put in ones that the students voted on." Sunset remarks.

Trixie counters with "That didn't stop you from winning biggest meanie freshman year."

Rarity speaks up while placing a comforting hand on Sunset's shoulder, "That's because everyone voted on that. I would suggest you leave."

Trixie noticing the looks she was getting from the other girls throws down a smoke bomb for a magician's exit but runs into the locked door. Sunset lets her out with all her friends following before hitting the lights. She failed to notice Wallflower still in the room before closing the door leaving the forgotten girl in the dark.

Laying in her bed, with a special book laying in front of her, Sunset fiddles with a pencil as she thinks about what to write. Since her past was on her mind, she includes yet another thanks to Princess Twilight for stopping her and getting the girls to be her friends.

Continuing on she mentions how many good memories they've all built up and how she'll make sure to send a yearbook over. After a thought, she includes what a yearbook is. Finishing off the letter she closes the book and goes to sleep.

With nearly all the town settling down for the night, strips of magic, appearing as older style film rolls start drifting across the town converging on Canterlot High School before shifting to a spot nearby in the forest.

The following afternoon found Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack at the beach enjoying the day with their friends. Twilight is fiddling with a drone, programming it to be able to take good selfie and group photos.

As she's testing out her tweaks, Applejack remarks "Ah prefer taking my selfies my...self."

A couple of the other girls chuckle a little while Rarity is dithering which beach towel to choose from, all of which are shades of white. Rainbow not quite getting how each one is different looks over to the water in time to see Fluttershy rising out of the tide with seaweed in her hair.

"Mr. starfish says the tide's coming in. So if we don't want to get our ankles wet we'd best take the group photo soon." She relays while plucking the seaweed off.

Sunset walks up as they start to gather and says "Sorry I'm a bit late. My bike needed fuel and there was a ton of traffic, but I'm all set for the group photo."

The girls all pause at her words, with Rainbow Dash and Applejack glaring at her. Flutteryshy shifts to hide behind Rarity. Noticing their reaction makes Sunset stop.

"What makes you think we'd want you in the photo?" Rainbow gruffly asks.

Sunset, confused at her friends reaction, replies "We're friends. What's going on girls? If this is a prank, not funny."

Applejack marches up to her and, with a controlled anger, states "With all that you did, you are not our friend."

Feeling something being way off, Sunset triggers her power and grabs Applejack's arm. Looking through her memories she sees that her presence is missing. Sidestepping the farmgirl she grabs Rainbow only to see the same thing.

"That's wrong, you turned around to save me during that race." Sunset thinks out loud.

While Rainbow yanks her arm back, Rarity steps up and says "The only thing wrong here is you. Nobody wants you here and you do not belong here, so leave."

Sunset starts to reach towards Rarity, but the amethyst haired girl steps back. Locking eyes, she sees the hatred that used to be there back when she was making a point to ruin the lives of the other girls. Feeling the hate stab her in her heart, she turns around a leaves as Rarity brings the arm she tried to grab up to her chest.