• Member Since 11th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Aether Spark

I'm a highly imaginative and clever storymaker with a great imagination and desire to make great stories, I'm very dedicated to my stories and will always do my best to finish them. :)

Comments ( 43 )

Is this the genie one?

So which one of mane six is next after Fluttersly?

Question is who isn't can't let the main six have all the fun. 😉

Ok so who’s next?

Or I can do viewer votes, whichever you guys prefer.

But I would like to surprise you guys a few times.

That sounds good.

I imagine the current chapter may upset some people, but it's how the cookie crumbles. :applejackunsure:

I do hope the wishes can be reversed, wouldn't surprise me if this genie knows Discord or happened to have attended a school for causing chaos. :rainbowlaugh:

Anyways keep up the good work.

Oh, I made a list of stories to do in the past and one of the options was a genie story and that's this story.

So who wished the town was on fire?
Who wished to be a fire breathing dragon?
Who wished to summon a fire elemental?
Shouldn't a blood thirsty mob be scouring in all directions and checking every road for him?

So what was the equivalent exchange for Fluttershy's and Derpy's wishes?

I'm surprised Spike and Rarity remember Peewee, since Spike DID accept the Equivalent Exchange of his own free will.

Derpy: unknown

Fluttershy: Angel

"Mrs. Cheerilee was flying through the air… as a pegasus?!"

What was Cheerilee's wish, what was given in exchange?
"Carrot Top was pouring a mountain of carrots out of a simple bag, it was unending."

Same. Also, this basically solves hunger for many many many innocent creatures out there if the bag is really limitless, here's almost no limit to the good Carrot Top can do with that bag!

You set up Dijinn as a Designated Villain right from the start... but all he's done so far is offer a service with equivalent exchange, if ponies make foolish wishes, whose head is that on?

Cheerilee: She wanted to be a pegasus, what she lost was the deed to her school, she just doesn't realize it yet.

Carrot Top: Limitless carrot stock, lost the knowledge on any other stock.

He decides what to take, and he usually aims to take what they value most or would benefit him.

"Applejack hurried home, not even noticing the now bare apple trees, she needed to see if this was true!"

A harvest in exchange for Granny Smith getting to spite the reaper after 200 years of living isn't exactly super villain, and this is PONYVILLE, the town would go to insane lengths to support AJ if they can't pay for one season.

true, but it would cause commerce issues with the farm.

AJ is calling him a monster because Granny Smith getting back 170 or something years worth of life isn't worth one apple harvest?

I'm reminded of an anime, where the living plot device can grant any wish, but at the price of the thing the person holds dear. Forcing them to decide if their wish is truly worth it or not.

You want Granny Smith to be old again in exchange for an apple harvest?

I'd say AJ made out LIKE A BANDIT on her wish compared to the others so far.

She calls him a monster because of how easily he's brushing off the trouble he's causing the farm and the fact that he would threaten to take away Granny's youth if she did anything against him.

That's straight-up blackmailing her and teasing her while doing it.

You know how proud AJ is.

Filthy Rich is a business pony... he knows basic economics. Him wishing for endless wealth is stupid, he'd know government made legal tender can only be legitimately printed by the state, or it's counterfeiting. If it's just generic gold coins, he's know that this would CRASH the price of gold and make his coins worthless. (This happened when the Spanish brought back a fortune in silver from the New World.)

“I didn’t get him, I wished for him, and the cool part, he’ll live as long as a normal pony,” Cherry bragged.

Oh yes that is so evil. And seriously, reverse the wishes and zap the poor monkey servant (who was created to WANT to serve), and the dog out of existence out of some moral elitism or because the sales pony is a jerk? THAT is evil!

I get it, there's some moral issues here, but he's still swindling ponies out of their stuff, Like Angel, or Peewee, or other things that will ultimately make things harder for the ponies in the long run.

“He robbed the Apple Family blind and stole Pinkie’s ability to laugh,” Twilight said.

Stole implies he aimed a gun at them and said 'stick'em up' or didn't fulfill his end of the bargain.

Honestly, calling the spirit of bartering a thief is like calling a vegetarian a member of the meat-lovers club, and I'm surprised Dijinn doesn't break out into a fury at being called a thief. Which you think if that happened the mane six could use him being distracted by his own rage to their advantage.

“I can so easily rob you all blind of my gifts, so leave now or else,” Djinn said sounding angry.

Except they aren't gifts, they're part of a bargain, those things are rightfully theirs now, Djinn is bluffing.

Biped apes eh?
Adagio, "I wish for you to return us to Equestria with our powers fully restored!"
Only question is what Dijinn would take from a soul that selfish.

Maybe he'd make them aquaphobic sirens :rainbowlaugh:

Loved the ending and I'm glad that the ponies got to keep their wishes without losing their stuff.

Keep up the good work my friend.

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